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Join Us for the "ME" CAL!


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I finished my ME CAL. I made me a nice thick throw to go on the couch. Now I don't have to listen to my husband fuss about the heat. All I have to do now is cuddle in my pretty blankie. I will try to post pics of it tomorrow.


:woo :woo :jumpyay Can't wait to see it :yay

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You guys are a bunch of nutbags today ! FUNNY !!!


Judy- Phil and Sam are matching then, he loves hohos and chocolate poptarts both ... in fact, ANYTHING chocolate .


Cindy- yea, somedays I'm in this form, and others I'm more like a jellyfish-- kinda change shapes and moods according to my surroundings .


Alright, now Tab, don't get your underpants in a wad. I'm only joking. Besides, I'm too old to fight and have a bum leg so I can't RUN, so let's just shake hands and be pals. That's a lot easier. how would you feel beating up on an old woman with a payday wrapper stuck to her face ?


Cara- as much as I talk, I could pretty much either talk anyone into anything, or make them run for their car as fast as they can. I don't know Phil, so not sure which category he'd fit in .


Krystal- Sam will turn red all over when I tell him he is the main topic in here again today . He likes to kinda stay in the background and not draw much attention to himself. something tells me he wouldn't be caught with FGJ fingernails OR her colorful outfits on.

The brightest color of SHIRT he'll even wear is navy blue .

He shoulda been Amish .


Kathy -thanks for the chuckle-- that was funny about sleeping with someone who shifts gears all night . :lol


Jennifer- good going, keep up the good work !

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Jennifer, that was fast! Looking forward to seeing a picture:yay


Cara, I did have fun at the stores:devil

...also got Vanna yarn in purples to make a scarf for DS's GF...:manyheartI couldn't resist...it's just soooo soft!

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I think what Cara said about it becoming addictive making things for ME...is true. The wave ripple is coming along nicely, though I'm not rushing...and meanwhile a RR for a frind is nearly done. When THAT's done I'm making a fast shoulder bag for my niece (I already had the yarn for it) but I'm always going to have a ME project going.

It just feels so good doing that:manyheart

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I think what Cara said about it becoming addictive making things for ME...is true. The wave ripple is coming along nicely, though I'm not rushing...and meanwhile a RR for a frind is nearly done. When THAT's done I'm making a fast shoulder bag for my niece (I already had the yarn for it) but I'm always going to have a ME project going.

It just feels so good doing that:manyheart


Doesn't it though :yes


Mel - Grats on finishing your RR!! :jumpyay

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Hi ladies! You're a barrel of laughs today.


I frogged my shrug and I'm starting over. I decided to design my own, starting at the center back with 18" from the neckline down. I did the first 7 rows this morning.


The pattern I had been following was 13", but I'm 5'10" and want more depth at the back.



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Alright, now Tab, don't get your underpants in a wad. I'm only joking. Besides, I'm too old to fight and have a bum leg so I can't RUN, so let's just shake hands and be pals. That's a lot easier. how would you feel beating up on an old woman with a payday wrapper stuck to her face ?



:rofl :rofl :rofl


The gloves are away for now but next time I won't be so forgiving. :P

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Have you tried joining in the ch st just before where you normally would? I've found when working in rounds that helps. Straight pieces I crochet loose but in the round for some reason I get a little tight and falling back one helps sometimes :yes


I'll try that. Thanks for the idea.

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Wendy-- too much CHATTING ??? Tab and Krystal must be rubbing off on you . You need to CURB it in a little bit and learn to be like ME .

I only speak when I have something of great WISDOM to say . :yes


Thats really funny Julie.:lol:lol:lol


( Heck, I'll even go down to IGA and get a box of HoHo's for a special dessert . )


Ok what are HoHos??


Good morning everyone. Julie, you sound in rare form today.


I still am not happy with how my cardigan sleeves are coming out. At least they fit now, though. They look kind of wonky where the rounds are joined. I don't know what to do about them either, so I guess I'll just stick the whole thing back in the basket and forget about it for a few days.


Cindy I havent made wearables before but would it be easier to do the sleeve in a flat piece and sew it together. I hope you can work it out.


Good morning ladies :flower


I'm gonna start another ME project today! I got all that suede yarn at Michaels the other week and I'm gonna make me a purse today! At least up to the handles. The handles I have my eyes on are $25! I'll have to see how nice the purse comes out first :lol You know, this making things for ourselves could become quite addictive quite quickly :hook


Wow Cara you sure are quick with your ME items. What purse pattern are you going to make.


Judy, I know how you feel sleeping with someone with restless legs. Rich was a truck driver when we met...every sleep with someone shifting gears all night?

SarahJane is OUT as far as Christmas goes. This morning she got into a box of tissues AND unrolled a ball of crochet cotton. She is seriously about to get traded in for a CAT...I met the sweetest one, but she doesn't like barking dogs; and Mom says only ONE critter is allowed here, besides me.


My Mum has that restless legs, its a pain in the behind for her. She cant sleep a lot of the time. As for poor innocent SarahJane she is just trying to be helpful.


I finished my ME CAL. I made me a nice thick throw to go on the couch. Now I don't have to listen to my husband fuss about the heat. All I have to do now is cuddle in my pretty blankie. I will try to post pics of it tomorrow.


Way to go, Cant wait to see it.:clap


Sounds like everyone is in a great mood and having lots of fun today :clap


I just finished a RR :cheer

Only 4 more to go :2eek


Well done.:clap

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Hi,Wendy :hugIs your headache gone??


Ho-Ho's are small cakes...think of a jelly roll and instead picture cream filling and glossy chocolate coating with the yellow cake.

Real junk food:)

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Hi,Wendy :hugIs your headache gone??


Ho-Ho's are small cakes...think of a jelly roll and instead picture cream filling and glossy chocolate coating with the yellow cake.

Real junk food:)


Hi Judy no I still have it this morning. Going to take some more Panadol when I have had breakfast.


Wow those Ho Ho's sound yummy.


Hows your pink rr going.

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Bah had to frog my purse twice. Suede yarn is bulky weight, Cara not worsted :P So a G hook instead of an I and it seems to be working :hook But gave myself a migraine and had to lie down. All better now :D


Wendy - I'm using this pattern. Like the striped one but I'm doing it all in a light brown with the suede yarn. I really like and man is it easy to do. Thank goodness since I've had to frog it :lol Sure hope your head feels better soon :hug


Ooh I get to go to JoAnn now :jumpyay Catch y'all later :D

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Hi, ladies...


Wendy, I have about 4 rows or so to finish on the Pink RR. It's nice and big already, but I want to end it with the darker shades.

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hello ladies... you all make me laugh... I did a few more rows on my shrug last night but I'm trying to get some stuff done to send out weds. when I get my check... off to check out the other sites... later.

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Hi Ladies,


DS just left, headed home to Alabama. Had a great time at Chuckie Cheese yesterday.

My nephew is going to show me how to send pics of my completed "ME" ghan.


Also finished a pink baby blanket and half done with a yellow baby blankie.

I have three wip square ghans that I plan to finish during my vacation. I've also been working on a pineapple shawl for 2 years that I plan to finish.


I bought a journal. I am going to get organized and finish of UFOs.


I would also like to try a RR. I've been looking for a pattern. Can someone direct me in this area. Everybody's look soooo good!

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I would also like to try a RR. I've been looking for a pattern. Can someone direct me in this area. Everybody's look soooo good!

Try this pattern: http://www.sewonfire.com/round_ripple_afghan.htm


It's what I use...there is an error in row three (the asterisk is in the wrong place, but I don't remember where its supposed to be). Someone else will probably chime in and tell you where it is before you even pick up your hook!

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Thanks Judy.

You're welcome...have fun! The VanGogh CAL has a blended technique you can use this pattern for, which is what I do. You can use 2 strands of RHSS with an N or P (for me) hook and it goes fast!

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Here is a link to the correction in the Sew On Fire RR pattern, along with other tips and tricks.



This is the pattern I use. I've made at least 15 RR's with this pattern and have had no problems at all.


Have Fun!!

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