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Oh yeah Shelly, I can look at a pie and gain weight! :lol


And I am grateful for it ALL ~ all the things we, as Americans do take for granted, because we've grown up with it so matter-of-factly ~ the hot shower at my fingertips, the warm, comfortable bed, the abundance of groceries. I have a car and an apartment.


I have friends and family and cats I love.


I don't have bombs falling on me. :yay



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Happy Thanksgiving!:pilgrim

May you have a wonderful day, Athba, even if it isn't a holiday for you.

Safe journeys to all who are traveling.

May no one get burned while preparing the feast.

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Happy Thanksgiving Everyone :pilgrim


I've not been on here the past couple of days because I have been on a tight schedule. I've been working lots of hours and crocheting like a mad woman. I am almost done with 1 RR :whewbut have lots more to finish.


For those of you that are going shopping tomorrow morning, have a safe day and I hope you get lots of goodies at great prices. And take mercy on those that are working retail (like me). Give them a smile as you walk by them. It will mean so much to them to see someone smiling, because a lot of people will be upset that they missed out on the deal they wanted.

My work day starts at 2:00 AM :eek, which means I will be going to bed tonight at the time some of you are eating a turkey dinner (5:00 or so).

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Mel - A good reminder for us all :yes I wish you a smile filled, hassle free Black Friday :hug


Thank You Cara :hug

I was at work until 12:30 last night getting things set up. Of course, it didn't all get done, so I have about 3 hours of work to cram into 2 hours tomorrow morning. Luckily at our store, we don't just open the doors and let everyone run in. We control the number of people that come in at one time, have certain places blocked off (we get the product that people want for them), so it is what I call 'Controlled Chaos' for the first few hours.

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Athba -


I marvel at your ability to keep up with our discussion, because so much of it is "slang", not what one would expect a person to follow along with when it's not their primary language. Have you learned as much about our culture as we have yours? We hear so much about how much muslim countries are coming to dislike Americans, and it concerns me. So much of our country is run by politicians that don't do what the people of the country want them to do. What our "country" does doesn't always represent how the "people" feel. In our own little way, perhaps we are helping to represent how kind and caring many Americans really are.


OK, did *I* just get that sappy? :cry:lol


Kids just got done watching the parade, now they watch the dog show. They LOVE these two traditions!


I got my son's Knit Sleeping cap done, and I'm pretty sure it will fit him just perfectly. I tried it on my youngest and it's a hair too big for her. I've got the firefighter graph ghan that I need done by February staring at me here on my desk, and my fingers are just ITCHING to start it! But, I will wait until the other christmas presents are done. It will be the first thing I start after Xmas, though!


My father is a volunteer firefighter, and they have Friday fish fries all through Lent. I offered to donate it to be raffled off during their fish fries - several weeks of selling tickets at $1 apiece should bring them in a nice chunk of change by Easter. I am in an area that is predominately Catholic, and the rule that you can't eat meat on Fridays in Lent has turned into a huge business for restaurants that sell fish fries on Friday.


Well, we'll be heading off to Mom's in a few hours. DH is hunting now, and will be home to go with us if he doesn't get something.


The cold is better - it was a mild one. DD's and my eyes are improving, too. Time to go fold some laundry.

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we learnt from our prophet how to deal with other poeple the first thing we learn (RESPECT OTHER PEOPLES RELEGIONS) so weither you are muslim or not we can`t force you to be like us, or to hamulate you or go through discussions that might hurt you feelings or touch your releigon even if we see or think of things about you is wrong

we should treat people good even if they were bad to us we should treat them bette

our prophet said (deal with the bad reaction by the best ones) so i don`t mind to be freind of yours , as long as we respect each other

we are open minded and knows alot about you, i`m studying how to be english teacher thats why i`m talking in agood way

i liked a sentence you`ve said (What our "country" does doesn't always represent how the "people" feel) thats right

i know what happend in 11th of September and we didn`t like it, what those kind of muslims are trying to show is absolutlly wrong this is not our way to deal with thing

before 1428years our prophet asked us to fight who doesn`t whant to get into our releigon but those who also does not respect it

a lot of poeple didn`t get into our releigon but didn`t get hurt they were even protected by the prophet him self

we don`t learn to hate you, we learn not to be affected by your thoughts and traditions which makes us breaks ours and leave it :)


that was very long lessen but thanks to give me the chance to show you that there is nothing about hatness in our hearts toward you

and remember bad people are few but can be seen more than the good ones and they doesn`t show the real purity of our releigon

and each muslim country deal with others by her way

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Happy Thanksgiving Everyone :pilgrim


. And take mercy on those that are working retail (like me). Give them a smile as you walk by them. It will mean so much to them to see someone smiling, because a lot of people will be upset that they missed out on the deal they wanted.

My work day starts at 2:00 AM :eek, which means I will be going to bed tonight at the time some of you are eating a turkey dinner (5:00 or so).


Mel you melted my heart when I read this for there are some who forget to smile or give small chit chat to those working retail so I will remember to smile and for everyone who work retail that I smile at may that smile somehow reach you. Hugs and blessings to you on black Friday :manyheart

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I'm thankful for:

1) My family especially my two grandgirls ; Haley (10) who is my inspiration.. she was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 5 and the way she deals with it is an inspiration and my GrandAngel who is a week shy of 5 who is my laughter...

2) being able to get up in the morning

3) having a place to call home..



Hi Shelly, see we are in the same Ville CAL. Thank you for reminding us that if we look we will see how blessed our lives really are. Hugs Shelly :hug

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Mel, and others in retail (and Amy, wherever you are:))...:hug:hug:hug




Athba, you're right about the bad ones getting noticed more than good people. That's the same here whenever we watch our news shows or read the newspapers.

We can only reach out to others as best we can...and I think this place gives us a wonderful opportunity to show each other what kind of people *really* live in the different countries represented here.

Blessings to you and all our friends here...:hug


Good-night, ladies!:manyheart

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This is the wave ripple I'm making for Phil's home office. The teal is a dead match for the wall color, as is the wine color I already had. It looks kind of Christmasy to me, but pretty. The RH Soft Yarn is so cushy:c9

...I know I'll be back at the store for more...


th_HPIM0335.jpgwidth (I added one more section than the pattern calls for)

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I'm not bad at all thank you for asking :hug Love the wave :yes Can you tell me one more time where that pattern is? :blush I see to be having a run of Middle Age Moments this week :lol



Julie passed it on...and also mentioned that to add to the width add 26 - not 13 - more patterns.


I just looked on my first post and didn't see it there...better correct that!

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