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It would have bugged me, too. Enjoy your stay at the frog pond.. :frog:lol


There is a frog pond? And all these years I have been sitting in my den and storing the legs in the fridge to keep these critters under control.

Do they charge rent? Can I bring my blankie and pillow?


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The frog pond is a mystical place, where if you stay too long you wind up in a trance and get nothing done. Try not to stay too long or too often, or the siren song of the frogs will lull you to sleep and you'll NEVER finish what you started! :lol




Been there, done that :yes

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Today I was working on my candy apple shrug - really want to finish it, but it is soo long!!


Kristy - I am making mine in candy apple red, happened to have the yarn.


Judy - "Sistas at heart!" On another site my name is Gracey because of an embarrassing moment at the Cape (Cod - that is) a few years ago....Hmmmm :blush

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Mel, that's why I don't RR..I zig when I should zag, and then zigzag when I shouldn't do either.


When I first started doing ripples (either straight or round) I did it all the time. Now it is just occasionally...usually when I'm sleepy or watching something interesting on TV and i don't concentrate on what I'm doing.

This time I forgot to skip the 2 stitches in the 'valley' and I just couldn't leave that big of a mistake.

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The lady from my LYS called today, she ordered the yarn. She said it takes about a week but because of the holiday it may take a bit more. But she said hopefully by next weekend. Atleast I know it's coming now. :cheer


Of course now i've started a ton more things. :lol I started a RR (look what you have all done) today. Actually I started it because I find them a relaxing break from squares & such. I bought the yarn for this RR in the beginning of the summer but haven't had the time to start it. So I made the time today. :cheer Mine is spring green & banana berry (very bright). :yes

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OMGosh, I did the same thing on my first RR. We now use it for a rug in the kiddos room because it's so off. :lol I wasn't even going to ever attempt another one until Julie talked me into it (she's good at that). :D

I'm glad I did because they are so relaxing compared to those dang saltines. :P

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Thank you so much for the warm welcome ladies.. I must admit I did not make it out to ACmoore but instead I got the sales add and hiked my tail up the road to Wal-mart.. I love that price matching they have! :clap So after picking my color the hubby drug me, kicking and screaming all the way to look at holiday lights for the house lol.. So after and hour or so picking lights and coming home to help supervise him putting them up! I am now sitting curled up with a cozy blanket and my yarn I picked up and I have a good start going.. The goal is to use up a scan of yarn a night the pattern called for 4 of them so we will see how that goes lol..


Any who the color I picked up was called Edwardian it's a grayish black with flecks of white.. I thought it would make a nice nuteral work that I can wear with most colors...






Well I am out for now so I can get to hooking!






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Good night ladies,

I too was at the frog pond a few weeks ago trying to find an afghan my hubby would like. I started two other afghans before he told me how much he liked the Grand Granny Square Afghan, but he didn't like it being square because he is so tall. I was like :faint, I can make you a rectangle granny afghan. So no more visiting the frog pond for me at the moment.


Kristy - I like the color of your yarn. My husband hates the yarn isle in our walmart. I always start by saying lets see what is new on dvd in electronics and he says you mean lets stop by the yarn. :laughroll They are right next to each other.


Hope everyone a good night! Happy hooking! :hook:manyheart:cheer

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The frog pond is a mystical place, where if you stay too long you wind up in a trance and get nothing done. Try not to stay too long or too often, or the siren song of the frogs will lull you to sleep and you'll NEVER finish what you started! :lol



your so funny Krystal:lol:lol:lol

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:lol Ashley I have mine down to a science now.. I send him off to the electronics where they have the video game demos running then I can spend all the time I want in the craft isles :lol ... It's a great trade off!!!


I had to change my method up a little this is the first time I have ever worked with the homespun so what I have done after seeing that working with it alone was not going to work with a dark color choice I made :blush so I have added in some black red heart Soft yarn as well and it's working out a lot better and faster for me!!! Yeah for using my noodle!




Ok time for me to stop being naughty and get back to busting the hump!



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Hi Ladies,

Got in from work an hour and a half ago. Got my "ME" ghan stitched together. I am putting on the edging. Had to stop in and give a shout out. Pictures are looking great. I will post pictures when nephew shows me how. I have a day off tomorrow...oops, today. Sleep well.

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Kristy - fast thinking!!:yay


Valerie, you're really moving!! Can't wait for pics:)



I made a breast cancer awareness square yesterday, played with the van gogh rr and visited the frog pond with the waves ripple - want to change the pattern/complementary color(s). In indoor light the soft navy looks too dark, almost black, next to the "Ocean".

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hmm the:frog frog pond has been very busy lately with everyone visiting it.


Judy your cancer awareness square sound interesting, what size did you make it. Its not easy getting the colors right is it.


Kristy great idea and if they buy something then they cant say anything when you bring home some yarn.


Valerie congratulations on your ME Ghan, cant wait to see it.:clap

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Evening Ladies!!


Sorry im late posting this....its been along week but i am feeling better,I better be I have the whole family coming for thanksgiving so thats 15 people here in my small house.Will have lots of cooking this week :P.


Anyway here is my wave afghan and how far i am...its big enough to fit my king bed and hang over by 5" on each side.


This is the pattern from the Stripe generator thing...I love watching each new color go on!!







shaylen that is a stunning afghan. I really love it.... I prefer the colours you have chosen. I will have to eventually make another and use the stripe generator.

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Morning Ladies,


Thanks Judy & Wendy. will try to post pictures today. I'm off today but I just got up to take my niece to the bus stop. I'm going back to bed for a couple of hours and then I'll finish it. I'll check back in later. Have a great day ladies!.

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Judy thanks for the link.


Valerie have a nice day.


I have redone the zebra ripple ghan and am now adding in the green. Its looking really nice. Not sure how big Im going to go with it at the moment, but Im just enjoying making the RR's.

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Shaylen, your ripple afghan looks just beautiful. I like the way you've arranged the colors.


I think I have finally figured out the sleeves on my cardigan. I'm not completely certain, since I haven't got a sleeve finished yet, but it looks like its going to work out.

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Good Morning Ladies!


Kristy, love the color you are using.


Judy, thanks for the link. Once things settle down, I am going to make some.


Valerie, enjoy your day off. I'm off today too and plan to crochet the day away!


Wendy, can't wait to see the zebra RR. The color combo's with the zebra are endless.


Cindy, glad to hear you have the sleeves figured out. I have never attempted a sweater or other wearable that is pieced. I have a fear of pieced items :lol


I hope I didn't miss anyone. If I did, I apologize and send hugs :hug

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Well it's rainy and dreary - a few degrees colder and it'd be snow!

It's a great day to stay in, crochet, and have leftovers for dinner:c9


I want to make more squares - I have patterns I haven't tried yet (like that's news to anyone here who knows my pack-rat tendencies):devil

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