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Howdy Ladies!!


I spent the afternoon working up the beginnings of 4 RR's. The one I was making will not be a Christmas present, because I don't have enough yarn to finish it the size I want it to be for the person it was intended for.

I have 6 rows of 3 RR's done, and I have 13 rows of another done. They are going to be 2 color RR's. I really only need 3, so the 4th may be mine, unless I find someone that needs/wants it.


I know it not a ME project, but thought since everyone likes pictures so much, I'd share a part of what I did today :)

Here is a pic of the biggest one. The gemstone is darker than what the picture shows. The flash sure does brighten it up.




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Thank you Cara, Julie and Kathy for the kind words. I am really liking this one.


Kathy, the RR's look hard, but they are pretty easy. When you decide to try one, if you have any problems, I'll help ya out.

It took me a long time to try one cause I was too chicken too. But once I made my first one, I've become hooked on them :lol:lol

This is #16, and that is not counting the other 3 I have started today :eek

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Julie, wonderful story, but a sad ending.

Mel, that is a great combination on the rr. Way to Go!!!

Cara, your blankie turned out very pretty, as usual! Tuon is really stretching out isn't she.

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Hello Ladies,

Cara- your blanket looks nice and your rug is fine.:lol

Mel- I love your RR. The colors work so nice together.:cheer


One day I will start my me afghan. How was everyone's day?:manyheart

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Hi to everyone, today I did get in some crocheting on my ripple ghan, yesterday I was unable to crochet at all for I was so busy going to church than food shopping, making dinner and getting ready for the coming week. A few posts back someone asked how it was working with the Vanna yarn which I am using for one color on my ghan. I find that the Vanna yarn is soft and the stitches are fuffy or should I say have a nice plump look to them, it has a nice sheen to it and I can't stop feeling the stitches that I had made with the Vanna yarn. Every time I go to the yarn shop I buy one skein of it for I am planning to use on my next project which will be the Bloom Scraf on the Lion Brand site. Hugs :manyheart

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Mel, that gemstone is a beautiful color - I had to leave SOMETHING in the stores today so I didn't bring any of that home...did see earth and sky (brown and turq) bought some, but have no idea what I'm going to do with it! It was just so retro, I had to:blush


Kathy, RRs are SO easy - I did a blended one for my first and loved the way it came out! You will be "hooked" once you do your first one, too:hook


..see you in the morning??

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Ladies, thank you all for the very kind words. Sorry I'm not thanking everyone by name, I forgot to write down the names, and my memory just ain't what it use to be :blush:lol

I've done 4 more rows on it, and now I'm done with it for the night. It is too dark even with my lamp right next to me to do any more on that one. So I will grab another and see how much I can get done on it tonight.

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we have 2 very handsome black male cats here... Prof. RJ Lupen has a white circle on his chest and a few strands of white elsewhere, Lucien has white strands here and there but no where in particular.. does Tuon want a boyfriend... they were born in April..

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Cara, I completely missed your post of your finished ghan.

It is beautiful. I love the colors you used. And I love how your cat has to be in every picture. I have to take my pictures when my cats are snoozing, or they have to be in every picture.


Great Job :clap:cheer

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we have 2 very handsome black male cats here... Prof. RJ Lupen has a white circle on his chest and a few strands of white elsewhere, Lucien has white strands here and there but no where in particular.. does Tuon want a boyfriend... they were born in April..


Oh good grief no :lol We're hoping to have her spayed in about 4 weeks :yay Don't want her going into heat. Misa went through heat before she was spayed and it was not fun :no

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Hello again! In between charity squares, I got 16 more squares made for my poncho! Only 12 more squares to go and most of it is pieced together so far! :clap

Keep sending those pictures in! I don't know about you guys, but the pics really inspire me to keep working on my ME project! Making items for myself is a HARD thing, but seeing others doing the same really gets me geeked!! :yay

Ok, time to sign off for the night! Sweet dreams, everyone! :manyheart

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your RR is gorgeous..I am not usually fond of purple, but it is quite attractive in that blue multi. And the black really makes it flow.

you are so right, I just had to rub it into them just one more time...

With all the grief I get about buying yarn, what is a little yarn compared to guns, ammo, hunting gear and the trip itself. They say they are roughing it and then brag about the great food at the local diner where they eat...go figure!!


10 more rows to go on ghan, then it is on to poncho in virgin wool, should keep me nice and warm.

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Hi Ladies! Just checking in. Even though I can't make my ME shrug until after Christmas, I'm keeping up with the reading here.


All of your projects are so beautiful. I haven't seen any ugly items yet. You are all so talented.



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Good morning ladies!!

Thank you Carol and Valerie. I may have to keep this one for me!!


I'm off to work. It is a rainy morning and I feel kinda blah today. And when it is a rainy day, my customers are usually not in the best of moods. Lets hope today is not one of those days.


See y'all after work.

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In case there's someone here who isn't on the SKY CAL:D here's a link to a Christmas set: ghan, tree skirt, stocking - all with 2 strands and a P hook!



I saved it as a Word Doc if anyone misses it today.

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Re-posted from the Sky group-- didnt know if all of you would see it over there ---


Waiting for PeeWee to bring my Gas Bill

And what did I hear coming up the hill ?

The crunch of gravel on our driveway rocks

Hey ,there’s PeeWee, carrying a huge box !

It sure caught me totally off guard ,you see

The box looked big enough to hold a TV……………

I looked at the address and saw it was from Waco ,

It must be from Cara, she’s the only Waco resident I know !

I carried it into the house to see

Such a big box, what could it be ?

I opened it up and saw several parcels inside

Which one to start with ? I couldn’t decide .

So I picked the one on top and opened it with care

What do you think I found in there ?

Well, I will list all the contents I found

I am the luckiest one in the whole town !

I found beautiful yarn of peach and blue

And baby dolls, a little and a big one, too .

There were things for my desk,like pens and notecards

Paper,journals and bookmarks …..

There were things to keep me warm like slippers, socks and cocoa mix

Patterns, books, and stickers to stick .

Puzzles, songs and cards for Cam

And the most beautiful pink baby charity ghan .

Teddy bears of many colors to catch my eye ,

A green one, a white, multi-colored and a blue one like the sky .

Small things for my purse like key chains, gum and a change purse for my nickels and dimes

Fridgies ,and a photo album to record some good times .

A Blue Ribbon awarded for leading such a fine group of friends

Are we done yet ,you say ?Not quite, a couple more to open .

I saved a couple more things to fit in at the end ,

A beautiful doily that will sit next to my bed ….

I got some items that made Sam perk right up

Spaghettios and some TAPE to reinforce my DUCTS .

2 Red thongs, one little, one big

And to finish the ensemble, Trixie Tassels which will make me a new outfit for my next GIG .

Sam told me to model them and he’d take a photo of me

To share with all of you , so you could see……………:lol

I’d do it if not for one little thing

I don’t have the CASH for the lawsuit it’d bring .

A photo of me with thong and tassels in place

This G- Rated message board would become racier than MySpace .:eek

A huge thank you to all of the following , for everyone to see .

More personal thank yous will be in the mail, to you from me .

Thank you :

Cara, Tammy,Barb, Heather, NiYa, Pauline, Amy, Mary, Linda ,Judy ,Betty, Theresa ,Tracy, Denise, Tab, Wendy and Rox .

You guys are the best …………………:c9

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