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Tab- nice afghan, thanks for the photo !


And for all of you asking about the Fly-tamer and what he became ?


Well, I wish I had a better answer for you. Alas, this story ends with a tragedy like the old "Tobacco Road " type stories.


This boy killed himself the summer after 8th grade . :cry


Sorry I didnt have a better answer .Maybe that's why I remember him so fondly. Only time we ever had a class together and I like to remember the good things about him .

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Tab- nice afghan, thanks for the photo !


And for all of you asking about the Fly-tamer and what he became ?


Well, I wish I had a better answer for you. Alas, this story ends with a tragedy like the old "Tobacco Road " type stories.


This boy killed himself the summer after 8th grade . :cry


Sorry I didnt have a better answer .Maybe that's why I remember him so fondly. Only time we ever had a class together and I like to remember the good things about him .


Oh dear :( I'm sorry to hear that :cry

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Tab- nice afghan, thanks for the photo !


And for all of you asking about the Fly-tamer and what he became ?


Well, I wish I had a better answer for you. Alas, this story ends with a tragedy like the old "Tobacco Road " type stories.


This boy killed himself the summer after 8th grade . :cry


Sorry I didnt have a better answer .Maybe that's why I remember him so fondly. Only time we ever had a class together and I like to remember the good things about him .


Oh that's so sad! But it's always good to remember the good things :hug

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Well, I had a post that I thought I posted but evidently it didn't post (say that 3 times fast :lol). Let's try this again, shall we?


The completed ME blanket! :yay Please forgive the ever present Tuon and the rug I hate. I hate that rug. No matter how much it gets vaccuumed, swept or beaten it's never clean. Did I mention I hate that rug?




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Hello to all!:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart


Sorry to say Hi and run. But I have my three kids and the two others I watch. Will be back and try to catch up on posts and everyone's beautiful work.:cheer:clap:hook

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Cara- wow, your ME blankie is so nice ! How many days did it take you to finish ???


I'm beginning to think I'm the slow Learner in the group -- it takes me 7 times longer than anyone else to finish anything .


No you're just smarter than I am. I have a tendency to push myself too far :P It took about 8 days including 2 days where I didn't really get anything done on it.

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Tabby - nice ghan!!


Athba - I was going to make a 3sub sometime, but decided I needed a ghan now, and one that would be fast - so I could cover the sofa cushions... Our boy German shepherd likes to lounge across them when he wants some pets from DH...

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I got a pheasant with my head one time... I was riding passenger in a car when a cat scared the pheasant ... it flew up and hit me in the back of the head... I got headache---pheasant got dead--- family got pheasant dinner...

Laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes...

and then I asked family if they needed you to ride with them the next time they go hunting, they're mad at me again...

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Anyhow, back to the flies -


This kid could catch them in his hand and toss them on his desk to STUN them. Didn't kill them, just kinda knocked them for a loop .


He'd pull a string off his shirt or pants and tie it to the fly while it was "OUT" .


Then once the fly woke up ,we could all watch the colored strings flying through the air in English class--


Heard of Soap on a Rope ?


This was Wings on a String . :D




:lol, my eldest son was a bug collector, he used to do that stuff too. He held on to the string once and my other son walked into it and freaked out, cause the fly was now leashed to his head.


I drank a fly that had landed in a cup of coffee I had sitting on the counter at a friends house. luckily I felt it buzzing before I swallowed. Haven't drank coffee since.

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CARA your blankie is stunning, and I think the carpet is nice, but then I don't have to clean it.

TABBY afghan is super nice, and the boy is a cutie.

JULIE love your stories, they brought back a lot of memories for me. Glad no one is watching, cause I am still sitting here chuckling.

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Laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes...

and then I asked family if they needed you to ride with them the next time they go hunting, they're mad at me again...



You just couldn't resist, could you :lol:lol

PSSST....I wouldn't have been able to resist either.

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your son`s ghan is nice good job



yesturday i started the halfmoon shawl although i didn`t find the 8mm hook i started it with 7mmhook

so maybe it will be little smaller but i`ll add rows cause the pattern is just repetetion of one technique

so in one and ahalf hour i finished 14\25rows

11 to go

i`ll work now before bed time :)

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Howdy doody


Tabby your ghan is beautiful. Great job.


Cara well done on your ghan and the rug looks great, love the color.


Julie you are just so funny, sorry to hear what happened to your school friend but at least you have some nice memories.


Judy what colors are you using in the 3sub. I will have to make one of them one day.

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Just dropping in to say Hi! As I am not able to address all the wonderful work shown, I will just say WOW! :clap:clap:clap:clapCara I love the colours of your finished Afghan.


I have not "hooked" for 2 days as I had to complete marking my students' work so my Wave is sitting there patiently for me. I hope to do some tonight. I am almost, if not, at the half way mark. I have to place it on my bed to see. I want to complete this so I can return to work on my Granny Garden before I can tempted by another one.

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Wendy, my 3sub...well, I grabbed what I had a lot of: dark blue, burgundy and Artists Print (variegated). It looks nice...I'm halfway done for what I need, which isn't a huge ghan.

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Cara, congratulations on finishing that beautful afghan.

Tabby, your sons 'ghan is really nice.


Julie, your swallowing the fly story had me spitting coffee at my keyboard.

I was sorry to hear the sad ending to your school friend story though.


All these beautiful blankets and stories about blankets makes me want to make one for myself too. However, I think I'd better finish the two cardigans and the shawl I ahve going first.....

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