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You're welcome, Judy. I've fallen in love with these RR. So far, I haven't found a way to louse one up. That's my kind of pattern. With as many as I've done, I expected to be heartily sick of them by now, but I'm not. Each one is so different from the others that I still love making them.:manyheart

Welcome to the group, Cherilynn. :welcome

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Did you know that they are selling pink eye drops over the counter now? I thought that was neat. Especially for those of us who know what it is. Also Maddie always seemed to get it on a weekend when the clinic was closed.


Oh Judy when I worked at a bank I learned that it is worse than I had thought. The owner of a certain type of night club did his banking at our bank. Boy did we hate being the teller to help him.:eek



I didn't know that about OTC drops - do the major chains sell it, and what's it called?


My only response to the money thing: :yuck EEEEEW!

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Oh Judy when I worked at a bank I learned that it is worse than I had thought. The owner of a certain type of night club did his banking at our bank. Boy did we hate being the teller to help him.:eek


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You're welcome, Judy. I've fallen in love with these RR. So far, I haven't found a way to louse one up. That's my kind of pattern. With as many as I've done, I expected to be heartily sick of them by now, but I'm not. Each one is so different from the others that I still love making them.:manyheart

Welcome to the group, Cherilynn. :welcome

It's the variety of colors...works with my low threshold of boredom!:hook

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Good morning ladies :flower


Lots of posts :yay I was away most of yesterday because my puter died :( DH set me up a new one though and this one isn't held together anywhere with tape :lol


Tab - Excellent pattern choice :yes


Cherilynn - Welcome to the group :hug


Linda - Your RRs are simply amazing ! :manyheart


Donna - Ewwww :yuck


Julie - Morning Sunshine :hug


Finally get to work on my blanket today :yay Have a great day everyone :manyheart

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:hugMorning everyone, just dropping in to say that my ripple afghan is coming along fine. When my grandson take a nap I grab my hooks and start crocheting. :hook I am on my fifth row so hopefully I will have a pic to show by this Friday. Hugs and blessings to everyone, have a great day crocheting. :manyheart

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Im doing it random...i used the stripe generator thingy with all my scrap yarn and just keep clicking till i found one i liked so its kind of random.I spent last night working on the ripple to get it wavy....didn't want a point but the pattern i found for the wave was to holey so what i did was do 5 up and then on the valley i do 3 together instead of skipping 2 that made it more wavy with no hole...lot of work :P



Welcome...pull up a chair.



Thats when i work on mine to...my grandson is 1 year old so its a little harder but im getting there.He goes home at thanksgiving so then i will be free again although i will miss the little thing since he has been here for so long.

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This bronchitis as really taken it out of me. I finally got a picture taken of my Sunshine RR I'm making for me. I'm going to post it so I don't forget. It still has a long way to go, but I like it.


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Good Morning to All,

I say good morning since I just got up. My two girls still have there stomach viruses. So it was a long night on the coach.:tired I did try to get some crocheting done but I kept froging it over and over. I am trying my first log cabin and getting a little frustrated with it.:irk

I hope all is well. :hook

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Tim had pink eye that wouldn't clear up even with the drops; doctor finally gave me the ointment and it stayed in his eyes much better. I had it, and got worse and worse until they realized I was allergic to the preservative in the eyedrops!

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That is lovely...i will have to give in and try one eventuly...i just got over bronchitis so i feel for you...i hope you get better soon.



That turned out amazing...i still have mine put away for right now :(

Cant wait to see your ripple when you get going.Started mine last night.



Hope your girls get better soon...there seems to be allot of stuff going around.

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didn't want a point but the pattern i found for the wave was to holey so what i did was do 5 up and then on the valley i do 3 together instead of skipping 2 that made it more wavy with no hole...lot of work :P

I did that too, when I practiced the wavy pattern - skipped only one st because of the hole being too big.

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Cherilynn....did I say Hello yet? My brain isn't working too well...


Tabby and Linda - WOW! Great work on those ghans:clap I can't tell the size, Linda - are you finished or is it close to being done?

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Hi, Judy. The purple and gold one is done, but the sunshine one has about 10 rows still to go. Actually, 9 to go, because I just finished another one. Kim has a dentist appointment this afternoon so probably won't get a lot more done until maybe tonight.

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Cheeria-- yea, it's hard to have much time when you're watching grandbabies-- I had 4 years in a row of mine being here daily, but he's in school now, so I only have him a little while each day. Enjoy every second while they are small. I still cannot believe how big mine is now. I still pick him up though ...

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Hello! I scratched that poncho I mentioned a few days ago and am going to do another one with 4.5" granny squares instead! I found some Bernat Berella "4" Terra Cotta Mist variegated yarn in my stash downstairs in my craft room that I set aside for something special for myself! I bought it close to a year ago and forgot all about it until I was hunting down some yarn for charity projects. Anyway, my favorite granny squares is the basic on, so that is what I'm going to do it in - 54 of them! Depending on how many squares I get from each skein, I may do the whole poncho in this color. If not, I have two coordinating colors to go with this one and will do some alternating! We shall see?! I only have 3 squares done so far! Just 51 more to go! :hook

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Welcome, Paula!

There are 2 blanket patterns great for using up scraps: the straight ripple or the 3sub (3 strand ugly blanket) which uses a Q hook I think. And it really comes out great - even with scraps (from the pictures I've seen, anyway).

If you'll check out Post#1 you'll see the links to various patterns - not all of them afghans - that some of the ladies here are working on.

Let us know if you have any questions:hug

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Of course, you are welcome to jump in -the more the merrier. Good luck on your pattern search. I usually go to CPC to find patterns .


What is CPC??


And thank allof you for the warm welcome :) I've got one more Hat order right now, and I'm working on two little projects for my daughter so I can start squeezing in my ME project, I decided I'm going to make myself a scarf/hat/purse matching set, and also a pair of socks, but that will be last. :)

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