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For those of you talking about a softer ripple, check out this pattern if you havent yet figured out which one to use. I have used it a lot and it's VERY easy -




I'll just add that one to the list :yes I'm gonna, hopefully, start some swatches toward the end of the week. My ME blanket should be done by then and, you're not gonna believe it, but I'll actually be out of WIPs :eek

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I'll just add that one to the list :yes I'm gonna, hopefully, start some swatches toward the end of the week. My ME blanket should be done by then and, you're not gonna believe it, but I'll actually be out of WIPs :eek

I don't believe it...not you, CARA!!!!:eek

How about a VanGogh RR:devil



Julie - TY for the link - looks like a good one!!

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Oooooh, I may just have found my next WIP.....today's AA free patten makes me wanna try a wearable :drool

I saw that, too...not for me, though:no

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Oooooh, I may just have found my next WIP.....today's AA free patten makes me wanna try a wearable :drool


I saw that too... saved it and will try it as soon as I finish some things. But first I have to ask... what the heck is DK weight? I've never seen something that was DK.

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I saw that too... saved it and will try it as soon as I finish some things. But first I have to ask... what the heck is DK weight? I've never seen something that was DK.


DK = Double knit. Didn't see that :P All the DK yarn I find is hideously expensive :eek

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One thing I do have to do this week is try to work out Krystal's Daisy Square. She started a Yahoo! group that has a tutorial. Brilliant idea. I consider myself a very advanced crocheter but that thing has me stumped :lol

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Oh no Cara we may have to set up an intervention for you if you have no WIPs.


Tabby I am trying to think of something to make with my Vanna yarn too. I have 6 skeins so far and I think I may have to get more if I want to make myself a blanket. I thought of a scarf but I already have three or four and I rarely use them. :think I can't wait to see what you decide to do with yours.

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Cara, didn't I tell you I was brilliant? :rofl What took YOU so long to figure that out?


Out of WIPS? Is it possible? I'm pretty sure that that is one of the seven signs that the world is coming to an end. Hurry, get another one going!


I don't think I'll EVER be WIP-less...

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All I did for ME yesterday was sleep. I was going to read for a few minutes until something good came on TV, and woke up about 11...so I read some more and went to bed. This will never get my projects done, but it was worth it.

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Judianne: From what I’ve been able to figure out you can make a softer ripple by using less decreases in the valleys and the same number dc in same st as the decreased for the points. For example: most ripples seem to have 3 or 4 dec sts in the valley and then 3 or 4 dc in same st for the peaks. If you reduce this number it should soften the ripple.


Cara and Shaylen: I don’t mind taking the blame for infecting you with visions of ripples. I figure if I must be obsessed I’m bringing you guys down with me.:devil

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DK - double knit - same as a number 3 yarn, light worsted.


Here's a great yarn weight link.



Oh so sport weight would work :yes Thanks for the info :hug


Cara and Shaylen: I don’t mind taking the blame for infecting you with visions of ripples. I figure if I must be obsessed I’m bringing you guys down with me.:devil


:rofl :rofl :rofl

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Okay, here's the Vanna yarn selections & what I have. http://cache.lionbrand.com/yarns/vannasChoice.html


I have 6 beige, 6 pink, 3 silver blue, 2 dusty blue. 17 skeins total & they're only 3.5ozs. I'm not sure if that's even enough for a ghan to cover me. Hmmm.....:think




I will still take a better pic. of them together & post it later.

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Cara and Shaylen: I don’t mind taking the blame for infecting you with visions of ripples. I figure if I must be obsessed I’m bringing you guys down with me.:devil


Ohhhhh...i knew she was evil Cara...its her plan to take over the world :devil



I have narrowed my stripe choise down to 2 now so im getting closer to my goal!!

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Tab, that's nearly 60 ounces. That's PLENTY for an afghan!


Something striped would be good because that way you'd know how frequently to put each color so you use the right amount of each color...



Well, when ya say it like that it sounds like alot. :lol Sorry, i'm having alot of blond moments today. :P

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For those of you talking about a softer ripple, check out this pattern if you havent yet figured out which one to use. I have used it a lot and it's VERY easy -



:c9 Thanks for the softer ripple pattern I started it today and I like how it look and how so easy it is to do it. Last night I tried a different ripple pattern which I did not like much so I frog it and did this one instead. :manyheart

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