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Valerie, you got some pretty colors of yarn. Can't wait to see what you create with them.


Shay, love the wave. And only 12 more rows. You have made great progress on it. Great Job :yes


Linda, I love the blocks you have made so far. Can't wait to see more.


I have to go and visit the frog pond. I am 2/3 of the way done with my rug, and I need more Earth & Sky, so I have to frog the test pattern I did. That will give me 1 more full skein of it. I just hope I have enough black to finish it :sweat

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Mel, I'm sure you'll have enough to finish the rug - and even if you don't, getting more black will be easier than getting more of the variegated!


I just finished edging more squares...and realized I should have made the lapghan I thought I had finished earlier this evening, bigger:blush. I think I'll just make a creative - and deep - edging tomorrow! I sure end up having to fudge a lot...:D


'nite, ladies...

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Update on my wave....only 12 more rows :jumpyay:jumpyay:jumpyay


These are the best i could get...my room is kind of dark and its so big!!






WOW It turn out great sis:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer

you so such awesome work, so glad I have you near by when i need help;)


so what is next for you?


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Thanks and as i told you on the phone(atleast i think i did :think )I have to make another one in manly colors for Davey.Plus i have the woven blocks and the desert star then there is the circle in the square plus the....well you get the idea.



Its such an easy pattern and i have had more fun making this then anything ive made in along time thats why im making another one for my son-in-law,he saw this one and loved the pattern and hes never even said anything about my crochet work before.



I love the mix of colors you have used...that is going to be stunning when you get it all together.



Will be waiting with baited breath...love the colors you have chosen.

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Shay - You've got me hooked (so to speak) now :yes Gonna start my wave today. I've put it off because I don't think DH will like it as the guest room spread. But I think I and especially the cats will love it so he's outvoted :D Bless his heart, he gets outvoted on most things :lol

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Shay your wave is so stunning, and big!!!!! Beautiful work....

Linda, those squares are very nice, can't wait to see final product...

Back from picking up glasses, and I DID NOT buy any yarn, oh the temptation was there, but until I am out of the minus category for my stash, I am going to fight the urge....

Sorry, the only me project picture I had is of the box...it's cries are getting weaker, I really do need to give it a little attention :lol

I am working on my 2nd comfort/prayer shawl right now, and made some yo yo's for first time out of scraps, we will see if they turn into another me project.

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Well, I put aside the lapghan squares - to make a special ghan for a friend. Her husband and Phil were partners many years back and we've still maintained a friendship - he lives in VA but stops by he has business trips up here.

She found out she has cancer...all over. I won't go into the details but her attitude is great and she has tremendous faith, even though the prognosis isn't great.


I'm making the cancer ribbon as a rose pink graph on dark brown, as well as doing her name...which is also mine...

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Well, I put aside the lapghan squares - to make a special ghan for a friend. Her husband and Phil were partners many years back and we've still maintained a friendship - he lives in VA but stops by he has business trips up here.

She found out she has cancer...all over. I won't go into the details but her attitude is great and she has tremendous faith, even though the prognosis isn't great.


I'm making the cancer ribbon as a rose pink graph on dark brown, as well as doing her name...which is also mine...


Oh Judy I'm so very sorry to hear about your friend :hug I'm sure she'll love the special ghan you're making :manyheart

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Thanks, Cara and Cindy. I don't know what's happening around us. This is the 4th friend since October to have to deal with this (one of the four is still waiting for biopsy results...he might be okay). This friend is going to Johns Hopkins...top notch...but they only give her a year or two.


But they don't know my friend....:)

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Judy, so sorry to hear the news. Seems every week I hear about someone else. It is scarey in a way, I have lost so many friends and two family members to this. I still have 2 family members fighting it, and 2 friends on treatments. I really feel for you, and I am sending prayers your way...

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Judy, I am so sorry to hear the news about your friend. From what you have said about your friend, she is going to fight this with a great attitude. What a great thing you are doing for her making her the special ghan.


My friend is going through the same thing....cancer throughout her body that started with a brain tumor. She beat breast cancer years ago, and she knows this will be a tougher fight this time around. Her doctors give her about a year also.


You all will be in my thoughts and prayers :hug:hug

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Thought I'd post an update on my wave ghan. I am on the 10th variegated stripe. I'm making slow but steady progress on it. I'll try to take pictures tomorrow.


Time to finish my 'adult beverage' then head off to bed. I have to be up at 4:00 AM. But I have a feeling I will have a hard time sleeping tonight. I was offered a new position at work, and I have no idea if I am going to accept it. My mind has been spinning since I received the offer. I need to ask a few more questions about it, then I'll make my final decision. I will get a raise, no more early mornings, and I will be out of a department that is wearing me down physically. I just don't know if I am up to all of the training and hoops I'll have to jump through. Decisions, decisions. Now you see why the adult beverage was in order this evening :lol

Hopefully tomorrow I will have the answers to my questions that I didn't think of today.


Sorry I rambled on and on. Sleep well everyone :night

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Hello..I would like to join in and do the granny afghan..I think it's sooo pretty..I'll be trying NOT to deviate from the original colors..But with these CAL'S my dh shouldn't put up too much of a fuss..lol...Deb

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Thanks and as i told you on the phone(atleast i think i did :think )I have to make another one in manly colors for Davey.Plus i have the woven blocks and the desert star then there is the circle in the square plus the....well you get the idea.


yes I think you did:thinkbut you know how my mind comes and goes:devil


I finnished with the scarves and hats today for our Jan Charity and went looking for patterns for the baby blankets i want to get started on tomorrow

hope everyone has a great night, sweet dreams:night

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Im so sorry about your friend...will keep her in my prayers :hug



You just go right ahead and talk...we will listen..i hope your job turns out ok :hug



Yep i know how your mind isn't :neener so where is the photo of these scarves and hats you have made :shrug I want proof :devil

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Thanks so much, my friends...Judy (her name, too) can't have too many prayers... It's so hard watching those we love go through stuff like this. Way too many good people are suffering.

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