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OOOOOO Mel, I really like the one with the Earth & Sky & Black. The turquoise is lovely too, but I like this one more.


spent most of the night and day crocheting til DD came over. I went through a bunch of my binders with printed patterns and pulled out a pile about 8" thick. Reduced the binders by 3, to make more room on the shelves for scrap book supplies, so I had more room on desk for crochet projects. :lol Now I have one project on desk, one in box by sewing machine, one in plastic bag waiting for more boucle yarn from Joann's and 2 in my 8 pocket tote. The ones in tote are on going for 4 months (WUA) and 7 months (square a month). Then I get to use my new cotton and some mohair I have been building up for some purses (for spring) and a few shawls (for ME):yay

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Thank you Carol & Krystal for your opinions. I appreciate it very much :hug

I like the one with the black more too. I will probably end up making both eventually, and put the lighter one by the balcony door since not many people go out there and that will give the cats a comfy place to lay and watch the critters and birds outside.


Carol, it sounds like you had a very productive day. I did some work on my DS's 2 strand ghan, then ran out of blue. I thought I had stocked up on that shade of blue, but bought Navy instead of Royal...OOPS. So that is back on hold again. I have plenty of WIP's to keep me busy for quite some time. It is deciding on which one to work on that is the hard part :lol:lol

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Carol - You've had a busy day! Good for you getting organized :hug


Mel - Oooh I didn't see the two choices. Heck I even missed a new rug. I'm a little slow today :blush I like the Earth & Sky with the black best too :yes That's very clever of you to use the black. Amazing result it gives :yes


Kathy - Your evening sounds like the one I have lined up :yes Not bad work if you can get it, eh? :D

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Mel, I agree with K and Carol - black, esp since it's for a rug, is a better choice to add to the earth and sky yarn. I might make squares with mine:devil...maybe a project linus blankie or something.... I just want to see the variegated come alive as I work with it:c9

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Is the earth & sky brown and blue? That seems to be a popular color combo right now and I really like it :yes

It is....the blue has a bit of green, which means it can be matched with turq. At least my eyes thought so when I was in the store!

It's a very retro color combo - in the '60's I remember having a bathing suit in chocolate brown and blue!

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My goddaughter asked for an afghan in those colors - turquoise and brown. well, I now have a lot of skeins of both (with some aran), and some Earth & Sky. She also wants polka-dots ("if possible" she says) so I have a new pattern brewing in my mind... Just have to get this test done and caught up with my firefighter (behind AGAIN!!!) before I can tackle it...

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Thanks everyone for your opinions. I too like it with black the best. I have been sitting here working on it. I am about 1/3 or so done with it.


When my DD Hilly got home tonight, she saw the 'Fall Tweed' rug on the floor and said how much she liked it. Then she went into her room and saw her RR Rug. She came running out and gave me a big hug. That made all the pain worth it. I showed her the 'Earth & Sky Tweed' rug and she really likes it with the black too. She asked me what the next color combo was going to be :lol

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Krystal - if you are thinking of doing an afghan with polka dots, you could always do the circle in a square and make all small squares, unless she'd like the same one in the photo with all different sized circles in the centers .

It is so easy to do ,and goes really fast !

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Hi, ladies...


Krystal, sounds like you'll never run out of projects!


...and Mel, I think when we give someone something we made that no amount of money can replace that heartfelt hug!


I hope all of my friends are feeling good today...and that any and all doctor's appointments go smoothly:hug:manyheart


...off to see the curmudgeon...:devil

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Krystal - if you are thinking of doing an afghan with polka dots, you could always do the circle in a square and make all small squares, unless she'd like the same one in the photo with all different sized circles in the centers .

It is so easy to do ,and goes really fast !


I thought of that, but the itty bitty squares with all of those ends to weave REALLY does not thrill me! I have another idea. If it doesn't work out, I'll be doing the circles in a square pattern.


Hi, ladies...


Krystal, sounds like you'll never run out of projects!

...off to see the curmudgeon...:devil


No, I don't think I ever will either. Just when I think I'm seeing a project finished, two more are waiting in the wings to be added in.


Tell the curmudgeon I said hello and wish I was there to give him a big hug and a sloppy kiss on the cheek! LOL ! :rofl

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i`m at moms house cause i had exam in the earlly morning and i didn`t sleep all night of my back pain plus the college is closer to mom`s home

i didn`t even have the mood to crochet that much

but for now after sleeping i feel fresh and need to crochet, but badlly all my yarn in my house there and i have final exem tomorror <<< what a hard worker girl have finals and feel fresh to crochet not to study :lol

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Good Morning Ladies :flower

I am getting ready to go outside and take down the Christmas lights on the balcony. I am going to take advantage of this beautiful warm sunny day while it lasts (and we know that it won't last). It is 60 degrees right now :eek

I may even sit outside and crochet for a while later on.


I do believe that I am a gluten for punishment. I started another ghan last night :eek:eek This one is going to be a scrap one. I have lots and lots of variegated yarn just hanging around, so I am going to try to use them up. This will be a filler ghan....I'll pick it up when I need some mindless crochet time.


I hope everyone has a fantastic Monday :rose

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Good morning. It's sunny and warm here today. Kim and I recuperating from the weekend and having a lazy day of it.

Cara, had asked me to try to get a picture of the sedge stitch close up on another CAL and I thought I'd post it here too. This is NOT an actual block, just a sample for the picture. I have 4 blocks completed for my BB afghan.


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It looks like it's 60 plus degrees all over the country today!


I'd like it colder...:D


I'm a bit down - my neighbor got a golden retriever pup "for the kids" just before Christmas. Now they're looking for a new home for her.


WHY...WHY do people buy a puppy as if it is an inanimate thing with no feelings...and when they realize "oops...mistake" try and get rid of it instead of accepting the fact that it's a committment!!!

The 13 week old pup is already housebroken and crate trained, for Pete's sake!


okay....rant over....:blush

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I'm a bit down - my neighbor got a golden retriever pup "for the kids" just before Christmas. Now they're looking for a new home for her.


WHY...WHY do people buy a puppy as if it is an inanimate thing with no feelings...and when they realize "oops...mistake" try and get rid of it instead of accepting the fact that it's a committment!!!

The 13 week old pup is already housebroken and crate trained, for Pete's sake!:blush

Oh, Judy, what a shame. I feel so sorry for the poor puppy who, of course, doesn't understand what in the world is going on.

Just finished block #5 striped in dark sage and gold.

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Mel thats a great way to get rid of some scrap yarn. What pattern are you going to do.


Linda I really like it with the different colors. I might do that with mine yet.


Judy that really annoys me when people do that. We have lots of commercials going just before xmas telling people to really think about giving a pet as a gift and every year there are more and more pets getting dumped or taken to the local RSPCA because they dont want them anymore. I really feel sorry for the dogs and cats that this happens to. I hope that dog finds a really good home and family that will truly love it.

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