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Good Morning Ladies,


Happy New Year and all that other stuff. I am looking forward to a better year.

I hope that you all will find peace, happiness and love in the coming year. And that God will help you with the things you need.

The main thing I always told my children while they were growing is, "YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE". I find it still holds true today.

A very merry holiday to all!!!!!

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good afternoon all... our computer was down... there was a problem with the cable at the pole.... all fixed now... you ladies are being naughty... ain't it nice... when you get to a certain age you're allowed... hubby and I have been married 33 years this May... you're right after all these years you get to the point when you can just feel comfortable with each other without all the worries that younger couples have...

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you're right after all these years you get to the point when you can just feel comfortable with each other without all the worries that younger couples have...


Totally agree with this..Jim and i have been together 30 years this April and i don't know what i would do without him....Like i always say...it just gets better and better :c9


Glad you got your cable fixed.

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Happy New Year down your way too Judy-- Time for me to hit the sack . I'll be sleeping when the new year hits .

Me too - I'm beat!


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Happy New Year everyone :party


I just stood out on my balcony and watched a gorgeous firework display. They had an early countdown so the little kiddies could enjoy a New Year's fireworks display without having to try to stay up until midnight.

I should have put a coat on since we have a cold front coming through and the temps are dropping fast, plus it is getting pretty windy out there. I'm a little :wbrr


I'm off to bed now since I have to be up at 4:00 AM so I can go to work.

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Good morning and happy new year to all of my friends who I may have missed!


...missed midnight, of course:blush

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