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Thinking about crocheting

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Does anyone think about crocheting at work? I find myself thinking about project(s) Im working on and even looking at the time as if its a count down to when I can go home and crochet:c9 I work in retail and can be very busy but somehow my brain teases me with crocheting! Is this normal? Have also been known to carry a small piece of paper in my pocket for ideas I have during the day. I'M going MAD!

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I often think about knitting and crocheting no matter where I am. Instead of counting sheep at night I lull myself to sleep with images of what I am working on or plan to do in the future. I know this sounds silly, but I actually visualize myself crocheting and counting stitches to help put myself to sleep. And I often wake up in the middle of the night and have to get up to put on paper an idea or picture. No, I think you have more company than just me. At least I hope you do.

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I find my self thinking about what I will do next, or what I could do, or what I might be able to do... The list gets so long that I don't remember the first one that I thought of. :blush


Maybe I should try the paper thing! :D The only problem is, that I would never be able to actually finish all of the projects in my mind :eek !

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Does anyone think about crocheting at work? I find myself thinking about project(s) Im working on and even looking at the time as if its a count down to when I can go home and crochet:c9 I work in retail and can be very busy but somehow my brain teases me with crocheting! Is this normal? Have also been known to carry a small piece of paper in my pocket for ideas I have during the day. I'M going MAD!


Seems perfectly normal to me... :shrug



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As I sit here at work not working....


I think about crochet more and more. I wish I could crochet at work. I really don't even get a lunch...30 mins is the max. And that might be cut short. If I pick up a night shift I bring my crochet but spend most of my time on this site...:D

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I'm not able to think about crocheting or much else while I'm actually working, but I do think about it when I'm on break. Though I couldn't get enough done in 15 minutes to satisfy me, so I don't bring anything with me. But, I DO count down the time until I get home so I can pick up my hook and yarn again! :D

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Of course! I'm typically looking at the clock and thinking" Only 3 more hours till work is over, when I get home I have to work on ______ project. And then when I finish that I could do this or perhaps I could work on bla bla bla for a bit...."

lol. And I check the 'ville and craftster while I"m at work so that doesn't help either.

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heck yes, course now that my students ask me to teach them and when can we crochet again it's worse than ever :lol

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Seems that I think about crocheting ALL the time. When I am at work, if I think of something, I write it down. I've got lists galore. Can't wait for five o'clock to come around so I can go home and crochet. Probably a good thing I'm not married -- gives me more time to crochet. I'll never get to all of the projects I want to do. I'll never use up all the yarn I have if I live to be 200 years old. LOL

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I think and actually do crochet at work :yes it is just one of the little things that we get to do when are work is done :) (Adult Fostercare Provider)

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