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pain! is it from working with cotton?

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I have had this bright idea to make washcloths for christmas gifts, make 4 or so and put in a gift basket with a candle, a pretty soap and maybe some bath bubbles. it will also use the stash that hubby bought at a yard sale recently....2 birds one stone?


I have done 5 so far and my hands and wrists are aching. Is this from using the sugar and cream cotton? i have been this way when using the ww yarns or is it just a coincidence? i do have fibromyalgia, which has been under control lately so i dont think that is the problem.


Has anyone else noticed this?:think

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Sherri, with Subtropical Storm Gabrielle off Cape Lookout, NC it probably is your fibro. I'm going to be feeling it soon, I know. I used to live directly inland about 7 miles from Cape Lookout, and the closer a hurricane or tropical depression of any kind got the more I ached. My hands hurt tonight with the cotton, too; and I'm in NJ now

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I have fibromyalgia too. It can be very sensitive to the weather. Also you made a number of items in a row. Maybe that's overload for your fibro. When I made a crocheted snail this summer, I had to use an F hook with worsted weight yarn (that's tight sts) and my hands hurt terribly. They don't normally hurt at all. The sts had to be very tight to make a tight fabric to pose the snail after the shell was attached. It's adorable, but I'll never make another one because of the hand pain. Usually I use an I or J hook with worsted weight yarn and never have any pain at all. Do you just need to change to a bigger hook to work with the cotton? Maybe that's all the problem is. I hope this helps.

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i bet it is the weather! never thought of that! the small hook usually doesnt bother me...i even worked with the fine thread and did ok. but i am noticing this morning the there are aches other places....i will remeber to take my meds faithfully for the next few days!


thanks for the insights!

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I had the same problem with cotton. the pain was awful. After posting about it the ladies here suggested that I loosen up on my tension. It worked wonders. I held it at about the same tension as yarn but yarn slides much more smoothly than cotton.


I have fibro too and it doesn't help at all. Try loosening your tension.

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i loved ultram too but it interacted with something else i am on.....i cnat remember which....i think elevil....i made me nauseous and really sick when i took both....the ansaid i take is relafen...

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We love our crochet, and for me, most of the time it's very relaxing. When it does put you in pain though, your health is more important than the yarn. Really. Take a couple days break or whatever it takes.


Actually, no matter what goes on in life, your health is more important. I don't want to lecture, but you don't know until you've been there. A neurologist almost killed me with a mix of medications 2 years ago while treating me for fibromyalgia and severe migraine. It has taken this entire 2 years to recuperate and be able to crochet and work with my gemstones again. Now I still have my conditions, lots of meds and have to be very careful to stay unstressed. It's been difficult learning to tell people "No". "No, I can't make that for you. No, I can't do that by next Saturday." Yes, I can do some ~ but not under pressure, not because someone wants it now, or I feel guilty if I don't do it.


So certainly we can crochet, but don't overtax yourself. Now, if it is physically, emotionally or mentally bothering me to crochet an item, I have to look at why I'm doing it. That's why I was making rainbow items this summer ~ it just made me feel happy to do. And the people I gave them to got such a kick out of them. When my Aunt put the rainbow mat I made for her on the wall over her bed, I was surprised. Well, I did enjoy making it, and she said she didn't know I loved her so much to make that for her. What a tear jerker. She almost had me crying! She lives next door, so I went over and looked. It really does look nice, and as I looked at it I thought "Wow, a simple thing like that, but love went into every stitch." So everybody's happy and that's what I love about crochet. That's what I love about Crochetville.

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i loved ultram too but it interacted with something else i am on.....i cnat remember which....i think elevil....i made me nauseous and really sick when i took both....the ansaid i take is relafen...


I was taking it for back pain (golf addict here, on leave due to foot issues). A couple of weeks into it, I started sweating and freezing at the same time. I thought I was going into perimenopause at 35! I had no idea what was causing it, never thought it was medicine. I finally found a message board with ppl who had nightmares with ultram.

Like I said, it DOES work, but watch out for side effects if you do decide to try it.


I'd start with anti-inflammatory meds first.


Just my 2 cents.

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I too suffer from fibro nasty disease. I can only take ibruprofen as I am allergic to everything else! Believe me the doctors have tried everything. I try to keep it to just three at night I have to be in major pain to take more than that. I also take a Valerian Root pill at night to help me sleep. I find I am in more pain if I don't get enough sleep. I too find 100 percent cotton makes my hands ache more than wool or acrylic. And yes the weather can cause problems as well specially with migraines when the barametric pressure changes the migraines move in. Working on socks again to heck with pain.

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There's a couple things that I do that help tremendously. I have one of those home wax machines. yo uheat it up, stick your hands in the hot wax, then a plastic bag and a terry mitt. hang out for 10-15 min and let the moist heat work it's magic. For an added bonus your hand are super soft afterwards. for the life of me I can't think of the name of the thing right now.


If you don't have a wax machine (I think mine is Conair about $20) you can soak your hands in a bucket of really warm water for 10 minutes. Add a little epsom salt if you have it and you'll be amazed at the difference.


also - you should start pampering yourself to hand lotion. Not only does it make your hands smell good but you can give yourself a good massage for a minute or 2 and it helps so much.


I hope your hands feel better soon - I know how much it stinks when they hurt.

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thanks of all the help

i find a nice warm bath before bed helps a lot.....

i have trouble curbing myself from crocheting or doing anything when i have set myselt a goal such as the washcloths for christmas.


i think i must be in a "spell" other places have started to ache not just the hands, so i think i must be going thru something at this time. i am taking my meds regularly, sometimes i skip the morning doses but not now.


i also find if i dont get good sleep that i will also ache more. i am taking the elevil to help with that.


I am surprised to see so many of us here with the same type of complaints. it makes me feel better that i am not alone and there are people out there that understand. it is hard for those around us to understand what we have or go thru since we look fine and dont have many other symptoms other than the pains and achiness! my hubby tries but still cant grasp it....


here's to a better day!

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Absolutely you are not alone. So many have chronic conditions. Take care of yourself first and always. And with fibro, sometimes when you feel really awful, do a warm foot soak, then lotion your feet. Afterwards, put your feet up, get relaxed, and would there just happen to be a hook and skein of yarn nearby? Perhaps some project you really enjoy working on, that's not too taxing would be an "upper"?

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I was thinking the pain could be caused by the cotton yarn because it's less yielding than acrylic or other natural fibers. You have to hold the cotton a little differently.....


Then again, it could be the weather!;) Here in Colorado, we had a front come through, bringing daytime temperatures into the 60s (and nighttime temps into the 40s). My fingers have been achy all day while I crocheted.

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I was thinking the pain could be caused by the cotton yarn because it's less yielding than acrylic or other natural fibers. You have to hold the cotton a little differently.....


I totally agree with this; cotton is just stiffer and it makes my hands work harder, so it makes my hands ache, BUT I love using cotton--i just can't work on it as long as I might work on other projects.

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ok this maybe really a weird question, but is fibro a disease that has anything to do with hormones? most of my pain subsided after i started my cycle and thinking back this has happened before. now i am wondering if the 2 are related?!

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, now this is weird but I recently went to the doctors and now have to wear splints on both wrists at night and during the day if they hurt... my left thumb muscle under the thumb would cramp up and hurt like the dickens.. and the fingers on my right hand go numb... I saw the doc and she says to me... put your hands together with the backs facing and elbows up. Like praying inside out. Well, my fingers and hands go numb and I get the great news I have carpel tunnel. I have been laying off the hook for a few days and feel better and the splints are already helping. But just thought I would throught that in incase you go numb or ache. Good luck whatever it is!

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