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Ok so did you ever give someone something then see them selling it?:think And for much cheaper than you bought the item for originally.:eek And we are not talking about yard sale here more like ebay or etsy. Oh that just makes me very :no NOT :no happy esp since it is something they asked for. :yes OOOOOOO I just want to send them an email saying I see you DIDN'T LIKE what I sent so why not just send it back to me as I am SURE I can find a use for it. :angry :angry :angry

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Boy can I ever commiserate with you ... how many times has this happened when I would give something and then find it at the church rummage sale still brand new ....


but I have to swallow and think "it was a gift and instantly belonged to that person to do anything with as she chose to do"


and then I try and think "the person who buys it really wants it ... and isn't that better!"


lastly: simply NEVER make something for the giver-awayer again. When presented with an "opportunity" to give her a present, make it a gift certificate ... or even better: a receipt for her favorite charity in her name!

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I had something similar. After my divorce, I had to downsize my bedroom furniture. I gave it to my youngest newly-married brother, thinking that I was helping them out. Several months later, they informed me that they had sold it. Hey, I could certainly have used the money, too, ya know? Grrr But a gift is a gift.

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I read the article from Miss Manners. I love to give gifts to my neices and nephews. I feel that they need to be taught how to be appreciative of the gifts they get. They see their parents acting the same way, that is how they learn it. Sometimes the parents are even worse. I always just keep telling myself that it was given with the best of intentions and from the heart.

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Some people are like that. That's why I will never give a home made gift to my sister-in-law. I actually heard her complain about a gift my mother had sent. She is so hard to please. We give gift cards to her instead.

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I love to give gifts to my neices and nephews. I feel that they need to be taught how to be appreciative of the gifts they get. They see their parents acting the same way, that is how they learn it. Sometimes the parents are even worse.


I know what you mean. The last gift I gave to my 10 year old niece, she wanted to know where I bought it and how much it cost. :eek

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My DH's brother and wife bought a lake cottage about 20 years ago, and SIL was 'scavenging' my MIL's basement for things for the place. My MIL, being so nice, gave her extra sheets, towels, tableware, etc. that she didn't need anymore.


Sure enough, the next summer, SIL had a garage sale, and there were all the nice things my MIL had given them. (My MIL is from the WWII generation, they saved things to be appreciated later, in case they were needed.) That was very rude, my MIL was so hurt.


If I had gotten items from relatives and then didn't need them anymore, I would have cleaned and offered them back, and if they didn't want them, would have sent them a check for their cut.

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As my grandmother would say, "some peoples' children!" I've received things that I didn't particularly care for, but it never once crossed my mind to turn around and try to make money off of it! :eek Some people just have no shame. I could see maybe donating it, Freecycling it, giving it to someone I think might have a better use for it, but SELLING IT?? I swear, sometimes people just kill me! :no

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my neighbor is like that...sells most all the gifts she gets for her daughter. I was worried about her daughters birthday party not knowing what to get her...but she helped and ended up not giving her a party. I just didn't want her to turn around and sell it...blah people like that are so rude

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Wow, I don't even regift handmade items (store bought...ok I do if I know a good home). I was at a thrift store and wanted to rescue all the baby blankets for my baby who is yet to be more than a twinkle in dad's eye!!! What a rude person.

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I was going to make dishclothes for my sister for christmas.....her reply was we don't use those things... I find homemade things the best because someone sat down and took real thought to think of something you would really like and then took the time to make it with their own hands and time to give to you when they could just say here have some money and figure it out yourself (not that I don't like money or shopping)

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My ex sold one of our cars to his cousin for much less than the Blue Book value during the gas crisis in the early 70's. It was a small Toyota and he was having trouble buying gas for his much larger Olds. Within a couple of months he sold it for double that as a down payment on another large car.

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I was going to make dishclothes for my sister for christmas.....her reply was we don't use those things... I find homemade things the best because someone sat down and took real thought to think of something you would really like and then took the time to make it with their own hands and time to give to you when they could just say here have some money and figure it out yourself (not that I don't like money or shopping)


my teenage daughter saw me making a dishcloth (her job is the dishes) and rolled her eyes. but gooly gee whiz guess what she uses exclusively now and groans if I've taken it away to be washed!!!!:hook

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my teenage daughter saw me making a dishcloth (her job is the dishes) and rolled her eyes. but gooly gee whiz guess what she uses exclusively now and groans if I've taken it away to be washed!!!!:hook



oh, and a p.s. she later saw me making something that looked like a cup and she laughed, "Oh Mom, what in the world are you doing now?" and I explained it was for the comet can so it won't leave a rust mark on the sink ... and I could see she thought it was a not-so-shabby idea after all.


I'll post the pix soon ... I invented the pattern and want to share it with everyone once I write it down! Now my blue kitchen doesn't have to have that green can in it.:hook

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