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OOOH! I'm lovin' all the purty pictures o' them thar finished blankets!! I did 7 rows tonight but I am no where nears dun. Gettin me sum higher edjeecation is takin up all mah stitchin time! Danged book learnin!!

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Its nearly photo friday for me so here is my Navajo bag. I have put a pocket inside. Now Im thinking maybe i should have lined it as the bag might stretch but not sure how to because of the pocket. It will be too hard to unpick the pocket without ruining it.



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Peggy and Karen great job on your afghans.:clap:cheer


Just goes to show you can use any color with this pattern and it will turn out beautiful.


Thank you so much. I agree if I didn't hate all sc so much I'd be tempted to make more in the colors others have selected they are all so pretty. Maybe some day I'll forget how long it takes and do another one. This is actually the second one I've done in my lifetime. I did another one in brown, orange and white years ago.

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Howdy! I am jumping in, as a best friend ask me to make a navajo blanket. I see that no one want to be Lucille Mulhall, probably the first female cowboy ever. From this link, it claimed that the term, "Cowgirl" was created because of Lucille Mulhall. http://www.cowgirls.com/dream/cowgals/mulhall.htm


Sorry, can't do the cowboy talk, no clue how to do it. :no


I need a lot of help here. I was supposed to make 8' x 8 1/2' blanket, vertical wise. The color is brown, olive green, maroon, and tan. He is willing to consider some white and black as trims. He dont want any fringles, just a simple border.


So, with J or K hook, how much stitches will it take ? I plan to make some swatches to play with color combinations. I will work on it next week. I was going with green, red, tan then brown (thin line) and reverse it - tan, red and green, on and on. I am going to use RHSS - dunno if RHSS do have all colors I want to use ?


Hope anyone can answer all the questions!

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Mornin Lucille

Well, the way I'm a figgerin it, you want the design to go up and down, is that right ? Like when he covers up with it, the diamonds will be from his head to his feet ?

I am making mine a bit narrower, because I wanted the design to go with the diamonds across ,so it should turn out narrower but longer .

The colors sound like good manly colors.

The biggest stitch count I've seen this in is start with a chain of 285 --

if you are using a J or K hook, it'll of course be a bit bigger than their measurements say .

I'd chain the 285 and measure the length it is at that point - if you want it longer, then just keep adding sections of 20 stitches . That will make one more diamond each 20 that you add .

Keep in mind that this will take some major yarn- being mostly sc's .


That's how I'd start though, just do your chain, don't break the yarn like it says to until you get it the length you want it, then break the yarn and start on the pattern just as it states .


You'll do your 2sc's, 1 dc, *(19 scs ,1 dc)* , clear across til you are at the end and it should end with the 1 dc, and 2 sc's to finish off that end .


I kinda count out the stitches as I am making the chain-so that it'll be the right amount --


You won't immediately start out with the above directions ( in the bold print ) until you do your rows of plain sc's across for the 5 rows .


It helps me to count out the pattern as I do the beginning chain, though, so I make sure that once I get to the BOLD part of the directions, it'll turn out right.


Hope this helps you out . :)

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Good Morning Ladies! :manyheart


Sorry about being MIA for so long but my Hubby had some health stuff going on that had to be dealt with. We still are dealing with stuff but it seems to have calmed down a wee bit. I missed ya'll so much I couldn't stay away any longer. If you don't see me on a day here or there it just means it's a bad day but i'll be back, ALWAYS!


I wanted to say thank you to all my "yarn fairies" out there. The packages came at the most perfect of times & always cheered up my days. Thank you so much for being the bestest friends. :ghug I almost cried right in the PO just knowing people cared that much. Ya'll are too sweet. :c9


I was suppose to start work last week & the boss called to tell me they couldn't fit me in until this week. :angry So, I start orientation this evening. :cheer


I have been working on my navajo here & there. I also did another row of squares on the tetris ghan that I hadn't worked on in forever. :hook:yarn



Well, have a great one. Thanks again to all my "yarn fairies" & friends. :manyheart

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Here's a pic of my bag. I just had an idea that I might put grommets where the tie is, to reinforce it. The red string is just to show where it will draw together. Now, to line it and add straps - I'll be doing "real" backpack straps that I'm swiping off a bag whose zipper is broken.



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Why Doc an' Jesse them that items is bee-yoo-ti-ful :yes Yep. They shore are :yes


Ah'm about a thurd done on my ol' man's saddle blanket. Hopefully Ah'll git me a lot more dun today :yes

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