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Isn't it amazing that a cat can hear you pick up your crochet from across the house? Do they have a 6th sense that I don't know about. Every time I pick up my hook and yarn, a cat comes out of the woodwork. I find it extremely amusing. I "caught a cat" three times today. She was no where to be found until I picked up my crochet and then she had to be right next to my ball of yarn. She was staring at the string for about 15 minutes straight. Luckily she doesn't mess with the yarn too much. Sometimes she will bat at it, but not overly. How many others "catch" cats? I would love to hear some other cat stories.

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Mine turns up when I find that I have 5 minutes to spare and want to do a couple of stitches. She doesn't want to play with the yarn so much as wants to sit on my lap!!! And if I put the crocheting down so she can sit on my lap, she gets off and disappears!!!!

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one of my kittens ( we have two that are 11 months old) discovered the hiding place that i put my doilies that are being blocked, which is the top of my big screen tv entertainment center. As soon as i turn my back on the doily being blocked she is up there laying on it.

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My cats do the same thing. I will come home from work, change my clothes, sit down in my chair to crochet a little bit just to relax for a few minutes, and I won't see the cats until I am crocheting. They will sit and watch the yarn. Sometimes they will bat at it, and sometimes Oscar will even have it in his mouth, running side to side (just holding it for me, he isn't a yarn biter) and I won't know it until the yarn gets to me and it is wet. That is my cue to stop and feed them :lol:lol


I think cats have a built in yarn radar :think

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i have 6 but my one little furr monster Bailey he loves to get the labels off the yarn he stalks them until the yarn is empty then attacks i have one that will jump in my lap no matter what im working on one who plays yarn hockey with loose balls all over the house until it becomes unwound the other 3 dont seem to care regardless and Bailey loves to swat my hooks all over the house to.

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My cats do the same thing. I will come home from work, change my clothes, sit down in my chair to crochet a little bit just to relax for a few minutes, and I won't see the cats until I am crocheting. They will sit and watch the yarn. Sometimes they will bat at it, and sometimes Oscar will even have it in his mouth, running side to side (just holding it for me, he isn't a yarn biter) and I won't know it until the yarn gets to me and it is wet. That is my cue to stop and feed them :lol:lol


I think cats have a built in yarn radar :think


:lol I just sat and giggled when I got to the part you wrote about you not knowing that the cat has your yarn until the yarn gets to you and it's wet! :lol Last night I was crocheting while I was online reading, and there I was, happily crocheting along while reading my message board, when suddenly there was about a six inch piece of thread dangling from the piece I was working on. I KNEW that I couldn't be out of thread, because this was a small piece I was working on, and I had just started two new balls (I was working with double strands). But sure enough, I had reached the end of the line. :think I looked over the side of my armchair and there was Ed-A-Puss, in all his Siamese chubbiness, sitting there looking extremely pleased with himself that he had bested his evil thread opponent. I just pulled out the row I was working on back to the beginning of the row and joined in the two strands of thread again and resumed my work. I finally had to shoo him away because I caught him getting ready to repeat his performance.



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I will be sat on the sofa crocheting and Raggy my old cat will jam himself in between my leg and the arm of the sofa to snuggle if I am too close to the arm he will still try to get in until I decide to move. Luckily he doesn`t attack my project in hand but will eat small clippings of wool given the chance which he delightfully vomits in front of us to great effect.

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stitch! She's all over me then.


She's more likely, though, to come out when she hears a spoon in a bowl; she loves milk and begs. She's pretty fond of cheesecake, too. (Takes after her mother...):)

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My Cat doesn't bother with the yarn too much, unless she is in my lap. Her favorite thing to do is lay down on the pattern book, then she smacks my hand if I try to move her or the book.

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Ever since I got home from Vacation my youngest cat Candy has been stilling skiens an balls of yarn from my room. At first I was blamming the kids then Candy was caught red pawed running out of my room with a skien of yarn.

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My cats like to wait till the middle of the night then one of them manages to find a small ball of yarn then by the time any one awakes the yarn is all over the house from downstairs to upstairs! Then they sit and look at you like did I do that! I also have one that loves to sit on the afghan that Iam making at the time and when I put it down for the night she sleeps on it. Gotta love those :cat

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he grabbed it and started shaking it, then he started running around the den with it.


That was quite a mess. He was tangled in it, and I'm not even sure we could salvage the yarn. :)

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{I know this story is a repeat for oldtimers on here, but the newbies might get a giggle out of it.}


One of my mother's cats will search for a skein of yarn (even if it means getting into something closed) and carry it downstairs to my mom. Now, that's an entire skein, carried in her mouth, while she's crying, down about 20 steps from the second floor (where Mom's stash is located) to the first floor. I guess she knows that this is something Mom prizes, and since she's an indoor cat and can't catch a bird to offer her as a prize, she catches a skein of yarn instead. It's hilarious watching her navigate the stairs without tripping over the (compared to her) large skein in her mouth.



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Mine "help" with everything I do, whether it's taking a shower, or working on the computer. "just don't step on the keyboard" or "just don't carry off my yarn."

Miss Megumi loves to carry off balls of EXPENSIVE yarn to love on. (I have to hide the silk until they're finished projects, and sometimes even then.)

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Jennifer, you're luckier than me! My cat Sam wants to sit on top of my yarn, or on top of the project, depending on his mood. And he's so cute about it, that I have to smooch him. It's hard to just toss him off!

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We have 4, and it varies. Scotti-kitty is the oldest at 5, and she kind of just lays on the back of the couch and ignores everyone. :)


Her son, Stubby (neither of them has a tail, but he has kind of a stub there, hence the name), will sometimes try to keep that yarn from "attacking" my hands, but he's been smacked enough that he, too, now just glares at me from the other end of the couch.


Fuzzy & Wuzzy, on the other hand...:lol They are sisters (long story) and they both like to chew it as it goes from the skein to the WIP. Fuzzy will also decide when it's break time by jumping up and plopping across my arms. (There's a picture of her in my flannel-ghan finished post.) Wuzzy is a "licker" so she will show up and kindly ensure my hands are clean enough to work. :)


With all of them, though, once the yarn is put down...they vanish!! Or, if their beloved shoelace comes out, they take off after that.


We have 2 dogs: mine, which ignores me completely. :) She's a good girl! :lol And my son's, who is still a puppy, and can get out of his crate if we don't have it latched well enough. He LOVES to drag my WIP around, until (I think) he realizes that something is following him. I have to wonder, though, if it's because the cats come & distract him? (He loves to chase them and play with them, too!) Since it's always when we're gone, I may never know! :lol

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My 2 chis--Nellie Belle and Opi do the same thing. They also come running when the refrigerator opens or the electric can opener is running.

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