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Aacck! I've lost my hook!!!

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i found a hook under my couch this morning. went to vacuum behind it and there it was--long lost hook, in a pile of chex mix crumbs, candy wrappers, and cat hair. ugh, kids and men!!!

after i lost it, i just went and bought another. now i have two g hooks, which you can never have enough of, i think!

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Oh I hate that. I was actually working on a project and I had the Crystallytes or however it's spelled and I was just getting in the groove when it snapped right at the hook part. I about cried b/c the only way I can get around right now is on a bus which takes me two buses to get to any craft store around here lol. Afetr that I now use the aluminum hooks and after I lost the H hook which I use more then the others I have two sets of each one. Of course after I bought the extras I found the other one under my computer desk lol.

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I think crochet hooks are social creatures. They love company. That is why one will hide until you buy a partner and then show up to enjoy the company.


I personally have a number of duplicates of the hooks I most use. And I keep them cozy in a needle bag so they don't get too lonely when one is off working.


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I just went through this too! It's an awful feeling! But, I separated my doubles out of my crochet hook case, and put them by our entertainment stand, in a glass candle holder thingy. It's a tall one, you know, with the frosted glass and a picture. I've got one or two more to put in there. I've got to find the bottom of my trunk to get one, and another is in my purse. Then there's the P hook....


I do have to get extra yarn needles to finish ends though, and put that with my extra hooks, and a yarn snipper.


I didn't know that yarn needles came in metal. I bought some recently. I was getting tired of using the plastic ones, and having them bend and break at the eye part! So, i've used the metal ones a few times! they are great!!!


I think i need a whole case or special bag or something. I want to get everything together. Measuring tape, and things for making pom poms, hook case....hmm. i've been wanting to make special stitch markers. I know i've got some ear wires somewhere.........and a ton of beads and stuff......wire....hmm.....

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Glad you found it. It feels a little weird to be without it, at least for me. Like it is part of your soul....OK I am weird, but I love to make things from the heart and to lose a tool like that just makes me sad. It's ok to think I'm weird....

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Usually when I lose a hook I look for a cat. Zoe thinks they must be wonderful toys since I play with them so much. Sam thinks it just needs to be moved out of her way as she takes over my chair!


I try hard to make sure I put the hook in the end table drawer!

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I tend to put my hooks "someplace safe" :haha so safe in fact that I can't find them until much later. I have a zipper pouch for them, a screw top jar and a tall glass! To this day my favorite "found" spot would have to be in my bun (hair).

Until two years ago my hair was down to the small of my back & I would put it in a bun while I was happily working away...I must have put my hook in my hair so I wouldn't loose it. After hours of searching I gave up and used another hook only to find the one in my hair at bedtime. That should tell you how thick my hair is...no one else noticed it was there either :hook

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My goodness! I can so relate to this! My parents have this oversized chair...and I do mean OVERSIZED....its almost like a one seater sofa...anyhoo....I have lost 2 hooks in that monster!!! Right down the sides into the bottom of this thing. The problem is: Its one huge box down there that is covered!!!! I tried making a very discreet hole in the bottom, but the more I tried, the bigger the hole....AND to make matters worse, I WAS ON THE WRONG SIDE!!!!! Oh well, I just ended up buying 3 new hooks. I refuse to crochet on that thing anymore even though its so comfortable....


P.S.: I'm glad you found your hook!:yes

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I've found hooks everywhere. I was doing a thread project and a B hook disappeared. I looked everywhere, then got a one from my stash. I found it the hard way, I sat on it (ouch!). It's bent, and I still have a small scar.

Ellie 13

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I usually find my missing hooks in unfinished procjects, but only after I went out and bought another one. I don't usually lose hooks that often but I do lose my metal yarn needles that I use to weave in the ends. I have never found one that I've lost. Oh well, just another excuse to go to the craft store.

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