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Would this work...

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Okay, so I'm getting married in about a year and a half (as soon as I finish my degree) and it is unlikely that my fiance and I are going to have any help paying for our wedding so I thought a way to cut down on cost a little was to make a personalized afghan for everyone in the wedding party instead of buying those other little gifts that could get expensive. I would eventually probably be making an afghan for everyone anyway and the work on them would keep me with projects between now and then. Costs would be too bad because I'd be buying the yarn for other projects anyway.


But I don't know if it would work or not. What do you all think?

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I think an afghan would be a beautiful gift, but what a lot of work! Maybe a lapghan for each? Really it depends how many people are in your party. I only had my sister and my husband, his best friend, so we forewent the "gifts to the wedding party" and not a soul minded.

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From a fairly recent bride (married 1.5 years), wedding planning takes up a LOT more time than you think, especially if you're planning to cut costs by doing a lot of DIY projects. I think the afghan idea is great and VERY sweet and sentimental, but trust me when I say that once you get into the swing of planning, you are going to run out of time very quickly.


I'm not trying to discourage you, just make you aware that wedding planning takes a great deal of time. I want you to go into your project with all the facts!

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sounds really sweet, but if you are strapped for cash why not forego those gifts, the nicest wedding i went to was for 30 peoplemax, the wedding party walked through the park to the local hotelfor lunch.

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That's a lovely idea, if you have the time...Personally I paid for my own wedding, set a date....3 months before that date I hadn't planned a thing! Needless to say I got my wedding planned and paid for in that time...goodness knows how...I didn't have time to scratch myself....


It depends how fast you crochet really? Do you think you'd get them done in time? How many are in your party?

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DH and I got married just about 2 years ago now. We had to pay for almost all of it (my mom, saint that she is, designed and made all the wedding outfits including my dress and paid for all the fabric.... $300!) We had a very small wedding party, Matron of Honor, Flower girl and Best man. We didn't spend much, maybe $20 on each of them with small thoughtful things that be used. If you're still in school and will be wed shortly there after, time will fly faster than you think.

Maybe think about doing some nice lacy washclothes and making up 'pamper yourself' baskets for the ladies? Not sure about for the guys. If you really want to do afghans, I'm not going to stop you, but like the others tell you that time flies faster than you think. (Again, thank God for my mom... I have a high travel job and she did all the running around for me, I just had to pay for it.)

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I think afghans would be a wonderful idea--and maybe embrodiery yours and hubby name and wedding date in a corner of the afghan? They would be a real heirloom treasure!:yes

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I got married right out of college, and I barely had time to plan the wedding while finishing school and working part time. An afghan for each member of the wedding party is a wonderful, thoughtful idea, but it's also a lot of added work for you to try to get them done. No matter how much you love to crochet, multiple afghans (you don't say how many) in a year and a half is a lot of work, especially when going to school, planning a wedding, etc.


You do not have to spend a lot on gifts for the wedding party. Each of my bridesmaids got a necklace/earrings set, and each of the groomsmen got a period-replica pocketwatch (we had an historic wedding). I think each gift was maybe $20 - we paid for our own wedding, too, and didn't have a lot of extra cash. Everyone was thrilled with the gift and all wore/carried them for wedding.


Depending on the afghan size and the yarn you use, you could easily spend more than $20 per person, and then still have to make them all. If you really want to make a gift for each of them, go for something smaller. It really is a beautiful idea to make them each something - you just have to weigh whether you can afford the time to make gifts on top of everything else you have to do.

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Wow, that sounds wonderful, but a huge undertaking. Maybe just a hankie with a crocheted edging or something smaller yet personal and meaningful. The washcloth and bodywash idea seemed nice. You could also make matching jewelry for the ladies. Let us know what you decide.:think

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The bath cloths/soap "spa baskets" for the women in your bridal party sound great! Consider their favorite colors for the cloths (perhaps 2-3 of different patterns) and perhaps their favorite flowers or scents for the soaps (e.g., rose, lemon, lilac). For the guys, a rougher texture face cloth and face gel sounds good.

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a personalized afghan is a great idea but maybe something a bit smaller, say a personalized pillow. I made all the centerpieces for my wedding they were doilies with roses around the edge and there were crocheted roses in small fishbowl vases. maybe this could be your cost cut and then the gifts could be purchased? just a thought

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