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Watch out yarn stores, here I come!!!


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Oh my gosh!!! I got employee of the month at work. Normally it's $100 cash bonus, but because we've had a couple people leave and I seem to be doing everyone's job my boss pulled me aside and gave me $500 cash!!! :cheer


So pretty soon I'm gonna go shopping, sans husband and kids, and SPLURGE!!!!!!


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Woa! Now THAT'S exciting! I'm so thrilled for you! :cheer


Hope you have a big enough vehicle for hauling that huge new stash home. :devil Will look forward to seeing what you get. :D



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:photo We'll need pictures of your purchases. :shop


Lucky YOU! :hook

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So yesterday I'm finally ready to go shopping for some yarn. My husband calls me from Walmart asking why our debit card isn't working. I check our account and it becomes immediately apparent why it isn't working. There's no money in it. :eek Seems that after we got our tax return we had a little too much fun and didn't pay attention! Fortunately our overdraft kicked in and we didn't bounce anything, but you've probably guessed by now.... The money went in the bank!!! :cry


but on the bright side, i get paid friday and my b-day is next weekend. i'm sure i'll manage some yarn then! Oh well. :huh

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... but you've probably guessed by now.... The money went in the bank!!! :cry


but on the bright side, i get paid friday and my b-day is next weekend. i'm sure i'll manage some yarn then! Oh well. :huh


Oh, sorry you couldn't have as much fun as you hoped.


But, happy payday and happy Birthday!!:)

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