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Scallop Wrap


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It's beautiful, Ginny! But I just read your blog and how did you get so much time with the pre-schoolers to make all these color and project decisions? And I am amazed at their perception! Wonderful children! Thanks for posting this and the link to the story!

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Oh that is so pretty! You are very sweet to be making gifts for the teachers.


Thanks - I figure it's the least we can do since they teach so well and get paid a mere pittance of what they deserve! It started last year when I was making the Seraphina shawl just to do it as a CAL, but with no intended recipient... I crochet a lot at the elementary school (while my preschool dd has speech therapy) and my son's kindergarten teacher Mrs. P. always admired my work. Well she loved the color shading, the style and the softness of the Seraphina, so when someone told me it was Teacher Appreciation Week, and I was getting bored making the shawl big enough for me I had an epiphany... Mrs. P loves it, and she's short, I can stop now and give it to her! She truly loved it! Then I made a prayer shawl for an aide in ds's 1st grade room when she found out she had breast cancer... so I guess it's shawls all around! It's kind of fun to get to know the teachers and try to pick out a pattern that "fits" them.

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