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American Needlearts Survey 2007

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You ain't alone! I did the same thing... This year, I have started keeping a "yarn record" to track my completed and on-going projects, as well as my yarn purchases. Its been really very helpful so far! But now I wish I has started doing it last year so I could have been more accurate on this survey! :lol


so how many people could actually remember how many and how much from last year.


I was thinking... oh I dunno, 16? then I remembered that my Olympic Gold was for making 16 hats in 16 days... oops guess I did more than...well then there was... um... er...


Please don't leave me hanging out here ... right? :yes:no

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Darski, I only remembered the big stuff...the rest was an estimate based on my sometimes faulty memory. I've started a project journal. It's somewhere in the craft room. If I could find it, I could finish the fancy cover and actually put entries in it. Of course the year is one-fourth over...but I'm sure I can rely on my memory...

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I just filled it out, too. Thanks for the link, Amy! I think it's important to let us crocheters' voices be heard.


It was hard to remember even just the major projects I did. The more I thought about it, the more kept popping up (more UFOs started in 2006 kept resurfacing in my mind, too :P).

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I've done my part. But all I did last year was finish up a needlepoint project. I didn't get re-bit by the crochet bug until January this year. owell.

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I spent a few minutes on the survey, but when I clicked the submit button I reached a page saying I had entered an invalid URL! I guess they don't want to hear from threadies who only crochet and buy all their supplies on eBay.

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I finished mine, I also had a hard time trying to remember everything I did. It's all the little one's that through my numbers off. It was also impressive how much I spent on threads and beads and everything to go with them.

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I just received an email from the Crochet Guild of America about the American Needlearts Survey 2007. This survey is conducted every two years by TNNA, The National Needlearts Association. Many needlearts companies use the results of this survey to help them develop products and services to meet the needs of their customers.


Your answers are anonymous, and you don't have to submit any personally identifying information. The survey has 5 different sections:

  • First Needlearts Activities
  • Current Needlearts Activities
  • Needlearts Projects
  • Needlearts Shopping Experiences
  • About You

I just spent about 5 minutes answering the questions for the survey. I hope a lot of you will fill out the survey. Let's let them hear from all the crocheters out there!!! :)



I just finished mine, and at the end where they said you could enter comments. I brought up the issue of copyright theft and how I wish the needleart industry would do more to combat it like the music and movie companies do. (I've been doing battle with a thieving Yahoo Group for a few days and the issue has been on my mind for awhile)

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Did mine, found it interesting and brought back memories of learing to sew with my Grandma. I even had a little Singer Sewing machine that I either had to hand crank or ran on batteries! LOL!!

ErinLindsey has a good point about the copyright theft.

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I did one too. I liked the question at the bottom for our comments. I sure hope they understand all us crocheters!



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