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Crochet pride

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I work at a senior center. A few months ago, I started a crochet club. One of the ladies who joined just turned 81. She had never crocheted in her life and did not know anyone who could teach her. I had picked out a simple pattern that was all sc. She has had some ups and downs and plenty of frogs with it. Today she brought it in to show me. She finished!! :clap She was so proud of herself as was I. :hug It really made me feel good that I was able to open her world up to crochet and that she is enjoying it so much. Now I need to find her another pattern :hook . I just wanted to share this here 'cause my DH sure doesn't get it but I know that ya'll will. :yes

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That is wonderful! You have opened a whole new world for her. Both of you should be extremely proud of yourselves...that lady for accomplishing something she has never done before, and you for teaching her something new that she seems to enjoy.


Congratulations to both of you!! :clap

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Good for you (and her)!


Perhaps if you can teach her to double crochet, then you could move on to granny squares. She could make enough of them to make into a blanket for herself, yet it wouldn't be one large (overwhelming) project, but a bunch of little projects joined together.

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GREAT JOB!:woo:jumpyay And what a WONDERFUL idea! :idea I too would love to see pics of her work! What pattern did you use?

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Bless your heart for doing this! So often the elderly are forgotten, and I am SURE that this brought such a sense of pride and accomplishment to this sweet lady. It was really a wonderful thing for you to do!



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