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Spring Time Mystery CAL for Beg. Threadies


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Day 5


R16 *into front loops only* ch4 (counts as dc, ch1) dc in same st. *"V", ch1 into every st* around. slst to join. (so you will have dc, ch1, dc, ch1 in each st around) equals 60 "V" sts and 60 extra ch1 sps (inbetween the "V" sts) (120 total ch1 sps) end off


R17 with contrast color, slst into next ch1 sp, ch4, *sc, ch3, into next ch1 sp around* slst to join and end off. Weave in ends. equals 120 ch, ch3 loops.



Go back to R4 of project (Remember R5 went into the back loops, leaving the front loops exposed) With main color, into those front loops, join thread to any sp, (these loops should be on the outside, easily accessable to you)


ch4, ( counts as dc, ch1) *dc, ch1 into each st around*. equals 60dc and 60 ch1 sps. If you are using a contrast color, end off first color, and attach new color in any ch1 sp (or if using 1 color, do not end off).


slst into next/any ch1 sp, ch4, *sc, ch3 into next ch1 sp around*. equals 60 ch3 loops end off. weave in ends.


Attach Contrasting color in the back loops of R16, sc in each st around, fairly tightly. equals 60 sc. This just helps keep the top in shape.



With mail color, chain 46, skip first 2chs, hdc in each ch across. end off


Attach contrasting color in any hdc, ch1, *sc, ch3, skip 1 ch sp* repeat all the way around, with 2, ch3 loops on each end of the handle.end off and weave in ends.


Now prepare your surface, cover with plastic wrap or wax paper, or plastic grocery bag, so your project will not stick to anything. Dip your project into the starch and saturate it, Gently squeeze out the excess, Do not wring b/c it will mis-shape it. Fit onto can and turn can upside down, Gently with your fingers pull the ruffles up and down, so they go into an up, down pattern. Makes a really lacy/frilly ruffle. Do this for the top and the bottom, Every few hours flip over the can so the bottom will dry too. Make sure when you go to bed the can is sitting up right with the opening on top, so it will dry correctly. Do Not remove from can till it is completely dry all over. Depending on your climate, it may dry over night, in some climates it may take 24 hours. A warm, dry place or a gentle breeze/fan will also help it to dry.


For the handle, also dip and squeeze out the excess, lay it flat and make sure it is straight, with no curves in it. After it is completely dry, you can gently bend, not crease, and sew, hot glue, or wire it on. It is mostly for looks, the handle is delicate, the starch will loosen over time if it is moved alot. If you want it to be able to "use" it, you can weave in a thin gauge wire on the underside of it (so it doesn't show and before you dip it in the starch.) 1 at the top and 1 at the bottom (length wise), and it will be more durable. So, how do you like your __________? I just love it! My husband's mother used to make things like this, and even hats too and back then they starched them with sugar water...I would NOT recommend this. Praise the Lord for this idea! With Spring, and Easter here, it is so reminiscent of the things my MIL used to make. She stopped crocheting long before I met her, and after she passed, her things went to the family. But I still remember how special they were.

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do you think we could take out an ad that are at the beginning of the threads and sell can pants?



:lol :lol :yes :yes Yes! haha!! We should even get a trade mark on the phrase "Can Pants"! hahahahaha :D


I'll post a photo in a bit of the can with how the piece looks while it is starching.


The can needs to be covered in a plastic warp too (or plastic grocerie bag), just to protect your piece.

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OooOOOOoooo I can't wait to get home and do today's rows. I may just have to make a second one for my niece (we'll see how the startching goes with this one...)

thanks for clarifying that the unworked loops should be on the outside. I have them on the inside (as that is the way it worked up) and I'm never sure if things like this I'm making right side out or inside out. Now I know. (That and being a lefty I'm not sure of much some days....)

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Yay!! Glad you like it Addey! They will be perfect for little girls! (I have 2 boys! ) If I could only find the time! I wanted to make enough for my sunday school class. We shall see.


Here is what it looks like upside down, and right side up. The ruffles will move around till it starts to stiffen up, just go back after a couple of hours and flip it over and try to keep your ruffles in the same position, you'll have to play with them a bit. These pictures are of my first one, and you can see, it was still very wet so the ruffles didn't have that perfectly rounded out shape yet, but it does now! :) Just make sure, when you go to bed or are going to leave it in the same position for more than a couple of hours, to have it right side up, so the bottom ruffle will sit flat. (clickable, sorry it is blurry, I had the flash on it)




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Oh yeah, you add the handle after it is all the way dry. I hot glued my first one on, I'm trying to get my second one done, so I can starch it here shortly. Mine will be tomorrow afternoon, I'll have to put a fan blowing on it to get it to dry faster. We have a more humid climate here.

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Ooh, sarah, this is so neat! I love it. I love the ruffles. I've not done ruffles before. It amazes the way going into different stitches makes for different shape....


Thanks so much for doing this!!!!!

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You're welcome! I just could not contain my self, I wanted it to be over so soon, so you all could see what it is! A Frilly Easter Basket! It looks old fashioned, doesn't it? With all the colors everyone is using, we could give Peter Cotton Tail a run for his money! hahaha... I love Easter, and spring is my favorite season. AFter Nanacarr asked about this, I first thought it is going to be a week or 2 before I can come up with something, then as soon as I replied to her pm, There was this sweet little devine thought! (Thank You Jesus!) I love it, and it is so neat and different to work with the starch. My grandmother, used to have these doilies, (I'm told) in the 50's and early 60's before they're house burnt, and she used to starch them and use her thumb and first fingers to pull the ruffles up and down. It was the flat doilies that have this amazingly huge ruffle around the edge. I have seen patterns like this, but I have yet to make one.

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Wendy, your camera sure does take a clear pic! And your plastic pants look very nice! Very, Very Nice!


(old person talkin'...) Of course, yours won't hold water but it takes me back to the days before Pampers, etc., when my babies had to wear cloth diapers and "rubber pants" or "plastic pants"! :grandma :grandma :grandma





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Sarah, did you say to use the starch at full strength or to dilute it. If you did, I read too fast and missed it. Thank You, Sweetie!


The little Easter baskets are just beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing this with us and teaching it to us. You're one terrific lady! Praise the Lord and give Him the glory!

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My timing is all off. When I'm signed in, everybody else is signed off...probably at work or rearing kids or something like that. Nothing like being retired! Except I'm all alone! boo hoo!

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hahaha! They had pampers when I was a baby, but I still had to wear wash rags! My skin was to sensitive... You are too funny Jeannie!


Yes, use it at full strength. It needs to be to make it really stiff, so it will hold it's shape. I don't think my little light is on, it's red. I never pay attention to it anyway. I'm finishing up the loops on the ruffle edge, so I can starch it in a few minutes. I'll be back on later. ;)

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Hey! Are you feeling better today? And the boys?


For your light, I see a thin blue circle w/white in the middle and mine is green in the middle. (I know it's right 'cause Robert told me so! Ha!)


So for the starch, you just need to put enough in a bowl to saturate the basket. Can you pour the excess back into the bottle? I'm thrifty!


I had an idea on the basket that you could also continue in the pattern, making it taller and using it as a very pretty flower vase. Whaddya think?

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oooOOOOoooo flower vase.....

I was also thinking a votive candle holder cozy......

I may just have to play around with this and see what I can't come up with for my niece. She'd think this is adorable! (I've got to finish the bunny I started making her months ago, I just have to assemble the silly thing....)

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oooOOOOoooo flower vase.....

I was also thinking a votive candle holder cozy......

I may just have to play around with this and see what I can't come up with for my niece. She'd think this is adorable! (I've got to finish the bunny I started making her months ago, I just have to assemble the silly thing....)

Hi Addey! These things work okay for candles? I'd be afraid of fire!


Yeah, these little baskets are precious! Make pretty decorations during the Easter season. My granddaughter probably wouldn't go for this...too little girlish for her so I think it would be wasted on her! She's 10 going on 20 or 30! She scares me so I pray, pray, pray for her all the time.


I know about that assembly! Quite a few of my UFOs only need assembly work!

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Hi Addey! These things work okay for candles? I'd be afraid of fire!


Yeah, these little baskets are precious! Make pretty decorations during the Easter season. My granddaughter probably wouldn't go for this...too little girlish for her so I think it would be wasted on her! She's 10 going on 20 or 30! She scares me so I pray, pray, pray for her all the time.


I know about that assembly! Quite a few of my UFOs only need assembly work!


My niece turns 6 in April. Some days I think she's going on 20 or 30..... She'll squeal with delight as it is cute and it was made for her. But, knowing her, she'd probably squash it to bits in no time flat trying to shove every bear or whatever that she owns into is. :lol Maybe I'll make hers smaller (shorter) and not bother with the starch..... It seemed to stand up fine on its own a few rows back.....

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I just found an empty large bottle of hand lotion (very well shaped cylindrically) that needs a pair of pants. And you know, oatmeal boxes need pants, too.


Robert just laughed at me and said that we're the organization who does not believe in naked cans and other cylindrical shaped objects. They may be topless but they're not completely naked!


Organization for Pants on Cans and Other Cylindrical Shaped Objects


Other name suggestions welcome!


So others in the Ville could enjoy some laughs, we could put a link to this thread in our siggy's like I did for the Crinoline Ladies.



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Question again...sorry, I am a beginner! You say: "Go back to R4 of project (Remember R5 went into the back loops, leaving the front loops exposed) With main color, into those front loops, join thread to any sp, (these loops should be on the outside, easily accessable to you)"


Am I joining to R4 or R5? I assumed R5, and when I did this part: "ch4, ( counts as dc, ch1) *dc, ch1 into each st around*. equals 60dc and 60 ch1 sps." I only got 30 dc's and 30 ch1's.


What do you think I am doing wrong? :eek

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Question again...sorry, I am a beginner! You say: "Go back to R4 of project (Remember R5 went into the back loops, leaving the front loops exposed) With main color, into those front loops, join thread to any sp, (these loops should be on the outside, easily accessable to you)"


Am I joining to R4 or R5? I assumed R5, and when I did this part: "ch4, ( counts as dc, ch1) *dc, ch1 into each st around*. equals 60dc and 60 ch1 sps." I only got 30 dc's and 30 ch1's.


What do you think I am doing wrong? :eek


Brenda, don't apologize...we've all been there! I don't know if I helped you before but I hope I can help this time. It sounds like you have it right...I think I have this right when I say that those front loops are left over on R4 from not working in them on R5. Maybe you're skipping every other st? Take a closer look and let us know!



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Brenda, don't apologize...we've all been there! I don't know if I helped you before but I hope I can help this time. It sounds like you have it right...I think I have this right when I say that those front loops are left over on R4 from not working in them on R5. Maybe you're skipping every other st? Take a closer look and let us know!




Loopy, thanks for your help. I think I did skip every other stitch. I ripped the row out and did every st, then I got 64 dc's, but it doesn't look critical to me, so I'm staying with 64 for now. Blessings, :manyheart

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Thanks Jeannie for helping Brenda. Glad you have it better worked out now. It is a pattern that you can do a lot with, make flower vases...:) all sorts of stuff. You can add or subtract sts to make it larger or skinnier. This just had a few different ways to do it than we usually use.


**I would suggest you leave it upside down, with the bottom facing up for the first few hours or so, It is wet and will stretch this way. Giving it a better shape. If it is still really wet when you are ready to go to bed, leave it upside down. It will begin to feel sticky as it dries, this is normal. I did this one with each row a different color, just to show up better. I do have a confession to make...You all saw my first one on the can of Diet Mt. Dew, right???...Well, I to have now joined the "Can Pants" community!....(It stretched, the first one didn't so I went up a can size! It's on corn) :) clickable..




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I am not in this cal but I love following it. Everyone here is so funny.:lol I'm going to go back through and print out the pattern so hopefully I can make one before Easter. What will be the next mystery cal? I might join the next one. :)

Pat A.

P.S. It'll be so much fun if there was a surprise like this one had.:yes

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Praise the Lord and Thank You Island Girl! We are glad you liked it too! :U


I do have an idea for the next one, that will be a little while though. Not sure exactly when. I'll have the pattern tested by more than just me next time! lol :D

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I am not in this cal but I love following it. Everyone here is so funny.:lol I'm going to go back through and print out the pattern so hopefully I can make one before Easter. What will be the next mystery cal? I might join the next one. :)

Pat A.

P.S. It'll be so much fun if there was a surprise like this one had.:yes


Wow, Guam, it must be interesting living on an Island. You may already know, but I just found this out so thought I would share with you. Page 1 shows each days instructions all in one place to print out. Until I discovered this, I was trying to find each page that had each day's instructions on it; which was very cumbersome. Welcome! :blush

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