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2 new bags...= )

Cranky Crocheter

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Thanks to the help to the wonderful people in the Ville' I got these accomplished!!


Adirtyspoon's pattern (Not quite like hers, I tend to wonder off the pattern:think ) ohhh and don't mind the horrible white thread in the lining pic.. I was way too excited to wait for invis thread or one of the same color..lol


This other one was inspired from a lionbrand pattern that was way to small, so I just chained more. I thought myself quite smart when I put a small piece of cardboard on the bottom of the bag under the lining to make it more stable, more substantial looking and better to hold your stuff..








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Kudos and congrats. Have you ever tried plastic for the bottom instead of cardboard? Doesn't the cardboard "crack" when you throw the bag down on the car seat?


NOW YOU TELL ME!!!! hahahah I did think about it but I did not have any handy.. my friend uses the flexible cutting boards for the lining, its easy to cut. But... It was late and I guess I was in a rush to finish it! I hope to only use it for nights out considering it is small so I hope it does not crack with only my $$ and phone in it... I hope.. = )



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