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Christmas CAL... anyone interested???


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I think I'm going to join this CAL. I'm making an afghan for my sister. I haven't even STARTED the afghan...heck, I haven't even bought the yarn. LOL


I also want to start making a bunch of snowflakes to give for gifts to co-workers this Christmas. I'd also like to make some for my own Christmas tree.


Once I get started on my sister's afghan, I'll post some updates.

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OK, I'm in too ... After the frenzy of crocheting and knitting I managed to live through last year (partly b/c we got a new puppy the first of Nov which ate up a lot of my time), I decided I was going to start in Jan this year. Does planning count? LOL The end of last week I got a bit anxious b/c it was almost April and I didn't have anything done yet, so I started a stocking. I've done 2 so far, but they aren't decorated yet. (I'm making or buying some kind of embellishment to put on them along with the name.) I've started my list and am going to make most of my family stockings this year (on my side). I've also got lots of ideas for bath/dish cloths, felted oven mitts/pot holders, scarves/hats, etc. I think I need to sit down and try to plan so many things for each month instead of just winging it. Birthdays get in my way though. I'm making my DD a felted purse for her birthday this month. I've already started on a shawl for my SIL who's birthday is May 1. Plus all the things I want to do for myself and my other DD ... I'll try to post pics of my stockings tomorrow (check-in day)!

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Good Morning Everyone! Just checking in. I didn't get much time to do and crocheting this week. I am busy getting ready for the bake sale we're having for the American Cancer Association tomorrow. I will be taking my crocheting along in case there are any slow times. :hook I hope to check back on Saturday and see who posted pictures for picture Friday.


Have a great day!

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I finally got my first Christmas afghan started. I am working on a round ripple. I haven't decided who it is for yet, though. I have 2 people that would like it, so I have to decide who will get it. I don't want to make 2 of the exact thing, so I may switch up the color scheme a bit and give each one one of them. I have time to decide.

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You must crochet very quickly. I spend as much time as possible and still have not gotten done as much as you!!!!!!:lol

Soon as I get the pic of the one I am working on now uploaded into Photobucket I will get the link for it posted here. I had hoped to be further along with it by today, but, getting there. I believe that it will be done by this time next week and I will be onto another afghan.

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I would like to join this CAL as I already have a homespun ripple afghan to do as a christmas gift. I have all the yarns ready but no time to do it yet. LOL. I will jump along on the wagon by June as I have other projects to complete. I will keep an eye on this thread.

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Happy Good Friday, for anyone who celebrates... I guess I don't really count, I just know the days because I work at the chapel on campus:blush This whole week gets eaten up by all the setups and break downs and chair arangements... OH well, I get to see the kids do their cute easter play tonight.!


Just checking in, can't wait to see how everyone is doing, I'll post my pictures this afternoon, my grad student called and is not feeling well, sad for her, but for me it means and extra 7 hours of crochet time:devil :devil :devil



Hope to see all your pictures!!

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Count me in too. I have my list and ordered yarn for one afghan today. Tomorrow I will go through my stash and see what yarn I can use up (my theme is mittens and afghans so I should be able to use some yarn from my stash).



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I am totally in on this one. I haven't decided exactly what I'm doing, but I know I'll be doing a lot of crochet. So, count me in!!

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Diane that is amazing. :clap:cheer


He will really love that. How did you do the pattern.


I bought the pattern from a gal on Ebay who makes them!! I will put the link here for her ebay store. I have gotten quite a few from her and this is the first one I have done. I am going to have to add some to the top though. I think it is going to end up wider then longer.



eBay Store - Crochet-Patterns-and-more: CARTOON CHARACTERS, NASCAR, NFL

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I'm a day late on posting a picture. My camera battery was dead! This is an 8 point wavy ripple that I found at www.mikknits.blogspot.com Had to start over a couple times because I can't get it to lay flat. This is for my dad for Christmas. He is a big WVU fan, so it is in their school colors.


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WOW! Everyone's projects look fantastic so far! I can't believe how much you have gotten done and how little I have gotten done over the last week. I have been so busy with the Cancer Society's Relay for Life though.


Or team made over $140 at our bake sale last Friday and this Friday is our Relay. It starts at 4 pm and goes through Saturday 4 pm. Since I am our team's captain, I have alot to do until then, but I am going to take some crocheting along in case there is some down time at the relay. I just hope the weather cooperates because we go rain or shine. I promise I will be more productive once the relay is over and will be checking in more often.

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Everyone's projects look great! I have been SOOO stressed and unable to work on any of my Xmas goodies, but I'll have some R&R time this weekend and next week to get some stuff done. Friday updates are great, because I love looking at what all of you are working on!!

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Wow, I definitely need to join this one!


Not only do I have Christmas, but I want to make stuff for my family's birthdays that are all coming up. I'm in the planning stage right now, trying to decide what to do for everyone, but so far I have:


Black afghan for my youngest brother's birthday

Messenger Bag for my sister's birthday

Giant Granny Square afghan for my mom for Christmas


I'm going to merge all my gift crafting into one list for this CAL, just to make it easier for me. Now, to finish my belly bean's afghan so I can get on to the gifts!

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