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Really bummed....

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Back in December I had seen a sign in my local Michael's advertising for a crochet instructor. So I talked with the manager about it and went through the application process. As part of their process, you have to take this Orion test which asks you questions about stealing, and doing drugs, and your customer services skills. For each question you answer whether you agree or disagree according to a 10 point scale. I have taken tests like this before and always answer truthfully, but usually stay in the middle of the scale, not being too extreme (i.e. totally agree or totally disagree). However, for some reason, this test wants you to be on one extreme or the other, because I failed it and the manager told me that I should stay away from the middle when I re-take it.


Originally she had said that you can re-take the test and re-apply every 30 days, so I went in and took the test again at the end of January. But I just got a phone call from her saying that she was mistaken and you actually have to wait 6 months before you can take it again!!!! :eek


The part that really makes me angry is that I was just going to be working as an instructor, not handling money or anything like that, and all because of some stupid test, now I have to wait 6 months before I can talk to them about teaching again. I was really looking forward to teaching the class and now it's not going to happen :angry


Ok, thanks for reading my rant. Now I have to get back to my regular work.

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Paulette - exactly my point. I asked her why they can't make an exception since I'm just going to be an instructor, but apparently this is a mandate from corporate or somewhere higher than the store, that all employees have to go through the process. :think

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ohmygosh, I took this test just two days ago! I applied two months ago for the crochet instructor, and they just now gave me that test. I was told before I even started the test to answer all 1s or 10s. Now seriously, if they want honesty than why can't I answer it how I feel, not how they tell me to answer it. I also thought some of the questions wording was misleading. Like one I can remember had something to do with being late to your last job, but that's all behind you now. So do I strongly disagree that I was late to work in my last job, or do I strongly agree that it's all behind me? I haven't heard anything back yet as to whether or not I passed or not, and now I'm worried.

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that does suck, but my initial thought is that maybe they are thinking that if you lie somewhere in the middle that maybe that person would steal or something like that. It seems like a goofy rule, but if you are considered as an employee regardless of whether or not you handle money, you will still be around merchandise and could be working with people who do handle money and could possibly steal. That is just my thought.

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Hmmm....so do they also require a security clearance and a back ground check too?


I have to agree with the others, this is pretty unfair, and too many gray areas on the test. Personally, I don't think I'd want to work for a company like that, but that's me. If you want to teach that bad, do what I did. Make up some business cards and give them out. Ask the craft stores if you can post them on the bulletin board, or take out an add in your local paper. You can still teach without having to be affliated with some big company, and doing it on your own means YOU make the rules.

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That is unreal. One of the many reasons I stay away from that store as much as possible. But I agree, advertise yourself, do it yourself. I am going to start doing that very thing at my local library, where I am an employee, but they would let me do it nonetheless, because it is good to get people in there for count in the end of the year reports for funding and such. Why dont' you check into your libraries and see if they would be interested in letting you hold small classes there? All of ours around here let it happen! Michelle

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I agree I do not thank you should have to be question that way on a test .And I would not want to work for a company like that.

Good luck with what ever you decide to do:hook

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i understand where you are coming from I took one of those tests and was totally honest I was denied the job because I was "too good to be True" i cried, of course I was only 19. But I had been raised in catholic schools and never weven thought about stealing and never even knew what drugs were until high school health class. So i understand your pain have a big :hug and don't worry it is their loss after all.

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I guess I must be way out in left field because I honestly do not think there is anything wrong with giving the test or doing a background check. While we are all honest people, not all people are that way and a company has to have some idea of who they are hiring. You are getting paid to do a service in their store and they need to know who you are.


I hate it that you were honest and denied the opportunity to teach their, but try again in 6 months or advertise yourself.

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I guess I must be way out in left field because I honestly do not think there is anything wrong with giving the test or doing a background check.
I think background checks are a necessity and employment tests are just fine. THIS test, however, sounds really hinky to me. If the manager administering the test has to tip you off to how skewed it is, you know there's a problem with the test.


Personally, I'd feel better off not working there. Hiring processes speak volumes about a company. :)

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I agree with Crochetgoddess in that there needs to be something like this, but if they want the concrete, 'extreme' answers (1s or 10s) then why don't they just do true/false questions? none of this 'on a scale of 1 to 10' business, ya know? another case of corporate stupidity....

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The testing rule is frustrating; however, in today's bizarre workplace, testing is considered imperative, if only that they are covered if you turn out to

be violent or a thief...."they tested you and you lied"....and it's likely that

they can't discriminate when hiring and must give all employees a similar test.

Also, if you are hired as an instructor, you may later apply to be a manager. Sad but the current climate in the corporate world motivates behavior that frequently seems irrational! :eek

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I can relate. I took one of those types of test, oh many years ago and I failed because I was too honest of a person. I think that the companies that rely on those types of test aren't worth working for. If they can't take the time to have qualified person to evaluate you for the job...

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It stinks, but I do know why they want you to be an extreme. My boyfriend wrote one of these and they want you to be strong and convinced of your own answers. Also, don't also be 'honest' particularly on the misleading ones. Just try to stick with the things that you had said before. You are an outgoing friendly patient person who doesn't get angry. Then you get hired. It's stupid, but the test is stupid and pointless anyway.

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I completely agree that companies need to have these safeguards in place when they're hiring someone. But it just seems that this one was a little out there. And I guess more than anything I'm disappointed because I had my hopes up that I was only going to be a month behind, when it was really a full 6 months that I have to wait.


Thanks for everyone's advice about starting my own classes and checking with the local libraries. I might look into this. :)

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Paulette - exactly my point. I asked her why they can't make an exception since I'm just going to be an instructor, but apparently this is a mandate from corporate or somewhere higher than the store, that all employees have to go through the process. :think



Just remember, if it makes sense, it's not allowed.

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Okay, here is MY take on this, and remember its only MY opinion, okay, so you fail it the first time, or better yet, just don't answer to their satisfaction, SO you CAN retake the test after a period of time, but then when you retake it, you are to LIE about your answers, hummmmmmmmm, what doesn't seem right here?

Goofy, I am sorry , and I am sure you will be a fine teacher!!!! :hug

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Dear Tiffany,

I want to share the disappointment with you.

In those kind of test you're not suppose to answer really what you fill, but rather what they want to "hear", so each time you're going to take another test like that, you have to find out what they expect you to answer.

And I hope that you'll go over it in short time, and understand that this is their loss and not yours.....

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I don't mind background checks and have had jobs that required being fingerprinted, which is fine. But to base employment on some subjective psychological test is ridiculous. The "powers that be" are so busy trying to turn us all into clones of each other that they are killing creativity and initialtive.

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Ok I've taken the test........and I passed. In fact I ended up handling money and closing.


I didn't see questions on that test that were weird. I had to re-read a few to see the wording again but they weren't what I call "tricky". They did require you to to take a stand on drugs and stealing and it had to be consistent. They also did some info seeking on your work habits and how you valued a job.


I've had company employee satisfaction surveys that were "trickier".


And as to why a teacher needs to take this test.......well they have access to all the employee areas and could steal just like anyone else so I understand why they have to pass the test.

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