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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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1- What is your middle name ? Marie


2- Were you named after anyone ? Both my mom and dad (dad is LeRoy and mom was Lana, but she changed her name to Alannah) and my aunt for my middle name...


3-What were your high school team colors,and team name ? Blue and Gold and our mascot name was the Maruaders but the logo (at least at that time) was an Native American totum pole carving of a killer whale.


4-Were you in any activities in high school ( such as sports, band,etc )? not really...I did go to the games, I was in Future Teachers of America (but I never sort teaching as a career.) Oh wait, I was also in Juinor Achievement...


5-Favorite subject in school ? Humanities, photography, french, home ec (I didn't really learn a whole lot in the cooking part of home ec, but I will say that I did learn how to put a basic casserole together; I did learn that I could sew...home ec kind of sparked an interest, and I did like it, but only when I was doing something with my hands...like sewing, crocheting, knitting and so on...) and art.


6-What was your favorite board or card game as a kid ? Monopoly and 221 B Baker Street and Clue


7-Favorite color ? Blue


8-Favorite food ? Fried Chicken and mashed potatoes


9-Have you met anyone famous ? Justin Bateman (got his autograph) Willie Brown, (Former Speaker of the California Assembly, Former Mayor of San Francisco and occasional cameo actor on the occasional tv show show.)


10- How many states have you been to ? California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Texas, Georgia, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Indiana, Illinois...okay...half of them.


11- How many times have you moved in your life ? too many...several times just between California and Washington alone...and then of course was the move to and from Germany...not to mention moving several times within California, Washington and 3 times in Germany...don't ever want to move again.


12- What place would you choose to visit if you could go anywhere ? Australia


13-If you are or were married,what were your wedding colors ,and if you could change anything about your wedding,what would it be ? Well...officially the wedding colors were dusty rose and burgandy...however, the bride wore gold, the groom was in his dress blues...the Best Person, our neighbor Nancy wore green and the Matron of Honor wore blue...my mom and sisters wore burgandy (my mom and I went 20 rounds on whether or not she could wear all black..."Because it's chic..." she said, and I said, "Mom, you are the mother of the bride, and don't you think that you wearing black would send the wrong message to Hub-E's parents (who are in their 80's...)" I said...Hub-E said, "She can wear black if she's going to a funeral..." She wore a Burgandy top and a black skirt, and she looked wonderful as she always does. I didn't have a problem with the black shirt, I just didn't want her in all black.) I don't think I'd change a thing...this wedding pretty much went off without a hitch really...it was wonderful and magical. Now if you were to ask about my first wedding...it was beautiful, pretty much the same color scheme (dusty rose and burgandy, which seems to be a bit of tradition with my sisters and I) but my late mother in law and my ex were in far more control of that wedding than I was comfortable with. My mother wasn't hardly involved at all, and I kept getting shot down as to what I wanted for the wedding. But it was beautiful. So with that in mind, when it came time to plan the wedding with Hub-E, I made the dress, I made the invites, I made the programs, I made all kinds of things, bought things from Europe (because I was living there) and shipped to Sacramento where we got married, and it helped that Hub-E totally had my back and then 9/11 happened 6 weeks before we got married, and I have to say that that put EVERYTHING into perspective for everyone...


14-What color is your car ? House ? my car, silver, Hub-E's car, burgandy, truck, white, house, dark brown and white trim.


15- If you could go back to one day in your childhood and do it over,what day would you choose and why ? This is a bad day today to try and imagine going back to my childhood...I'll start crying...


16- What famous person would you like to meet,and what one question would you have for them? (This person can be alive or deceased) Freddy Mercury from Queen...question, what inspired you to write Bohemian Rhapsody...and while we're at it, what was you're inspiration for "Death on Two Legs..." (that last song is brutal...great, but brutal...)


17-What tv show was your favorite as a small child ? Wonderful World of Disney


18 -What is one current invention that you think was a bad idea ? Reality-based tv.


19 -Do you believe in ghosts ? not sure...


20 - Favorite candy ? Junior Mints


21 - A talent you would LOVE to have ? playing a musical instrument by ear.


22- The prettiest state you have ever seen ? Vermont...seriously...the western parts of Oregon and Washington are pretty, and parts of California are pretty...but what I saw of Vermont darn near put them to shame...the greenest state ever. Not "green" as in recycling "green", but "green" like Ireland is green...


23-Would you consider yourself adventurous ,for example,would you like to climb a mountain,or bunjee jump ,or skydive ? Not even...I'm a risk taker, but not that kind of risk taker.


24-If you had enough money to buy ANYTHING ,what one BIG item would you buy first ?

top of the line Viking sewing machine.


25 - What goal would you like to achieve if you can reach the age of 100 ? Two things, one, get this one book I wrote published and two get a business off the ground and be financially viable...but let me add this: If I were to die tomorrow, I don't have many regrets...mainly because my ex pointed out to me that I'm now married to a man who loves me and that I love very much and that was a big goal for me back before I met Hub-E. Everything else is really just icing on the cake.

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Soooooo I have noticed a few of you have answered that you would like to play some musical instrument by ear...............THAT"S ME!!! i actually learned how to play the piano when I was in Kindergarten by Suzuki method which is by ear. I've played for years, if I like a song sometimes I will sit back and mess around and try to pick it out. Im not a pro but it definitely helped sharpen my hearing up!

I also sing a little bit, I've been told by many music teachers that I can harmonize something serious! How I do it, I have no idea.......I blame it on the years of key chords, etc. in Piano! lol

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I can sing by ear okay, but playing any kind of instrument by ear, I can't do...odd though, 'cause I can sure tell when someone else is playing and they are off...I have an aunt who could play just about anything by ear...although the banjo was difficult for her.

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****BAD BAD BADDDDDD, BAAAAAAD DAY HERE AT "MY PARADISE"!!!!*****Can I just tell you I HATE ignorant people and I don't have a problem letting them know that!!! and....I have to bite my tongue so as to keep my job!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say......I only have the back half of my tongue..............

:hug :hug :hug Hope things improve this afternoon.

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Hi Ladies. DD and Luke just left - her 4 month old washing machine went out and they can't come to fix it until Monday! So she brought laundry, we had lunch and played with Luke. I'll do a couple more loads and take it when we go to babysit on Saturday. Have I told you what a cutie he is? :lol


Kiyo ~ Sorry you're having a bad day at work. :hug


It's sunny, no wind but still very cold. The weekend is supposed to be near 70! Time to start chopping things for the soup.

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Howdy Jude --

good to hear you made it home from the grocery ! Did you get CAKE ?






I know what you mean about childhood . Not an easy thing for me as of late myself . I think I am doing better,but spent many a day driving over to our street I grew up on and just sitting in my car ,remembering and thinking ...... it makes you feel mighty stupid to go for the majority of your life and not NOTICE how warped things really were . ( Not YOU ... me )

Anyhow, I am surprised no one on the street has called the cops because they have this car sitting out in the road ,just parked .... I think most of the people are probably working during the daytime so dont even know ... but I have kinda learned to take everything and run it through a Mental Sifter . I think of the GOOD times ,and FUN stuff ,which mostly took place outside of the house ,and try to put all of them into a sack I carry around .

The other stuff, I am trying to pack in a box and seal it shut and push it way back in the attic someplace .Maybe someday I will be strong enough to pull it out ,open it up,and look at things in a different way,when I have the power to do it . Not now .



Now on to the song -- Sam loves the Queen song -- I always ask him what the heck the guy is talking about -- is it the one when he tells his mom he just killed a man ?


Sam says he was zoned out on so many drugs at the time that he probably wouldnt even be able to explain it if he were still here . ( The SINGER,not Sam )


Sam is so strait-laced, he makes an Amish -man look like a party animal .


And focus on the good when you have these down times . I know it is REALLY hard ,believe me, I know . There is a LOT more bad in my life than anyone here knows ,so it is a struggle sometimes between swimming or drowning . I focus on the few things that are truly good ,and hang on for dear life .

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You sound like my husband lately . He has worked the same place for 35 years this year,and getting W A Y beyond burnt out . He has especially been having trouble with a few people down there lately ,so you and him probably have matching tongues . He's the type who won't directly confront the person, he comes home and tells me about it .


I have offered to go down and kick a few BUNS, but so far he has not accepted my offer . I'm the mouthy one here ... he is a man of few words.

He'd say its because I never shut my mouth ,but there are times when I stop to BREATHE,and he doesnt jump in,so I guess he doesnt have much to say .

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************AHHHHHHHHHH**************HHHHHHHHHHHHH*******HHHHHH**** I just wish people understood not to challenge me in certain situations. I am that confident in some situations. Reality and reality are Reality...........come on!!!! i am the claims manager here and OMGoodness......... some of these people are lucky I don't poke them in the eye! WHen multiple trucks haul these certain items (pies) and the SAME pies tip over time and time and time and time again.........would you think something needed to change??? or.....just keep packing and stacking and wrapping them the same??? Hmmmm......and then.....they want to throw this one on us----60 cases----I DON'T QUITE THINK SO!!! Thank you for the thoughts but nope, not interested! AND......I have pictures to prove it.........NOW WHAT????? KEEEEEEP CHALLENGING ME EH???

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Hi, Kiyo:hug:hug:hug

Hi Ladies. DD and Luke just left - her 4 month old washing machine went out and they can't come to fix it until Monday! So she brought laundry, we had lunch and played with Luke. I'll do a couple more loads and take it when we go to babysit on Saturday. Have I told you what a cutie he is? :lol

Are you sure you didn't sabotage the washer so they would come over?:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

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Hello there housemates!:hug


Marisa- I think you are the only other person who wasn't given a middle name! You are the first person I know beside me who doesn't have one.- I feel better knowing I'm not the only one!!:lol


Linda- That fabric is gorgeous!!!:manyheart All of it!!! Is Rosie going to come with you when you go to pick out the coordinating fabric? It's going to be so much fun to watch the quilt in progress!!! I'm sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that it will be beautiful!


Dusti- Hope the girls had fun at the friends house after school!!! And that you got done what you needed to get done for your trip!! You all must be beyond excited to be heading to the warmth of Hawaii!!! I give you credit living that far outside of town. I'm actually thinking I'd love to live in a city- with all the hustle bustle and excitement- that would be cool to have an apt in a city that I could go to when I need that and then come home. Probably should have put that on the questionnaire.


Lorraine- I think that Cindy is a big Nascar fan- so you'll have company there. I don't follow Nascar, even though I'm a big sports fan- I like baseball (NY Yankees), Football (NY Giants) and hockey (NJ Devils). Also like basketball, but like college more than pro- and love March Madness!!!


Cheeria- I've been thinking about you also- and hoping that you are ok:hug after that fall.


Marlene- I was glad to read that your doc has called and that your strength has improved so they could up the traction. It sounds like maybe you were going a little overboard because you were feeling so good. And WTG for beating the men at cards!!!:clap Way to represent women:clap:lol


Mary- Wow- 4 mos and the washer broke down already? They sure don't make things like they used to! But it was a nice excuse for DD to come over and for you to get some time with Luke!!!


Kiyo-- You sound like me with the patience level and stupidity! I have none- zero-, nada-----hope your day is improving!!!


Julie- Sorry to hear about the asthma and the yarn. It seems so wierd that for years you could crochet without a problem and now the yarn causes you to have asthma attacks! Wonder what it is in the yarn that is causing it? Very perplexing:think


Judy- Looking forward to Saturday!!!




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1- What is your middle name ? Marie

2- Were you named after anyone ? Yep, Tabitha on Bewitched & no I cannot wiggle my nose to get what I want....I WISH!

3-What were your high school team colors,and team name ? blue/white Riders


4-Were you in any activities in high school ( such as sports, band,etc )? no, I did join in after school activites, but they had nothing to do with school :devil


5-Favorite subject in school ? Art :artist


6-What was your favorite board or card game as a kid ? clue, still play it with my kiddos :yes


7-Favorite color ? baby blue


8-Favorite food ? chinese food & chocolate cake :takeout:fortune:cchip

9-Have you met anyone famous ? yeah, my husband becuase he's famous to me :manyheart


10- How many states have you been to ? 4 & tons more traveling through on a bus & train


11- How many times have you moved in your life ? too many

12- What place would you choose to visit if you could go anywhere ? Hawaii :sun


13-If you are or were married,what were your wedding colors ,and if you could change anything about your wedding,what would it be ? UGH! purple suit & peach gown....ICK....I was 16 and we had to borrow what we could get. If I could do it again I would wear white with lilacs and he would wear a tux. We will remarry at Ooms,which is up on a hill with a view of a pond, mountains, and beautiful conservation land. :heart


14-What color is your car ? silver House ? tan apartment

15- If you could go back to one day in your childhood and do it over,what day would you choose and why ? the day I was conceived....I would've chosen a different womb & uh yeah you know.....LOL I love em BUT.... :rofl


16- What famous person would you like to meet,and what one question would you have for them? (This person can be alive or deceased) Tim McGraw & will you marry me? :drool

17-What tv show was your favorite as a small child ? Captain Kangaroo :kangaroo


18 -What is one current invention that you think was a bad idea ? not sure :think I have a ton that have bad qualities, but I could not be without


19 -Do you believe in ghosts ? no


20 - Favorite candy ? Reeses PB cups


21 - A talent you would LOVE to have ? playing the piano or violin

22- The prettiest state you have ever seen ? haven't been there yet


23-Would you consider yourself adventurous ,for example,would you like to climb a mountain,or bunjee jump ,or skydive ? i'de climb a mountain or skydive


24-If you had enough money to buy ANYTHING ,what one BIG item would you buy first ? House


25 - What goal would you like to achieve if you can reach the age of 100 ? hmmm.....to lay on the beaches of Hawaii nude because at that age I'll deserve to let everything hang out. :yes


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Hello all! I started another baby blanket with the same yarn....yes I am still trying to use it all. :lol


Sorry I never put pics up but I forgot to take a pic & gave the one to my sons teacher because she had a girl a couple days ago.


Gotta go finish dinner.....bye. :manyheart

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Good answers, Miss Dusti !!!


And I would be the last person on earth to complain if you like to gab ! My kind of person .

It sounds like you are getting very excited for your trip,and bet you will enjoy getting out of the rotten weather for awhile .


I love the name of your school team, the HillToppers . Now that is a new one .. was your school ON a big hill or mountain ? Just wondering how they chose the name .


Drop back in when you can. I know things are super busy for you now ,so get all your things in order first .

Oh, I know you would never boot me out for gabbing, I just do more than my share, on occasion :blush As for our school's mascot, it was the darndest thing to draw, when we needed to decorate the lockers for the athletes, let me tell you. DH and I grew up in Duluth, MN. It is the city on the western tippy-point of Lake Superior. There is a downtown area along the lakeshore, but to get to it, there is a picturesque hillside over which everyone has to drive, whether approaching the city from the north, south or west. It's beautiful :yes Anyway, our high school was built into the hillside and looked out over Lake Superior, and I presume that is from where the nickname was derived. Not real jazzy of a name, that's for sure.



****BAD BAD BADDDDDD, BAAAAAAD DAY HERE AT "MY PARADISE"!!!!*****Can I just tell you I HATE ignorant people and I don't have a problem letting them know that!!! and....I have to bite my tongue so as to keep my job!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say......I only have the back half of my tongue..............

Oh, Dear :( Hang in there, Kiyo :hug:hug You only have to work for a couple more hours today, right? I hope you make it through the day, and that your tongue grows back overnight ;) It's good to stick up for yourself/your company, and you just, "Go get 'em!" :box


Hi Ladies. DD and Luke just left - her 4 month old washing machine went out and they can't come to fix it until Monday! So she brought laundry, we had lunch and played with Luke. I'll do a couple more loads and take it when we go to babysit on Saturday. Have I told you what a cutie he is? :lol

Ohhh, I'll just bet he is! How lucky you could spend the afternoon with him and DD :c9 Do you get to babysit all weekend, or just for a little bit? Enjoy, either way.


Are you sure you didn't sabotage the washer so they would come over?:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

Exactly :wink

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Hello everyone. Busy day at work today, and I'm really tired. Probably more of the same tomorrow. Then the weekend off. Still 6 weeks or so before I have to start working weekends.


I logged on when i got home, but got distracted by a dishcloth pattern. I now have a new dishcloth! I posted a picture in the dishcloth CAL thread.


I did read all the posts, but I can't remember half of what I read, so I'll just start from here.


Joanne, its not me that is interested in Nascar, but I do remember someone posting about it. Maybe Tam?


I'm going to go read a book, or maybe work on that square doily for a while. BBL.

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hi again....


Linda, that fabric looks so good in a picture I can't imagine how good it looks in person.:yes


Joanne, I'll be bringing my RR and other baby blankets for show and tell.


And I'm not interested in Nascar.....not sure who is...


Have a great night everybody:hug:manyheart

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Howdy Jude --

good to hear you made it home from the grocery ! Did you get CAKE ?






I know what you mean about childhood . Not an easy thing for me as of late myself . I think I am doing better,but spent many a day driving over to our street I grew up on and just sitting in my car ,remembering and thinking ...... it makes you feel mighty stupid to go for the majority of your life and not NOTICE how warped things really were . ( Not YOU ... me )

Anyhow, I am surprised no one on the street has called the cops because they have this car sitting out in the road ,just parked .... I think most of the people are probably working during the daytime so dont even know ... but I have kinda learned to take everything and run it through a Mental Sifter . I think of the GOOD times ,and FUN stuff ,which mostly took place outside of the house ,and try to put all of them into a sack I carry around .

The other stuff, I am trying to pack in a box and seal it shut and push it way back in the attic someplace .Maybe someday I will be strong enough to pull it out ,open it up,and look at things in a different way,when I have the power to do it . Not now .



Now on to the song -- Sam loves the Queen song -- I always ask him what the heck the guy is talking about -- is it the one when he tells his mom he just killed a man ?


Sam says he was zoned out on so many drugs at the time that he probably wouldnt even be able to explain it if he were still here . ( The SINGER,not Sam )


Sam is so strait-laced, he makes an Amish -man look like a party animal .


And focus on the good when you have these down times . I know it is REALLY hard ,believe me, I know . There is a LOT more bad in my life than anyone here knows ,so it is a struggle sometimes between swimming or drowning . I focus on the few things that are truly good ,and hang on for dear life .



I'd have to do some research on the song, but my take of it has always been that Freddy was basically doing a spoof of opera...and opera stories (as with many stories, opera or otherwise) aren't necessarily squeaking clean. Years ago on Bravo, they use to show this little short film with a narration of how many killings, rapes, incest, etc. were in the operas...(short answer: a lot!) So yeah, there is that line in Bohemian Rhapsody where the guy has said he's killed someone...


I saw Queen twice in concert. Once in 1977 and again in 1981 or 82...loved both shows, but the first one was just unbelievable. Changed my life.


Hugs to you. I couldn't think of any outstanding good childhood memories this morning. Not that there aren't any good memories, there are...I just couldn't think of them this morning.


I've enjoyed reading everyone's answers today.


Just got done watching Planet 51 (where an American astronaut lands on a planet that is home to a 50's style community of "aliens." It was cute...much better than I expected.

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Cindy-= I thought it was you who was the Nascar fan I remember last winter someone posting that they were watching Nascar- kind of like I post about watching the yankees or football!!! I don't think it was Tam--was it Mary???:think I like the dishcloth that you just whipped up after a long day at work!!:applause


Who is the Nascar fan?? Come out, come out whoever you are!:lol:lol


Judy- I can't wait to see the Baby blankets!!!:manyheart


Dusti- It sounds like your high school was located in a very pretty area! Kind of like the unique name of "hilltoppers"- and I can see where it would be hard to decorate for pep rally's and such!


Tab- Good to see you again- and have fun with the baby blanket!

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Julie-----Couldn't one of us crafty ladies in here whip you up some kind of filter mask for you to wear? I KNOW that there has to be something-----just don't try the pantyhose trick again anytime soon or maybe borrow MY panty hose!!! ahahahahh! :0) I'm sorry I felt a little "SPUNKY" for a minute! I'm still about to punch this dude in the eye and so help me if I EVER have to see him......lets pray not for his sake!!!

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Hey there Kiy0- you may be on to something for Julie- wearing one of those surgical masks when she crochets!!!


Don't know if you follow the Utah Jazz but Jerry Sloane just announced his (I think abrupt) retirement after coaching them for 23 years!

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I'm heading downstairs soon. It's been a quiet day today. The weather change is making all my joints hurt, so haven't done much other than what just had to get done.


:ghug Love to all of you. :ghug

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Hi Guys



Thanks for the explanation about your shool team name . That sounds like a beautiful place !



Also, thanks to you for explaining the Queen song. Now I get it -- before it just didnt make sense to me . I like the song, it is very unique, just hard to understand the words or idea behind it .



Good to have you Home ! And Sam mentioned wearing the paper mask type things to crochet -- he said he could bring some home from work . I guess some of the departments down there wear them for something .Maybe painting things or spraying some type of cleaner stuff ? Not sure what they would use them for,but he said he could get me some . I guess I'd just think I 'd look like an idiot wearing one .

Maybe I should get a bandana and wear it like a bad guy cowboy bank robber ! Then I'd look cooler .

I'd scare my poor PeeWee the Mailman out of his wits ,though ! :lol


Hey Tab !

Great to see you ----gotta start hanging out with us again .You and Kiyo are about the same age and level of ornery,so you guys could Tag Team up against me !!!


Hi Cindy

Glad you are home ,and sorry you had such a tiring day. I'll jump on over and take a look at your new dishcloth next !




Joanne --

Maybe Marlene was the Nascar person ?



And CHEERIA --- worried about you ,,, hope all is ok ! Are you guys meeting up with Cheeria this weekend ???? Maybe you will see if she is ok then .

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Hi guys

Not sure if any of you may have already seen this pattern or not,but I think it is really cool,especially for those of you who like doing round ripples, or granny square type patterns.


Also if you love making very colorful items, this would be a perfect pattern :




I think it'd make a beautiful baby ghan if you like doing the RR's and want a change of pace !

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HEY ** JULIE----i GOT IT!!!!! I could rig MY DOILY up for you!!!!!! I could put some kind of filter in it(maybe a swiffer pad cut down to size) , you could be styling AND still be able to yarn create alllll the way!!! ;0) No one would even have to know that the strings REALLY werent supposed to go over your ears!!!

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