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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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'morning, peeps!



Since you are still trying to decide whether you believe in ghosts or not,we'll make a date with you to come here this summer when the other grandkids all come home. Me and Cam are taking them to the graveyard on a ghost hunt,so you can come with us !

Sounds like a plan:lol


I'll be off to the food store this AM...and I think it'll be "warm" enough (a relative term) to take Sparkie for a walk later....usual stuff...

Have a good day, my friends.



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Good morning, my friends. We got about an inch of the white stuff last night which started about 11:00 pm. It's all light and fluffy and looks very pretty and is supposed to be gone by afternoon. The sun is shining and there's very little wind or the snow on the tree branches would be bare.




My fabric came in the mail yesterday! :yay Whee! :woo It's beautiful! :woo I'm soooo excited! :jumpyay Rosie is coming over to see it today and we'll go shopping for the co-ordinating colors on Saturday. :jumpyay And the funny thing is that it came from a store that is one of Rosie and Candy's favorite material stores and only an hour from Candy's house. The weather was too nasty for them to go there this time while Rosie was at Candy's house, but it's usually a most go there trip for them. :lol


post-9295-13589762681_thumb.jpg This is the mandatory piece of material that must be used in every entry. I'll be cutting out and centering on the large flower sections for the quilt.


post-9295-135897626814_thumb.jpg I'll be doing the same thing with this piece.


post-9295-135897626817_thumb.jpg This is one of the contrast colors and will be the border, backing, binding, hanger, and an accent.


post-9295-13589762682_thumb.jpg This will also be an accent.


I want to pick up a light green that matches the light green in the required fabric and a beige that matches the one in the second accent piece and/or second big flower piece. They will be the background colors for all the rest of the fabric pieces and put together in alternating 1 inch squares. At least that is the plan at the moment. Subject to how things look as I find the material and play around with it.


Hope you all have a great day. Catch you later. :manyheart


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Good Morning Ladies,


I started reading this last night but was to tired so I finished it this morning.


Linda, The stockings are really cute. The quilt is beautiful! It's neat how the squares just pop out at you. Joy did a great job quilting it. I hope the church makes all the money they need.


Judy, Hope your tooth lasts a long time.


Joanne, I think I've been over doing it to. I'm even typing with one hand. My doctor and I played phone tag for a couple of days. I did talk to him last night. He said something is pinched. I need more traction.

I gave my daughter my glider to use when she had Maya. Nothing like rocking with a baby.


Tam, I like the little squiggles, there cute. Glad Michael is feeling better.


Cindy, The baby blanket is beautiful! Great job making the pattern. Thanks for sharing it.


Marisa, Thanks for sharing the link to the baby sweater. It's adorable! Going to print it off this morning.


Tab, Hang in there spring is on the way. Be glad you don't live in Oklahoma. The news reported they hadn't had school for a week and I bet they don't today either.


Julie, I don't like not having a computer all day either. What did I do before I had it? My Grandparents had a water pump in the house to. It was the best water. Sorry the new yarn didn't work for you. No signs of robins here. But if these cold spells keep coming back I won't see any sign of spring until after we get home. Another freeze warning last night and again tonight.


Sherri, Hi! Glad you had good weather to drive home in.


Dusti, Keri's sweater is beautiful! The coaster are cute.


Lorriane, Welcome to are group! I hope you will love it here as much as the rest of us do.


When I went to pt yesterday they checked my strength and it is up from last week from 14 to 15. That is a good. So they upped my traction from 17 to 21lbs. It took the pain away. They said something is pinching it. I sleep on my side so wonder if that is causing me some troubles.

I took a nap yesterday which is something I rarely do.

We played cards last night. I played at a table with 3 guys and and I beat them badly. I did keep apologizing to them. You can win 22 times and I won 11 times. I haven't been that lucky in a couple of years. It's a fun game even if I don't win.

The people across from us had to go home to Iowa yesterday. His Mom is dying. Would you keep them in your prayers? They are hauling there big boat home and having to drive through this last storm. I hope they get there safely. His Mom has been sick for a couple of years and they have been expecting it. Both of his parents are in there 90's.

I'm going to go do the questionaire. It was fun reading about everyone.

Have a nice warm day everyone!

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Good Morning, House. :wangel


Judy ~ I hope it warms up enough to take Sparkie for a walk! I am sooo ready to get outside again. Have a good morning. :manyheart


Julie ~ Oh, so sorry about the yarn. :( You've been so good about trying everything imaginable! :hug


Linda ~ Oh my! What gorgeous fabric! The colors and designs are stunning...and I know your quilt will be, too. :yes The snow pics are really pretty - but I'm sick of snow. :lol


It was 6* on our thermometer this a.m. Thank goodness we're supposed to be through with this for a while! DH will be home this afternoon, so I think I'll put on a big pot of veggie-beef soup. :)

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Morning Marlene

I'm glad you got hold of your Doc and he is keeping in touch with the therapy to see how it is going .

I am hoping too, that you just overdid it for a bit too soon,and gradually it will get better for you . Its easy to get impatient when something like that starts improving,you try doing too much ,then it tells you it is not better yet .

Good job on winning so many card games last night ! That's funny that you beat the tableful of men .. bet they were really teasing you about it .

Look out next time, they will all be trying to beat you .


Hope your weather down there improves soon .It'd be frustrating to go down south to get out of the cold,then have the cold follow you .

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Good Morning All-


Well the sunshine state isn't tooo sunny this morning--another dreary day with rain. BUT I know it could be worse having snow..:devil


I have been working on a Pin Wheel sweater but run out of yarn yesterday so had to order more. I live in a 1 traffic light town so no yarn stores nearby and our local Walmart leaves alot to be desired in the craft department to say the least. So I have 8 skiens of Roses Serenity Garden yarn.....looked online for another type sweater pattern,. I want a cardigan sort (no pullover). I have found 2 patterns I like so started on one last night. I trying to decide if I like it or not :think

Went to bed and was soon awakened by my 14 year old DD telling me our beloved yorkie Roxy ( she is adorable 1 1/2 years old and the love of ALL of us in the house) was sick. The poor dog was just sitting up seemed unable to move-after a little while I decided to go back to bed and see how she was today....felt nothing I could do but wait. Needless to say I was awake all night worring about her. Today at 630 I went to wake up DD for school and Roxy was sleeping on her bed as usual. I was so anxious to see how Roxy was feeling.Thankfully she seems just fine today--but she did give me a big scare. We are thinking of breeding her but not 100% as she is so small...she was the runt of her litter so not sure if having pups would be good for her.

So that was my night and early morning so far.....now it's work time and I am soooooo tired. Hope everyone has a good day --again thanks for having me and all the warm welcomes!!!:hug

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Hi guys

Thought maybe it was time for an update of info here ,since we have new people and old. Some of us know a LOT about each other,while others know very little,so I made up some questions that are not personal info, just little pieces of information to learn a little about each other .


1- What is your middle name ? No middle name here :eek


2- Were you named after anyone ? Nope, I'm one of a kind :lol


3-What were your high school team colors,and team name ? Cougars and we were red, white, and silver


4-Were you in any activities in high school ( such as sports, band,etc )? I was on bandfront and played in the orchestra


5-Favorite subject in school ? Always loved the maths :D


6-What was your favorite board or card game as a kid ? Rummy ;)


7-Favorite color ? Green


8-Favorite food ? I have several, but I'll pick one of my grandma's homemade haluski made with potato dumplings (Most people nowadays know it as cabbage and noodles)


9-Have you met anyone famous ? I have, and just recently met Andre Iguadala at one of the sixers games :D I've also met other people in the past, but don't get starstruck so typically don't remember :lol


10- How many states have you been to ? Probably about 16ish


11- How many times have you moved in your life ? I've moved 10 times :eek


12- What place would you choose to visit if you could go anywhere ? I'd love to go to Italy, I've never been :think


13-If you are or were married,what were your wedding colors ,and if you could change anything about your wedding,what would it be ? I'm not married, but was engaged once, it was going to be different shades of pastels :yes


14-What color is your car ? House ? Car is Platinum Graphite, or just silver :lol and my house is brick.


15- If you could go back to one day in your childhood and do it over,what day would you choose and why ? I don't know....everything I've done has molded me into the person I am today :think


16- What famous person would you like to meet,and what one question would you have for them? (This person can be alive or deceased) :think My great grandma. I want to know why they did not continue to speak Italian when they moved to this country :(


17-What tv show was your favorite as a small child ? As early as I remember is Sesame Street and a little older was Donna Reed, me and my dad watched it together all the time (well, reruns anyways ;) )


18 -What is one current invention that you think was a bad idea ? There are so many :think


19 -Do you believe in ghosts ? Yep


20 - Favorite candy ? Chocolate :D


21 - A talent you would LOVE to have ? Sing


22- The prettiest state you have ever seen ? The poconos is very pretty especially in the fall with the mountains and leaves changing colors :yes


23-Would you consider yourself adventurous ,for example,would you like to climb a mountain,or bunjee jump ,or skydive ? Yep


24-If you had enough money to buy ANYTHING ,what one BIG item would you buy first ? Sorry, but I'd buy a building for my practice out in Pittsburgh, then pay off student loans :yes I'm so boring :lol


25 - What goal would you like to achieve if you can reach the age of 100 ? I just wan to be successful and have a family :think


OK, now I need to go back and continue from this point forward catching up on the posts........................

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Good morning Lorraine

Sorry to hear about your pup being sick. I dont have pets so would be no help at all with advice,but lots of the ladies in here are pet lovers,so they can probably comment with more knowledge than I can .


Are you making the same sweater pattern that Dusti made a few pages back ? She just posted it a day or 2 ago -- it is yellow .Your yarn color sounds very pretty .Is it like a variegated type ?


Sorry you guys are getting that cold weather too,but it will probably shape up soon for you . How long have you lived there ?


I know a LOT about the one horse towns and the closest craft place being walmart -thats how it is here too .


Good luck with your sweater !

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Getting to Know You ..........................

Hi guys

Thought maybe it was time for an update of info here ,since we have new people and old. Some of us know a LOT about each other,while others know very little,so I made up some questions that are not personal info, just little pieces of information to learn a little about each other .


1- What is your middle name ? Jeanne


2- Were you named after anyone ? My Mom said once after one of my Dad's gf.


3-What were your high school team colors,and team name ? blue and gold the comets


4-Were you in any activities in high school ( such as sports, band,etc )? FHA (future homemakers association)


5-Favorite subject in school ? grade school was spelling, high school was typing and horticulture


6-What was your favorite board or card game as a kid ? Jigsaw puzzles and aggravation


7-Favorite color ? red


8-Favorite food ? mexican


9-Have you met anyone famous ? no


10- How many states have you been to ? 12


11- How many times have you moved in your life ?15


12- What place would you choose to visit if you could go anywhere ? The western states I haven't seen


13-If you are or were married,what were your wedding colors ,and if you could change anything about your wedding,what would it be ? Married twice and made both of my dresses. First was mauve and maroon. Second was a sandy color with pink and white flowers.


14-What color is your car ? House ? blue car, white house


15- If you could go back to one day in your childhood and do it over,what day would you choose and why ? more days with my dad


16- What famous person would you like to meet,and what one question would you have for them? (This person can be alive or deceased) Bette Meddler or Robin Williams


17-What tv show was your favorite as a small child ? Jetsons


18 -What is one current invention that you think was a bad idea ? cell phones


19 -Do you believe in ghosts ? yes


20 - Favorite candy ? snickers


21 - A talent you would LOVE to have ? play the piano


22- The prettiest state you have ever seen ? Kentucky


23-Would you consider yourself adventurous ,for example,would you like to climb a mountain,or bunjee jump ,or skydive ? no


24-If you had enough money to buy ANYTHING ,what one BIG item would you buy first ? A home near my hometown with a large pond or lake


25 - What goal would you like to achieve if you can reach the age of 100 ? good health


~*~ Julie ~*~

Last edited by JulieKay; Yesterday at 05:51 PM.

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Morning Marisa

And you are defiitely one of a kind ,and we are all lucky to have you with us !


I had to chuckle when you said you dont get starstruck if seeing a famous person .


I am just the opposite .


The only famous person I saw was Al Roker the weatherguy on TODAY ...


This was way back when he was the weatherman for Cleveland .They have a yearly festival about 45 minutes from us called the Yankee Peddlar ,and lots of crafts people, people dressed up like pioneers, cooking over campfires, etc ... so it is kind if neat to go to .

Anyhow, we were there ,and I looked down the path a ways and yelled AL ROKER !!!!


He wasnt there doing a news story or anything, he was just there with his wife ,wearing bib overalls !


I took off running after him (this was in my younger days when I could still RUN .... yelling AL --HEY AL !!!!

He turned around and had this deer in the headlights look like he was going to be attacked by a mountain lion . I think he was a little afraid of me at first ,but I didnt hurt him or even touch him .

I asked him for his autograph,so he wrote it on my pamphlet I had -- he looked at me like a WACKO --back then he was just the ordinary old weatherguy ..it was a LONG time ago ,so he was still very young and just getting a good start on his career .


Anyhow, if I ever saw someone REALLY BIG FAMOUS ... they would probably call security to have me removed . I wouldnt hurt anyone ,unless I trampled people trying to get to the famous person and just TALK to them .

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We have lived here almost 10 years ( a record for us !!!!) At times we moved every few months--I can't imagine doing that now.


We have another dog (Junior) and he is a mutt and about 7 years old. We've also had other dogs and animals along the way--chickens, ferrets, fish, pig, turkeys OMG!!!!


Yes the sweater I am making is the same as the yellow one on this thread. The yarn I am using for that is the Serenity Garden gems--it is varigated as is the Roses for the sweater I started last night. What state are you in JulieKay?

Hope you stay warm--temp here is in the 50's today.


Also, is anyone here nascar fans? Our family is HUGE fans....cannot wait for the Daytona 500 next week. My sons are both going. If anyone one is a fan --who is your favorite driver? We like most but our favorite is #14--Tony Stewart--my son's street car is identical to the #14.

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Hi Marisa!


Lorraine ~ Oh, hugs for no sleep last night - I've done that so many times. :hug I'll bet she's fine! Our Maggie (Cocker) had "seizures" until she was about 2. She would just get stiff for a while and would not move...and then she was perfectly fine! The vet never could determine a cause, it stopped and she was was almost 16 when we lost her. Our pets are just like children, aren't they? :manyheart


Okay ~ Time to get busy! Be back soon.

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If you love mexican food, I bet Texas is a good place to be ! I bet they have lots of Mexican restaurants down there dont they ?

My uncle used to live in El Paso -- in fact he lived there his whole married life .I have never been there so not sure what it even looks like, except for pictures .


And wow, wouldnt Robin Williams be a HOOT ??? He is so funny !

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Hi Lorraine

I'm in Ohio --- in a one horse hick town ,but its the only place I have ever lived .


I'm trying to think if we have any Nascar fans in the group. I know we have football and baseball fans,and I think Marisa likes basketball ... trying to remember who else talks about sports .


I'm sure they will jump in if they see your question .


I have lots of cousins who love Nascar and know all the drivers and cars ,etc. I dont know much about car racing myself, but my cousins love it .

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**Shhhhhhh*** I am going to try a new strategy this morning. If I post a couple of different messages, maybe Julie will not notice how much I like to yak :lol Think I will work? Nah, I do not, either, but, at least, I will not feel as though I took up sooooo much space on a page with one windy reply.


Good morning :ghug

Thank you for so many friendly compliments on Kyri's Pinwheel. I think her sweater needs a funky button as a closure, but there is not anywhere around here from which I could buy what I am picturing in my mind. She 'made do' with my shawl pin, yesterday, but it was not "right" for the brilliant color or her sparkly personality. IF, and that's a really bit IF, I have my act together this weekend, the girls and I may make a drive over to North Dakota, and I can shop at JoAnn's or a fabric store and find a better option for the closure.


Yesterday was a good, productive day, but, here I am, at it again. This day, the girls will go home from school with one of Kyri's classmate for the first time, ever. They are SO excited :yay I aim to have our suitcase packed and my Flat Rate boxes ready to send ahead, by the time DH brings the girls home for dinner. That will mean I have to buckle-down and work, rather than crochet or play on the computer, today...Boo! My stress-level will be much lower, once the packing is almost done :yes.


Linda ~ Did you get socked-in from the snow and ice? I know you said that you were planning to keep Kim in and resting this week, so I hope you are still able to stay safe. How is your back this day? :hug

Tam ~ Interesting info about the cucumbers and beets. I like both of those veggies, so it is neat to know they do a lil' something for a body, too :yes You are such an awesome Mama Bear for your family, always looking out for everything that will help them, body and soul. Here's a hug to help replenish your stores :hug:hug


Hi Sherri. What do you have planned for the day?


Julie ~ you caught me :blush Yes, I gab and gab and gab :lol. In reality, I am awfully shy, until I get to know people. While I would happily talk to a person like you in a check-out line or dr.'s reception room, I would not initiate the conversation. Once you know me, though, watch out, I'm likely to talk your ear off ;) I love writing letters long-hand, too, and I always have to adhere extra postage to the ones I send to my gramma every week, because I cram too many pages in a single envelope. Your chatty letter from your aunt sounds like a treasure. Oh, and I would happily cook for you and your Sam if you travel up this a'way, as that is another one of my favorite things to do. DH eats pretty well, even as quiet as he is, he admits it :). Thank you for being so kind to me, here.


Since your suitcase/travel accommodations are brown with pink polka dots, Kiyo, you might be able to sneak in with my luggage. I have a gi-normous hot pink suitcase that we use for this trip, and in this household, anything pink goes ;) DH does not make this trip with us, unfortunately, so you would be stuck with me as your porter. I'm stronger than I look :rofl We'll be flying over your neck of the woods around 2pm on Wednesday...can you get off of work that day to jump on board? :plane You'd like Hawaii...


:welcomeLorraine. It's so nice to "run into you again." What do I do here? Talk too much :rofl I cannot send a short reply if my life depended on it :blush Ah well, the ladies here are most patient with me. A little about me: I am 34-years old, and I am lucky enough to be a stay-at-home-mom to 9- and 6-year-old daughters. We live 25 miles from the nearest town and LOVE the outdoor space and tranquility found at home. Every year, I escape the brutul MN winters with a holiday in Hawaii. I have had an apartment there for the past 12 years, and I am lucky enough that the girls' school allows them to travel with me. I used to be a teacher, and I follow the school's curriculum with the girls' lessons while we are gone. DH travels for work, and he would rather we be safe in the sunshine and warmth in the winters than home alone dealing with icy roads, snow storms and power outages alone. We leave next Wednesday, and I can hardly wait.


Pull up a chair and jump right in. We are happy to have you :manyheart

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1- What is your middle name ? Lea


2- Were you named after anyone ? No


3-What were your high school team colors,and team name ? Black and Gold -- Hilltoppers


4-Were you in any activities in high school ( such as sports, band,etc )? Student Council for 4 yrs, soccer, volleyball, Youth Jury, Honor Society, Rotary Youth Exchange Student to Japan


5-Favorite subject in school ? History


6-What was your favorite board or card game as a kid ? Skip-Bo


7-Favorite color ? Hot Pink


8-Favorite food ? Rice


9-Have you met anyone famous ? No

10- How many states have you been to ? 19


11- How many times have you moved in your life ? Not counting my time in Japan or college, twice -- from my parents' home into our 1st apartment and from there to this house.


12- What place would you choose to visit if you could go anywhere ?

Kyoto, Japan

13-If you are or were married,what were your wedding colors ,and if you could change anything about your wedding,what would it be ? Dusty rose dresses. Everything was just as we (I) had planned, and it went smoothly, so I would not go back and change the details of the day.


14-What color is your car ? House ? White. Red brick with white trim.

15- If you could go back to one day in your childhood and do it over,what day would you choose and why ? I loved growing up with my family. I'd go back to the summer days spent at my grandparents' house, just because it was a lovely time.


16- What famous person would you like to meet,and what one question would you have for them? (This person can be alive or deceased) Not good at these types of questions. I can never think of anyone/thing off the top of my head.

17-What tv show was your favorite as a small child ? We did not have television while I was growing up. With friends, I remember watching "The Cosby Show."


18 -What is one current invention that you think was a bad idea ? Text messaging


19 -Do you believe in ghosts ? No


20 - Favorite candy ? Milky Way candy bars


21 - A talent you would LOVE to have ? Public Speaking


22- The prettiest state you have ever seen ? Minnesota -- love the lakes, trees and rolling hills


23-Would you consider yourself adventurous ,for example,would you like to climb a mountain,or bunjee jump ,or skydive ? NO!


24-If you had enough money to buy ANYTHING ,what one BIG item would you buy first ? "Big" big = larger apt in Hawaii. "Practical" big = KitchenAide stand mixer in bubblegum pink.

25 - What goal would you like to achieve if you can reach the age of 100 ? Have a close, loving relationship with my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren...

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Good answers, Miss Dusti !!!


And I would be the last person on earth to complain if you like to gab ! My kind of person .

It sounds like you are getting very excited for your trip,and bet you will enjoy getting out of the rotten weather for awhile .


I love the name of your school team, the HillToppers . Now that is a new one .. was your school ON a big hill or mountain ? Just wondering how they chose the name .


Drop back in when you can. I know things are super busy for you now ,so get all your things in order first .

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Hi, Jules....

Back from the store.

I just made some potato salad to go with the hot dogs for dinner...


I love reading the answers to the questionaires!:yes



Now to do a little cleaning up around here.

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****BAD BAD BADDDDDD, BAAAAAAD DAY HERE AT "MY PARADISE"!!!!*****Can I just tell you I HATE ignorant people and I don't have a problem letting them know that!!! and....I have to bite my tongue so as to keep my job!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say......I only have the back half of my tongue..............

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