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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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PS...theis is an ongoing CAL...and not everyone who visits is in the process of making one at the moment, so as Cara would say, pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable.

We just like cheering everyone on!:hook



Ive only made one EHH ghan so Im not really familiar with all the designs. They are fairly simple. And don't forget to let Cara know how many saltines you have each week because there is a tally.

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I'm not really sure if I'm supposed to be posting in a CAL that I don't belong to, but I have a question about one of the afghan quilts that I thought y'all could answer. I hope this is okay.


I just found the happy yellow house web site two days ago, and I'm in love. These crochet quilts are beyond awesome, and I couldn't help but try one. I decided to tackle the Make a Joyful Noise quilt (angel), and I was wondering how you choose what color to join everything in? Did you guys just choose one color and join everything, and if you did, did it show through bad to the front? Or did you join everything according to what color blocks you were working on?


I think I'm going to try ss everything if I ever get enough blocks done, but I'm just not sure how to choose the right colors. If you guys could help me, I would really appreciate it. Any other advice would be apperciated too. I think I might be biting off more than I can chew with this whole thing. I've crocheted for a long time, but I'm still not very good. I just really want to make this quilt:yes.

Welcome to the group, Momofboyz. :welcome I started with the purple pinwheel quiltghan. It really doesn't matter which one you choose, as long as it's one you like. I sew mine together using a whipstitch and it depends on the quiltghan as to what color I use for joining. I have used a dominant color as the joining color, the most neutral color, and matched the color of the squares being joined. It just depends on what kind of a look you are after. If the pattern of the 'ghan is the important part, I usually match the joining color to that of the squares.


One of the most important things with these is breaking them down into manageable chunks. Some of us do them in rows and some of us do them in blocks that are then joined together. I tend to do mine in 5 x 5 or 6 x 6 blocks. It's a size that is easy for me to work with and doesn't irritate my arthritis as much as the bigger chunks.


Good morning, all. I finished the book this morning. It's got more twists and turns than a snake and the ending sent chills up my spine. It got harder and harder to put down the farther I got into it. Rosie, John and I have plans to go out to lunch at a Chinese restaurant they found and which I haven't tried. Not sure where we'll go from there. Hope you all have a good day and a great weekend. :manyheart

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Howdy ladies :flower


Momofboyz - Oh you don't have to be an "official" part of the CAL to pop in and ask a question or lurk or say something or post a picture or, well, you get the idea :D My basic answer to which yarn to use is to use a color that matches one of the two squares you're joining. That way the stitching remains subtle. Now that being said...I've also seen them joined using one color throughout which gives it a whole different look. My biggest piece of friendly advice is the same as everyone else's though. Don't let too many of the little squares stack up before you start joining. You'll make yourself nuts :lol


Linda - Sounds like an interesting book. :yes We've been listening to John Grisham books for the past 3 days. They go so quickly compared to the epic fantasy tomes of 40 hours+ we usually listen to :lol So far we've listened to The Summons, Skipping Christmas (which was hilarious!) and half of A Painted House. I know, not the big thrillers he's more known for but pleasant stories all the same.


Erin - I still haven't even touched Twilight. I have it here as someone sent it to me to read but I have about 837 years worth of catching reading/listening waiting for me :lol


I finished the solider's hat yesterday :yay Now I'm down to just final touches but I'm stalling :lol The meds for this stupid pneumonia are making me feel much worse than the feeling sick did :lol I've just laid around sleeping and listening to books for the last couple of days and I don't foresee a big change in those plans for today :lol

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Hi Everyone. :)


I love hearing about the books you are reading...we all like so many of the same books!


Momofboyz ~ Welcome! Please jump in anytime. :hook


Cara ~ Feel better soon. :hug I understand how you feel - even most antibiotics make me feel worse. Good luck with finishing your toy soldier!


Linda ~ I hope you've had a wonderful day with Rosie and John. :yes


Gracie did very well at class yesterday. :D The trainer commented on her progress and being a bit more subdued. :lol


:cheerThe baby Irish Chain is finished! I'm going to take pics outside and will post after while.

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So what your saying is I should read that book? Cause it sounds like its right up my alley

Sad thing is Im still working on the Twilight series.

I suspect you would like it a lot.

It feels so good to actually finish something! Next I will border the Penguin. :hook

That is just lovely, Mary.

that is beautiful. How hard is it to do a afghan out of saltines.

It really isn't that hard to do Mindy. Just check out the tips we were giving Momofboyz. It's easier to a small one first, but it certainly is a requirement. Just make sure you don't wait until the very end to start joining everything. The join as you go method works best and keeps it from getting overwhelming.


Rosie and I had a great afternoon. And lunch was delicious. Rosie was talking about antique blocks and wishing she had some. Then she remembered a few she got from her mom and low and behold there are a whole lot of the fans for fan blocks done and the pieces for quite a lot more are cut out as well. We're thinking about next spring for that project. There was an earlier version of lap quilting book that I bought last week in with her mom's stuff, too. Talk about serendipity.

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Hi Mindy ~ Thank you for the compliment! They are basically two round granny squares joined together...Cara's (Misa) patterns are wonderful and her website is http://www.happyyellowhouse.com. Some of us have used her ideas and used them for other quilt patterns, too. Please just ask if you have other questions and someone will answer. :)

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Mary it's gorgeous! I just finished a very interesting book today. It's by Glenn Cooper, it's his 1st in print and I definitely will be getting more. "Secret of the Seventh Son" and I really couldn't pigeonhole a genre for it. It's definitely just out and out fiction. Very good.

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Thank you all so much for all of the advice. After some careful consideration, I think I'm going to try one of the smaller baby quilts first. I still plan to do the angel, but I want to make sure that what I put together doesn't turn out horrible first.


The quilt I picked out still has the bi-colored grannies in it, but I really want to learn to do these with success, so I thought it would be a good challenge. I'm working on getting some saltines done so that I can start to join them. I still think the joining is going to be the hardest part for me, but I'm not giving up, and I hope I don't drive y'all crazy with my questions.


Anyway, I'll keep you posted on my progress, and if I can get one block done, I'll post a pic. Maybe after I clean house tomorrow I'll have a chance to crochet :crocheting.

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And btw I did finish up the toy soldier today. He'll get his official photo taken some time this week :yes

Oh, my! He's really nice, Cara.


I finally got the instructions for my last 4 snowflakes posted in the original patterns section.


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It feels so good to actually finish something! Next I will border the Penguin. :hook

So very nice! I think I like the IC even better in that size than the gigantic ones. Your colors are gorgeous, and it turned out beautiful. Yaaay for finishing the border. Will Mr. Penguin's come this weekend, or are you pacing yourself and planning to work on it another day? Glad to hear Gracie had a good run at puppy school :)


And btw I did finish up the toy soldier today. He'll get his official photo taken some time this week :yes

Wow!! He is fabulous, Cara :yay The details and proportions are perfect. Is he getting a partner to flank one of your doorways this Christmas? Or, is he a gift? Thank you for giving us a sneak peek at your latest labor-of-love.


I finally got the instructions for my last 4 snowflakes posted in the original patterns section.
Very pretty, Linda!! Do you have a tree exclusively decorated with crocheted snowflakes, or do you intersperse them with other ornaments?


Littlest DD has been really sick over the weekend, but I see a bit more "sparkle" in her eyes this morning, so I am hopeful she on the mend. I feel as though I ought to buy stock in Clorox sanitizing wipes and bleach, in general, as I am disinfecting everything :P I started working on the border saltines for the gingerbread pattern. Oh, I DO like the Holiday yarn! Lots of white saltines in my future, which does not sound too exciting, but I will push on and it will be exciting when I have enough saltines to start joining. I finished a new, wool-blend hat for DD7, and I started figuring the guage for the crocheted bread baskets I am planning to make for the girls' teachers for Christmas. Fingers are never idle long, are they :hook


Have a good day :manyheart

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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - Love the new snowflakes! :drool


Dusti - Nothing in particular will be done with the toy solider. He'll probably get added to the santa and mrs claus that my sister made of with last year :lol I'm so sorry DD isn't feeling well. Poor baby :( Glad to hear she seems to be on the mend though :hug


So, what does everyone have planned for this last day of summer? I plan to lay around pretty much :lol BD will probably sleep as he has to go back to work tomorrow.

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Hi Ladies. First of all, a big Thank You for all the compliments on the IC. :manyheart


Mary it's gorgeous! I just finished a very interesting book today. It's by Glenn Cooper, it's his 1st in print and I definitely will be getting more. "Secret of the Seventh Son" and I really couldn't pigeonhole a genre for it. It's definitely just out and out fiction. Very good.

Thanks for the review...DH and I are always looking for new books. He reads more than I do because of all the time he spends on planes. :)


Thank you all so much for all of the advice. After some careful consideration, I think I'm going to try one of the smaller baby quilts first. I still plan to do the angel, but I want to make sure that what I put together doesn't turn out horrible first.


The quilt I picked out still has the bi-colored grannies in it, but I really want to learn to do these with success, so I thought it would be a good challenge. I'm working on getting some saltines done so that I can start to join them. I still think the joining is going to be the hardest part for me, but I'm not giving up, and I hope I don't drive y'all crazy with my questions.


Anyway, I'll keep you posted on my progress, and if I can get one block done, I'll post a pic. Maybe after I clean house tomorrow I'll have a chance to crochet :crocheting.

Nope! You can never drive us crazy with too many questions. :D And we all love pictures!


And btw I did finish up the toy soldier today. He'll get his official photo taken some time this week :yes

He is so cute, Cara! I love the way you made his face. :hook


Oh, my! He's really nice, Cara.


I finally got the instructions for my last 4 snowflakes posted in the original patterns section.

Beautiful! How many have you made now?



Oh, Dusti - I sure hope your little one is better today. Please tell her we're sending big hugs. :hug The Holiday yarn will be perfect for the gingerbread ghan! I may start the border for Mr. Penguin today if time allows...and if I feel like working with black. :lol


I hope everyone is having a great day. :manyheart

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Beautiful! How many have you made now?

I hope everyone is having a great day. :manyheart

I think my design count is up to 15 snowflakes now give or take one or two.


Rosie and I spent to afternoon sewing together. Her machine was set up on one end of the dining room table and mine was on the other end. She did the quilting on fabric that will become cosmetic bags as Christmas gifts and I worked on Kim's quilt for her chair for this winter. The top of it is now complete except for two border rows. Then on to cutting out the backing and batting and putting it together. I didn't want that one to get away from me and not be ready for use when it gets cold around here. We were both pleased with our progress. I think I'll put on a movie and crochet now. :hook

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I think my design count is up to 15 snowflakes now give or take one or two.


Rosie and I spent to afternoon sewing together. Her machine was set up on one end of the dining room table and mine was on the other end. She did the quilting on fabric that will become cosmetic bags as Christmas gifts and I worked on Kim's quilt for her chair for this winter. The top of it is now complete except for two border rows. Then on to cutting out the backing and batting and putting it together. I didn't want that one to get away from me and not be ready for use when it gets cold around here. We were both pleased with our progress. I think I'll put on a movie and crochet now. :hook


Oh that sounds like it was a lot of fun! Sort of like the way they set up pianos during concerts :D

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