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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hello Everyone! Doing a quick check in since I am on lunch.





Girl, that is absolutely gorgeous! Love, love, love it!!!




your quilts are beautiful.




I am doing a DIC along. I will have to post a process pic when I get a couple of more blocks done.



Also, who ever may the purse it is really pretty.




Gotta go now my lunch is over. That 30 mins goes so fast!

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I wanted to do that for people. I hope that someday I can return the square favor. Til then this will do. Still waiting for the mail today. Im getting ticked that my package is still at the NB fedex, according to the tracking. NB is like 2 miles away!! I don't want to be the last stop. GIMME MY YARN ;)

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I wanted to do that for people. I hope that someday I can return the square favor. Til then this will do. Still waiting for the mail today. Im getting ticked that my package is still at the NB fedex, according to the tracking. NB is like 2 miles away!! I don't want to be the last stop. GIMME MY YARN ;)

:rofl :rofl :rofl

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Okay, so Joanns shipping is ALL MESSED UP. For real, Ive been sitting here checking my Fedex number all day, and it comes via my USPS....riiiiiiiiiiite. I GOT YARN, now waiting for the rest on wed

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Okay, so Joanns shipping is ALL MESSED UP. For real, Ive been sitting here checking my Fedex number all day, and it comes via my USPS....riiiiiiiiiiite. I GOT YARN, now waiting for the rest on wed

Oh, NO!!!!


Nicole, enjoy your vacation time.

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Cara ~ The Log Cabin 'Ghan is beautiful.


Ahhh, Linda, your quilt is gorgeous. No wonder you are so excited about the perfect arrangement of patterns and fabrics. What a treasure you are going to have for yourself.


Mary ~ Sounds as though you and Gracie are getting a lot of fresh air, now that your temps have cooled down a smidge. Good for you.


Nicole ~ Hope you are enjoying your vacation. What a treat to have so many consecutive days in which to do anything (or nothing at all) you wish.


Erin ~ Sounds as though you have quite a full plate with the comfort 'ghans and then the multitude of hobbies you have developed. I must admit I get tired just reading about all of your projects, but that is just because I am envious. Glad you are feeling better, and that you will soon be finished with your prescriptions.


First day of school on this end. Whew! We all made it out the front door by 7:15, but it was a bit of a mad dash. The girls looked so cute and excited. They were really tolerant of me taking pictures, and they even sat still on one of the garden walls outside of the school before we went in to their classrooms. We chattered all of the way home in the car, and then they went to their rooms for a short snooze (yes, even the 7-yr-old admitted to being tired this afternoon). The oldest wished the day had been longer, because she had such fun. The youngest is excited that she can go back and do it all again tomorrow. What a great start!


I did not crochet at all, today, but I expect to figure out a new routine, once I get a few more mornings under my belt. Then, I have promised myself some "me" time in which to :crocheting. Hope it works out as nicely as I imagine it could :lol

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I just realized I hadn't said hello today. :D


Hi Selanda! Can't wait to see your IC. :crocheting


My DD called last night and we talked for around an hour. Ayden loved his first week of school. What did you learn today? "Lots and lots of things. Too many to remember them all!" :lol :lol :lol And he likes the new before and after care programs, too. Great news for a working mom.
I finished the last blocks for the 1st side, laid them all out, and it's super pretty. That's definitely the side panel plan. Now to see if I can sew them together before Trouble messes them up. :lol :lol :lol

Ayden sounds like such a cutie. That would have been great on "Kids Say the Darndest Things"...man, am I showing my age.:lol WTG on more progress on the quilt!


I sent out a lovely something to people who have helped me with the comfortghans, look in your mailboxes this week ladies :)

That is very sweet of you, Erin. :manyheart



Okay, so Joanns shipping is ALL MESSED UP. For real, Ive been sitting here checking my Fedex number all day, and it comes via my USPS....riiiiiiiiiiite. I GOT YARN, now waiting for the rest on wed

Yay for yarn! :cheer


Cara ~ The Log Cabin 'Ghan is beautiful.


Ahhh, Linda, your quilt is gorgeous. No wonder you are so excited about the perfect arrangement of patterns and fabrics. What a treasure you are going to have for yourself.


Mary ~ Sounds as though you and Gracie are getting a lot of fresh air, now that your temps have cooled down a smidge. Good for you.


Nicole ~ Hope you are enjoying your vacation. What a treat to have so many consecutive days in which to do anything (or nothing at all) you wish.


Erin ~ Sounds as though you have quite a full plate with the comfort 'ghans and then the multitude of hobbies you have developed. I must admit I get tired just reading about all of your projects, but that is just because I am envious. Glad you are feeling better, and that you will soon be finished with your prescriptions.


First day of school on this end. Whew! We all made it out the front door by 7:15, but it was a bit of a mad dash. The girls looked so cute and excited. They were really tolerant of me taking pictures, and they even sat still on one of the garden walls outside of the school before we went in to their classrooms. We chattered all of the way home in the car, and then they went to their rooms for a short snooze (yes, even the 7-yr-old admitted to being tired this afternoon). The oldest wished the day had been longer, because she had such fun. The youngest is excited that she can go back and do it all again tomorrow. What a great start!


I did not crochet at all, today, but I expect to figure out a new routine, once I get a few more mornings under my belt. Then, I have promised myself some "me" time in which to :crocheting. Hope it works out as nicely as I imagine it could :lol

Hi Dusti! I'm so glad the girls love school. :) I hope you get some crochet time soon. :hook

Dusti, sounds like they had a wonderful first day. :manyheart


Mary, Gracie sounds as cute as ever. :yes


Linda, the quilt is going to be beautiful.

Tracy! How are you? Yes, Gracie is cute...crazy, but cute. :lol

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Mary - As always, your Gracie is precious! :manyheart



I had to come on here and share with my fellow animal lovers...


I hurt my little Jackson. I was in the closet getting some fiber fill. Jack gets offended about closed doors. So, whenever a door is open that typically stays closed, he hurries to be involved. Well, he was laying outside the door. I shut the door once I was done. I heard him scream. He had his paw in the crack of the door trying to get at something.


Thankfully, he wasn't seriously hurt. I picked him up immediately and inspected the paw. It probably hurt pretty bad, but he's not limping and there was no blood. I just cried as I held him. I felt awful! :(

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Just couldn't resist this...Gracie in her crate with her yellow Teddy under her head and her Kong toy in her mouth. I just emailed this to DH since he's been gone since Thursday. :)


Awww! She's guarding her toys in case Zoe goes seeking revenge :lol


I had to come on here and share with my fellow animal lovers...


I hurt my little Jackson. I was in the closet getting some fiber fill. Jack gets offended about closed doors. So, whenever a door is open that typically stays closed, he hurries to be involved. Well, he was laying outside the door. I shut the door once I was done. I heard him scream. He had his paw in the crack of the door trying to get at something.


Thankfully, he wasn't seriously hurt. I picked him up immediately and inspected the paw. It probably hurt pretty bad, but he's not limping and there was no blood. I just cried as I held him. I felt awful! :(


Ohh, you didn't mean to :hug But I know that feeling. I'm always stomping on someone it seems :blush Sure hope he's okay :hug

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I hurt my little Jackson. I was in the closet getting some fiber fill. Jack gets offended about closed doors. So, whenever a door is open that typically stays closed, he hurries to be involved. Well, he was laying outside the door. I shut the door once I was done. I heard him scream. He had his paw in the crack of the door trying to get at something.


Thankfully, he wasn't seriously hurt. I picked him up immediately and inspected the paw. It probably hurt pretty bad, but he's not limping and there was no blood. I just cried as I held him. I felt awful! :(

Been there....both of us have done things over the years! TG our furbabies are quick to forgive us - while we feel badly for so long!

Just couldn't resist this...Gracie in her crate with her yellow Teddy under her head and her Kong toy in her mouth. I just emailed this to DH since he's been gone since Thursday. :)

Too adorable!!:c9

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Just couldn't resist this...Gracie in her crate with her yellow Teddy under her head and her Kong toy in her mouth. I just emailed this to DH since he's been gone since Thursday. :)


awww, what a sweety, what kind is she again? I want a yorkie pretty bad, but a beagle even more. Josh will allow a yorkie but doesnt like beagles?? hes weird, Im gonna tell Alex to tell daddy beagle when hes old enough :D


Mary - As always, your Gracie is precious! :manyheart



I had to come on here and share with my fellow animal lovers...


I hurt my little Jackson. I was in the closet getting some fiber fill. Jack gets offended about closed doors. So, whenever a door is open that typically stays closed, he hurries to be involved. Well, he was laying outside the door. I shut the door once I was done. I heard him scream. He had his paw in the crack of the door trying to get at something.


Thankfully, he wasn't seriously hurt. I picked him up immediately and inspected the paw. It probably hurt pretty bad, but he's not limping and there was no blood. I just cried as I held him. I felt awful! :(



I step on Oreo about 5 times a day...seriously... It will be okay :hug the know you don't mean it


So I put the stash update away just in time for Josh to get home from work yesterday...sneeeaky. Although he doesn't even care really. I did finish and wash the afghan for my cousin. I'll post pics once I attach the fringe. Im fairly pleased with the end result. I don't usually like using thick yarns and big hooks, specially because I like metal hooks over plastic. Wanna know what that blanket cost me??? Less than 6 bucks. That includes the parking when I went to the trade center. :yay Im excited about that, that I honestly would tell her, but I'll just be able to spend more on them instead :devil

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Good morning everyone. Cara and Linda both of those are gorgeous!


Mary, my playtoy has been sitting since my last ride :( Between work and weather I just haven't had a chance to go for a ride. We spent Saturday house hunting, found 2 possibilities and now we just need to decide between them.


I finished the purple dragon last week, I just haven't gotten around to taking a picture yet. I was able to start on the PS for my parents and already it's undergone some color changes. The green ombre won't work, it's too different from the kelly and pale greens. I've also started one of the name filet doily's. This being my first filet piece, I've frogged parts of it several times already.

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I had to come on here and share with my fellow animal lovers...


I hurt my little Jackson. I was in the closet getting some fiber fill. Jack gets offended about closed doors. So, whenever a door is open that typically stays closed, he hurries to be involved. Well, he was laying outside the door. I shut the door once I was done. I heard him scream. He had his paw in the crack of the door trying to get at something.


Thankfully, he wasn't seriously hurt. I picked him up immediately and inspected the paw. It probably hurt pretty bad, but he's not limping and there was no blood. I just cried as I held him. I felt awful! :(

It happens to all of us sooner or later. They are so quick, that they've moved before we realize it and boom. I've stepped on Trouble because she's behind me one minute and in front of me the next. It's never on purpose. We love them far too much. But we feel so bad long after they've forgotten all about it. :hug

I finished the purple dragon last week, I just haven't gotten around to taking a picture yet. I was able to start on the PS for my parents and already it's undergone some color changes. The green ombre won't work, it's too different from the kelly and pale greens. I've also started one of the name filet doily's. This being my first filet piece, I've frogged parts of it several times already.

You'll get riding time again soon. The major trick with filet is to keep your stitch tension even throughout. That and it's super easy to forget the chain two in between the posts and have it looking strange. That's what causes me the most frogging. I find it on the next row. Argh! Then it's frog back to the forgotten point. Just don't hurry the process. That helps a lot, too.


I didn't quite get the side parts all put together before John got home last night, but close. I'll have the side in about 4 - 6 pieces until it's all ready to go together. It'll be easy to lay out that way and in more manageable pieces to work with. I have to remember to finish the 2 applique pieces in the center panel before I put all the side pieces on it.


I have to take Kim to the doctor this afternoon to see if adding the salt to her diet is fixing the problem, or if we're going to have to change some of her meds. I hope it's not changing the meds. That could get really, really scary. Especially if we have to change the seizure meds. She hasn't had any since I've been with them, but they were awful before they found this dosage. I hate it when you've been on something that works well for a long time and then, because of unexpected long-term complications, have to change it. [Me and arthritis drugs.]


Anyway, I think I'll crochet squares today. :hook


Here are pictures of the fur-babies that live with Kim's family members. Honey and Kirby are Yorkies. Honey loves to watch for missing family members from the top of that chair. Kirby is old and arthritic and avoids chaos most of the time. Ming is just over a year old and Kim's mom's companion and a sweetheart.




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I was looking at the pictures from Twin Lakes and realized that I never posted the pictures of the shawl I did while we were down there. It's the 4th one I've done using this pattern and the first one that I've actually gotten pictures of. :kick And for good measure, here's a picture of Kim with her son, Jonathan. Gentry is her cousin's little girl.





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Been there....both of us have done things over the years! TG our furbabies are quick to forgive us - while we feel badly for so long!


Ain't that the truth! :lol


I did finish and wash the afghan for my cousin. I'll post pics once I attach the fringe. Im fairly pleased with the end result. I don't usually like using thick yarns and big hooks, specially because I like metal hooks over plastic. Wanna know what that blanket cost me??? Less than 6 bucks.


Now that's a deal! :eek I remember when it cost about 6 bucks to make an afghan. Now I'm lucky if I can do one for under 20.





my babies, minus ollie


Awww furbabies! :manyheart


Good morning everyone. Cara and Linda both of those are gorgeous!


Mary, my playtoy has been sitting since my last ride :( Between work and weather I just haven't had a chance to go for a ride. We spent Saturday house hunting, found 2 possibilities and now we just need to decide between them.


I finished the purple dragon last week, I just haven't gotten around to taking a picture yet. I was able to start on the PS for my parents and already it's undergone some color changes. The green ombre won't work, it's too different from the kelly and pale greens. I've also started one of the name filet doily's. This being my first filet piece, I've frogged parts of it several times already.


Sometimes the only way to see if colors work is to actually start the project....unfortunately :lol


Here are pictures of the fur-babies that live with Kim's family members. Honey and Kirby are Yorkies. Honey loves to watch for missing family members from the top of that chair. Kirby is old and arthritic and avoids chaos most of the time. Ming is just over a year old and Kim's mom's companion and a sweetheart.


More beautiful babies :manyheart Oh goodness I hope they don't start messing around with Kim's med too much :( I hate when they do that.


I was looking at the pictures from Twin Lakes and realized that I never posted the pictures of the shawl I did while we were down there. It's the 4th one I've done using this pattern and the first one that I've actually gotten pictures of. :kick And for good measure, here's a picture of Kim with her son, Jonathan. Gentry is her cousin's little girl.


Oh wow! Linda that shawl is gorgeous :drool

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Good morning ladies :flower


I've got an early doctor's appointment today. Well, at 11. That's early for me :lol I've been congested, achy and general feeling punk for about 4 days now. And yesterday my sister's nephew (who lives in the same house) was confirmed for swine flu. Which means I've been exposed because I can't keep away from my family :lol With my suppressed immune system that could be dangerous so I'm not going to ride this one out. It's a trip to the doctor for me :yes Plus, I need to get this back pain readdressed by someone. It's not getting better :no


But in spite of all that (because I'm stubborn as a stone sometimes :lol) I got most of my toy soldier doll done yesterday. :yay He has a head, body and one leg. Just one more leg, two arms, a hat and finishing touches and he's done :dance I'd forgotten just how much fun toymaking can be :c9 I've got a head full of new toy ideas so this could be interesting :hook


Have a great day everyone :manyheart

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Cara take it easy. I hope it's nothing serious.


Linda, I had to frog to fix the block increase. I had the general idea down for that, did the ch 5, then I did 2 dcs in the second chain from the beginning. So I went back and fixed that. I think that being off messed up my ch sp area. There's supposed to be 35 spaces and I was going to have 36 or 37. Probably because of my messed up block increases.

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