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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Howdy ladies :hi


Okay, so I was going to get up earlier today. Yep, I sure was :yes So what did I do? That's right. I slept even later :rofl:blush


But anyway we've been up for a while and have the chores done. BD's making lunch :eek And I finally photographed the LC. Not the greatest photo but it'll do the trick :D

That is so striking and so pretty, Cara. Wow!


Today I found 4 quilt books at Goodwill for a total of $9.50. Hit the jackpot. Then Rosie and I got together and played with my quilt squares. I'm 90% sure that the sides are now figured out. I have to get a few more squares done so I can lay out one whole side to be sure, but it's really, really close if it's not right. We spread everything that's ready out on Rosie's hardwood floor. And, yes, that's me with my creation in progress.




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Linda, those colors are so beautiful! And I can see how happy you are with it all, too:hug

I really am. Rosie asked me how much I had invested in it so far and my reply was that "I don't know and I don't care. This one is mine!" :manyheart

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Howdy ladies :hi


Okay, so I was going to get up earlier today. Yep, I sure was :yes So what did I do? That's right. I slept even later :rofl:blush


But anyway we've been up for a while and have the chores done. BD's making lunch :eek And I finally photographed the LC. Not the greatest photo but it'll do the trick :D

Beautiful Cara!


That is so striking and so pretty, Cara. Wow!


Today I found 4 quilt books at Goodwill for a total of $9.50. Hit the jackpot. Then Rosie and I got together and played with my quilt squares. I'm 90% sure that the sides are now figured out. I have to get a few more squares done so I can lay out one whole side to be sure, but it's really, really close if it's not right. We spread everything that's ready out on Rosie's hardwood floor. And, yes, that's me with my creation in progress.

Oh my Linda that will be beautiful!

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Linda - Your quilt is coming out great! :clap


Thanks for the comments on the LC ladies :manyheart Yep, the pattern will be up there tomorrow or the next day :yes Gotta draw it all out. And figure out how to list the color choices. It's about 4 different brands of yarn :lol I was using up some of what I had. Think I'll just leave well enough alone and use generic color names :yes:lol

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It's beautiful, Linda! And it's so much fun to see your smiling face. :manyheart


I hope everyone has had a great weekend. Gracie has worn me out today ;)...the weather is so gorgeous that we went for three walks!

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Wow it's gorgeous. How many months will it take to make this Flower Clutch? I love purses and I have a good collection of it. I wanted to have some of the flower clutch.


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Wow it's gorgeous. How many months will it take to make this Flower Clutch? I love purses and I have a good collection of it. I wanted to have some of the flower clutch.


I don't think it would take a month. Depends on how often you have time or make time to crochet, and how advanced/fast you can crochet. I could probably do it in a day :lol but then again, with Alex romping around, crawling speedy fast, and climbing/eating everything in site, I get distracted. The thing that would take me months is the lining because I stink at sewing and usually beg my mom to do it for me. Plus my sewing machine is still packed away. I didn't read the pattern but I would think it would be a good starter project for those new to the hooks.



Good morning ladies!!! Im up a tad earlier than I had hoped but then again Ive had some racing thoughts since being on my meds. Doesn't really help me with sleeping, or eating, or anything really. Thank God I will be finishing those up this week, and guess what? NO MORE puffy swollen fat face for me. I'm going to have to do some research on hypersensitivity. Sounds so scary, like I should just be a hermit and stay indoors forever? Oh man, I think not. I cannot handle cabin fever, and there is only so much yarn you can order over the internet ;)

Alex yet again has eaten a few bits of the cat food. UGH! I swear, I put it up every morning so he doesnt get to it but then I get my fatty cat Oreo boy whining at me at night, usually after I have just settled in, for it to be down on the floor. He's so lazy when it comes to food. He will jump/run all over the place but cannot get up on the counter to feed his fat face? Seriously.


Im awaiting my two huge yarn purchases this week. One should come today, and one wednesday. Josh scolded me for my projects last night, sorta. I was beading and he thought I had just bought everything in front of me on a whim. LOL. If he only knew. Ya see, I bead, scrap, knit, crochet, to start. I have LOTS LOTS LOTS of stuff for all of these. Im thinking I'll have to hold off on the yarn shopping for a bit though. Of course he has given me permission to spend my coupons from the paper though. Does he know you can print off one hobby lobby coupon a day for the whole week? :lol:lol:lol Well of course til Labor Day weekend when you get 10% off your purchase at JoAnns and then I will probably make a half hour trip to Port Huron to check out Mary Maxims, they are having their annual tent sale til the 8th of Sept, and well, I figure it will just be a fun little trip. I hope to not find too many good deals, or clearence. Wait a sec, who am I kidding....

Joshua is also waiting on his rifle scope and some little do dad for WoW. To keep the hackers away apparently...right. I think that may be why hes not truely mad at me for my yarn addiction....because Im pretty sure he spent a grand on guns in a week, and now needs his scope. Then come hunting time it will be all the gear to wear in the cold woods of the UP. Men and their toys. Glad he lets me have mine.


Im like dying to have my craft room going though, hmph. Everytime I go down there I want to sort and put stuff away, but I can't because I have no desk and the 2ft of drywall along the bottom of the room needs to go up, along with tape/mud/paint ect. Bah. This house sometimes.


Well, I best get to my chore list. I decided to make one for the week so the house isn't such a slop fest by weeks end. Its helping so far. Thank gosh I did the dishes already. Holy cow I blabbed this morning, shoulda been updating my blog with this post, hahah! Have a lovely day all!! :hug:hook:hug

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Wow it's gorgeous. How many months will it take to make this Flower Clutch? I love purses and I have a good collection of it. I wanted to have some of the flower clutch.

It shouldn't take that long to make. The only possibly tricky part that I can see in the picture are the white squares with the puff stitches in the center. A week tops if you're even halfway good with a hook and needle. The lining could well be the hardest part and for a simple clutch purse even that shouldn't be bad.


My DD called last night and we talked for around an hour. Ayden loved his first week of school. What did you learn today? "Lots and lots of things. Too many to remember them all!" :lol :lol :lol And he likes the new before and after care programs, too. Great news for a working mom.


The hardest part of the picture of me on the floor was getting down and back up again! Arthritis. Bah! :P Assembling more squares is on today's To Do List. I need to cut some more of the fancy turquoise squares, too. It's so much fun seeing the vague picture in my head become a lovely reality. :devil A natural high!


Have a great day everyone! It rained most of yesterday and looks like it could do it again today.

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Linda, your grandson sounds so precious! And I know what you mean baout getting up off the floor:lol

....people with no creative outlet don't know what they're missing...you're right about there being nothing like the natural high from our work!


Have a good day, everyone!

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K so I thought I wouldnt get much crochet done, but I started the quick afghan for my cousins bridal shower. Those kids, they got engaged this summer and wanted a short engagement, so they are getting married in Jan. At least the Red Heart Grande from the trade show is going to a good use, its working up fast, maybe I'll get it done today ;)

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K so I thought I wouldnt get much crochet done, but I started the quick afghan for my cousins bridal shower. Those kids, they got engaged this summer and wanted a short engagement, so they are getting married in Jan. At least the Red Heart Grande from the trade show is going to a good use, its working up fast, maybe I'll get it done today ;)

Wow! You speedy demon you.

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Wow! You speedy demon you.


Well....I can't really take much credit...

Im using a 5 1/2 hour ghan pattern from lion brand, a Q hook, and Red Heart Grande' so its speedy. I didn't think I would like how it was going to play out but its really fancy looking :D

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Wow it's gorgeous. How many months will it take to make this Flower Clutch? I love purses and I have a good collection of it. I wanted to have some of the flower clutch.


If you have a good amount of time to devote to it you should be able to make it in about 8 hours or less depending on how fast you crochet. :yes I am a big fan of keeping things simple when I design :lol

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Erin - Cut and paste honey and you have your blog post all ready :wink And yes, it's nice when the hubby has expensive hobbies isn't it? That's when I get the chance to tell him "but I spend less in year on yarn than you just spent on that pistol (computer part) (software) (insert your own expensive toy here)" :rofl :rofl


Linda - Oh now you burst my bubble there! I was totally jealous of you being able to sit on the floor and look that happy without wondering how in the world you were gonna get back up again :rofl :rofl BD occasionally tells me to "just sit on the floor" for a project sometimes. I just look at him like he's insane :lol


Good morning ladies :flower


Had a pretty productive day yesterday. I finished my September scarf with a day to spare :hook I think this one is my favorite so far :yes I started one for October but it'll probably get dumped. No drape. Not a good thing in a scarf :2nono


I have some things I need to get done around here today but I have sneaking suspicion that it'll probably be tomorrow before they get done. My crochet/design mojo is in high gear right now and I don't like anything to interfere with that like cooking, laundry, housework :wink:lol


So I'm thinking it'll be a total toy soldier day today :hook

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Go for it, Cara!


I finished the last blocks for the 1st side, laid them all out, and it's super pretty. That's definitely the side panel plan. Now to see if I can sew them together before Trouble messes them up. :lol :lol :lol

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