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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi Group, That was fun answering all those questions. I hope you had a chance to hear my song for it's good for building up the mind. LOL :lol:lol I went to the doctor he gave me some cough syruph and if that don't work he'll give me some pills other then that I'm in excellent shape and roaring to go. :D I took my crocheting with me which I'm glad I did for the skein of yarn had a big tangle and knot in it so I just sat there getting it out and rewinding my ball of yarn. If I was home I would have just throw it in a corner and moved on to another project so it was good that I brought that particular crocheting with me. I did go to the Lys to get the picture frame and a picture mat. I did peek at some of the yarn but nothing caught my attention so I ended up buying a very small needlepoint kit of a dragonfly. I had to buy something. I forgot that I needed a size I hook with the bamboo handle but I'll get that when I go back next week. How is everyone day coming?????


Lissa - Calypso's grave site look great nice job I know she was smiling down at you. Sending you another hug. :hug


I need to get some bamboo handled hooks I think. I've not got any yet and I think they would be easier on my fingers


Thank you so much! I love making her gravesite nice and cheery :)


Thank you very much. I look forward to making my own very soon!


Good Morning Housemates :coffee


Lissa - Calypso's grave looks very nice and festive for her birthday, I'm sure you made her cry looking down on you :hug :hug


Good morning everyone else. I'm going to be putting some chicken in the crockpot today, so I can't wait to smell my apt when I get home ;) It's the best when you walk in the door after work and it already smells wonderful :yes


Yummy!!! I love love love crockpot chicken!! You've made me hungry now lol


How'd the interview go yesterday, Lissa?


Kim's got a doctor's appointment this morning, so it's time to get busy. See you all later.


The interview didn't happen. I got there and waited 20 minutes and the guy never showed up. So I figured he hired someone else and left.


We're in a Tornado Watch and Severe Storm warning until 9 pm tonight for the 4th night in a ROW! It's CRAZY the amount of horrible weather we're getting.


I'm uploading a video of R in TKD today or trying to. I can't wait to get our real internet back. R got a green stripe today!! :yay


I'm working on my shawl still. It's really coming along nicely I think

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Lissa- congrats to R on her new stripe!!!. And stay safe! That stinks- tornado watches 4 days in a row! Can't wait to see your shawl. Sorry about the interview- that was kind of rude to just not show up! Oh, well, just not meant to be I guess :hug


NJ sometimes gets a bum rap, but I must say our weather for the most part is pretty good!


Sherri- WTG on all the knitting you are getting done. Cant wait to see a picture when it is done!

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Good evening ladies,


I got home just a few minutes ago and am going to turn on the game and hopefully crochet. So, just a quick check in. I'm really sad right now because I didn't plug my crockpot in this morning, so now I have to throw the food away! :( I can't believe I did that. Just ruined my whole day. I guess I'll just have a bowl of cereal or something...at least I don't have to worry about feeding anyone but me.


Judy - I'll get that pic up in a couple min to show you what I have so far.

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Judy~That is freaky. :yes Maybe I am a dunce but I have no idea what TG means. :thinkyou're not a dunce:)....means either Thank Goodness or Thank God...whatever you interpret it as...at least that's how I've seen it used.


I bet when they get rid of that thing his muscle spasms will release. They think the cyst is compressing nerves which is why he is in so much pain. I just want to not be so housebound....I hate it. :yes

I hate being housebound, too...I feel for ya, sweetie:hug:manyheart

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I got home just a few minutes ago and am going to turn on the game and hopefully crochet. So, just a quick check in. I'm really sad right now because I didn't plug my crockpot in this morning, so now I have to throw the food away! :( I can't believe I did that. Just ruined my whole day. I guess I'll just have a bowl of cereal or something...at least I don't have to worry about feeding anyone but me.

Uh-oh! Sounds like something I would do:lol

And you're right - when something isn't quite right with dinner I get "the look"....a real pain in the tukus! Too bad my other half has no interest in learning to+ cook:lol

Judy - I'll get that pic up in a couple min to show you what I have so far.

I'll be here:hook

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So...I found out my neighbor's DIL loves light blue. Makes it easy for me to make her a baby ghan. I'm just going to get a very pretty, soft blue and make a RR...I think. If not that, I have a fluffy looking pattern I found in my stash and that may be nice. Need to check the size on that one.

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Sherri -

Great job on completing all the knit squares ! Such an accomplishment . I can't wait to see it all together !



Linda- I know you are probably super busy this week catching up,but we'd love to see the fabrics you got,along with all your other goodies, if you have time on photo Friday !




cheeria- good for you for having a little shopping trip of your own,and buying you a little something ,even though it wasn't yarn. As long as it's a crafty item ,and for YOU, that's what counts !




Judy- You sure are speedy cranking out those baby ghans ! Wish I was half that speedy. I work on something awhile, then get up and do dishes or something, work on it again, get up to do laundry. This goes on all day,so I am not as organized as you or something .



Cindy- would your husband mind giving Sam some cooking lessons ? That'd be great if Sam ever cooked me a whole meal . I think it might be Burger King. Just guessing .



Tab- glad the baby arrived safely, but sorry we have to wait to see the photos .


Sorry Doah ended up waiting in ER for nothing . Discouraging .

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Okay, my stepmom had to go sneak a peek and here is a pic of my brother and baby Lilly Gail. :manyheart




So...I found out my neighbor's DIL loves light blue. Makes it easy for me to make her a baby ghan. I'm just going to get a very pretty, soft blue and make a RR...I think. If not that, I have a fluffy looking pattern I found in my stash and that may be nice. Need to check the size on that one.


Awww light Blue's are awesome for blankets :c9


Good evening ladies,


I got home just a few minutes ago and am going to turn on the game and hopefully crochet. So, just a quick check in. I'm really sad right now because I didn't plug my crockpot in this morning, so now I have to throw the food away! :( I can't believe I did that. Just ruined my whole day. I guess I'll just have a bowl of cereal or something...at least I don't have to worry about feeding anyone but me.


I'm so sorry sweetie! I've done similar things myself :(


Lissa- congrats to R on her new stripe!!!. And stay safe! That stinks- tornado watches 4 days in a row! Can't wait to see your shawl. Sorry about the interview- that was kind of rude to just not show up! Oh, well, just not meant to be I guess :hug


Thanks sweetie :)


Does anyone know what to put on chigger bites to make them stop itching. I have 58 of them today and I'm in AGONY

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Hi Mary

Yes, I REALLY like this yarn a lot. Too bad it's so far away and so much for shipping .


It is using a G hook,because it is more the thickness of sport weight,but very nice and soft,and doesnt split like some yarns do .


I know what you mean about needing to get away sometimes. I hope you find a place you like and some time off to go !

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Joy ~ It's good to see your posts! I hope you're doing well...are you doing much crocheting?


Compared to most of the ladies here I barely crochet at all! I have made some progress on my shawl and hope to have it done in the next year or two. :lol

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Wow Lissa, 58 sounds excessive! Where have you been? I always find that putting ice on an itch will help stop it which is easy. I guess any type of benedryl or itch cream should work as well. Good luck :hug :hug :hug

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Judy- we want to see th blue blankie when it's finished !



Tab- the picture is adorable -- your brother looks on cloud 9,and what a sweet little babe .



Joy- if you hang around in here enough,you'll probably be crocheting more often --we kinda have the habit of getting people involved in lots of projects !


Off to watch HKitchen here too --

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Hi, Jules!! I'm so glad you're enjoying your new yarn. The Brits call that DK yarn (double knitting) and it does have the feel of almost sportweight. It's also very soft, usually:c9


And I don't know - but I think I get OCD when I'm working on ghan...wanting to see it finished. This next one (and the bright one for my niece's first baby) are both going to be simple patterns. I have till Spet for the bright one and October for the blue one. I also still have the bright colored straight ripple I started.

Just my usual list of WIPs:lol

Okay, my stepmom had to go sneak a peek and here is a pic of my brother and baby Lilly Gail. :manyheart

How tiny and so cute! Your brother looks tired, but so happy.:hug:manyheart



Well, off for tonight - Marisa, I'll check in the morning to see if you posted a pic.


'nite, everyone:hug:manyheart

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Well ladies,


I decided againt the cereal and went with cake and ice cream for dinner!!! :lol I had a piece of pound cake left from my punch bowl cake and had some black cherry vanilla ice cream in the freezer. Now I'm feeling a little better! :D


Phillies are losing but at least closed the gap a bit; however, I know I'm outnumbered in here for yankee fans vs phillie fans ------ GO PHILS :cheer :cheer :cheer


Judy - here's the pic of my panel. I just feel like it looks a little choppy, but I guess that's natural since I don't think you can really get a completely smooth transition with yarn. The pics looked a little blurry on the camera so I hope they're ok on here.




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Dh made steak, baked potatoes and a salad for dinner. I guess he went grocery shopping today. It was very good. He even bought a bottle of wine to go with it!


I'm busy doing laundry and crocheting on a cardigan that I hope will fit one of my DD's. Its kind of hard to tell, since there are 4 rows of edging, and its hard to tell how much width that will add. My gauge is pretty close, but the last cardigan I tried, my gauge was right on and the thing was way too big. Its a very easy pattern so it isn't taking too long, and I guess I can always frog it and use the yarn for something else.


Cheeria, your squares will be in the mail tomorrow, and my summer theme card will also go out tomorrow.


Marisa, I have forgotten to turn on the crockpot a few times too. Once I didn't put the lid on which is just as bad. The food just spoiled a little faster since its sitting on a warm surface. Its really disappointing isn't it?

I think I seen that stained glass afghan pattern you are making. I am too lazy to attempt something like that, but I think it'll be really pretty once its done.

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Lissa- stay safe over there and keep an eye on the weather channel !


So far it's quiet outside again. Maybe it's a good sign!?


Wow Lissa, 58 sounds excessive! Where have you been? I always find that putting ice on an itch will help stop it which is easy. I guess any type of benedryl or itch cream should work as well. Good luck :hug :hug :hug


I have been putting that pink calamine lotion stuff on it but it's not helped yet lol


Well ladies,


I decided againt the cereal and went with cake and ice cream for dinner!!! :lol I had a piece of pound cake left from my punch bowl cake and had some black cherry vanilla ice cream in the freezer. Now I'm feeling a little better! :D


YUM! Ice Cream and Cake! :yay


Your panel looks great!

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I'm dropping in to say I'm still around getting ready to head to bed. I'll be back tomorrow sometime.

Maya has story time in the morning and were going to the post office and the store.

Cheeria your squares will be mailed tomorrow.

See everyone tomorrow.

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Yankees won, but Celtics are losing!


Marisa- Oh, what a day you had- that is so disappointing to expect to come home to a wonderful smelling place with dinner already cooked only to find out you forgot to plug in the crockpot- (I've been there done that:lol)


Your panels look good to me- I love that afghan. I'm sure Judy will be able to help you with whatever issue you are having. Sorry about Halladay not pitching like Halladay- but I'm so happy the Yankees beat Phillies!


Cindy- Your dinner sounds delicious- that was very sweet of DH to make you dinner:manyheart. I've never tried a wearable (unless you count hats). Hoping that it turns out -but you've got the right attitude- it can always go to the frog pond!!


Tab- the pic of your niece is nice- Your brother looks like a tired proud daddy and she is so cute!!! Hope you got a good nights rest after ****'s Kitchen!


Julie- did you see the Jillian show tonight- Losing it with Jillian? , I DVR'd it so I can watch it over the weekend.


Off to bed......cya in the AM


Diane- Saying hi early to the "night crew" :lol

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Well, she is too tired for guest tonight so we all have to wait until tomorrow. :( I never heard of such a thing, but my brother has no umm....:devil Anywhoo, the baby is healthy and weighed 7lbs. 12 ozs. :manyheart

Oh, good grief!

Well the ER trip was pointless.....she said all that can be done has been done & he needs to just wait to see the surgeon. We were in and out in 20 minutes. :eek She even said that was a new record. :lol I really do feel for him though because until that cyst comes out his left half of his back is in a constant spasm. All they keep giving him is tramadol which is crud. Oh well, life goes on. :yes

Hope he gets relief when he sees the surgeon.

:manyheart Hubby's appointment is on the 23rd and it is just a consultation so who knows when they will actually take it out. I bet when they get rid of that thing his muscle spasms will release. They think the cyst is compressing nerves which is why he is in so much pain. I just want to not be so housebound....I hate it. :yes

I don't blame you!

The interview didn't happen. I got there and waited 20 minutes and the guy never showed up. So I figured he hired someone else and left.


We're in a Tornado Watch and Severe Storm warning until 9 pm tonight for the 4th night in a ROW! It's CRAZY the amount of horrible weather we're getting.

That's extremely rude! Stay safe with this crazy weather. It was 96* here at 1:30! Not sure how high it peaked at. Hot, hot, hot and it got stormy here around 8:00, too.

I'm really sad right now because I didn't plug my crockpot in this morning, so now I have to throw the food away! :( I can't believe I did that. Just ruined my whole day. I guess I'll just have a bowl of cereal or something...at least I don't have to worry about feeding anyone but me.

Oh, Marisa. How disappointing!

Okay, my stepmom had to go sneak a peek and here is a pic of my brother and baby Lilly Gail. :manyheart

What a cute picture. He looks thrilled.

Linda- I know you are probably super busy this week catching up,but we'd love to see the fabrics you got,along with all your other goodies, if you have time on photo Friday !

It will take some time to get everything photographed, but I'll work on it a little each day until I get a chance to show off everything. :D

Does anyone know what to put on chigger bites to make them stop itching. I have 58 of them today and I'm in AGONY

Oh, NO!!!!!! Chigger bites are the worst. Only fire ant bites are worse, in my opinion. Calamine lotion, Caladryl lotion, Aloe Vera gel are some of the things I've tried. With that many, it's going to be tough. Check with your local pharmacist. Sometimes they can come up with something that will help that's out of the ordinary.

Well ladies,


I decided againt the cereal and went with cake and ice cream for dinner!!! :lol I had a piece of pound cake left from my punch bowl cake and had some black cherry vanilla ice cream in the freezer. Now I'm feeling a little better! :D


Judy - here's the pic of my panel. I just feel like it looks a little choppy, but I guess that's natural since I don't think you can really get a completely smooth transition with yarn. The pics looked a little blurry on the camera so I hope they're ok on here.

Love your choice of supper fare! I think your panel looks great.


John finally got home at about 9:30 tonight. He had a big test to take tonight. It did NOT go well. He's really bummed. The job has changed a lot in the last three years and not in a direction that's fitting him well. Looks like he's going to be investigating other areas in the company. Time will tell.


I'm heading for bed. See you all tomorrow. :sleep

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Oh, NO!!!!!! Chigger bites are the worst. Only fire ant bites are worse, in my opinion. Calamine lotion, Caladryl lotion, Aloe Vera gel are some of the things I've tried. With that many, it's going to be tough. Check with your local pharmacist. Sometimes they can come up with something that will help that's out of the ordinary.


Thanks sweetie. We have a Walgreens 2 minutes from here! I'll go ask a pharmacist as soon as F goes to bed.:hug:hug


Sleep tight hun!

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Good night ladies :c9


Congrats Joanne on your win!!! Sorry for my loss :( Two more to go....I'll be happy if we come out with 1 of the 3, the way we've been playing lately it would be like hitting the jackpot! LOL. I turned the basketball game off in the second half since it was like a one sided game :( Sorry the Celtics lost and Perkins went down...did they say anything about his outcome yet? I was rooting for them (at least over the Lakers anyway ;) )


Tab - Lilly is adorable!!!! She looks lost in your bro's arms, but he looks soo happy :clap


I hope everyone's day went well. I'm off to bed...catch y'all in the A.M.

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