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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good Morning, Ladies.


Here's a picture of Kim with her grandchildren from last week. And one with her son. Also a picture of the August birthday cake. The final one is Kim's cousin's little girl who is 3 and a half.

Awww, great pictures, Linda! I know Kim was thrilled to spend time with her family. The cake is wonderful!


Happy evening guys! I didn't get any crocheting done on my afternoon off yesterday. I have a new outfit that has some seriously long pants and one of Mom's co-workers sews. So I ran up to Mom's work to have my pants measured so they can be hemmed. And I decided to take my new playtoy for a ride. Big mistake, I got maybe 2 miles from Mom's work when leaving and it started raining. I have no rain gear and I didn't have my full face helmet on. That rain stings! So I hung out in a DIY carwash while waiting for the worst of it to pass :lol

:lol I'm glad you like your new motorcycle...now we need to get you some rain gear. :D


Linda the pictures look great. That cake is adorable.


I have 23 more solids to report today. I have one more block ready to get sewn together. And now my neighbor is talking about me making another one in different colors for her DD. They both like the design alot.

23 more added, Donna. You may have all of the neighbors asking for one. :eek


Ow!!! That doesn't sound like any fun at all.

John, Kim and I just got back from celebrating Kim's birthday at a German restaurant with two other couples. Very good food and company.

Sounds like a wonderful time! Your schedule this past week has been crazy...I hope you have a quiet day today. :hug


We had one of the best meals we've ever had last night. The food was incredible and DD and her DH are so happy. :manyheart


Have a wonderful day, everyone. :yes

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We had one of the best meals we've ever had last night. The food was incredible and DD and her DH are so happy. :manyheart


That's wonderful Mary :manyheart


Good morning ladies :flower


Oh look! It actually is morning this time :lol I remembered to set my alarm so I'm just a bit behind. Hey. It is Sunday after all so I gave myself a bit extra sleep :wink


I still didn't touch my hook all day yesterday. But I definitely plan to today :hook


We did get the grocery shopping done yesterday though :yay Only $149. Not bad to buy 2.5 weeks of groceries (minimum). I made some little compromises and bought the *gasp* store brand :faint I don't usually do that. I've had too many disappointing results. And I also actually stuck to my list for a change :eek I even passed on the ice cream sandwiches that looked so very yummy :yes


Okay, enough rambling for now :lol Have a great day y'all :manyheart

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Cara the only time I stick to my list is when SDR goes shopping with me!:lol


:lol Yes, I don't think I've actually stuck to a list in oh about 10 or 12 years now :lol Sapped all the fun right out of the experience :lol

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only need 25 more pink squares for the comfortghan =) Im excited. I havent been able to talk to her in over a week. Word is from her step mom and her and her hubby have been spending some time together, ughhhhh.

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only need 25 more pink squares for the comfortghan =) Im excited. I havent been able to talk to her in over a week. Word is from her step mom and her and her hubby have been spending some time together, ughhhhh.

I'll be mailing 4 to you tomorrow. I hope she's doing okay:hug

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:lol Yes, I don't think I've actually stuck to a list in oh about 10 or 12 years now :lol Sapped all the fun right out of the experience :lol

My lists grow after I get to the store. ;) You'd think as much as DH is gone, our grocery bills would be low...nope. :lol


only need 25 more pink squares for the comfortghan =) Im excited. I havent been able to talk to her in over a week. Word is from her step mom and her and her hubby have been spending some time together, ughhhhh.


Super, Erin! Do you have more people who are sending them? I can make at least one more in the next couple of days if you need more. :yes


I feel sooo much better! It's been way too long since I've taken the time to really straighten and clean upstairs. So today was the day...I need another 1/2 day to really go through some things, but for now it's makes me happy. I'm not turning Gracie loose unsupervised yet and having her upstairs while I'm trying to clean would be a disaster. :lol Of course, it also reminds me of UFO's. :blush

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only need 25 more pink squares for the comfortghan =) Im excited. I havent been able to talk to her in over a week. Word is from her step mom and her and her hubby have been spending some time together, ughhhhh.
Sometimes it takes drastic measures to get what needs done, done. Good luck to your friend.
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Hi, everyone. I blew this day! :out Didn't wake up until 11:00 and spent the afternoon with Rosie. We went to JoAnn Fabrics and then to Red Hen Fabrics, a wonderful quilt fabric store. We spent over an hour and a half there and it felt like maybe half an hour. Wonderful fabrics and super helpful employees. The biggest oriental fabric selection of any of the stores so far. Most of what I spent was on oriental fabric or fabric that will go in an oriental themed quilt.


I promise to crochet a few more pink squares for you tomorrow, Erin. Kim and I will be getting back on our normal schedule then.


More later. :yawn

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Morning all! I'm actually in the office today and talk about being thrown for a loop. We share seats with someone, so my seat mate decided he didn't want to work from home today. So the one computer that I know is empty, it won't log onto any servers :think So I check, and another the person is out of the office this week. Ok, great. All of my stuff is on the accessible from anywhere I drive (I know better than to leave it on the harddrive :D) So I sit down at vacationing person's desk and get the same screen as when I log in from home. Huh?! So we're thinking I need my password device, which is at home of course. Head home to get it (thankfully I'm only 4 miles away), come back and it won't work. Come to find out I didn't need it, there was just a different way to log in :eyeroll


So I'm here and not wanting to be. I actually have to be in regular clothes, and not just jeans regular clothes. I actually have to wear business casual type of clothes. Bleh.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - Sounds like a great day of fabric shopping :drool


Val - Oh no. What a rough start to today :lol Hopefully you can work from home tomorrow :yes


How's everyone today? I actually got a tiny bit of crocheting done yesterday....92 saltines worth! :faint I'm just as surprised as y'all are :rofl I haven't made 92 saltines in one day in many years. I was like a woman possessed. Not only did I make 92 saltines but I sewed them all together in 6 and 22 square strips that I need. Just 66 more black squares to go then the final assembly on the LC :dance:yay


I seriously doubt that I'll get that many made today though. I have to do laundry, freeze peppers and clean my kitchen. If I didn't have all those silly things to do I could really make some progress on what's really important :hook:devil


Have a great day y'all :ghug

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Morning all! I'm actually in the office today and talk about being thrown for a loop. We share seats with someone, so my seat mate decided he didn't want to work from home today. So the one computer that I know is empty, it won't log onto any servers :think So I check, and another the person is out of the office this week. Ok, great. All of my stuff is on the accessible from anywhere I drive (I know better than to leave it on the harddrive :D) So I sit down at vacationing person's desk and get the same screen as when I log in from home. Huh?! So we're thinking I need my password device, which is at home of course. Head home to get it (thankfully I'm only 4 miles away), come back and it won't work. Come to find out I didn't need it, there was just a different way to log in :eyeroll


So I'm here and not wanting to be. I actually have to be in regular clothes, and not just jeans regular clothes. I actually have to wear business casual type of clothes. Bleh.

:rofl:rofl I know it's not really funny, but it is. I so know the feeling.

How's everyone today? I actually got a tiny bit of crocheting done yesterday....92 saltines worth! :faint I'm just as surprised as y'all are :rofl I haven't made 92 saltines in one day in many years. I was like a woman possessed. Not only did I make 92 saltines but I sewed them all together in 6 and 22 square strips that I need. Just 66 more black squares to go then the final assembly on the LC :dance:yay

:eek WOW!!! :eek Way to go, Cara.


Good morning, everyone. I slept the clock aroung last night. Hopefully I'll get caught up on sleep soon.


Kim and I have a quiet week lined up. We made a quick trip to my kidney doctor to pay for the last visit earlier today. Tomorrow Kim has to have lab work done for her kidney doctor. That's it.


John decided that Kim needs to lose some weight, so what does he do but go out and buy her yogurt that has almost twice the calories of what we normally give her. Men! Go figure. 32 grams of sugar in one little container.

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John decided that Kim needs to lose some weight, so what does he do but go out and buy her yogurt that has almost twice the calories of what we normally give her. Men! Go figure. 32 grams of sugar in one little container.


Aren't they hilarious? :lol They just don't know how these things work do they? :lol

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hey all...

ive not been able to crochet lately because of the weekend company. Ugh sometimes in laws are a bit wacky. specially those that haven't drank in 10+ years. im out right exhausted. I also suffered a nasty sunburn at the air show and now my whole forehead is swollen,i pray it doesn't end up like the last time this happened where i looked like a swollen tomato for a week. So far its only on my forehead. Its honestly pretty darn depressing right about now.

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Cara, that's awesome!:cheer


Erin, boy, do I ever know about sunburn:yes :hug


John decided that Kim needs to lose some weight, so what does he do but go out and buy her yogurt that has almost twice the calories of what we normally give her. Men! Go figure. 32 grams of sugar in one little container.

Men don't read labels...ever....my man included!

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I got a new playtoy last night!! Isn't it pretty? It's a 2005 with only 11,700 miles!

Wow! Have fun, but be careful!


Here is the PTC so far.

Love the bright colors! Your DD is so sweet to so vocally claim the PTC as her quilt-ghan. It does sound as though you could be spending some quality time with this pattern in the future, if you decide to make them for neighbors. Good luck with your fair entry!


Well, I've had a stressful week. Two of my family members passed away on Monday within two hours of each other. First was my grandfather (step dad's father) who I wasn't overly close to, but it's still sad especially for my step dad. The second was my Aunt Jo. She's my great aunt on my mom's side. Both of the funerals are on Friday. Aunt Jo is at 10 and Estel is at 1. I'm taking the whole day of work, obviously.


Those deaths are on top of the fact that my Xavier's fifth birthday would have been in 10 days (8/29). I've been dreading that day for a few weeks. So, I'm a little tender, but not doing too bad. I've found myself avoiding crochet. I've been keeping my mind occupied with silly computer games.


Anywho, if you would keep my family in your thoughts and prayers if you're so inclined, we'd all appreciate it a lot.


Talk with you all soon. :hug

I am sorry I am late with this message, but you are definitely in my prayers. I hope you are doing alright after such a week as you have endured. :hug



We are HOME!!! I got up at 5:15am and we were on the road at 7:00 am. We made a 15 minute potty stop and a 45 minute brunch & medicine stop. (I forgot to take mine, but Kim got hers. Oops!) We pulled into the garage at 1:30 pm. We drove 298 mile on 9.5 gallons of gas for 31.9 mpg. Pretty good for my 14 year old little car. I'm proud of it. The car's all unpacked, Kim's fed, everybody is notified that we are home, and I've about had it. :P

Glad to hear you made it home safely. You sound exhausted, but it really looks as though Kim is happy to be surrounded by so many loving family members. Best of luck catching up on your rest and settling back into your regular routine this week.


How's everyone today? I actually got a tiny bit of crocheting done yesterday....92 saltines worth! :faint I'm just as surprised as y'all are :rofl I haven't made 92 saltines in one day in many years. I was like a woman possessed. Not only did I make 92 saltines but I sewed them all together in 6 and 22 square strips that I need. Just 66 more black squares to go then the final assembly on the LC

:faintis right. Were your hands incredibly sore the day afterwards? That is quite a few, but how wonderful to be able to see the progress you are making.



Home from Chicago. I had a great time. After catching up here and sorting through my e-mails, I am afraid I do not have time to write a message, now. The girls are home with us this week :yay, so now I have to remember how to cook on a schedule and I will only get to play on the computer when they are sleeping :sigh Talk to you, tomorrow :manyheart

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hey all...

ive not been able to crochet lately because of the weekend company. Ugh sometimes in laws are a bit wacky. specially those that haven't drank in 10+ years. im out right exhausted. I also suffered a nasty sunburn at the air show and now my whole forehead is swollen,i pray it doesn't end up like the last time this happened where i looked like a swollen tomato for a week. So far its only on my forehead. Its honestly pretty darn depressing right about now.

Oh, you poor thing! Take care. I hope it doesn't spread. I know about bad burns and just grateful I haven't had one in a long time. Knock on wood!

Is that like stopping and asking for directions? :lol

It has to be related! Just has to be!


John brought supper home for us tonight and put twice as much food on Kim's plate as I would have. And then he wonders why she's gaining weight. :think Oh, well. I do what I can during the week and he does his thing on the weekend.


I've gotten 9 6" pink squares done so far. The Baby Clouds yarn is not going to work as a preemie afghan. It's way too bulky and fuzzy. It will make a cute baby blanket, though, and the hospital needs those too. It's started, but I sure don't enjoy those great big hooks. I think this is a size N. My hands are achy today and don't like working with that hook.


Have a good evening everyone.

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Hi everyone. :)



...been think about you....you must be on pins and needles about the new grandbaby coming...

I'm really trying hard not to worry. :yes This Friday will be the first sonogram and more bloodwork - at 10 weeks. :c9


Hi, everyone. I blew this day! :out Didn't wake up until 11:00 and spent the afternoon with Rosie. We went to JoAnn Fabrics and then to Red Hen Fabrics, a wonderful quilt fabric store. We spent over an hour and a half there and it felt like maybe half an hour. Wonderful fabrics and super helpful employees. The biggest oriental fabric selection of any of the stores so far. Most of what I spent was on oriental fabric or fabric that will go in an oriental themed quilt.


I promise to crochet a few more pink squares for you tomorrow, Erin. Kim and I will be getting back on our normal schedule then.


More later. :yawn

Your afternoon sounds wonderful! My favorite quilt/fabric shop closed a few years ago, but there is another really good one near downtown. They also carry a small amount of yarn. :yarn


Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - Sounds like a great day of fabric shopping :drool


Val - Oh no. What a rough start to today :lol Hopefully you can work from home tomorrow :yes


How's everyone today? I actually got a tiny bit of crocheting done yesterday....92 saltines worth! :faint I'm just as surprised as y'all are :rofl I haven't made 92 saltines in one day in many years. I was like a woman possessed. Not only did I make 92 saltines but I sewed them all together in 6 and 22 square strips that I need. Just 66 more black squares to go then the final assembly on the LC :dance:yay


I seriously doubt that I'll get that many made today though. I have to do laundry, freeze peppers and clean my kitchen. If I didn't have all those silly things to do I could really make some progress on what's really important :hook:devil


Have a great day y'all :ghug

92! :cheer That is wonderful! Congratulations on being so close to finishing!


:rofl:rofl I know it's not really funny, but it is. I so know the feeling.


:eek WOW!!! :eek Way to go, Cara.


Good morning, everyone. I slept the clock aroung last night. Hopefully I'll get caught up on sleep soon.


Kim and I have a quiet week lined up. We made a quick trip to my kidney doctor to pay for the last visit earlier today. Tomorrow Kim has to have lab work done for her kidney doctor. That's it.


John decided that Kim needs to lose some weight, so what does he do but go out and buy her yogurt that has almost twice the calories of what we normally give her. Men! Go figure. 32 grams of sugar in one little container.

Quiet days are a good thing. :yes You all have been on the go so much, I bet you're ready! :)


Hi everyone!


I'm starting to get back into a regular routine after all the family emergencies last week. I have read all of the posts and hope to catch up this weekend. :ghug

Hi Nicole. You've had so much to deal with...I hope you're okay. :hug


hey all...

ive not been able to crochet lately because of the weekend company. Ugh sometimes in laws are a bit wacky. specially those that haven't drank in 10+ years. im out right exhausted. I also suffered a nasty sunburn at the air show and now my whole forehead is swollen,i pray it doesn't end up like the last time this happened where i looked like a swollen tomato for a week. So far its only on my forehead. Its honestly pretty darn depressing right about now.

'Hope you get some crochet time soon. :crocheting Good luck with the sunburn. :hug


Dusti ~ so glad you had a great time on your trip! When do the girls start school? Public school started today in our area.

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