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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi LeAnna ~

Thanks for the welcome home !


And how is it going with the cleaning up of the boxes full of items in your upstairs ?


Got them all situated yet ? I hope so .


What was put in the room, but not unpacked has now been dealt with, however, I still have a closet or two of stuff, but several boxes to deal with that were OLD, as in from before I moved to Germany to go through...sewing stuff, rubber stamp stuff and odds and ends...some of that will definately have to be downsized considerably...but it's good...plus the upper living room is 3/4 set up now and Hub-E is working on sorting and organizing stuff in his office and the upper kitchen slowing is getting to be in working order. Hub-E used it to make his first batch of beer since he got home last weekend.


We got a massive amount done in just 5-1/2 weeks time, will be interesting to see how much gets done within the next month or two before we start work on the interior stairs...I'll keep you posted.

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I finished a v square yesterday and measured it up and it is 7 1/2 by 8. Should I frog it and start over or can I take to 7 1/2 by 71/2 and put a boarder around it to make it 8 by 8? Let me know Julie, I don't have a problem starting it over. It was 8" when I started, guess it shrunk over night. lol! I just looked at it again and it looks like my tension is different at the beginning that the rest so I will frog it back and use a larger hook and mearsure every row.


Marlene, one of mine shrunk and I added aq border to it, rather than frog it and start over.

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Very quiet day at work today. Its actually good to have a quiet day in the ICU, but it is sort of boring!


I never did have my evaluation yesterday. I called my boss to see what time it was scheduled for and he told me not to bother coming in on a day off, and that he'd catch me when I was at work, so now the burden is on him.


Julie!!! Its nice to see you back. Sounds like the reunion went well, and you had a good time. Great pictures.


WTG on the yarn haul. My dh doesn't care how much I buy either. However, I am way too cheap to buy that much at a time. I am way too cheap to buy much of anything for myself,to tell the truth. I don;t mind buying stuff for other people though.


Dh and I are going to take our two oldest grandsons camping overnight tomorrow. I think they will have a wonderful time.

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Hi everyone, again I was missing in action, I spent yesterday at my daughter helping her with the new baby and the 2 year old tot, she was feeling overwelm. So I came with fixing for yesterday and today's dinner, tried to get her and my SIL on a pattern by giving therm pointers and I help them out the best I can by cooking and cleaning up. My 2 year old grandson was also running a temp so yesterday he went to the doctor and today the new born went for his first check-up. My new grandson sleep all day and stay up at night so I explain to her what to do and the doctor told her to do the same. I left them in good spirits I'm tired and miss everyone. I did complete another square and I started another one so by Thursday I will have 4 V squares. I'm also corcheting a market bag and it is coming out real nice. So as you can see while I was at my daughter's house I did crochet.


Julie - Welcome back, :hug I'm glad you had a nice time. WOW you sure did get a lot of yarn good for you. Thanks for sharing your pictures of the reunion it sounded like fun.


Judy - Love your Suki ghan, the dog look like a real dag. You really do excellent work.


Mlazartic - :welcome


Lissa - Hi there, that is a nice granny square for it to be the first time you crochet one.


Tam - sorry to hear about your neck and I'm glad to hear about Michael being able to tolerant the meds.


Leann- I also purge when I did spring cleaning, I was uncovering things I forgot that I had.


Judy - yesterday I found the perferct red, white and blue card for you it will go in the mail tomorrow.


Someone mentioned cake Mmmmmmm I can smell it.


Well house mates I'm tired, my eyes are red and burning I really need a day for myself but I also know if my daughter calls again I will go running.


Talk to you all later. :manyheart

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Cindy, I hope you have a great time camping with the boys! It's so nice having time with them like that:c9


I did complete another square and I started another one so by Thursday I will have 4 V squares. I'm also corcheting a market bag and it is coming out real nice. So as you can see while I was at my daughter's house I did crochet.

With a 2 yo running around I don't know how youdid any crocheting! The market bag sounds good - I've made one or two of those. We'll look forward to a picture!

Judy - Love your Suki ghan, the dog look like a real dag. You really do excellent work.

Thanks! The picture looks just like my friend's dog!

Judy - yesterday I found the perferct red, white and blue card for you it will go in the mail tomorrow.


I'm looking forward to getting your card! The one I picked for you is a little different:lol

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Hi LeAnna- sounds like you have things pretty much conquered as far as getting things in their place and everything organized,so good job !




Sherri -what are you making with the cornmeal yarn ? I love that color ,



Cheeria-it sounds like you have been mighty busy lately with the new grandbaby.hope things quiet down for you soon and you get back into a routine .


Cindy-wow, the camping with the grandsons sounds fun ! Have a good time and don't forget the stuff for S'mores !

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Wow Julie- that yarn haul sounds fantastic!!! I am so happy for you that you had a great time- the pics are wonderful- I was wondering how you were faring when I heard about tornadoes in Ohio!!!! Glad that despite the weather you all had a great time!!!!


I love that yarn that Lucy uses and have thought about ordering it- but then I look around at the yarn I have and am restraining myself! Since I work and earn my own money, my DH can't say diddly squat about what I buy- and honestly, the only thing I really go a little crazy on is yarn. He has made some comments about the yarn taking over the house- and then I remind him that he has 4 guitars- and what could a person possibly need 4 guitars for? LOL


Marissa- Glad your carrot cake came out good- Bet it was delish


Cheeria- Hope you get some rest- and some time for you!!!


LeAnna- You and Hub-E are making good progress on getting things back in order! WTG!!!


Tabitha- How is DH doing?


Cindy- Yup, you are right, now your eval is on him!!


I forget who had the square issue- I'm with the rest of the house- ADD A BORDER! LOL


Again, Julie- I'm so happy you are back!!! Missed you around here!!!


Judy - Did you get to go for a walk today in the absolutely gorgeous weather we had? I took a walk around the parking lot at work with some of my co-workers today- I had a really hard time having to go back inside!!!


Yankee time soon!!!

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Joanne, both today and yesterday I got Sparkie out for our walk - it was so nice after the awful heat!


Enjoy the game!


Hi Jude

as far as patterns, I'm not sure -the ripple looks so pretty and easier than the squares and sewing together, but I havent definitely decided .

Here's the website for where I ordered my yarn :


Thanks, sweetie!


HAve good night, everyone...Yankee game is on!:hug

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Hello Joanne. Hubby is okay, resting a lot. I spoke to the office today and had him there immediately since he has gotten nowhere since Saturday. Go me, they took him right in. He had an xray today and an US tomorrow. They gave him better meds. for the pain, but he still has a lot of pain. He's a trooper. :yes


Thanks for the concern. :manyheart

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Tab - Yay you for getting hubby in! Hope he is feeling better each day and that the new pain meds help relieve some of his discomfort!!!!


Love your square and the ghan you are working on !!!


I took your card to work today and put it on my desk- makes me think of my friends here at the Ville while I toil away!:)

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Hi everyone! I need to go back and catch up but I wanted to share I finished a new square that looks like it may be about to become an afghan for the NICU lol


Today R got a RED Stripe in TKD! :cheer Red Stripe is for Focus and her Blue Stripe is for Teamwork. I'm also attaching a photo of her and her new friend R. So ti's R & R LOL




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Julie ~ I'm very glad you are back!! <3<3 We missed you tons! I loved all your photos too! <3


Marisa ~ It's so nice to meet you!!


Tabitha ~ That afghan looks AMAZING! I hope you will share it all when it's done!!


joanne ~ Thank you so much! They are both doing so good in their class! <3

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Hi everyone...yeah, we're making progress, but no matter how much progress we make, the next day when I go upstairs I get overwhelmed again and scream...and then I try to get busy...although not today (the getting busy part) because had a class and all...


Loving the pics and all...

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Hi LeAnna- sounds like you have things pretty much conquered as far as getting things in their place and everything organized,so good job !




Sherri -what are you making with the cornmeal yarn ? I love that color ,



Cheeria-it sounds like you have been mighty busy lately with the new grandbaby.hope things quiet down for you soon and you get back into a routine .


Cindy-wow, the camping with the grandsons sounds fun ! Have a good time and don't forget the stuff for S'mores !


It's one of the colors in my Learn to Knit Afghan. Four of the last five squares I have left to do are either cornmeal or cornmeal/gold.

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Hi ladies!


Julie, it's great that Cam and Sam will pick up fishing. Many memories to be made. My dad use to take us and my grandpa also. I love to fish. Hubby and I use to go all the time when we were dating. I haven't gone as much the last few years like I use to. Hubby made up Maya a pole just to dangle in the water when we go on the pontoon (when it was working last year) or when take her out on the paddle boat. She thinks she is fishing and loves it.


Cindy, have fun camping with the boys.


Cheeria, It's nice you can go help daughter out. Nice of you to take care of the meals for her to. Glad you could get some crocheting in. What is your secret to get the baby to sleep during the night? Maya didn't sleep during the night until she was past 2. She would get up every night and want her milk. We tried everything. One night I told her your old enough to sleep all night and she said ok and she did, but it didn't last.


LeAnna, It's all coming together.


Sherri, maybe we should all do a cake along then we will have a cake. lol


Tab, those are all nice squares and your afghan is going to be pretty.

Good for you on calling the doctor and getting hubby right in. I hope he gets some relief soon.


Lissa, R & R are pretty girls. R is moving right along on getting her stripes.

Your square is really nice and it will make a pretty afghan.


I took everyones advice and put a boarder on my square. Thanks for your suggestions. I have to charge the batteries for the camera then I will post a pic. I'll have to see if I can find my blue varigated and make a square.

Going to go put Maya to bed. She didn't nap and she is doing all she can to stay awake. I'll see everyone in the morning. Have a nice night!

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