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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi everyone. Just a quick stop by here. We went to see baby Aaron this morning and we brought the two oldest grandsons home with us, so its busy around here. theya re full of energy. if the rain holds off a walk int he woods is on our agenda this afternoon!

DD likes her shrug so much that she is busy crocheting another one, using a different lacy pattern.


I got pictures of the baby and of the shrug, but I don't have time to post them at the moment.


Joanne, love the colors in those granny's. MY v-squares are curly too, even the one I bordered has a bit of a curl.


Tab..sending good thoughts for your dh. Hope its not a big problem.

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Cindy, I'm sure your'e enjoying your grandsons!:c9 Boys have soooo much energy!


Marlene, I don't think I could keep up with your schedule!! I'll bet you sleep good, though;)


Sorry that I was MIA yesterday, but we had more bad news on the home front. My Hubby has had back pain for a week or so and we thought it was muscles due to baseball. Wrong...they think it is a cyst (2nd one found in less than a month). This one is compressing hs nerves so he is in alot of pain. He has to go see his doc this week and figure out what is next. The oncall doc said they will probably have to take it out. It worries me since it is almost on his spine. UGHH! All that has been going on just makes me want to crawl under a rock and I hate putting it on all of you. Sorry.


I am going to hide for a bit.....maybe crochet.....watch a movie.........BBL.

Boy oh, boy! Sounds like he's prone to getting these...Phil gets lipomas (benign tumors)...it's scary till it gets taken care of:hug:hug:hug:hug

And DO NOT hesitate to come here with your concerns....we all need positive thoughts and hugs (even if only the virtual kind) when we're worried.

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Hi everyone!


Yankees are losing again! :( And the pitcher is pitching well- so frustrating.


Tab- I also had a lipoma on my back removed about a year and a half ago. They originally thought it was a cyst, but it was a lipoma. I have another one behind my ear- we are just watching it- if it doesn't get any larger we are going to leave it alone. The one on my back I had removed with local anesthesia- he said it was larger than he thought but he was still able to remove it without difficulty. Hope it all works out with DH....


I found a really funny red/white/blue themed card today which will be put in the mail tomorrow- Hope you think it is as funny as I did and it brings a smile to your face!!!


Cindy- Have fun with the GS today- they will keep you hopping!!!


Marissa- Glad you are having a good time with your Dad! Drive carefully.


Our pool has been opened- :clap and it was a lovely shade of light green- yuck! DD's boyfriend was a big help!! We are adding water now (can't wait for THAT bill- NOT)

and DH has added the shock to it- it already started clearing up even b/4 the filter is on. We can't turn the filter on until the water is at a certain point in the pool. And of course we are supposed to get T-storms....and there is even a tornado watch till 8PM!


Marlene- I'm with Judy- just reading all you've been doing has me ready for a nap!


I have a coupon that I got in the mail for Michael's for 25% off- so I'll stop tomorrow night and get the rest of the yarn I need for this ghan.


Oh, Marissa- in case I forget later- GO BLACKHAWKS!!!!:cheer:cheer


Hope everyone is having a good day


Yankees are now leading 4-2!!!:):):)

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:lol I thought I had 2 skeins of the color I'm using on the last round of the squares and for joining- but, I only have 1! So it looks like a trip to Michael's will be in my near future since the yarn is their own Loops and Thread. Hopefully the color won't be off due to dye lot-:eek


Photo Friday came and went, but here are the V squares (why are they curling at the ends?:think ) Here too is what I've gotten done so far on the granny ghan.


Nice grannies. :) My V squares curl too. :yes

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And here is DD's shrug. It used all but about a yard of the 2 skeins of free yarn I got when Caron came out with the Country brand of yarn.


Very nice Cindy...great job.


Well, we had a very nice sunny day yesterday, today it's raining again...so I'm curled up on the sofa working on the purple Tree of Life afghan that I'll be donating to our Relay 4 Life event next month.


We had our Relay yard sale yesterday and did well...


I hope you all are having a nice weekend.


Oh and p.s. Serenghetti chased a raccoon today...scary...

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Marlene - My youngest tried to stay all night with mil and had her call me at 10 pm SOBBING because she missed me. So we're not going to try a sleep over alone for a while lol


Marisa - Thank you dear. I'm doing EXCELLENT today! 8 hours of sleep!! YAY!!!!


Judy- I had a stress test last year and they did an u/s of my heart too. They said it was likely caffeine and anxiety related. I'm a very small girl. So I've cut out caffeine! Cold turkey! This is day 2 with no caffeine! Please wish me luck


Tabitha- I'll say some prayers for your dh!


Cindy - Aaron is ADORABLE!! OMG I love babies <3<3


Joanne - YAY for open pools. We're working today on my mils pool (on a break now lolz)


When I get home I promise to post photos of my stuff. LOL I keep putting it off lol. We're at my mils right now, we met my dh's great aunt for lunch and had Terayaki chicken. I LOVE Japanese food so much.

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Cindy- The shrug is beautiful and Aaron is such a cutie pie!!!!!:manyheart


As far as the card theme- if my memory serves me correctly it is red white and blue for this week. Julie has posted it b/4 she left. Anyway, I hope that is it cause that is what I went with when I got Tab's card!!:lol


Lissa- Glad to hear you got a good night's sleep-:c9 it is amazing what rest does for the spirit!! And good luck with the no caffeine- I'd be afraid to quit caffeine cold turkey- I'm addicted! And would probably get a massive headache!!! But I have cut down some- especially when I am feeling anxious about something- cause that only makes things worse!


Judy- So glad that the Yankees were able to pull off a win today!!!


LeAnne- Glad to hear that the Relay for Life sale went well. Good luck finishing the ghan in time! I can't wait to see it- don't forget pics!!! :)


Tammy- How's Michael doing? Any ball games today?


Cheeria- Did DD and your new grandbaby come home today?


Mary- Since I am mentioning grandbabies- how is Luke doing?


Everyone else- hoping your Sunday has been a good one!

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Stoppin' in real quick to share a photo for today. I have a couple more but I'll share them later. I'm just real proud of this... I posted earlier this week that I wanted to make my mom a shrug for her birthday this month... Well... it's done................ :yay


I sure hope she likes it!







Tammy - that turned out just lovely!

Dark pine table (no leaf in it) from 36 years ago...


Replaced with a Craftsman style tabel and chairs - butcher block look to the top.


Judy - The new set looks very nice and the space looks bigger for some reason.

Afternoon everyone, thank you for the congrads, my grandbaby just went to sleep so I am able to come on and read a couple of posts. My son-in law is coming by for dinner and to spend some time with his son who is missing his mommy and daddy now. I forgot how a young child toss and turn all night long so I woke up tired today for I was so affarid that he was going to fall off the bed, but he didn't.


I did not read all the posts yet so I hope everyone is okay. I know this week-end is Julie's reunion and I hope and pray that she has fun and be okay. I have no plans for the week-end except to take care of my grandbaby until his parents come home, for some reason he do not want to talk to them that is the main reason that my son-in-law is coming over to spend time with his other baby. Little children has feelings also and they see mommy and daddy together with a new baby and he's not with them but here, I can imagine how he feel. My son was 22 months old when I had my daughter and he didn't want me to talk to him nor let me hold him, I guess he felt abandon also. My daughter and SIL hopefully will be back home by the latest on Sunday or Monday morning then all 4 of them can be together again as a family. All I can do is hug him, love him and reasure him that he is loved. Poor little fella. He's my baby and I want him to be happy always. :manyheart Sorry about writing this but it feels good to get it off my heart for a minute. Love you guys. BBL :manyheart:hug

Cheeria - I'm glad things are going so well. I remember when we brought Will up to the hospital to meet his new baby sister. He made a bee line for the nursery door and was on his way in before the nurse intersepted him. :lol:lol:lol:lol He was going in to see her.

Tam: Shrug is great. Couldn't help but like it.


Judi. Like to old table, but new one is classy.


Been at DD for several days. Garden really coming along. Took some photos while I was there.

Wanda - The garden looks great!

Well ladies, I finally got my power chair from the Scooter store. If I can just get a ramp and carrier for it, I might be able to get out into the world again. lol. Right now I am learning to drive it around the house and not hit stuff. Not as easy as you might think. Practice, practice, and more practice. Hope you all have a great weekend. :hug:hug

Congratulations on the new power chair. It's a lot harder than you expect learning to maneuver them.

We've been rearranging furniture today...and broke down and ordered a new sofa and love seat for the LR ( a sale was still going on). It's brown leather with recliners in both pieces! We should get it just before Father's Day.

Judy - A new sofa and love seat! Good for you! What color are they going to be?

Good evening ladies,


Well, I finished my rainbow granny ghan and as promised am here to put up a pic for you. I've even woven in the ends :clap:yay

Marisa - WOW! Gorgeous! WOW!

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Here is Aaron:


And here is DD's shrug. It used all but about a yard of the 2 skeins of free yarn I got when Caron came out with the Country brand of yarn.


Aaron is a cutie....precious. :manyheart


Gorgeous shrug. :clap

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Linda, it's good to hear from you!

And yes, the space looks bigger - we figure it's because of the clean lines and less bulky look of the pieces. We love it! We also repurposed some things from another room and exchanged it for a big dry sink sitting on another wall and it looks even bigger!



Tab- I also had a lipoma on my back removed about a year and a half ago. They originally thought it was a cyst, but it was a lipoma. I have another one behind my ear- we are just watching it- if it doesn't get any larger we are going to leave it alone. The one on my back I had removed with local anesthesia- he said it was larger than he thought but he was still able to remove it without difficulty. Hope it all works out with DH....

Phil's biggest lipoma was at the base of his skull, lying between the skin and th emuscle. First time it was done with local...and the doctor tugged and tugged, telling Phil that thing had legs:P

It grew back and we waited too long, so that next time he went in as same day, under general anasthetic, and had a drain left in it for a bit. Now we alwasy check to make sure it stays away!

Here is Aaron:

What a darling angel:c9

And here is DD's shrug. It used all but about a yard of the 2 skeins of free yarn I got when Caron came out with the Country brand of yarn.
That's really beautiful!:clap:clap


I'm curled up on the sofa working on the purple Tree of Life afghan that I'll be donating to our Relay 4 Life event next month.

I'm sure you'll get it done on time.:yes

Oh and p.s. Serenghetti chased a raccoon today...scary...

Ick!! At least he didn't catch it!


Judy- I had a stress test last year and they did an u/s of my heart too. They said it was likely caffeine and anxiety related. I'm a very small girl. So I've cut out caffeine! Cold turkey! This is day 2 with no caffeine! Please wish me luck

You need the luck - I've tried stopping several times...but I'm so undisciplined, and I LOVE the smell and taste of it. And the headaches made me nuts. Starbucks makes a great decaf (Verona is the name) and it's so good you may not even notice it's decaf.

I also have had problems with the caffeine making my heart race and skip...that, with occasional anxiety isn't a great combo. I know EXACTLY what you're going through.:hug

As far as the card theme- if my memory serves me correctly it is red white and blue for this week. Julie has posted it b/4 she left. Anyway, I hope that is it cause that is what I went with when I got Tab's card!!:lol


Judy- So glad that the Yankees were able to pull off a win today!!!FINALLY!! :clap

This weather has been awful. In the 90's and humid...:P


Mother Nature...I've had enough! Hear me??:angry

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Hugs Tabitha...


Imanurse...I won't forget pics...I promise...


Do we know what the next card theme week is going to be?

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Linda, after the experience of fabric covered furniture with dogs...we've gone to chocolate brown leather. It matches the one leather recliner we already have. Now it'll really be a man cave:lol

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Cindy, I missed seeing the pic of Aaron, so I scrolled back...congrats...what a beautiful baby.

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Well, need to clean up the kitchen...and still have 2 rounds to do on the border for the ghan. Now it's turned into a nice sized lapghan/throw.



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I think it's red/white and blue....:think


Okay...I'm just trying to keep ahead of the game...got my card out late (sorry...) for cake week...

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:lol I thought I had 2 skeins of the color I'm using on the last round of the squares and for joining- but, I only have 1! So it looks like a trip to Michael's will be in my near future since the yarn is their own Loops and Thread. Hopefully the color won't be off due to dye lot-:eek


Photo Friday came and went, but here are the V squares (why are they curling at the ends?:think ) Here too is what I've gotten done so far on the granny ghan.

I think they look just fine. Joining them together will undoubtably take care of the curling.

Sorry that I was MIA yesterday, but we had more bad news on the home front. My Hubby has had back pain for a week or so and we thought it was muscles due to baseball. Wrong...they think it is a cyst (2nd one found in less than a month). This one is compressing hs nerves so he is in alot of pain. He has to go see his doc this week and figure out what is next. The oncall doc said they will probably have to take it out. It worries me since it is almost on his spine. UGHH! All that has been going on just makes me want to crawl under a rock and I hate putting it on all of you. Sorry.


I am going to hide for a bit.....maybe crochet.....watch a movie.........BBL.

Oh, Tabby, of course, you can vent here. That's a lot of stress coming up so soon after the last one. You and hubby are both in my prayers. You take it easy on your poor ankle. And wear tennis shoes next time. Please.

Here is Aaron:

Aaron is beautiful.

And here is DD's shrug. It used all but about a yard of the 2 skeins of free yarn I got when Caron came out with the Country brand of yarn.

That's what I call planning your yarn use extremely well. It turned out lovely.

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