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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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:sun Good Morning all........... :mug

Whew... another busy day ahead of me!

But thats okay... wouldnt have it any other way!

I'll post my photos for today in a bit... need to load them on my computer and such.

I want to thank everyone again for all your love and prayers for Michael. He's such a little trooper! He's bummed that he doesnt get to eat some of his favorite food for a while... but he takes it so well. I need to find some new no or low sodium recipes.... we have gone through the ones I have collected over the years so many times.

okay... off for more :mug

and getting some things done around here .... I may take the boys swimming today... so want to get stuff done before we go.


have a GREAT day!!!



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Morning ladies

just a quick jump in -- getting the car packed so not much time to talk --

Just wanted to say a quick couple things :


Cindy- your dress turned out very pretty ,and I love your embroidery -- very pretty . Also, I'm glad you made that color square- I dont think anyone has made that color yet so it'll be a new addition .


Cheeria- so glad to hear Sean arrived safe and sound. He sounds like a nice big bouncing baby boy ! Show us a photo if you get the chance .



Marisa- I'm glad your card got there today ,and that it arrived when you weren't feeling well,so maybe it would have made you feel a little better .


Well, we are packed,gang, so sorry if I missed anyone else .


Will talk to you all when I get home . Enjoy your weekend everyone .

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Morning ladies

just a quick jump in -- getting the car packed so not much time to talk --

Just wanted to say a quick couple things :


Cindy- your dress turned out very pretty ,and I love your embroidery -- very pretty . Also, I'm glad you made that color square- I dont think anyone has made that color yet so it'll be a new addition .


Cheeria- so glad to hear Sean arrived safe and sound. He sounds like a nice big bouncing baby boy ! Show us a photo if you get the chance .



Marisa- I'm glad your card got there today ,and that it arrived when you weren't feeling well,so maybe it would have made you feel a little better .


Well, we are packed,gang, so sorry if I missed anyone else .


Will talk to you all when I get home . Enjoy your weekend everyone .

Have a GREAT time. Be safe!!! :hug






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Good Morning, Ladies. :) It seems like I'm always behind lately, but couldn't leave this am without a few posts. :manyheart


Cheeria ~ Congratulations on the new grandbaby! I really like the name Sean James...and am so glad your DD and the baby are doing well. :c9


Julie ~ Have a safe and wonderful time at the Reunion! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get home.


Linda ~ Give Joy and Ayden a hug from us! I know you can hardly wait to see them again! :hug


Tabby ~ Take care of that ankle. :manyheart


Off to check on MIL and then help DD get ready for a baby shower she's hosting tomorrow...with 25 guests. :eek There are two co-hostesses, but they are from out of town and won't be here til tonight. Have a great day!

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Good Morning.


Cheeria~Congrats on grandbaby Sean. :manyheart


Julie~Have a great time, but do not overdo it. :hug



and thanks everyone for the concern and thought.....my ankle is okay, I think they made it worse twisting it around yesterday.....I go for my US at 10 this a.m. so we shall see. I am pretty sure it is just a sprain and no clot. :yes


I did crochet last night while watching Alice in Wonderland (great movie).....I started a new ghan because I ran out of purple on Jadens so I couldn't stay hookless SO I started something new instead of finishing something old. :lol I love my choice, I got it from a book Judy gave me. Thanks Judy. :hug I also watched the movie The Box last night....strange but good. :yes


So that is what my day consisted of......more of that today. :hook:cheer


Have a great day and I will check in after my US.

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Stoppin' in real quick to share a photo for today. I have a couple more but I'll share them later. I'm just real proud of this... I posted earlier this week that I wanted to make my mom a shrug for her birthday this month... Well... it's done................ :yay



I sure hope she likes it!











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Stoppin' in real quick to share a photo for today. I have a couple more but I'll share them later. I'm just real proud of this... I posted earlier this week that I wanted to make my mom a shrug for her birthday this month... Well... it's done................ :yay



I sure hope she likes it!












Very pretty. :applause

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Stoppin' in real quick to share a photo for today. I have a couple more but I'll share them later. I'm just real proud of this... I posted earlier this week that I wanted to make my mom a shrug for her birthday this month... Well... it's done................ :yay



I sure hope she likes it!




That's so very pretty!!

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Well, went to the store and came back....it's hotter than Hades out there! ICK.


I suppose I should give our bathrooms a quick shine...then need to peruse my Amazon order: Thereby Hangs a Tail and A Year of Baby Afghans Book 4.

SHerri, the raised animal pattern is what hooked me! Do you think a lighter color shows up better or a deep one?


Oh, we got our new table set yesterday. I'll go post pics of before and after....

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Dark pine table (no leaf in it) from 36 years ago...


Replaced with a Craftsman style tabel and chairs - butcher block look to the top.




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Dark pine table (no leaf in it) from 36 years ago...


Replaced with a Craftsman style tabel and chairs - butcher block look to the top.


That is just beautiful! Wow.... what a difference!






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Well, went to the store and came back....it's hotter than Hades out there! ICK.


I suppose I should give our bathrooms a quick shine...then need to peruse my Amazon order: Thereby Hangs a Tail and A Year of Baby Afghans Book 4.

SHerri, the raised animal pattern is what hooked me! Do you think a lighter color shows up better or a deep one?


Oh, we got our new table set yesterday. I'll go post pics of before and after....


I've done a raised pattern of reindeer and pine trees a long time ago so I know you can see the detail even with dark yarn. I'd stay away from navy though. Hard to tell texture with it. I personally would go with whatever color might be calling to you. Can't wait to see it. :yes

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Afternoon everyone, thank you for the congrads, my grandbaby just went to sleep so I am able to come on and read a couple of posts. My son-in law is coming by for dinner and to spend some time with his son who is missing his mommy and daddy now. I forgot how a young child toss and turn all night long so I woke up tired today for I was so affarid that he was going to fall off the bed, but he didn't.


Judy - thank you so much for the nice birhday card, it brought a smile to my face and when I looked at the cake I did feel happy. :lol:lol Just having a pen pal do bring a little happiness into people lives, so this is a great idea.


I did not read all the posts yet so I hope everyone is okay. I know this week-end is Julie's reunion and I hope and pray that she has fun and be okay. I have no plans for the week-end except to take care of my grandbaby until his parents come home, for some reason he do not want to talk to them that is the main reason that my son-in-law is coming over to spend time with his other baby. Little children has feelings also and they see mommy and daddy together with a new baby and he's not with them but here, I can imagine how he feel. My son was 22 months old when I had my daughter and he didn't want me to talk to him nor let me hold him, I guess he felt abandon also. My daughter and SIL hopefully will be back home by the latest on Sunday or Monday morning then all 4 of them can be together again as a family. All I can do is hug him, love him and reasure him that he is loved. Poor little fella. He's my baby and I want him to be happy always. :manyheart Sorry about writing this but it feels good to get it off my heart for a minute. Love you guys. BBL :manyheart:hug

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That is just beautiful! Wow.... what a difference!



Thanks...the room looks bigger to us, even though the table is long! I could do my entire house in these lines.

I've done a raised pattern of reindeer and pine trees a long time ago so I know you can see the detail even with dark yarn. I'd stay away from navy though. Hard to tell texture with it. I personally would go with whatever color might be calling to you. Can't wait to see it. :yes

Thanks for the advice.

I need to check my stash to see if I have enough of one color for the pattern. Don't want to so it in white...

With the FP stitches it eats up lots of yarn.

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Stoppin' in real quick to share a photo for today. I have a couple more but I'll share them later. I'm just real proud of this... I posted earlier this week that I wanted to make my mom a shrug for her birthday this month... Well... it's done................ :yay



I sure hope she likes it!












Beautiful.....I am sure she will love it! :clap How is Michael doing?


Dark pine table (no leaf in it) from 36 years ago...


Replaced with a Craftsman style tabel and chairs - butcher block look to the top.



Wow, what a difference.....very modern.....love the centerpiece. :manyheart




Joanne~Thank you for the card, it was so nice to learn more about you and your famiy. :manyheart I sent yours out today....I know last minute Charlie. :blush

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Hi everyone...busy, busy, busy over here...getting ready for a Relay 4 Life yard sale tomorrow.


But do want to give a shout out to Cindy (Gardner) that I received her card and give her a big thank you! I'm a little late getting my card out, but it's getting there...


Hope you're all having a great day.

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I have a prestamped embroidery project I was gifted...you've inspired me. It might be a good change from the x-st projects.



I'm enjoying the stamped pieces. It's a lot easier on the eyes than counted cross stitch, and it's really a much different art.

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Stoppin' in real quick to share a photo for today. I have a couple more but I'll share them later. I'm just real proud of this... I posted earlier this week that I wanted to make my mom a shrug for her birthday this month... Well... it's done................ :yay



I sure hope she likes it!












I love it!! (so if your mom hates it....., just kidding, she will love it too!) What yarn did you use? Your yarn shows off the pattern a lot better than mine does.

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Dark pine table (no leaf in it) from 36 years ago...


Replaced with a Craftsman style tabel and chairs - butcher block look to the top.



Judy that set is gorgeous. Exactly what I hope to have someday. Dh looked at it and agrees with me. Of course I just got a new kitchen set a couple of years ago, so it will have to wait a few years still!:)

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