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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi Joy! It sounds delicious.:)



Yay! I hope they're okay...since you said you would be bordering them, I didn't sc around each one to make a uniform edge. If I make anymore, do you want me to do that?


no mam, that is not a must! I will be bordering them so its allll gravy!


Erin - DOH! :oops That's what else I needed to do today. Go to the post office :( I'm so sorry. Maybe I can get it out tomorrow :blush


Its okay I promise. No worries lady! In laws in town this weekend, so no rush :D

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Judy yeah it would. But it's almost there and I even have the border figured out. I just hope it looks as good on the ghan as it does in my head :lol


Mary I'm sorry you don't have a fair around. This is my first time entering ours. I'm looking forward to it.

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Judy yeah it would. But it's almost there and I even have the border figured out. I just hope it looks as good on the ghan as it does in my head :lol

looking forward to seeing the finished product!:cheer

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Good for you! We don't even have a county fair. :eek


DBF and I were going to look at some houses last weekend and passed a sign for our county fair. He grew up here and never knew the county had one :lol It's this fall and the website has no information on it as of yet. :think

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Re: County Fair - They won't even let me enter our fair because they say I'm a professional :rolleyes Coulda fooled my bank account :lol


Good morning ladies :flower


It's another beautiful day in the neighborhood :D How's everyone today? Nothing too exciting around here today except that I get to make a grocery list finally :dance


I haven't a clue why BD has had me put it off :shrug He's become very odd since taking over the books :lol Plenty of money there so I dunno what the deal is. But old Mother Hubbard's cupboards are getting mighty bare :lol


Other than that it'll just be a day to take it easy and work on the LC :hook

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Cara that sounds like a great plan to me! I should be getting off work at 1 and I'm debating about working on some crochet. I'm also daydreaming about a nap this afternoon :D

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I get to make a grocery list finally :dance


I haven't a clue why BD has had me put it off :shrug He's become very odd since taking over the books :lol Plenty of money there so I dunno what the deal is. But old Mother Hubbard's cupboards are getting mighty bare :lol


Other than that it'll just be a day to take it easy and work on the LC :hook

If BD is like SDR, he keeps reminding me to use what we have in the pantry and freezer before buying more stuff. If it keeps up dinners are going to be getting mighty creative:lol

Have a good day with your hook.

I've been out all morning, so time to finish the no-longer-lapghan:lol It'll make nice bedspread for a twin bed;)

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Re: County Fair - They won't even let me enter our fair because they say I'm a professional :rolleyes Coulda fooled my bank account.

Oh, poo! Party poopers!


We are HOME!!! I got up at 5:15am and we were on the road at 7:00 am. We made a 15 minute potty stop and a 45 minute brunch & medicine stop. (I forgot to take mine, but Kim got hers. Oops!) We pulled into the garage at 1:30 pm. We drove 298 mile on 9.5 gallons of gas for 31.9 mpg. Pretty good for my 14 year old little car. I'm proud of it. The car's all unpacked, Kim's fed, everybody is notified that we are home, and I've about had it. :P

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Oh, poo! Party poopers!


We are HOME!!! I got up at 5:15am and we were on the road at 7:00 am. We made a 15 minute potty stop and a 45 minute brunch & medicine stop. (I forgot to take mine, but Kim got hers. Oops!) We pulled into the garage at 1:30 pm. We drove 298 mile on 9.5 gallons of gas for 31.9 mpg. Pretty good for my 14 year old little car. I'm proud of it. The car's all unpacked, Kim's fed, everybody is notified that we are home, and I've about had it. :P


I'm exhausted just reading about your day :lol Glad to have you home safe and sound :hug

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Oh and I submitted a pattern for napkin rings to the Crochet Pattern a Day calendar today. Maybe I'll finally get in a "real" publication :D:xfin

I have every confidence it'll be published!:cheer

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Thanks, everyone. I'll pass the best wishes on to Kim. Kim's stuff is unpacked and put away, she's had her shower, one load of laundry dried and two folded and put away. Supper is started. I think I can get in a little crochet time now. :hook

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) I think I missed yesterday completely!


Today is happy homeowner chores and then we're going to dinner with DD and her DH. We haven't done that in a long time and we always have fun with them. So far, so good with the pregnancy. :c9


Very little crocheting lately, but the 7th block is almost finished. :hook Have a great day!

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Mary - Have a great time with DD and SIL :hug


Good morning ladies :flower


Okay, I only thought I'd overslept before. Today was BAD :lol I didn't get up until 1:30 and I went to bed at the normal time. I guess I was really, really tired :lol


Need to go buy groceries today. But it's HOT out there right now. I'm going to try to talk BD into waiting until this evening when the stores are quieter and it's a bit cooler :yes


Til then I guess I'll just have to find someway to keep myself busy :hook

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Hi, everyone. I went to bed at 7:30 last night. Slept until 2:00 am at which point I got up and had supper. (I was too tired earlier.) Was up about 45 minutes and went back to bed and slept until 11:00. I still feel tired but not as bad as I did earlier. We're going out to dinner to celebrate Kim's birthday in a little bit and I think I'll be in bed fairly early tonight. Another good long night should get me back in pretty good shape.


Here's a picture of Kim with her grandchildren from last week. And one with her son. Also a picture of the August birthday cake. The final one is Kim's cousin's little girl who is 3 and a half.





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Happy evening guys! I didn't get any crocheting done on my afternoon off yesterday. I have a new outfit that has some seriously long pants and one of Mom's co-workers sews. So I ran up to Mom's work to have my pants measured so they can be hemmed. And I decided to take my new playtoy for a ride. Big mistake, I got maybe 2 miles from Mom's work when leaving and it started raining. I have no rain gear and I didn't have my full face helmet on. That rain stings! So I hung out in a DIY carwash while waiting for the worst of it to pass :lol

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Linda the pictures look great. That cake is adorable.


I have 23 more solids to report today. I have one more block ready to get sewn together. And now my neighbor is talking about me making another one in different colors for her DD. They both like the design alot.

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Happy evening guys! I didn't get any crocheting done on my afternoon off yesterday. I have a new outfit that has some seriously long pants and one of Mom's co-workers sews. So I ran up to Mom's work to have my pants measured so they can be hemmed. And I decided to take my new playtoy for a ride. Big mistake, I got maybe 2 miles from Mom's work when leaving and it started raining. I have no rain gear and I didn't have my full face helmet on. That rain stings! So I hung out in a DIY carwash while waiting for the worst of it to pass :lol

Ow!!! That doesn't sound like any fun at all.

John, Kim and I just got back from celebrating Kim's birthday at a German restaurant with two other couples. Very good food and company.

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Hi, everyone. I went to bed at 7:30 last night. Slept until 2:00 am at which point I got up and had supper. (I was too tired earlier.) Was up about 45 minutes and went back to bed and slept until 11:00. I still feel tired but not as bad as I did earlier. We're going out to dinner to celebrate Kim's birthday in a little bit and I think I'll be in bed fairly early tonight. Another good long night should get me back in pretty good shape.


Here's a picture of Kim with her grandchildren from last week. And one with her son. Also a picture of the August birthday cake. The final one is Kim's cousin's little girl who is 3 and a half.

The cake looks so yummy! It looks like Kim had a great time!

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now my neighbor is talking about me making another one in different colors for her DD. They both like the design alot.


I hope you like the pattern!:lol

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