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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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she is a cutie Lissa!!

today spent 3 hours at the DVM but couldnt get all that I wanted to get done. so off to another office another day.

Also might have a possible job working with my Mother's friend whose husband has alhiemzers(misspelled).Helping him get undressed and dress etc Since she doesnt have good use of both of her hands.so wait and see what it what in the coming weeks.

Our warm weather is coming.. 107 or higher for the weekend.:blah

Hope everyone has a goodmorning tomorrow.:lol since its getting late here already

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Good morning Housemates and:welcome Lissa!! Your daughter looks so cute all decked out in her TKD outfit! Congrats on her white belt!! We are glad to have you join us! And :hug to you - I'm sure this is a difficult month for you and like Marissa said, we are great listeners in "our house":manyheart!!


Sheila- Fingers crossed about the possibility of working with the gentlemen with Alzheimer's. I worked for a while on a floor with Alzheimer's patients- sometimes it can be difficult, but it is very rewarding.


To everyone in the House- have a great "hump day"- gotta love these short weeks! At least I do- especially after working 12 days in a row- it's kind of nice to only have to work 4 and then get 2 days off:clap


Cheeria- only 1 more day till the new grandbaby:manyheart


Linda- Only 2 more days till you get on the plane!!!


Judy- :yay Another Yankee win!!! And Joba didn't blow it up:yay And Vasquez pitched good:yay A good night!!!


Julie- Hope you are resting and taking it easy this week! Speaking of reunions, I got the invitation yesterday to a "cousin's party" My cousin and her DH had a 'cousin's party' 5 years ago after they retired and moved from NYC to New Hampshire (They were able to retire at 55- lucky them) They are having another one July 31 and I am looking forward to it. We're going to go up Friday- spend the night in Boston with my DD and then head to the party on Saturday. My cousin lives about an hour north of Boston.


Tab- Hope that you are not still feeling nauseous- and those were some good points that Marissa made.


Tammy- Prayers continuing for Michael:hug


Well, all, hope you have a great day- BBL after work!

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Your quilt is so pretty !!! Beautiful work . Glad you got it done, so it is out if the way and won't bug you to get it done in time .


By the way, who got tossed off the H----Kitchen show last night ? I fell asleep before the end .

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Welcome to our House Lissa !


And of course,as everyone else has said you and anyone else are always welcome in our group .

I'm very sorry about the loss of your baby . I never went through that ,but my sister did. She lost a baby boy .Went full term and enerything seemed ok until the day she was due -- she had a DR appt that day,and no heartbeat . So,she went straight to the hospital and had the baby .

We're not real close ,so she has never talked to me about it, like what happened ( or if they ever found out ). I don't bring it up because I don't want to upset her . It has been many years ago now, probably close to 20 years ...

She probably went to counseling with their pastor . He was there with them at the hospital the whole time .

I hope as time goes by,maybe you can look at the days you had with the baby as good times,as the days you got to spend ,so maybe look at that ,and also concentrate a lot on your other 2 kids and pour that extra care into them that you would have given your other baby .


Several of my grandkids were in Tae Kwon Do for a long time. I dont know what color or belt level they reached. Their dad is in the army and they have taken lots of years of classes in it. They recently moved to Korea, so I'm not sure if they will continue over there with classes or just try something else .


So what are you currently working on ?



I don't know what else to say other than we are here for you ,and I'm sorry .Too bad ANYONE has sad things like that they have to go through .





You certainly chose a good place to come if you need listeners or people who care. This is sure a wonderful group of ladies,who have a LOT of caring in them ,and are good to welcome anyone new in .


The only thing I can say is that I hope with time, it will become easier to handle. I'm not saying you will ever forget it, because you won't and shouldn't ,but if you don't have real-life people to get it all out to, then you can do it here if you need to .

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Good morning ladies --

Well, it is kinda hot and humid out this morning -- looks grey again today. Yesterday was kinda a rain-stop-rain-stop day .... looks like it MIGHT rain today but hard to tell . I'm not good at keeping up with weather reports. I just look out the window .


If I didnt answer emails last night, it's because I just vegged out in front of the tvand didnt check back in. I was excited to see some new shows on that I have been waiting for ,so spent all night watching them ( plus falling asleep for the last chunk of H kitchen --


Anyhow, I hope you all have a wonderful day today .


Joanne -- your cousins Party sounds fun ! Hope you get to go and enjoy the family .


Well, not much I can think of to talk about today ( holy cow,THAT is a first .....)so, guess I'll go get bathed and dressed and ready to start another day. Getting off to a slow start this morning .


Will check in later -:)

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Good Morning Housemates :coffee


Just a quick check as I run out the door. My receptionist has to take her mom to the dr. this morning so we will be one man down for a few hours. Shouldn't be too awfully bad though. At my lunch break today I will either work on some knitting or start and new vareigated square...we'll see how I feel at that time of day.


Lissa - R is absolutely adorable all decked out with her stripe!!!! :yay


Shiela - Keeping my fingers crossed for this job to work out for you :yes


Joanne - Cousings party sounds great, and yes, I love the short week :D Flyers tonight....on home turf :devil


Julie - Hope you have a great day today :D


Hi Joy - your mom did an amazing job on the quilt!!! :clap


Gotta run, won't be back until late. Work until 6 then having a quick bite to eat with my dad after he takes my mom to the airport to head off to Florida for the long weekend to visit some relatives.

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Good morning, House mates! What a busy night here after I signed off!!


I'm Melissa, but lately everyone has been calling me Lissa because most people have another friend Melissa LOL.


I've got two living children. And an Angel in Heaven. Ummm I've been Knitting about 18 months and Crocheting about...... 4 months I think. My kids are 4 and 6 and my 4 year old got her first stripe in Tae Kwon Do today <3


I live in Indiana and most of my crocheting is for charity or gifts

Welcome, Lissa! My son as only a bit older than your DD when he started Taekwodo and he got to black belt before he became bored with it - we wish he had stuck with it... Congrats to her! It gives them amazing confidence:yes

Thank you sweetheart. :hug And I apologize to anyone if I talk a lot about her this month. Her 3rd birthday is June 14 and no one seems to be willing to let me discuss her in real life

My sister (now 70!) has never forgotten the 2 stillbirths she experienced before having her DD...but to encourage you, it becomes easier as time goes by. I was in grammar school and still remember it (I'm 61 now). We all "get it" here when someone goes throug hard times...:hug:hug:hug


Also might have a possible job working with my Mother's friend whose husband has alhiemzers(misspelled).Helping him get undressed and dress etc Since she doesnt have good use of both of her hands.so wait and see what it what in the coming weeks.

Good luck!!:cheer:cheer


Judy- :yay Another Yankee win!!! And Joba didn't blow it up:yay And Vasquez pitched good:yay A good night!!!

It was great...I was starting to worry that the good pitching would be wasted with all the chances they blew!

[attach]21513[/attach] Well........ a couple bummers today.

Baseball game got rained out.

Michaels test results came in today and he is offically in a relapse. So any and all prayers would be very much appreciated!!! my little super hero is stronger than his mommy with this!

Kids always are stronger...they just seem to take it a moment at a time while we project ahead...thoughts and prayers for Michael:hug:hug:hug

:jumpyay:wooThe quilt is done!!!!!!!:woo:jumpyay



The second picture shows the design I put in each corner block and the center block. I am sooooo glad that it's done. John is going to send it out for me in the morning.

That is stunning!!!!!!!:cheer:clap:cheer:clap

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Well, off to get started on a small project. The bathroom door (our Master bath) has a long mirror on it but the uncovered area has an accumulation of hairspray and gunk on it. I dug out the sand paper, paint primer, etc, so that'll be my chore for this morning. I enjoy painting - if hubby isn't trying to "help".


BBL - have a great morning ladies:hug:manyheart

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:sun.......... Good Morning....... :mug

Thank you Thank you Thank you everyone for all your love and prayers for Michael! He's on day two of the predizone. Its not as high of a dose as last time... but I still dont like that stuff!!!

Anyway........ we'll get through it ........ my mommy heart just hurts for him!







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Thank you sweetheart. :hug And I apologize to anyone if I talk a lot about her this month. Her 3rd birthday is June 14 and no one seems to be willing to let me discuss her in real life

Welcome, Lissa! :welcome We're glad to have you here. And feel free to talk about your little one all you need to here. :hug Losing a child is heart-breaking at any time and to lose one at or near birth is the cruelest of all. They've had no time here with us, and we've been loving them all the while we carried them inside. :hug

I feel a bit bad about posting all sad things. So this is my daughter R. She's posing after TKD, and if you look closely you can see a white stripe on her belt

R is adorable in her TKD outfit.


Good morning, Housemates. It's sort of half sunny and half cloudy today. Kim has a doctor's appointment this morning, so I don't have long in here right now, but will chat more this afternoon.


Tammy - I'm sorry that Michael's in relapse, but will definitely keep him and your family in my prayers. Hopefully it won't take long to get him back in remission.


Sheila - Good luck with the job.


Julie - I recorded last night's show. I'll rewatch it this afternoon and let you know the gal's name. :think I don't remember at the moment. She was a ditz in the kitchen during service. She's a personal chef. I haven't got all the names matched up with the faces yet.


Judy - Good luck with painting the door today.


Thank you for your praise of mom's quilt, Marissa, Sherri, Joanne, Cindy, Julie, and Judy. Joy, I like your idea about stealing it back. :lol

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Welcome to our House Lissa !


So what are you currently working on ?



I don't know what else to say other than we are here for you ,and I'm sorry .Too bad ANYONE has sad things like that they have to go through .


Thanks Julie! I'm trying to do a multi reply here so wish me luck lol First off I'm so sorry for your sister's loss.


Currently I'm working on 2 blankets. One Rainbow one that I'm donating to a Pride Festival this weekend for an auction. My finger was swollen yesterday from :hook so I rested it and today put a bandaid on it. I guess I hold my hook strangely.


Tammy- I read back and I'm so sorry. Also I hate Pred too. R has to take it sometimes and it makes her into a BEAR.


judianne- I'd love if R gets to black belt before she's tired of it. Even if then she quit I'd totally keep the belts! LOL


I'm sorry for your sister's losses. It's amazing (not in a good way either) at how many people have lost children. My husband grandma in 54 lost a little boy at 3 weeks old. To make matters worse for them after the graveside services they went back a month later to see his grave and there was no marker at all, the cemetery said they had moved his body and lost it!! Up until her death in 2008 she's tell us about her Michael Ray. It was a relief to me that she never forgot him


marpan79- Thank you Dear!! She is SO proud!


I think I got everyone! Wow this thread is a little anxiety producing LOL. We've had a few bad storms here this morning and I guess there is a chance of more which kind of worries me. I have to drive about 40 minutes to another town tonight.

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Hi Ladies,


Linda, the quilt is beautiful! You do beautiful work! I hope Kim has a good appt.


Tab could your neck be out? Maybe you are looking down more and holding your head in a different postion.


Cindy, congrats on the new baby! Glad mom and baby are doing good!


Joanne, your cousins weekend sounds like fun!


Sheila, I hope you get this job! My grandpa had alzeiher's (ms) for 7 years. My grandma and aunt took care of him for several years then my uncle moved home to help them. When he got real bad he went to a nursing home. Grandma was there every day to feed him.


Marisa, if you make a scarf maybe there is a local charity that does things for kids in the winter or Christmas or even an elementary school you could donate it to.


Tam, I will keep Michael and your family in my prayers. I'm sorry to hear he has relasped. :hug


Julie, a nice day to just relax.


Lissa, :welcome to are house! Glad you found us! I have a Melissa she is 32 and has a 4yr old (on friday). Hubby and I watch her full time at are house which is an hour away from her. She needed help and this how we can help her. She comes here or we go there and they talke on the phone several times a day. Not easy for her but it works.

Congrats on R getting her stripe in twd! Hubby did this and went through it and got his black belt.

Feel free to come and talk about your little girl any time you need to. My dil lost a baby when she was 4 month long. One of my nieces has a boy who lived 34 days. And one of my brothers lost a baby at full term. I went and stayed with my sons family when they lost the baby and took care of the other kids so dil didn't have to worry about other things (meals, laundry and such) and she could have some time to deal with the lose.

I didn't lose a child but I was 14 when I lost my dad. It will be 40 years in october. Some years are easier than others. Hang in there it will get better! :hug


I woke up this morning at 4 and was awake until at least 530. Glad I was able to go back to sleep but then I slept until 8 and that is late for me.

It's another rainy day here. Suppose to have showers off and on the rest of the weekend. I have a load of laundry done and put away. Have to pack to go to Maya's house. Going there tomorrow until sunday. Maya's party is saturday. She's having a pool party. The apt complex they live in has a pool and they okayed it.

I'm off, hope everyone has a nice day.

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Morning to those who stopped in since I was in here last..

I ran to the store for my daily journey,came home ,and no electric.

Called the company and they said they had 20 calls from our area. Saw a company truck go down the road a little later ,and all is back on and working fine, so no idea what the problem was, but it's fixed .

Boy, you go into some sort of panic when your computer isn't able to be used !!!

Anyhow, i'm back and just making a quick check in .


I may be in and out the next couple of days ,trying to slowly pack for the weekend, so doing a little when I think of something, I pack it up with the rest .


I will still check in as much as possible before leaving ,but not sure I'll get to when we are down there . This motel barely has electric,and is so old , the electric blows out if too many people use it at once, plus the showers are quite entertaining,since the water goes from a trickle to a little more powerful ,also from ice cold to fairly warm,so you tend to take speedy showers because of it .

You also have to learn to brush your teeth with WARM water. The COLD comes out lukewarm and the hot comes out a little warmer .

The place really IS a pretty old worn out motel,but as my one cousin said ,it's the only place she feels totally at peace. Same with me, there's just something about it down there . No worries, no problems, just peace .

So,I'm anxious to go find some of that this weekend. Highly disappointed that we weren't able to make it for this whole week, but at this point, I'll be happy to go for a weekend .


Last fall, some of us met down there when the leaves were just turning ..My gosh, how beautiful it was .. it's down in the hills. Muskingum River across the road ... we grilled out and sat out talking til our throats were sore !


Anyhow I will be in and out the next couple days ,and probably MIA for Fri,Sat-Sun and maybe Mon -- that's when we plan on coming back,as long as I'm ok enough to stay .

Monday will be unpacking,laundry, etc ...


The motel has no WiFi ,so the only place to check in is the library -- I probably wont take time to go up there because everyone will be coming down earlier this year and will all be there when we get there .


Anyhow, will post next post about reminders --

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Hi Lissa-

No worries about the group being busy-- you'll get the hang of it . We do tend to yak a lot in here at times . I tell the newer ladies to keep a tablet handy beside the computer so you remember who you want to respond to .

You'll get better at it as time goes on ,then it won't be so hard .


It sounds like you have some nice projects in the works ..


We have Photo Friday,which is when everyone can post photos of their projects if they want to. If not, it's ok, or if you want to post them another day,that's fine too. We don't have a really strict set of rules in here .


We are also currently playing a little "game", I guess you'd call it . Anyone who wants to can join in . It runs til June 10th.

All you need to do is make 8 inch sc squares out of any variegated yarn .

Anyone who makes squares for it, their name will be put into a bowl,and one will be chosen. That person will get all the squares that everyone made, plus a free pattern book I bought that has patterns for variegated afghans in it .

So, you are welcome to join in,but don't have to if you don't want .


Anyhow, we keep you busy in here. I try to keep something going for people so they keep entertained ...so once in awhile I toss something out for everyone who is interested .


Glad you joined up -- you picked a good place !:)

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Hi ladies

Just a reminder --

Photo Friday is right around the corner. won't be checking in that day -- we will probably be leaving early that morning .


Also ,don't forget the Variegated squares -- if you want to be included ,make up a couple to toss in ~~ You have til the 10th before a name is drawn .


Also, the Pen pal category for NEXT week is America-- Red white and blue,so a card with those colors, a flag --etc ... Anything in those colors .


Marisa-- I'll mail yours out before we go so you will receive it in a timely manner !


That's all I can think of for the moment !


I know you guys will keep the place hopping so I'll have lots of pages of posts to catch up on when I get back . :yes

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It sounds like you have some nice projects in the works ..


We have Photo Friday,which is when everyone can post photos of their projects if they want to. If not, it's ok, or if you want to post them another day,that's fine too. We don't have a really strict set of rules in here .


We are also currently playing a little "game", I guess you'd call it . Anyone who wants to can join in . It runs til June 10th.

All you need to do is make 8 inch sc squares out of any variegated yarn .

Anyone who makes squares for it, their name will be put into a bowl,and one will be chosen. That person will get all the squares that everyone made, plus a free pattern book I bought that has patterns for variegated afghans in it .

So, you are welcome to join in,but don't have to if you don't want .


Anyhow, we keep you busy in here. I try to keep something going for people so they keep entertained ...so once in awhile I toss something out for everyone who is interested .


Glad you joined up -- you picked a good place !:)


Those both sound Super!! I'll do both LOL :cheer

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Sounds great Lissa !


We also just started a summer penpals thing, where we have a penpal in the group and we have a different themed card we have to send them each week this summer .

This is week one of it .

If I had one more person who needed a partner and you were interested in that, I could connect you with a penpal ...


If anyone comes in and wants to sign up soon, we can sign you on for that too if you have an interest in it .


As of now , we don't have any people waiting for a partner, but maybe someone will read this and decide to sign up .


Let me know if you are interested ,and maybe we'll get another one who would like to take part .:)

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