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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Beautiful colors in your square --and that shrug stitch is so pretty isn't it ? Thank you!!! Yes... I love the pattern!


Neat that your town is so small. Do you guys live near to a large town,or is it a long drive to a big town with lots of stores ? Its a 30 minute drive to get to a larger town... but 45-60 minutes to get to one of the major towns. Driving is nothing to us. :U








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About the grandchildren thing- I have one married daughter (will be 2 years June 6) so I am hoping that in a year or so, maybe???? They got a puppy back in November- so I was thinking- ok, they bought a house, they got a dog.....next up? Children!!!

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Love reading all the answers to all these questions! It's really fun!:yes


Tammy- The square is pretty- love the color combo- I have that same vareigeted but it is "earmarked" along with the turquoise and brown skeins to make an afghan! Forgot all about it till you posted the square and then went looking and I had "forgotten" I had put it in an empty drawer in the spare bedroom! :eek



Thanks hon!!!

LOL... I know what ya mean about having yarn and forgetting you have it! BTDT! :D






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Hello again,


My computer was doing some scheduled scans and maintenence so I decided to wait til it was finished, since it slowed it down a bit.


Linda - Sounds like you got a lot done on your quilt, even though you still have quite a bit to go :clap Keep up the good work....it'll be done in no time ;)


Cindy - Sorry to hear that your grandbaby is breeched :( Did you know chiropractic has a technique that works a majority of the time to allow the baby to turn? It's called the Webster Breech Technique. It's quite interesting actually and although I've learned it in school, I've never had to actually use it in practice.


Julie - I'd be scared to attempt to cut my own hair :lol That would not be a pretty sight I'm sure.


Sherri - Good luck catching up on your projects today!! :cheer


Judy - I'm sure Sparkie will eat when hungry. My turtles once didn't eat for about 2 months...drove me insane!!! :( Then one day when I fed them they gobbled that food up like there was no tomorrow, I was sooo happy I just kept giving them more until they stopped :lol


Cindy - I also stay away from the highway on friday after work. In both directions it gets cluttered with the people going down the shore in Jersey or the ones going down the shore in Maryland or Delaware.


Joanne and Judy - Bon Jovi was my first concert :D I love him!!!


Tab - I was also kind of a loner, I still am really. Always keep to myself and don't have a problem going anywhere and doing things alone ;)


Tam - I like your square and I think my friend has that same yarn, she made a scarf of it last winter. Your shrug is coming along nicely too :clap


Joanne - Good luck getting some grandbabies!!! ;)


OK, I"m going to head out to the car wash, since I didn't go yesterday I have to today and then to stop at CVS for a card :D



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1- Name a famous person from your state . Henry Ford


2-What would you say is the best food item you make ? Meatloaf, Peanut Butter Fudge, Peanut Butter Sheet cake

3-How many years have you lived in the same town you now live in ?

11 years in September


4- Have you ever been to a class reunion,and what year did you graduate ? yes-10th 25th. 1974


5-What were your school colors and team name ? Blue and gold. The comets


6-What was your biggest "Hair Disaster " ? A perm and I couldn't get anything through it.


7- When you were little,what was your favorite thing to play on in the park ? Merry-go-round


8-What would your former high school classmates have said you were : most studious, funniest, loudest, cutest,etc ? quietest


9-So far in your life, what has your biggest achievement been ? Having 2 children then divorcing, going back to work and seeing I could survive.

Being there when 3 of my grandkids were born was awesome.


10-What is something you'd like to achieve that you haven't yet ?

Living to be in my 80's like my grandparents did.



Black to me is dark like the night.

Red is my favorite color. Roses, geraniums, red hair.


We live on Dorothy Bowen Dr. It is named after the lady of the couple who owned all the property around lake we live on.

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I'm glad your doggie is eating now. Maybe it was too hot for him ? Do dogs get too hot like people do, you know,when it's really hot out and yopu dont feel ike eating much ?



Marlene- thanks- I was wondering who Dorothy Bowen was. I thought maybe it was someone I missed learning about in school .

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Hi Ladies,


JoAnne, that's a cute hat. That was nice of hubby and the painter to rearrange the furniture and put the shades on.


Marisa, I can say i've never had fish for breakfast, but I do like tilopia.


Tam, I'm excited to have you has a pen pal to. It should be fun!

Patrick is quite the baker. His muffins looked yummy!

That's a nice square!


Sherri, Your afghan is goregous!


Linda, Thanks for the instructions on how to post pics. It sounds easy enough. Good luck on finishing your quilt. I'm sure you'll get it done.


Judy, Congrats on finding the perfect table and chairs set.


Cheeria, It's exciting to get a new grandbaby!


Cindy, Friday is my gd Maya's birthday. She'll be 4. Even though you have to work you'll be able to go right after work and see her.


We had thunder storms here this morning so we had to unplug the computer. More storms coming later.

Hubby's sister is in the hospital. She has a hiatial hernia and may need surgery today. There calling a surgeon in to check her out. They said they can't release her because of all the pain she is in. Hubby had hiatial surgery a few years ago. Her blood pressure is 210/103. She is down at one of hubby's other sisters house. If you would keep her in your thoughts or prayers I would appreciate it. Thanks!

I'll be bbl.

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Cindy - Sorry to hear that your grandbaby is breeched :( Did you know chiropractic has a technique that works a majority of the time to allow the baby to turn? It's called the Webster Breech Technique. It's quite interesting actually and although I've learned it in school, I've never had to actually use it in practice.







Yes, DD says there are quite a number of methods for turning a baby. However, dd is nearly due (June 9) and she is also a very small girl normally,(although she looks huge at the moment!) so I don't know that baby has space to turn in there. Also her doctor told her that most practitioner methods are quite painful and the success rate would be less than 50%, as she is already at 38 weeks. She said she was going to try laying with her head lower than her hips several times a day. She has a friend that got two babies to turn using this method.

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Good day to all..Happy Holiday!!

Cindy Sorry to hear about your grandbaby being breech.my one little boy was breech I had him butt first without having to have a c-section.Hope the little one decides to move around on her so she doesn't have to go through alot! :hug

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Marlene- Definitely keeping your SIL in my prayers! That BP is very high- so should be watched carefully!! Good thing they are keeping her and checking her out!


Julie- Forgot to answer you about the hair and the 70's. Yes, it was hard for us girls with curly hair- everyone was wearing it long, parted in the middle and straight. I finally gave up and let it do it's own thing. :yes


Judy- Glad to hear that Sparkie ate- My Youngest DD got scared one day when her English Bulldog pup Belle wasn't eating- and it was a hot day- so maybe the heat does have something to do with hit?:think With bulldogs they have to be careful that they don't overheat.


Well, I met my goal- Bedroom is all put back together- clothes away- a box of 'goodies' for Goodwill:clap


I had a bag full of new towels that I was saving for what I don't know.:think:eek:lol So I took them out , took the tags off, and they are in the washer now. I packed up the old ones that are in good shape and am giving them to my middle DD. I showered and sat down in my chair just as the first pitch was thrown!!!:yay


I think I'll work on another square now- instead of the hat since with the hat I have to follow a pattern- with the square I don't!!!:hook

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It's raining again...


Not doing much...very tired and I just got up.


Thinking good thoughts for Cindy's daughter giving birth and to Judianne for her Sparkie...

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Marlene -- I hope your SIL is ok --



Happy holiday to you to Sheila !



Hi LeAnna -

we had a brief rainstorm here - it was real pretty out then all at once it got grey and dark out a,d rained, lightning,etc,but now the sun is out again .

One of them Ohio days ...


Hope you get some power back soon,maybe you are just tired from the last couple of days and you need some rest to recuperate.

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I just got back and plan to veg for the rest of the day. I thought about going out for a ride on my bike, but it's too hot even for that (I hate the heat) so will hang out in my AC with the baseball game now and wait for the hockey game later.


Joanne - thanks for reminding, I put my towels in the wash before I went out....need to go put them in the dryer now ;)

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Marlene, sending good thoughts and prayers for your SIL.:hug


Sparkie is doing fine...when he was giving sideway glances at his food bowl like it was going to explode I got a bit concerned...

All is well:) Thanks for the good thoughts.


Marisa, my hubby is Greek..I make a few traditional dishes (when I'm in the mood:lol) and they come out pretty good - though I have managed to occasionally mess up the avgolemeno soup somehow.

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Yep, it must be the hot weather causing the storms-- it's been pretty hot here for the past few days. It got sunny out again, but looks like more rain on the way soon .

Hope it didnt ruin people's picnic plans for the day .

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I just finished sqare #2 while waiting for the laundry to finish :) Not sure how I feel about the color, I think it changed colors too often. Each shade only went about an inch and a half before it changed.


Now will continue to work on my blanket and try to also do a little bit of my knitting too :)


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What all is in angelgomino soup ? I just make Campbells . I occasionally get energetic and make broccoli soup and it's ALWAYS good --- makes me hungry for it now .


I also make chili and potato soup, but those are the only home-made ones I ever tried .

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Very pretty Marisa ! I like how those colors look -- it's interesting seeing what these variegated colors look like when crocheted. Much different than in the skein,don't you think ?



You never know what to expect :think:lol I do like when they have a swatch done up at the store hanging by the yarn so you can see the results. But, it's still cute. I don't know what I'll use this yarn for in the future, but I'm sure the right thing will come along and I'll be glad to have it :lol


Going to work on my afghan now :)

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