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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Thanks everyone. And even though the blanket is made from left-overs, it is still "planned". I am not the type to experiment much.


Sherri, the Country is okay, it's pretty, and it's nice and soft, but that makes it really floppy and limp. The shrug pattern had a lot of triple crochets in it, and they seem harder to do with such soft yarn. On the other hand, it's not splitting at all, and it has a really great drape.


I sort of wish I had used the cotton yarn that the shrug pattern calls for though. (I have some of it, and it is also a really pretty yarn, with the same sort of sheen as the Country has) I think the stitch definition would have been nicer. However, DD liked the salmon color.

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CJ - feel free to call us by our names, I'm sure no one minds. It takes some getting used to ,to remember all of them if they dont use their real name in their online name, but you'll catch on quick .


I have several people I know who homeschool their kidso am well aquainted with it from their viewpoint, but our kids just went to plain old school, so I don't have first hand experience of it . Our youngest son had lots of difficulty in school with his learning ,so now I wish I had tried home schooling, but it's way too late - he is a full grown man now .


I'm with Jude -- I would have never guessed you were that young ,but you are certainly welcome in here ! We don't mind a bit .

I'm not sure what the age range is of everyone in here . I think we have a few in their EARLY 60's , I'm in my early 50's .... I know Tab and Marisa are both young ..30 ? I think they said .


Everyone is more than welcome here though,we don't mind any age joining in .


It's a pretty "clean" group for the most part . I probably get out of line on occasion more than anyone else, but we don't say bad words or anything .


YOU will being a whole new YOUNGER perspective to things . Does your mom do crafts too ?


Thanks, Julie. :) I like homeschooling, I've done it all my life. We get to have birthdays off wich is fun, but we don't get snow days..:(:P

Everyone on here that I've met so far as been so nice!:manyheart:hug

My mom likes to sew, but she doesn't knit, crochet, embroider, crossstitch or anything like that. She says she doesn't have the patience for it.:D She is the best sewer that I know though!:D


Tabitha: Congrats on finishing your monkey!:cheer:cheer


Have to go now. more work in the garden!:(:hook





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Why Judy, you're just a youngster. :devil I will be 68 this year. So far no signs of senility (I think). You all are probably a better judge of that than me. :lol

Nice...for once I'm NOT the older one in a group!:D

And with all the patterns youy make...you are FAR from senility!:yes

On the ferry ride back home last night, WE SAW AN ORCA, as in whale! Way too awesome.


I hope you all have a great weekend. Mine's going to kick off with a trip to the dentist for the root canal. Prayers and fingers crossed that all goes well tomorrow...I want this thing done with by tomorrow afternoon, complete with crown.

Wow, an ORCA!!!! They are so majestic:c9

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, sweetie.

Here's what I have to show for this week. A baby blanket made using this pattern, and the beginning of the Maui shrug. The yarn for the baby blanket is all leftovers from other projects. The ivory yarn is left from a ripple blanket I made more than 5 years ago, the green yarn was from a cardigan and the pink yarn is left from last weeks baby blanket. I figure that if I work in rounds, I can call it finished when the yarn runs out.

The yarn for the shrug was free. Caron sent out samples of their "Country" yarn when it first came out, and for some reason I received two of them.

Beautiful work!:cheer I didn't read it through...Does the square pattern call for turning it after each round? I know some grannies do...


Here is the monkey and my RR in progress.

Wow!!! Awesome work on the monkey:clap:clap And I adore the RR colors:c9

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I think I'm going to play with the Suki ghan (weave in ends or add more to the size...)


ANd thank you all for the compliments on it!

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Thanks Judianne...and yeah, I live in Paradise here...saw a bald eagle being chased by a bunch of crows while we were waiting for the ferry...amazing. After that and seeing the Orca, as I was driving off the boat and on to home, I said to Harry, "Now all we need to see is an otter on our road (which I have seen twice) and it's a trifecta!" Didn't see the otter though.


Sign me up for the penpal!

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CJ- so how did you choose crochet if your mom doesn't do it ? Do you have a grandma or someone you learned from ?


I just used a library book and taught myself back many years ago when I was a little younger than you . My mom doesnt do any crafts at all,and neither does my sister, so I'm the odd one out .I always liked watching other people do it, I guess that's how I decided to try it .

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Hi, Housemates! I woke up early (about 7:00 am), looked at my watch and said too early, went back to sleep and slept until 11:30. Yikes! Too late. Ran a bunch of errands at high speed. Met John back at the house at 2:00 after Kim's upper GI endoscopy. She's sleeping in the chair and playing catch-up. Wow! Was it ever busy in here today.


Julie - I hate that your having all these problems, but it's true, some doctors are just idiots :eek Definitely find a new one and I really hope you're seriously considering getting to the Cleveland Clinic :ghug


I took a pic of my progress with my rainbow granny ghan and the pieces are kind of random and not done in order (because I did what I could when I still needed the other 3 colors).......

Marisa - That is turning out so pretty. I love the colors.

This is what I have been working on for... ever. These four blocks might have been from last week and part of the week before. I'm nearing the end. Nine more squares to go. I would've taken pics of the variegated squares from this week, but they are buried under a project I hope to finish this weekend.

Very pretty!

One more...

And another pretty pattern!

Good Morning all!:morcoffee


(I'm still not sure wether to call everyone by their names, or usernames......:think:D)



Hi, CJ. You can call me Linda. You sound very mature for a fourteen year old. And you are very welcome here. I am 60 years old.

Tell me when you're tired of Little Guy pictures. :lol And the progress on my "Happy Ripple"...I'm loving the random colors!

Mary - We never tire of pictures of Luke. And your ripple is marvelous.

the "old man" look of the Shi-Tzu!:lol

Judy - That is another fantastic graphghan!

Here's what I have to show for this week. A baby blanket made using this pattern, and the beginning of the Maui shrug. The yarn for the baby blanket is all leftovers from other projects. The ivory yarn is left from a ripple blanket I made more than 5 years ago, the green yarn was from a cardigan and the pink yarn is left from last weeks baby blanket. I figure that if I work in rounds, I can call it finished when the yarn runs out.

The yarn for the shrug was free. Caron sent out samples of their "Country" yarn when it first came out, and for some reason I received two of them.

Diane - They are both great!

Here is the monkey and my RR in progress.

Tabby - Super work! As usual.


Julie - Two wonderful frustration relievers are hurling soft tomatoes at a wall and breaking up old crockery on cement. The splat and crash are very good pressure relief valves. Good Will is a good place to find old china for smashing is you don't have any old mismatched pieces on hand. :lol

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Tab-nice work on both projects- the rr is really pretty and the monkey is gonna be cute, with a little baby's face in the middle . When is this baby due ? Sorry but I can't remember .





Got your name for the PenPals- LeAnna -- thanks !!!

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Thanks for the tips. We DO have a Goodwill in our town,so I could go clean them out of glassware and smash it .

We used to have lots of odds and ends but we have matching stuff now, so dont wanna break it intentionally. It's not fancy, but it's new .


Poor Kim probably had a rough day-- it'll be good for her to sleep and get rested up .

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Kim came through the procedure just fine and after a 2 hour nap is ready to go. And they didn't find anything other than that her hiatal hernia is really big and she needs to be sitting upright whenever she is eating or drinking and for about two hours after eating if at all possible. Otherwise she's fine.

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Hi house family I had a nice afternoon today. My daughter brought my grandbaby over and I was so happy that I almost forgot to kiss her hello. :lol:lol She look so tired and about ready to have the baby so she lie down in my bed and me and my grandbaby went outside to play. He told me he was making meatball pie in the dirt, and he even had me running, it felt good to run a little. I just love it , he make me forget that I have knee replacements in both knees, he just make me want to run and jump and play and act silly. I just love it. :lol:lol I did get to knit a little today and I'm hoping to be finish with this blanket soon.


Julie, sorry to hear about all that you have gone thru with the doctors, I am praying that a solution will be coming your way soon. In the meantime I"m here for you, please know that. :hug


Marisa - nice progress on the rasinbow ghan, that is going to be so pretty when it is done.


Sherri - Wow, knitted cable squares, very nice work. When I was trying to knit cables the cables went all different places except where they are suppose to be. Your knitting is so neat. :yes


Crochet4Jesus - Many parents in my church home school their children and I think it is best for the child many parents are realizing that. How fortunate for you. When school is out you will have time to knit and crochet. I also like workking in the garden I like the feel and smell of dirt and things growing. :manyheart


Judy - Beautiful dog graph ghan, you do excellent crochet


Mary - Your grandbaby is an adorab le doll and your ripple is nice and colorful. I try not to think about the half finish ripple that is hiding away in a tote bag in my closet, I got tired of all the hills and valley but sometimes I feel guilty that I didn't finish it but I will in time. :hook


Leann - An Orca now that's awesome, please tell me that ypu took some pictures of it???? Was it big????? An Orca I"m blown away. I w3ish I was there to see it and know it was an experience.


Cindy - I love the color of the shrug. I saved the patterrn your using for the baby blanket. Thanks.


Have a great evening everyone. :hug:hug

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Home Sweet Home!!!! It's the weekend!!!


Wow- lots of activity here today!!! Let me just say that everyone's work is beautiful- Of course, I didn't have paper/pen next to my laptop, so I don't remember everything- like who said what LOL


I've got to go make dinner- didn't have any idea there would have been so many pages to read through!!! I'll try and respond more properly a little later on- or in the early AM with my coffee in hand!!!


I'm in for the pen-pal!!!



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Kim came through the procedure just fine and after a 2 hour nap is ready to go. And they didn't find anything other than that her hiatal hernia is really big and she needs to be sitting upright whenever she is eating or drinking and for about two hours after eating if at all possible. Otherwise she's fine.

That's great news!!



Jules....sign me up for the penpal...forgot to mention it earlier!


ANd thanks for the compliments on the ghan, ladies...

...I didn't get much done earleir - so back to weaving in ends while I wait for the ball game to start:D

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Shame on me. Just about forgot today was Friday. But this is the baby round ripple that I finished. Made of Bernat Softee Baby yarn. 40" diameter.


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Hi house family I had a nice afternoon today. My daughter brought my grandbaby over and I was so happy that I almost forgot to kiss her hello. :lol:lol She look so tired and about ready to have the baby so she lie down in my bed and me and my grandbaby went outside to play. He told me he was making meatball pie in the dirt, and he even had me running, it felt good to run a little. I just love it , he make me forget that I have knee replacements in both knees, he just make me want to run and jump and play and act silly. I just love it. :lol:lol I did get to knit a little today and I'm hoping to be finish with this blanket soon.


Julie, sorry to hear about all that you have gone thru with the doctors, I am praying that a solution will be coming your way soon. In the meantime I"m here for you, please know that. :hug


Marisa - nice progress on the rasinbow ghan, that is going to be so pretty when it is done.


Sherri - Wow, knitted cable squares, very nice work. When I was trying to knit cables the cables went all different places except where they are suppose to be. Your knitting is so neat. :yes


Crochet4Jesus - Many parents in my church home school their children and I think it is best for the child many parents are realizing that. How fortunate for you. When school is out you will have time to knit and crochet. I also like workking in the garden I like the feel and smell of dirt and things growing. :manyheart


Judy - Beautiful dog graph ghan, you do excellent crochet


Mary - Your grandbaby is an adorab le doll and your ripple is nice and colorful. I try not to think about the half finish ripple that is hiding away in a tote bag in my closet, I got tired of all the hills and valley but sometimes I feel guilty that I didn't finish it but I will in time. :hook


Leann - An Orca now that's awesome, please tell me that ypu took some pictures of it???? Was it big????? An Orca I"m blown away. I w3ish I was there to see it and know it was an experience.


Cindy - I love the color of the shrug. I saved the patterrn your using for the baby blanket. Thanks.


Have a great evening everyone. :hug:hug


Oh I wish I could say that I got pics, but no...it happened SO fast...what I saw lasted for a nano second (and I'm not kidding...) but it was still so cool.

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Shame on me. Just about forgot today was Friday. But this is the baby round ripple that I finished. Made of Bernat Softee Baby yarn. 40" diameter.

That's so pretty!:clapNext to graph ghans, RRs are my fav:c9

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LeAnna, I'll bet the crows were defending a nest from the eagle.

We have a nest behind our house ...WAAAAAAY up in a tree (I see where they got the name "crow's nest" for the observation mast on a ship) and now and then I'll see the crows go after another crow or a hawk that gets too close. The nest gets used every year but when the trees leaf out we can't see much.

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Well, I got the ends all taken care of...I'm going back to watch the ball game and work on the ghan now.



CU all tomorrow:hug:manyheart

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Beautiful RR Wanda!


Beautiful graph ghan, Judy!


Nice squares Cherria!


Lovely ghans Cindy and I like the shrug too. The never-ending square is one of my fav patterns- I've made several. I got a free skein of Caron Spa yarn and it seems to be the same color- don't know what I'll make with just 1 skein of it though!


Sherri-The knitted squares are awesome!


Marisa- the hexagons are coming out great!


Mary - Love the "Happy Ripple" (is it Attic24's pattern?) And Love the pic of Luke- keep on posting- he is so cute!


Tab- Love the monkey and can't wait to see it with the banana! the RR is very pretty!


Here's the granny lapghan I put together this week and 2 of my SC variegeted squares (plus the start of the 3rd).


Hey Judy- Hughes is pitching awesome!!!!!!


Have a great evening everyone!!!



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LeAnna...a question:

Do you still need squares for your friendship ghan? Mine is done, but I was wondering about yours. You don't have the size listed in your siggy line....

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