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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Tabby and Tam ~ Thank you! He was 2 months old on Wednesday and is such a cutie. He's already rolling over and smiles all the time...just like he's flirting already. :lol


I have goofed off all morning :blush and need to go buy groceries. Have a good day, everyone. :manyheart

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Hi Diane- thanks for joining in on the squares with us ,and also for the offer of the butt-kicking helper. I may need it if I have to stop to breathe ,you can take over .





Hi Joanne --- Well, CC is still an option -- one that my regular Dr has mentioned - I DID ask this other dude about it, because he always asks what my other Dr has to say .

He actually ASKED : WHAT DEPARTMENT ????

GEEZ ,am I looney or is HE ?


What am I in HERE for , an ingrown toenail ?????


I said,well, i'm guessing the LUNG department .


He advised against it at this point, because he said once they get you "into their system",then THEIR Dr's will be assigned to the whole case ,so I may have several different ones working as a team to handle this, should it turn into something that affects more areas than just the lung issues .


Plus he said the traffic to get there is a nightmare .


Well, the traffic to Akron is no picnic when you live in a hick town like mine. If you do manage to GET there in one piece, your chances of being hit in the head with a brick for a quarter are pretty good .



MY guess is that he knows if I hit the clinic, I WON'T be back to drop him another 200 bucks every couple of months . Pathetic,but true,that is what I got out of it .


Anyhow, I took it upon myself to at least give these new Dr's a go at this -- it's only a week away, they were highly recommended ,and it won't drag out into any long situation. I am just gonna see what they are like, let them look at it with fresh eyes,and see what they suggest . If they say they can't do any more than this guy is doing, the next step will have to be higher up the ladder .

This idea wasn't done with my Dr's knowledge, I did this myself . We'll see what her comments are, but at this point, it doesn't matter. I NEED help to breathe, so I'm about desperate . I'll try anything .I won't mess around with these guys though .


I have wasted 10 WEEKS with the other dude, and all he has done has said -- see you in 4 months, pay on the way out .


Believe me, my Dr today will voice her opinion . she is a gabber - a lot like me, and not afraid to voice her opinion. She may say these 2 are Quacks for all I know, but her suggestion hasn't helped me, so I'm gonna try my own ,at least for one visit - to see what they are like and if they seem like they can help me .


It's just a big ball of mess, and we have more family issues getting dumped right in my lap too,so that makes me double mad .


Anyhow, don't I sound like POLLYANNA today ?


Smothering will do that to you .


I'll try coming back in a better mood later -- sorry gang .. Justr carry on without me and I'll be back after bit . I am just ROYALLY TICKED at the moment.


Omgoodness............. sweetie.............want an ordeal!

I am so sorry you are dealing with all this on top of not feeling well.

Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers always!

you just stay stong and undstand that we are all here for you!:hug





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Tell me when you're tired of Little Guy pictures. :lol And the progress on my "Happy Ripple"...I'm loving the random colors!

Luke is so adorable! I love that age.:c9


...and is that the Attic24 pattern?? I love the bright colors!:hook


Well, I've mopped the kitchen floor and worked my magic on the carpetted stairs in the constant battle against GSD fur (old terry cloth towel, wet and wrung dry)...and I think I've finally cooled off enough to finally take my shower.

I got off to such a late start - Phil can't sleep well, so since he didn't have set appointments this morning he didn't get up till about 9 - I'm usually well into my chores by then. Instead I spent the morning ordering hard copies of pics on my Photobucket and Kodack accounts (of Susie, mostly, and some with Sparkie and her in them).



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Not sure I know what that is...something to do with bugs?


yepperoo........... bugs it is! Just think of Gil Grissom from CSI LasVegas :D








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:hugMorning House, I'm a little busy at the moment but wanted to say good morning. I will read all the posts later but I did want to share a picture of the two (2) 8 inch squares that I completed.


downsize[1] (5)


Very colorful, at first I didn't like it but then I started to like how the different colors were coming out. I really enjoyed this project. Good luck to the winner. :manyheart BBL

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:yayHappy Friday to my Housemates. :clap


Hope everyone's weekend is going to be great and that everyone is feeling better.


Mary~love seeing pictures of Luke, he is such a sweetie. Your afghan really looks happy.:)

Marissa~Your afghan looks like it is fun to make. Kinda like a jigsaw puzzle. Very nice.:yay


Sherri~Love your squares. What book/pattern is it from or are you just making random squares? I have a couple of sampler books for knitting that I would love to make. Too many patterns, so little time. ;)

CJ~Looking forward to seeing pics of your sweater, what color is it?:lashes


Cheeria~your blocks look great, I like those colors too.:yes


Joanne~Hang in there you're almost there. Don't know how you do it.:cheer


Julie~Hope you have better luck with these doctors. I hate feeling like a guinea pig. When DH was active duty military, it was time for my pap smear. Went to the military hospital for the procedure and here came in a squad of about 12 doctors in training, there to observe.:eek Oh boy, talk about embarrassing! I told them that I had never had that big an audience before, if I had known I was performing for a crowd:applause I would have tried to learn some tricks or something but sorry, nothing memorable here. :blush They said at least I had a sense of humor.....whatch gonna do when you're in that position. :rofl


This weekend will have lots of racing. NASCAR 600 and the Indy 500. That means lots of crochet time. :D We went to Sam's Club this week and I bought a new lounge chair, it reclines! So in between races, I just may have to check it out. :yes

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:hugMorning House, I'm a little busy at the moment but wanted to say good morning. I will read all the posts later but I did want to share a picture of the two (2) 8 inch squares that I completed.


downsize[1] (5)


Very colorful, at first I didn't like it but then I started to like how the different colors were coming out. I really enjoyed this project. Good luck to the winner. :manyheart BBL



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Hi Every one! Today I think we have school offf, because we are working in our garden today. planting and whatnot.


Okay, Mary.:D Your Happy Ripple is really pretty! Is the baby your's? He is so cute!:manyheart


:hi Cheeria! Your squares are pretty!:hook


AzGrama, The sweater is going to be white.:D


teakaycee, What about bugs?? I haven't caught up with evrything quite yet...:lol




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Thanks for the kind words and backup. I'm sorry I keep dumping on you all, but I honestly don't have PEOPLE ( like the kind with skin and hair and eyeballs ), you know, the ones who are TOUCHABLE ????


I talk to Sam and he does his best to be patient, but sometimes he comes home really tired and really isn't in the mood to listen. He pretends to, but sometimes nods off . (Or pretends to ) ....


I could talk to Cam about it and he would listen and offer advice, but I think that

s best for a day on down the road when he's old enough to shave, drive and have a job .

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:hugMorning House, I'm a little busy at the moment but wanted to say good morning. I will read all the posts later but I did want to share a picture of the two (2) 8 inch squares that I completed.


downsize[1] (5)


Very colorful, at first I didn't like it but then I started to like how the different colors were coming out. I really enjoyed this project. Good luck to the winner. :manyheart BBL

Nice!! I'll wait to post my squares when I have more than one finished:lol


I think I'll take out the graph ghan and take a pic of that to post.


Oh, Now I have 2 baby ghans to make. :DMy niece (on my side of the family) is due the end of Sept. I have a pattern in mind, but am waiting for another baby pattern book to arrive from Amazon before I sort through ALL of my patterns and try and decide.

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CJ - feel free to call us by our names, I'm sure no one minds. It takes some getting used to ,to remember all of them if they dont use their real name in their online name, but you'll catch on quick .


I have several people I know who homeschool their kidso am well aquainted with it from their viewpoint, but our kids just went to plain old school, so I don't have first hand experience of it . Our youngest son had lots of difficulty in school with his learning ,so now I wish I had tried home schooling, but it's way too late - he is a full grown man now .


I'm with Jude -- I would have never guessed you were that young ,but you are certainly welcome in here ! We don't mind a bit .

I'm not sure what the age range is of everyone in here . I think we have a few in their EARLY 60's , I'm in my early 50's .... I know Tab and Marisa are both young ..30 ? I think they said .


Everyone is more than welcome here though,we don't mind any age joining in .


It's a pretty "clean" group for the most part . I probably get out of line on occasion more than anyone else, but we don't say bad words or anything .


YOU will being a whole new YOUNGER perspective to things . Does your mom do crafts too ?

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Jude- thanks so much . You are such a sweetheart. A Real GEM for a friend . Thanks again for listening .




Mary- thanks to you too, I may have missed the boat with my in-person people, but I hit the lottery in here with you guys .


* PS- we will NEVER get tired of baby pictures,so post one every day if you want. He is such a sweetie and growing so fast already !!!



And your ripple is really pretty and cheery .

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Thanks for the kind words and backup. I'm sorry I keep dumping on you all, but I honestly don't have PEOPLE ( like the kind with skin and hair and eyeballs ), you know, the ones who are TOUCHABLE ????


I talk to Sam and he does his best to be patient, but sometimes he comes home really tired and really isn't in the mood to listen. He pretends to, but sometimes nods off . (Or pretends to ) ....


I could talk to Cam about it and he would listen and offer advice, but I think that

s best for a day on down the road when he's old enough to shave, drive and have a job .


Julie, it's always okay to vent to me. I think probably part of talking to Sam is that his emotions are also entwined in the problem. It's not just a Julie problem, it's a Julie and Sam problem. Becasue you've been married for a long time, your worries are his too. It's hard to always be supportive and positive when inside you are also worried sick.


And I think you're right about Cam.....

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You know I don't have to say much about you . You are like my own daughter --- so you have a special spot too .


Each of you guys does,everyone fills a GAP where I am lacking .







Tam- you little funny thing you .. How you are always so chipper is beyond me . Wish some of it would rub off on me, but I'm about as chipper as the old woman in the shoe ... only I dont have that many kids. I'm just OLD and TIRED .

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Mary, the little guy is adorable, just keep showing him off. Your ripple is really pretty.


Cherria, nice job on the squares.


Judy the Shitzu-ghan is great.


Gotta go back to my cleaning. Actually, maybe I'll go take pictures of this weeks craft progress. Back in a bit with those. (any excuse to keep from doing housework!)

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Thanks Cindy-- yep, you are dead on right about Sam. He says he feels helpless and gets angry that he can't do anything to FIX it .

I told him I'm not asking him to fix it . He does all he can,by working and providing insurance , not complaining if I am not the greatest housekeeper a lot of days ,and I'm not a gourmet cook .( Never WAS, but I used to make lots more big meals than I do now. JUST TIRED . )


And I'd never talk to Cam about this. sometimes I'll tell him I can't do certain things with him, like one day he wanted me to jumrope with him . Can't do THAT anymore ... so sometimes I tell him I don't feel well, so let's play a board game or something where I can just SIT .

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Tab- you don't HAVE to be OLD to be smart . Some old people I know don't make very good decisions sometimes ,so their OLDNESS( is that a word ? ) doesn't make them smart .


You, my friend ,have lots of knowledge about life which you have learned in your own life, so you have knowledge way beyond your years. Give yourself a lot of credit for that !

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Have to dash...


BBL (from the Old Lady of the group at 61 - beats the alternative:lol)


Why Judy, you're just a youngster. :devil I will be 68 this year. So far no signs of senility (I think). You all are probably a better judge of that than me. :lol

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