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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Ok ladies --

Who is up for a little challenge ?

I'd like to have a little fun with an experiment with variegated yarn .


I'd like to challenge each of you to take part in this. It REALLY won't take a lot of time or money to do this .


Choose ANY variegated yarn -- it could be some you already have, or you may want to buy some colors.


Please make an 8 inch square from your variegated yarn .

8 inches, single crochet .

I will make a cutoff date -- let's give this until June 10th .

Then ,we will have a name drawing -- each person who MAKES a square gets their name in the drawing .

If you WANT, you can make several squares, but each one must be a different shade of variegated .

I'd like to use as MANY different ones as possible, to see a LOT of different colors .

On June 10, I will ask you to please post a photo of all your different squares . You can do ONE, or you can make a pickup truck full of them .

For each DIFFERENT colored square you make, you get your name tossed in the drawing box .

I'll have Sam pull out a name on the ending date ,and whoever gets their name drawn will be sent all the squares .

You can put it together for YOU or to donate to a nursing home, or any other charity of choice .

I think it'd make quite an interesting looking afghan to see ALL the variegated together .

Please post what color you buy,so maybe someone else won't buy the same as you .

If they do, it's ok, but it'll be more fun if we all try to go with different ones .

Maybe you even have enough in your scrap colors to make some squares .

8 inch .

Single Crochet .

Wanna play ?

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Great pic of the rescued bird!


And about the knitted dress, it will be the first time I've made a knitted dress...it's all a learning experience. I have knitted sweaters before though.

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Hey kids.............

just stoppin' by to say :hi HI

and share a sweet pic of what my 9yr old is up to again!

yep.......... my little rescuer is at it AGAIN! this is the second bird he has rescued. He just got done feeding it a worm... and this little baby is a happy camper.


What a cute picture!

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1- Name a favorite toy you had as a kid. A tea set that my Aunt Joy had given my mother when she was a kid.

2 -Pets ? How many,and names . Two: a miniature schnauzer named Trouble (Kim's Precious Trouble) and a American shorthaired cat named Sarge


3- TV show you would NEVER want to miss . H***'s Kitchen with Chef Ramsey, Survivor


4-All time favorite book . The Robe by Lloyd C. Douglas, The Clan of the Cave Bear series by Jean Auel, Anything by Anne McCaffrey


5-Name a song you know ALL the words to . Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer


6 -What is your favorite flower ? Crocuses and Daffodils


7-Favorite PIE . Blueberry, Cherry, Sour Cream Raisin, &/or Mince Meat


8-Name you would never hear someone name their baby nowadays . Elspeth


9-What game did you love playing as a kid ,that today's kids have probably never heard of or played ? Carroms, Tiddly Winks


10 - Name a time when your words came back to bite you . My Ex-husband and son had to make a cake for Cub Scouts. I gave them my grandmother's chocolate cake recipe and said it was no fail. They managed to louse it up. It was the saddest looking cake at the cake sale. Truly a miserable result. They did NOT follow the recipe.

This was fun Julie.

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Hey Linda-

What is Carrums ? I don't think I've heard of it before . Is it a board game, or something else ?


So far, I recognize all the old-time games when I was growing up,but this is one I dont know .



The cake story is pretty funny. So did they try to SELL them to people or was it just a learning-type project ,and they brought it back home so you guys had to eat it ?

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It's my friend too when I can get it...used to have it when I'd get my teeth cleaned...over the last 30 years though, it's been difficult for me to find a dentist who uses it.

That's odd not to find someone who uses Nitrous...Maybe it's just the areas we're in? I's have to take an entire Xanax instead of half a pill if that were the case...

I hate going to the dentist too.

I always think of an old Ogden Nash poem, which includes these lines:

"Some tortures are physical and some are mental,

But the one that is both is dental."


I shared this with my dentist once, when he was reprimanding me for stretching out those every 6 month visits to every 8 or 9 months. (or longer....) He pretended that he wasn't all that amused, but he was smiling!~:D Luckily I know him quite well, and he does have a sense of humor.


If you want to read the whole poem, it is quoted here.

I love that poem - sent it to some friends. Thanks!

Hey kids.............

just stoppin' by to say :hi HI

and share a sweet pic of what my 9yr old is up to again!

yep.......... my little rescuer is at it AGAIN! this is the second bird he has rescued. He just got done feeding it a worm... and this little baby is a happy camper.


How adorable! High fives to your son!


Glad you survived the dentist-- boy some of these things we have to do are NOT fun,are they ?

That and gettin blood work done are horrible experiences for me...nothing else phases me at all. Not even the dreaded annual;)

Ok ladies --

Who is up for a little challenge ?


I'd like to have a little fun with an experiment with variegated yarn .


Please make an 8 inch square from your variegated yarn .

8 inches, single crochet .


I will make a cutoff date -- let's give this until June 10th .



Wanna play ?

Most definitely!!:yes

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Okay. Hi, housemates! It's been a busy day. Kim had a doctor's appointment at 11:30 this morning so no real time to chat this morning and Just now calming down after getting home. She will be having an upper GI endoscopy on Friday morning early. We have to be at the hospital by 8:30 am. The procedure is scheduled for 10:00. Hopefully it will tell us what has triggered the two episodes of throwing up and where the blood was coming from. The doctor was very, very nice.


We had lunch at IHOP afterwards and ran a couple of errands. Then I baked the banana nut cake. It still needs to be frosted, but it isn't completely cooled off yet. I think I'll make cream cheese frosting to go on it.


Not much else accomplished so far today. Hope everyone had a good one. :hug:manyheart:hug

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HI all,


Happy Birthday Sherri!!:bday:birthday:cake


I'm with a lot of you- I am petrified of the dentist- I don't mind the doctor, my annual, having blood drawn, or any other medical things- but going to the dentist is not my idea of fun.


I loved the Ogden Nash Poem!!!:yes


Gotta go make dinner, but wanted to stop by and say hi! I'm thinking about doing the variegeted squares, And this may sound dumb, but how many chains do you need to do for an 8inch square? Remember, ladies, I've only been at this crocheting for a little over a year! :lol

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Tam, that little bird picture is adorable. WTG to your son for his efforts on the birds behalf. What a sweetie.


Julie, I don't mind making squares, but I don;t know if I can run the risk of winning them. You know how I feel about sewing things together!


Judy, I think it's pretty rare to find a dentist around here who used nitrous oxide on adults. I think I remember our dentist using it for my children.

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No worries asking the square question -- the way you'll have to do it is to decide which size yarn and hook you are using,and do a little trial and error -- start with a chain the size you think it'd be ( just use a ruler or tape measure, then do a row or so. If it's too big, start with a smaller chain or hook . )

It's kinda hard to tell anyone else what size to start with because we all crochet at different levels, some tight, some loose -etc .


I'll start one tonite and tell you what chain number I start with to get the 8 inches across .


Back later when I get the answer for you, but remember, it will just be what my guage is, so yours may be totally different .

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Gotta go make dinner, but wanted to stop by and say hi! I'm thinking about doing the variegeted squares, And this may sound dumb, but how many chains do you need to do for an 8inch square? Remember, ladies, I've only been at this crocheting for a little over a year! :lol

When we did the Jackson afghan it took 25 chains (give or take) to make an 8 inch square. H hook I think or maybe an I. If mine isn't big enough I'll do a round of sc around the thing:lol

Judy, I think it's pretty rare to find a dentist around here who used nitrous oxide on adults. I think I remember our dentist using it for my children.

If that were the case here I'd never see a dentist!:eek

Thanks for the birthday wishes. It's been a good day. :)

That's so good to hear:c9


Okay. Hi, housemates! It's been a busy day. Kim had a doctor's appointment at 11:30 this morning so no real time to chat this morning and Just now calming down after getting home. She will be having an upper GI endoscopy on Friday morning early. We have to be at the hospital by 8:30 am. The procedure is scheduled for 10:00. Hopefully it will tell us what has triggered the two episodes of throwing up and where the blood was coming from. The doctor was very, very nice.

That sounds good...the doctor probably helped Kim feel calmer, too.

We had lunch at IHOP afterwards and ran a couple of errands. Then I baked the banana nut cake. It still needs to be frosted, but it isn't completely cooled off yet. I think I'll make cream cheese frosting to go on it.


Not much else accomplished so far today. Hope everyone had a good one. :hug:manyheart:hug

Oh, do I EVER love cream cheese icing:drool:drool

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ok Joanne -

I started a square with an H hook and a chain of 25,sc in 2nd from hook -- and it is 8 inches across .

Will let you know how many rows it takes to get to 8 inches square ( just by my measurements .)

I did 30 rows .


So ch 25 ,do 30 rows is what works for me to hit the 8 inch square .


See you all tomorrow ~~

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Hi everyone, it has been very hot today and was hotter in the laundry room, but I had to get the laundry done. It is suppose to be in the ninties tomorrow, a heat wave coming to Jersey???? We are having taco dinner with spanish rice tonight for dinner. I'm going to top dinner off with cherry vanilla Breyers ice cream. That should cool us off. I'm still not able to crochet, knit or weave today but that's okay I need to read and watch some TV.


Sherry I want to wish you :birthday I hope you had a fun day even if you decide to do nothing


Cindy I hope you had fun sewing have today


Judy I hate going to the dentist, but I to have to make an appointment to go to the dentist which will be sometime next week Ughhhhhh I hate needles in my mouth.


Tam that is so cute that your son is an animal rescuer like Diego on TV LOL


Julie you made me laugh when you said "Used to be ,I was as scared as you to go, but I am slowly getting over the scared part . Now the Dr is scared of ME ."


I also would like to make a few 8 inch sc squares but I don't have any varigated yarn so I will go and choose something nice and colorful tomorrow.


Talk to you all later if not have a great evening.

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Hi Cheeria -

Sounds like you have a good plan for the evening . Hope you get a chance to find some variegated yarn .

I just finished my 1st square .


Watching the Biggeslt Loser on tv tonite, so will check out for tonite and see you all tomorrow .

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Hello housemates :D


I hope everyone had a great day. I enjoyed riding my motorcycle for the first time of the season!!! I will save sooo much on gas now, as long as it's nice anyway ;)


I acutally like going to the dentist, I love how my teeth feel when he's done :D Never did mind it though. But, ask me again in a couple weeks since I'm due for a cleaning and had to reschdule my appointment for June 7th since it was for the day that I was given tickets for the Phillies game :lol Gotta have your priorities!!!! :think


Marlene - all those cakes sounded wonderful.....and now I'm salivating for cake :drool


Julie - you can count me in for the squares....not I have to check my stash to see what I have. Question....should they all be like the one you described? (done straight across) or can they go in rounds too? Just wondering so I'm on the same page...either way is fine, but wanted to know before I got going because I'll probably do a couple :D


Off to watch American Idol.....BBL

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Good night everyone.


I have to teach Advanced Cardiac Life Support class tomorrow and Thursday, so I'd better go read a little in the textbook. I like to sound like I know what I'm talking about!


I also have a meeting tomorrow from 4 to 6. Not sure I will be able to get there at 4, since class technically goes until 5, and even though we could let them out early, (and probably will), I would still have to drive over to the hospital and park.The chair person says that being late won't be a problem tomorrow since there will be two separate issues discussed, so I will likely go to the meeting. Even if I miss most of the first one, I can still catch the second one.

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Good morning!


Finished my lapghan- and learned something in the process- I'm not a great sewer!:( But it's done, will be kept here as a spare lap'ghan. So on to other projects!!:yes


Thanks for the tips Julie and Judy on the 8 inch square. I did one last night- and for some reason it started as 8 inch across and ended up 9 inches across- I think I must have picked up a stitch somewhere- too busy watching the Biggest Loser and not paying attention to what I was doing!!! I'm going to turn that into a case for something- I'll do one more row and add a button hole and use one of my buttons to finish it off.


I have plenty of vareigated and am going to try and do a few of these.


Julie- I am happy with the results of The Biggest Loser- And did you get the feeling that Mike likes Ashley? I thought he was going to give the rose to her! But sweet that he gave it to his mother!


I'm going to try another 8 incher before work!


Have a great HUMP Day everyone!!! Only 2 more days to go before the weekend!!!!:clap

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