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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Goodmorning Everyone..

WOW is it nice here this morning we are going to be cool here in az today.

yesterday applied for cashier job at a kmart.maybe get lucky they will call me back.

Have a nice Sunday Everyone!

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Howdy all -

Just a quick drop in to let you know I'm still kicking . Just in a really bad mood today ,so will post when I'm in a better one .

Hope you all have a good Sunday .

:hug :hug :hug

Goodmorning Everyone..

WOW is it nice here this morning we are going to be cool here in az today.

yesterday applied for cashier job at a kmart.maybe get lucky they will call me back.

Have a nice Sunday Everyone!

Good luck with the job.


Good morning, housemates. It's sunny here today. Wow! I wasn't expecting that. I stayed up late reading and then slept till noon. Oh, well the occasional weekend off is the only time I get to do that. The book was really good and I finished it. :D


Not sure what I'm doing today. I should probably stay home and either work on my shawl or mom's quilt. But what I'm in the mood to do is go to an antique mall not too far from here and just wander around and see if they have any treasures I just can't pass up. :devil We'll see.


Hope everyone has a great day. More later. :manyheart

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Tabby, I used to get like that whenever it was hot and I was on my feet a lot - I just have terrible circulation ...and water retention issues. I hope you have a good day.


Jules :hug:hug...and email me if you need to vent - I'll be checking my mail off and on.


Hi, Sheila. Have a great afternoon!


I have one more strip of Friendship squares to join before attaching it to the main ghan. Then a border.


Phil said...don't we have enough ghans? I said, this one is special, because all my crochet friends contributed to it...:manyheart


The rest of my yarn will be used for gifts and donations... I really do have enough ghans - unless I make the poilce themed one for Phil - then that'll be it.:hook

Back to my hook....BBL!:hug:manyheart

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Howdy all -

Just a quick drop in to let you know I'm still kicking . Just in a really bad mood today ,so will post when I'm in a better one .

Hope you all have a good Sunday .




Goodmorning Everyone..

WOW is it nice here this morning we are going to be cool here in az today.

yesterday applied for cashier job at a kmart.maybe get lucky they will call me back.

Have a nice Sunday Everyone!


Hope this works out for you!!

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Hello Housemates,

I haven't read through the last couple of pages, normally I keep up pretty well, but I've been away from the computer. I promised Julie that I would post when it happened, and it has happened. I had my baby, her name is Emily. :c9


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Good day housemates....


Looks like a slow day in here. I'm working on my octagons off and on today.


Sheila - good luck on the job :cheer


Julie - lots of :hug :hug :hug your way....I'm here if you need to chat or just vent. Hopefully your day got better.


Linda - Enjoy your weekend off, glad you slept in a bit and got some relaxation in :D


Jennifer - Emily is precious!!!! :yay


Tab - WTG getting soo much of your monkey done today :clap



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Hi- I'm home!!!


The painter was here while I was at work and the water mark and peeling from the icemaker fiasco is all fixed:clap- he painted the entire ceiling in the family room and it looks great!!!


Linda- did you get to go to the antique mall today?


Sheila- Good luck! Fingers crossed for you for the job!


Julie- Hugs to you!!!:hug:hug:hug and glad to hear you are still kicking- thanks for letting us know-I would have worried if I hadn't seen a post from you. :hug:hug


Judy- What delicious goodies did you get at Delicious Orchards- any apple cider donuts?;)

I need my light when I crochet- Hows that working out for you not having your floor lamp?


Marissa- Sounds like you had a nice visit with the parents and then the rest of the day to do what you wanted


Cindy- I loved the sound of your day- especially the Nap part!!:c9


Jennifer- Emily is beautiful!!! Enjoy her! I love the name Emily~


Tabby- Hope the swelling has gone some in your ankles- and I can't wait till the monkey is done and we get to see it!!!


To everyone else- hope you are all having a nice relaxing Sunday- mine started about 5---the relaxing part this is!!:lol

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Congratulations !! What a beautiful baby ! How much did she weigh and did you have an easy delivery ?


She looks so pretty and very healthy !


Thanks for sharing the photo with us. Now we have TWO new babies in the House !


How are you feeling, ok ?

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Congrats, Jennifer! Emily is adorable:c9


Judy- What delicious goodies did you get at Delicious Orchards- any apple cider donuts?;)

I need my light when I crochet- Hows that working out for you not having your floor lamp?

No donuts - the only desert we got was a peach crumb pie:devil and some Italian bread and veggies. We did buy the Marinara sauce they sell in the deli section (refrigerated). It was pretty good! I bought their sausages, cooked them up and served them with spaghetti:drool

Other than that it was a light trip this time:D

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Looks like I'm going to need another skein of ivory for my rainbow granny ghan. I'll get it, probably tomorrow. Mine is almost gone and I'm only half done :( I double and triple checked the pattern and it sure says 1. I did leave the ends long for weaving, but that shouldn't have put me back this much Oh well, such is life....I'm just glad that particular yarn is a 'no dye lot' so it shouldn't differ :whew


My parents and I went out for dinner yesterday then stopped at a local bakery for some dessert...yummy...bakeries are hard to come by these days :( We had a piece of strawberry shortcake, a piece of cherry cheesecake, and a piece of blueberry crumb pie!!! It was all wonderful and we each got something different so we can try them all :devil


My dad drove my bike down, while my mom drove the car. We got the air conditioners in and went to Home Depot to get stuff to pot the herbs I got 2 weeks ago. I ddin't know what to do with them, so they took over and now they are perking up already. They were starting to look pretty drab since they needed to be repotted :eek


Stopped at the Philly Pretzel Factory for them to get soft pretzels to take back home. When they left I did some laundry....all the bedding from the spare room, watched tv, and crocheted when I wasn't dozing off :lol


All in all, it was an enjoyable and productive, yet relaxing weekend :D

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Hello Housemates,

I haven't read through the last couple of pages, normally I keep up pretty well, but I've been away from the computer. I promised Julie that I would post when it happened, and it has happened. I had my baby, her name is Emily. :c9

Emily is a beautiful baby, Jennifer. Congratulations!


I did more running around this afternoon. I went to an antique shop, just not the one I was planning on. Bought a bunch of paper backs, two tops, some shea butter creme, a first edition of a book my folks had when I was growing up, an oriental dragon painting, and a bag of material. Had supper at Cici's pizza. I've really recharged my batteries this weekend. Feels good.

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Hello Housemates,

I haven't read through the last couple of pages, normally I keep up pretty well, but I've been away from the computer. I promised Julie that I would post when it happened, and it has happened. I had my baby, her name is Emily. :c9


Congratulations!! Emily is beautiful!

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Hello Housemates,

I haven't read through the last couple of pages, normally I keep up pretty well, but I've been away from the computer. I promised Julie that I would post when it happened, and it has happened. I had my baby, her name is Emily. :c9


Congratulations Jennifer! Emily is beautiful. :manyheart

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Hi housemates,

Congrads on the cute baby and I love her name Emily,


I had a very nice week-end, Yesterday I went food shopping then I came home knit, relax, read a book and went to sleep, I love days like that.


Today was my daughters baby shower, for a second baby shower she got a lot of nice gifts. Her friends brought her almost everything she had on her baby registry. They grew up together and went to school together and were in each other weddings together and they always look out for each other. They call me Mom and they are like my daughters. So much fun being involve with them and now their little children. The food was delicious and I mean mouth watering delicious. I'm not much of a cake eater but the cake was decorated really nice and had strawberries and also banana creme filling. As for myself I'm happy for my daughter, just a week and a half to go and my new grandbaby will be here. I can't wait to see him.

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Good morning!


I ended up going up stairs around 6:15 last evening to take a "nap" and woke up at 5AM! i guess I really needed some sleep to recharge after working all these hours!! I feel rejuvenated~~ at least for now!


Hope everyone has a good Monday- kind of gray and damp here--but it is still the crack of dawn.


Judy- your buys at Delicious Orchards sound delicious!!!


Cya later!

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Good morning everyone. I am on call for work starting at 11. I don't mind going in if they need me.

It is really humid here and I slept poorly because I was too stubborn to allow dh to turn the A/C on yesterday. ("It's only May") I won't make the same mistake today. Its supposed to be like this for several days.


Joanne have a good day at work. It's the home stretch! You must have needed all that sleep!


Tabby, you are moving right along on that cocoon. Can't wait to see what you came up with.


Cheeria, what a lovely weekend you had. I am also expecting a new grandchild in just a couple of weeks. DD and dsil didn't find out the sex, so it will be a surprise. I already have three grandsons, but I don't mind either way.

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I figured I'd check in while my coffee is brewing, it smells wonderful :D


Last night I started to whipstitch the pieces I have finished together while watching Celebrity Apprentice :) The pieces I have done are kind of random ones and not consecutive, but is coming along nicely. I'll run to pick up another skein of ivory after work tonight and will be able to continue :D


Joanne - you really slept :c9 your right, you must've needed it!!!! At least now your batteries are charged and ready to go ;)


Cindy - Hope you have a good day and sleep well this evening. I've already ran my AC a few times with the first being in APRIL :eek Once that humidity hits, all rules are out the door :lol


Coffee's done brewing, going to take my mug upstairs while I get ready to help prevent being late.


The guy I work for has 4 offices in Philly and mine is the only 1 with 2 dr's in it. The dr in 1 of the offices wife is due tomorrow for their first child, so will be losing my help to cover that office. It's a very exciting time for him and I hope his wife has her baby ASAP because he is always bouncing off the walls!!! :eek He stated calling, between me and my helping dr, 2 months ago saying "it could happen any day now" :think I had to yell at him to shut him up and get him to tell me the actual due date, the way he was ranting about it you would've though she was overdue by a week :lol Such is the first child....not to mention, he's 50 and she's 40, so are a little extra stressed.


Hope eveyone has a great day today!

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Morning ladies


I hope you all have a good day today,whther it be at work or home .


Wow, Marisa -- that will certainly be interesting for a couple of that age to have their first baby ! If he's that spastic already, just wait til it's born !


I bet they are really excited .


So for the Apprentice fans, how'd you like who won ? I was hoping he'd win it ,so was glad when he did . It took a lot of courage for him to even be there on the show,considering all his latest serious health issues . I don;t know anything about the guy except for watching him on this show, but from some comments made, he must not have a not quite "squeaky clean" image . He really did well on this show though,and showed how good a person he can be .


I think everyone has something good somewhere inside them,for some people you just have to dig a lot more to find it .


Well, I'm off to the lung guy at 9 AM - G O O D Y


Another DOCTOR .


Getting mighty sick of this whole ordeal by this point,but what to do about it , I dont know . You gotta BREATHE .


Anyhow, will check in sometime later --

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