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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Linda, Rosie's quilt looks great. It's funny that she recreated her grandma's quilt without even trying. It just goes to show how deep an emotional connection can be.


Judy, I love your Jackson ghan. It looks great on your bed. I'm sure it will be nice and warm next winter.

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Now THAT is impressive ! Might just be one of the largest afghans I have ever seen .

It is REALLY preety and I like the way it makes your room look almost like it has an old-fashioned, or quilt- cabin type look to it .

Hard to explain exactly but it is so beautiful .


Now, are you gonna keep it on there now or after summer ?


If you're like me, I like the air cranked up in the bedroom so it's cold in there when we sleep ,so we keep blankets on the bed even in summer .


I really like it,and it will serve you guys for many years to come. Looks very sturdy and well made .

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WOW Cindy !!!


That is pretty too ~~

GOSH,we are getting Photo Friday treats a day early . That is really nice !

And you made up the pattern yourself ?


We sure have some talent in here, I do know that !


No Way could I make up my own pattern . Are you going to post it in the pattern section in here ,or not ?


And I am guessing it was all made in one piece, although it looks like it was done in panels.

I know you DETEST sewing things together ,so didnt figure it'd be panels .

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Thanks Julie. The pattern is all in one piece and it is posted on my blog. It's a lot easier than it looks. It is done in panels, but each is crocheted to the last one. (of course I wouldn't design something that needed to be sewn together!)

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The Jackson Ghan on our King size bed.


The last pic is where I first stopped - thinking I didn't want to make it any bigger:lol


Tomorrow is a work day for me, so I'm going to post my pink afghan now.


Love them both!

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The Jackson Ghan on our King size bed.


The last pic is where I first stopped - thinking I didn't want to make it any bigger:lol

Judy, that is fabulous! So very beautiful. :cheer:clap:nworthy :nworthy :clap:cheer

Tomorrow is a work day for me, so I'm going to post my pink afghan now.

Another beautiful afghan, Cindy. They are all so lovely and each one is different from the ones preceding the last. I tend to get stuck on one pattern and do it over and over again. Yours are all different. It's so neat that you match them to the person who's going to be getting them.


We are definitely having Photo Friday on Thursday this week from the looks of it. So here goes with the picture of Mom's quilt. The piecing for the top is all done. Now it gets ironed, pinned, quilted and finally the binding goes on. I'm hoping to have it done by the end of Memorial Day Weekend if all goes well. I'll keep my fingers crossed. The binding will be in the orange-red fabric, so the light fabric will again be sandwiched like it is in the chains.


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Judy, that is fabulous! So very beautiful. :cheer:clap:nworthy :nworthy :clap:cheer


Another beautiful afghan, Cindy. They are all so lovely and each one is different from the ones preceding the last. I tend to get stuck on one pattern and do it over and over again. Yours are all different. It's so neat that you match them to the person who's going to be getting them.


We are definitely having Photo Friday on Thursday this week from the looks of it. So here goes with the picture of Mom's quilt. The piecing for the top is all done. Now it gets ironed, pinned, quilted and finally the binding goes on. I'm hoping to have it done by the end of Memorial Day Weekend if all goes well. I'll keep my fingers crossed. The binding will be in the orange-red fabric, so the light fabric will again be sandwiched like it is in the chains.



Lovely quilt!

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The Jackson Ghan on our King size bed.


The last pic is where I first stopped - thinking I didn't want to make it any bigger:lol

That is amazing!!! I love it!! you did a great job!


Tomorrow is a work day for me, so I'm going to post my pink afghan now.

Oh my... isnt that pretty! I love the color and pattern! :hook








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We are definitely having Photo Friday on Thursday this week from the looks of it. So here goes with the picture of Mom's quilt. The piecing for the top is all done. Now it gets ironed, pinned, quilted and finally the binding goes on. I'm hoping to have it done by the end of Memorial Day Weekend if all goes well. I'll keep my fingers crossed. The binding will be in the orange-red fabric, so the light fabric will again be sandwiched like it is in the chains.



That is so neat! wow........ great work!!!







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Linda, the quilt is gorgeous!!!!:clap:clap:clap


And thanks for all the compliments on Jackson, ladies.




Now THAT is impressive ! Might just be one of the largest afghans I have ever seen .

It is REALLY preety and I like the way it makes your room look almost like it has an old-fashioned, or quilt- cabin type look to it .

Hard to explain exactly but it is so beautiful .

Phil calls it my Amish ghan, so you're spot on, as the Brits say, in your description of it!

Now, are you gonna keep it on there now or after summer ? If we kept the house as cold as I would like it, it would stay on....but unfortunately, not just yet.


If you're like me, I like the air cranked up in the bedroom so it's cold in there when we sleep ,so we keep blankets on the bed even in summer .


I really like it,and it will serve you guys for many years to come. Looks very sturdy and well made .


Tomorrow is a work day for me, so I'm going to post my pink afghan now.

I love it!!:clap:clap It's really pretty. Did you finish writing out the entire pattern on your blog?

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Cindy, I answered my own question - found the pattern for the baby ghan - and a yummy-looking spaghetti sauce recipe!

Gotta start up my printer....:D

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Thank you, Tammy, Cindy, Judy, and Julie.


Julie - I've been crafting in one way or another most of my life, so that helps. And I can usually visualize how things will look before I do them, which helps a whole lot too. In one of my cedar chests (I have 2) I have the ripple afghan I made 30 - 35 years ago for our king-sized bed. And I made it BIG. It covered the bed with about a foot to spare on both sides and the end. It was done in double crochet instead of single crochet but I remember it taking a very long time to do. Maybe I should dig it out and take a picture of it to inspire you. :lol :lol :lol What do you think, Julie? Would it inspire or intimidate you? :D

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Linda, I would love to see that ripple!!



I have a rare thing today - 2 things on one day. Tonight is my neighborhood book club meeting.


I've been here long enough - cu all in the morning. :hug:manyheart

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We are definitely having Photo Friday on Thursday this week from the looks of it. So here goes with the picture of Mom's quilt. The piecing for the top is all done. Now it gets ironed, pinned, quilted and finally the binding goes on. I'm hoping to have it done by the end of Memorial Day Weekend if all goes well. I'll keep my fingers crossed. The binding will be in the orange-red fabric, so the light fabric will again be sandwiched like it is in the chains.



Mom that quilt is turning out really really beautiful. I look forward to seeing what you do with the quilting as well. Nicely done! I'm very glad you finally decided to learn to quilt.

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Hi every one, it is almost evening and time for dinner and I'm just getting on to say Hi Housemates. I had a doctor's appointment today, then had to do some banking and also go to the store to pick up a few items that we desperately needed such as bread. When I came back grandbaby and I went for a short walk and then I let him play digging in the dirt like he always do. My neighbor's little daughter was outside and she was telling me about pre-kindergarden and my grandbaby said I want to go to school to and I told him he can't go to school until he's potty train for he can't wear pampies (pampers) in school he said grandma I want to do the potty dance lets get potty pants. :lol:lol:lol (He is too cute)


Tonight all my TV shows come on so I plan on getting into my pj's, get my knitting and crocheting, and climb into bed and watch tv as I work on my projects. Have a great evening everyone.

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I'd love to see the rippleghan if you have the time to put up the photo !



Jude-what book are you guys discussing ?



Hey Joy ! Good to see you .



Cheeria-yep,them grandbabies are more precious than gold . Have a good evening !

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Mom that quilt is turning out really really beautiful. I look forward to seeing what you do with the quilting as well. Nicely done! I'm very glad you finally decided to learn to quilt.

Thanks, sweetie. I'm glad I found someone to teach me. Doing it alone sure didn't cut it the first time and having Rosie to guide me and collaborate with me has made SUCH a big difference.


Okay, Judy and Julie. I'll see about pulling it out and taking a picture of it.

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WOW!!!! What a day you all had here!! And what lovely "eye candy" to look at.


Judy- The Jackson ghan is gorgeous!!! Glad you had fun at the embroidery guild and hope you are having a good time at the book club.


Linda- that quilt is outstanding!!! And I love Rosie's pink quilt- how funny that it was like her grandmother's. You are both such talented ladies. And I would love to see the ripple you made!!


Mary- It was me that mentioned attic 24's ripple- LOL- Still haven't started it yet- but I have lots of colorful yarn all ready!


Cindy- Love your ghans- another talented lady among us.


Julie- I am looking forward to seeing your ripple- and I like your plan to keep your special yarn as incentive to get done with your WIPS!!


Tammy- Glad to see you back and love your newest hook case- the yellow is so bright and cheery!


Cheeria- Lol about your grandbaby! Enjoy him!


The song with a name that comes to mind is "Michelle" by the Beatles (My middle dd's middle name- LOL)


Just sitting down after a long day at work- this is a very busy time for me- hence the working this weekend. Tomorrow night I'll be working till about 7 and then heading over to my youngest DD's for a jewelry party so I'll probably only be on bright and early in the AM!


Hope everyone has a great evening. Sorry I didn't respond to you all individually, but my brain is tired after the day I had I am hoping that I can finish that 2nd potholder tonight before I head off to bed!!!


:hug:hug to you all!

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Good evening ladies,


I hope everyone's day went well :D I love seeing all your pics!!!


Diane - that U-No sounds wonderfully delicious!!!! Now my mouth is watering :lol


Tam - :yay for the last day of school!!!!


Cindy - WTG on cleaning the basement and kudos to dd for inspiring you to keep going :yes And the pink baby afghan is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!


Linda - I love both, yours and Rosie's quilts. There are both extremely different, but are both awesome!!! I love both sets of colors and you both do amazing work!!! Your mom will love it, even if she's not outward about it :)


Judy - your jackson ghan is HUGE :clap It looks like a project that takes forever to see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! :eek Enjoy your book club :)


Mary - good luck with getting your ripple started :yay New projects are always fun


Julie - I like to keep my bedroom cold too, the whole house actually ;)


Cheeria - it's great that your grandbaby has some incentive to want to potty train :cheer


As for where I was when JFK was shot?.......well, let's just say my mom was 12 and my dad was 11 :( so I wasn't even a far off idea yet!!!!


I talked to my parents today and they're coming down saturday :D Bringing my air conditioners and my motorcycle :D Ooooo.....I'm sooo excited!!!!! :yay I can't wait!!!


I already put my photo up earlier this week and I washed my lapghan today......it came out alive :cheer:clap:yay But, maybe I'll put a pic of my knit sock I started, but didn't get very far with yet ;) Just because I want to post a pic :lol

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