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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Thank you kindly Miss Jude !


You are certainly a wonderful friend ..Probably better than I deserve .


I don't know why my "REAL LIFE PEOPLE" aren't as good as you guys are .


( Except Cam, he's my pal ....no matter what , he is my buddy . )

Meeting people and developing friendships is a roll of the dice, I think, but there's definitely something special about we "hookers". Sharing a hobby draws us even closer :manyheart


Have a good day - I need to go start some laundry and get myself together.



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And, I finished my lapghan last night :) However, following the pattern, I did the border with 2 strands of yarn which would have been fine had I done the whole ghan in bulky yarn, but I used ww which is how it became a lapghan instead of an afghan :lol So now it didn't match up right, but still looks fine. It looks like I intentionally made the edges wavy, so that will be our little secret!! :eek Not bad though considering this was the first thing I started where I followed a written pattern :yes


Here's a pic of the finished product and a close up of the front and back. Now I just need to send it through the washing machine and hope it comes out alive!!!! :eek

That's so pretty! And only WE know the mistakes in our work - no one else even sees them:lol



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I HOPE YOU THOROUGHLY ENJOY YOUR DAY:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart



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Good morning everyone.


Glad to see you back here Julie. I was worried. I'm sorry that life is dealing you some lousy cards. Good for Sam for suggesting some retail therapy. Starting new projects makes me happy too, and using pretty yarn adds to the pleasure. (its just too bad that I don't get the same thrill out of finishing things!)


I've often been amazed at the friendships that can develop in the internet world. We start out having crochet in common and find other shared interests. I'ver also noticed that crocheters seem to be a bunch of very caring people. Look at all the posts on the charity board, and the wish list thank you's.


Marisa, I wear glasses when I'm really tired too. And I really like your lapghan.


Linda, looking forward to seeing your quilt. Are you having someone else do the quilting for you?


And Judy, I'm really anxious to see your Jackson ghan. Especially since you said it also meets with Phill's approval. From what I've heard you say of your dh through the eyars, I wouldn't think he would love an afghan made solely out of those bright colors that seem to attract you.


Joanne have a good day at work. 3 out of 12 done when you read this!

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(and make sure you get some cake, before Julie gets near it! That woman is entirely too fond of cake!)


You got that right Cindy !!!


I'd bring my fork( plus a spare one just in case ) ,and try to get one of the big square corner pieces with all the frosting .


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Hi Ladies,


Marisa, nice finish on your lapghan.


Julie, we watch Ice Road Truckers when we catch it on.

That was nice of Sam to make sure you did something nice for you.

I to like the feeling of buying new yarn or patterns.

You are the one who will know what the right next step will be for you. I'm here for you. :hug


Linda can't wait to see your quilt. I don't know anything about quilting but I hope someday to give it a try. I have made some quillows for gifts. I think that is what I will Maya's sister and her little sister for there birthday's this year.


Judy can't wait to see your jackson ghan. Glad Phil okayed it.


When I joined the American Legion Aux. I met a lady who crocheted and she invited me to join the group of ladies who met at her house for lessons. I already knew how to crochet, but thought it would be fun. We became very close friends (sisters). I was the youngest one and they all were old enough to be my mother. We called ourselves '"The Happy Hookers". We had t-shirts that had that logo on it. We went on several trips together and many lunches. One time we went down to Kentucky and they put out on the sign Welcome Happy Hookers (one of the ladies and her family have gone to this hotel for many years). We just always had a good time together. Sadly to say that 3 of the ladies have passed away. Two of us moved up north so we don't get together any more.


Were on a roll for some warm maybe even hot days here so I'm going to go get some things done here and go outside with Maya. I hope everyone has a great day!

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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


LeAnna ~ Have a wonderful day! :birthday


Marisa ~ Your lapghan is wonderful! I love the yarn and the border looks great. :clap


Julie ~ Good for you for taking a little break, but we're sure glad you're back. :manyheart Your new yarn sounds really pretty!


I was gone almost all day yesterday. Little guy was 7 weeks old yesterday and is getting more animated and alert each time I see him. :c9 DD did a little shopping and had lunch with a friend. She's pumping milk now, so he can have a bottle and she can get out a little more.


Off to do some much needed cleaning. Have a good day, everyone. :manyheart

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Good morning housemates. It's sunny today. I'm going to enjoy it while I can as it's supposed to rain all weekend according to the forecast.


Linda - I don't know anything about quilting so cannot visualize the quilts so I can't wait to see the pics of both finished products :) Sounds like you and Rosie had a lot of fun running around :lol that's always wonderful and needed

Rosie and I always seem to have a ball and talk nonstop when we're together. It's nice to have a friend like that in RL. And nice to have all the friends I have here even though most of us live too far apart to get together in person. That would be a real blast.

Hi everyone...we've been kicking it up a notch around here and working on unpacking and setting up stuff in the upstairs...with Serenghetti's help of course...might be scarce for a day or two...never ending around here...


Hope you all are doing good.

Leanna, happy unpacking. Have a great day! :hug


And, I finished my lapghan last night :) However, following the pattern, I did the border with 2 strands of yarn which would have been fine had I done the whole ghan in bulky yarn, but I used ww which is how it became a lapghan instead of an afghan :lol So now it didn't match up right, but still looks fine. It looks like I intentionally made the edges wavy, so that will be our little secret!! :eek Not bad though considering this was the first thing I started where I followed a written pattern :yes


Here's a pic of the finished product and a close up of the front and back. Now I just need to send it through the washing machine and hope it comes out alive!!!! :eek

Marisa - That turned out so pretty. My edges are usually wavy to some degree. I just looks so nice.


Julie - The Baby Face is very pretty, I'm just surprised that you didn't pick the Leaves & Sprouts or Fern Rainbow as much as you like green. Have fun with it.


Marlene, Judy, Joanne - Good morning to you all.


Cindy - I do the quilting as well as the piecing. I got a Brother sewing machine for Christmas about 4 years ago and I does a good job. I do it all on that machine. I haven't done anything fancy as far as the quilting goes although I'm starting to get the itch to try it. There is a shop halfway close to us that rents out their long arm machine to quilters. So far all my quilting is just straight lines either across, up and down, or on the diagonal. Or a combination of all of them.


I laid out the material that I planned to use as the borders this morning and then put the quilt top on top of it to see which way I like it better. Turns out that I didn't like either way with what I had planned. Then I tried one of the other colors and didn't like it any better than the first. Then I used the dark one as a skinny 1" border with the lighter one as a wide 3-4" border and the dark one again as the binding. That was the winner as the look that I liked and I liked it best with the big light blocks in the corners. So that means that I have just the right combination of blocks left to assemble. :woo Just have to get to sewing again. I should be able to have the top put together by tomorrow, so that I can send a picture of it to my middle brother to print out from his computer and take over to Mom to show her what is coming even though it won't be done yet. Tomorrow is her birthday. And with luck I'll be able to send it to her in the next week or so, so it won't be all that late.

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Cindy - the Friendship ghan that I have to join (next project) has my fav bright colors...the Jackson is more muted (compared to that one, anyway:lol I had to throw in some richer, colorful squares here and there...but the overall effect is a pleasing one, which surprises me, since it wasn't really planned.


working on the border now:hook

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Hi everyone and thank you all, every single one of you for the birthday wishes...


To answer one question, Serenghetti usually likes going in boxes, but while upstairs, which she's only been upstairs a handful of times, she's too interested in everything else to deal with the boxes...

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Good luck on wrapping up your big Jackson ghan ! I bet it weighs more than you do ! You are such a tiny little thing .



Linda - yea, for some reason ,the bright baby-colored yarn caught my attention -it looks almost like tye-dyed colors.

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Good luck on wrapping up your big Jackson ghan ! I bet it weighs more than you do ! You are such a tiny little thing .

Tiny - me?:rofl:rofl

I may be short - but tiny...uh-uh:lol:lol:lol:lol



Almost done with the first round of the border. One more go-round and I'm done:D

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Yes, you ARE tiny-- you have dainty bones ,like small-built, you know ?

That's why you remind me of a chickadee -- tiny and petite .


Maybe we'll see a photo of the big giant afghan before much longer -- it probably takes quite awhile to go round the whole thing with your edging !

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Since my first set of questions went over so well, I thought we'd try it again !


Let's toss in a little TWIST to this one --

When you REPLY with your answers, you have to comment on ONE item the previous poster mentioned -- any one you want ,but comment or ask them a question .



1- What is your MIDDLE name ? Were you named AFTER anyone ?


2-If you were 18 again, what OTHER career would you have chosen if you could change it ?


3-Name something HISTORICAL you would like to see in our country that you havent gotten to see yet .


4-What is one pet you would NEVER want to have ?


5-What styles of clothes were "IN" when you were a TEEN,and whose posters hung on YOUR bedroom wall ?


6-Name something you wish you had the COURAGE to do,but probably won't be able to do .


7-What Hollywood star would you like to have lunch with ?


8-Name your favorite candy bar .


9-What ONE thing really TICKS you off ?


10- What one question would you have for ANY FAMOUS PERSON who is no longer alive ?

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I'll go first :

1- What is your MIDDLE name ? Were you named AFTER anyone ?

Kay -- NOPE

2-If you were 18 again, what OTHER career would you have chosen if you could change it ?


3-Name something HISTORICAL you would like to see in our country that you havent gotten to see yet .

Vietnam memorial

4-What is one pet you would NEVER want to have ?


5-What styles of clothes were "IN" when you were a TEEN,and whose posters hung on YOUR bedroom wall ?

bell bottoms, tye-dye,platform shows,shag haircuts ...

Alright -- Donny Osmond and David Cassidy

6-Name something you wish you had the COURAGE to do,but probably won't be able to do .

Ride in an airplane

7-What Hollywood star would you like to have lunch with ?

George Clooney

8-Name your favorite candy bar .


9-What ONE thing really TICKS you off ?

People who don't do their jobs correctly . AND people who are DIRTY .

10- What one question would you have for any famous person who is no longer alive ?

JonBenet, who did it ?


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Yes, you ARE tiny-- you have dainty bones ,like small-built, you know ? I wear a size 7 1/2 ring...that's not that dainty:lol:lol:lol

That's why you remind me of a chickadee -- tiny and petite .


Maybe we'll see a photo of the big giant afghan before much longer -- it probably takes quite awhile to go round the whole thing with your edging !

One more round to go:hook

3-Name something HISTORICAL you would like to see in our country that you havent gotten to see yet .

Vietnam memorial It's a very sobering sight...when I first saw the design that was picked I went :think

Then I saw it:(

4-What is one pet you would NEVER want to have ?

snake I wouldn't want one either (couldn't feed it live mice), but when my goddaughter was 2 she showed me her brother's snake and I overcame my fear (not wanting to look like a wuss in front of her) and touched it. It wasn't slimy just firm and smooth.

7-What Hollywood star would you like to have lunch with ?

George Clooney Ditto:devil



10- What one question would you have for any famous person who is no longer alive ?

JonBenet, who did it ? Amen


My answers:

1- What is your MIDDLE name ? Were you named AFTER anyone ? Ann...for no reason that I know of....


2-If you were 18 again, what OTHER career would you have chosen if you could change it ? FBI or CIA, as an agent or analyst


3-Name something HISTORICAL you would like to see in our country that you havent gotten to see yet .

Been to DC, so can't think of anything...

4-What is one pet you would NEVER want to have ?Spiders:P


5-What styles of clothes were "IN" when you were a TEEN,and whose posters hung on YOUR bedroom wall ?

Bell bottoms...pics of some of the cast from Surfside 6 (now THAT dates me!)


6-Name something you wish you had the COURAGE to do,but probably won't be able to do .

Bungee jump - not for anything would I do that

7-What Hollywood star would you like to have lunch with ?George Clooney


8-Name your favorite candy bar .

All of them:devil

9-What ONE thing really TICKS you off ?

People who mistreat animals

10- What one question would you have for ANY FAMOUS PERSON who is no longer alive ? Same as Julie's answer

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Quiz answers:

1) My middle name is Marie. As far as I know I'm not named after anyone.

2) If I could choose again on a career, I'd probably choose to become a teacher of English, math, or science.

3) Something historical in the US I haven't seen yet and would like to see is Mount Rushmore.

4) A pet I'd never want to have would be an iguana.

5) Mini-skirts were just coming into fashion when I was a teen. I didn't have any posters in my room of anyone or anything.

6) Wish I had the courage to try rock climbing and probably never will.

7) I'd like to have lunch with Sigourney Weaver.

8) My favorite candy bar is probably a Mounds Bar.

9) One thing that really ticks me off is being told I want to do something rather than being given a choices of what to do.

10) My question for someone famous & now dead would be "How and Why did you make all the big stone heads on Easter Island?" for the builders of them.

11) My question for Julie is what kind of teacher would you like to be?

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1- What is your MIDDLE name ? Were you named AFTER anyone ?


My middle name is Marie and I was named after my mom and dad (Le for my dad LeRoy and Anna for my mom Lana and Marie after 2 aunts...)


2-If you were 18 again, what OTHER career would you have chosen if you could change it ?

I would have seriously pursued fashion design like I wanted to...


3-Name something HISTORICAL you would like to see in our country that you havent gotten to see yet .


Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse monument in South Dakota


4-What is one pet you would NEVER want to have ?


A snake...but in actuality, as much as I love animals and am not even afraid of snakes, I really only like having cats for pets...period.


I know my limits.


5-What styles of clothes were "IN" when you were a TEEN,and whose posters hung on YOUR bedroom wall ?


Well, in my early teens David Cassidy and Donny Osmond were my heart throbs, but by late teens I was totally into Freddy Mercury and Queen...fashions were short dresses and skirts, hip huggers, platform shoes and bell bottoms...



6-Name something you wish you had the COURAGE to do,but probably won't be able to do . At this point in time I'd say go into real business for myself...but as God is my witness, I will get over myself and make that happen some day...otherwise, something I know I'd probably never ever talk myself into would be sky diving.


7-What Hollywood star would you like to have lunch with ? I don't think I could actually handle it I'd be either laughing too hard or be really disappointed if this actually happened, but I'd love to have lunch with Robin Williams, Whoopi Goldberg and Billy Crystal together...


8-Name your favorite candy bar . Oh this one's hard...Mounds Bar...


9-What ONE thing really TICKS you off ? I absolutely cannot tolerate people deliberately being rude, trying to humilate and/or shame other people and then trying to deflect their responsibility by putting it all on the other person..."blaming the victim..." I hate the current contest shows like American Idol, even Dancing with the Stars, because I can be enjoying the singer or the dancer or the cook or whatever and the judges will absolutely ruin it for me with their comments. I won't watch Ramsey Kitchen Nightmares, because I don't want to hear what he has to say, even if it's totally justified...I can be a bit of a witch myself, but honestly I try to keep my negative comments within the four walls of my home as best as I can...all it takes is one "no" to kill a 1,000 "yeses..." I don't like it when I get out of control and we all influence each other with our actions...good, bad or indifferent. I have one slight exception and that's Clean Sweep with one particular organizer, Peter who I think from Australia, could be a little harsh and most of the time I agreed with him, but I also noticed that if he personally thought he was being a little too hard, he'd dial it back a little.


10- What one question would you have for ANY FAMOUS PERSON who is no longer alive ?


For Abigal Adams (wife of 2nd President John Adams) How did you endure being separated from John all those years while he was off here and there within the colonies and overseas trying to get our country going...I was apart from Hub-E 18 months and I know how we handled it...with our technology now, we were able to talk to each other and see each other with webcam and telephone and emails and snail mail...but back in her day...


Judy, FBI or CIA agent or analyst...tell me, are you addicted to the crime shows on tv?

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