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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi house, it been a rainy Tuesday here in New Jersey and I have one cranky, crying 2 years old toddler grandbaby on my hands today. Ooooo I wish I knew why all the tears today. Shsssss He is now asleep with his stuff monkey Curious George so I tip toe to the computer to say Hi. It's time to cook dinner so I can't stay long and maybe I can get a couple of rows crochet on my shawl and a few rows knitted on my blanket before he wake up. I guess the rain represent tears to my grandbaby so I was singing to him rain, rain go away come back another day we usuually jump up and down when I sing this song but it didn't work this time. Oh well. Any way I talk to you all later.


Mary - have fun with your grandbaby


Julie - hurry back, I'm going to miss you


and to the Yankee fans, I see that you really enjoy your game, it make me wish I was into baseball too. BBL :hug

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I have that one too :D I reserved it when I saw it was coming out. I've completed world 1, but have trouble on world 2. I've only played by myself though, so haven't been able to experience the 2 player game :(


I was not that smart....I went to buy it and it took me months to get a copy in stock, UGHH. I am also only on world two by myself....I like two players....it's fun to kill each other and much easier to beat some worlds as a team. :yes

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Hi House Mates- Home after a long day at work- didn't get home till 6! And it's still raining out so who knows if the Yanks/Red Sox will play tonight!


Judy- Yes, more women need to be educated about our National Pastime!!! I'm so glad that all three of my daughters love it too- we had such a good time going to the game together!!! (even if one of them is a Red Sox Fan:lol:lol- I love her anyway) I can't wait to see your new, expanded and improved Jackson ghan!!!


Marisa- Glad you had a good time at your game- and that you were able to stay dry!!! And WTG on almost being done with you lapghan!!! You are on a roll!!!


Cheeria- It's tough when it's a dreary rainy day and you have a cranky toddler too! Hope the day got better as it went on.


Tabitha- I have had a Wii on my "wishlist" for 2 years now- maybe one of these years I'll actually get one:lol It sounds like the two of you have lots of fun with it!!


Cindy- Hope your day at work went well and that you have some me time tonight


Linda- I can't wait to see how the quilt is coming along! Hope that your arthritis isn't acting up too bad = and I'm sure your mom won't mind if it's late (didn't you say she doesn't appreciate your beautiful handiwork?) Anyway, how is Kim doing?


Mary- Enjoy your grandbaby-hope you had fun with Luke today. I am so hoping to have one someday! I figure when it's meant to be it will be.


Julie- :hug:hug:hug to you- and like everyone else said- we're here for you- I hope you know that!!!! We'll keep up the chatting but will miss you:manyheart


To everyone else- Thinking about you all!

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Hi, House mates!


Joanne, the weather over the Bronx is clearing up, so it looks like the game will go on!


I've got all but one of the long multi-strips together now. Next is ironing and cutting them into smaller multi-strips, which will then construct the blocks. I'm getting there. Slowly but surely.

Slow but sure...that's how I approached the Jackson ghan (my version, anyway:lol)

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Progress report on the new, expanded Jackson ghan (which contains 2 knitted squares and about 3 other odd ones I had around here)


120, 8 inch squares are now (almost all) completely attached! I laid it on the bed and it's a hit with hubby!


All I have left to do is finish attaching the last 2 strips and then work on a border. I think the border will be hdc. Not sure how many rows...maybe 2...but like the squares I kept making, I'll know when it's time to stop.


I'm going to go sit at my kitchen table now where the ghan, all piled up, is waiting for me to get back to work on it.


As soon as it's done (the end of this week, I hope) I'll post a pic.


'nite, ladies:hug:manyheart:hug

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Good Evening Ladies,


I see it was a slow day in here today. I just got home from work and it was a LONG day. But now I'm going to slip into my PJ's and crochet the border on my lapghan while I watch flip with phillies game with something else (not sure what yet though). I won't get the yankee/red sox game tonight since the phils are playing at the same time....wish I could get them both on a split screen :devil But, will have to settle to check updates, which I'm sure Joanne and Judy will be all too happy to provide ;)


Linda - WTG on the quilt...it sounds like you did a lot on it today.


Judy - WTG on your ghan too, you and Linda seem to have been at it all day today :)


Tab - It sounds fun to have 2 players and I've wanted to try it, but don't have anyone here to play with me :( I'll have to recruit someone. I play Mario Kart quite a bit because I can connect online with my nephews, parents, and sister with it, but Super Mario does not :( I haven't played in a while now....I'll have to give it another go!!


Hope everyone's day went well and I'll be back in a bit.....

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Well, I'm not going to have mom's quilt done on time, but it was a bigger project than anticipated and I'm slower, too. I just can't do much when the arthritis is acting up big time. I have been cutting out strips and I'm getting ready to start sewing them together once Kim's had her meds, is up to the bathroom, and gets started on her breathing treatment. Oops! I was thinking about the strips and realized I have to cut another one before I start the sewing. But I think it's just one more.


Don't stress too much about the quilt. You could always take a picture of a small portion of the quilt and send it in a card to Grandma for her birthday as a preview of what is to come. Then you can hand deliver it to her when you're here for a visit. We can always do some last minute work on it at my place if needed.


Plus I talked with the lady that owns the long arm quilting machine that I rent, and she thought it would be just fine for us to come out to work on my quilt that week that you are here. It will actually get it finished up right before she'll need the zippers that it's on. So you'll get to see a long arm in action and maybe play with it a little too!

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Judy~I cannot wait to see your ghan, sounds like a monsterous one. :yes:cheer


Marisa~Mario Kart has been on our list for some time now.....maybe after we beat Mario. Wish Mario did connect online, i'de play with ya. :yes


Good night!! :manyheart

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I need 21 blocks for the top of the quilt and have 19 ready to assemble and 2 attached. Just not quite the way I had planned it. I had planned to have the chains ending in the corners, but the way the material played out today, it would end up having the mostly white blocks in the corners. I'm not sure but what that may actually look better, but I'll be playing with it when I get it closer to done to see which was to go. Decisions, decisions. Dither, dither, dither. :lol :lol :lol


Rosie has a quilt using antique squares going. We were trying to decide how to put the squares together and whether or not to border them earlier today. We decided that we needed to do a fabric run to find the right color material. Between the time we played around with it and when we actually went to buy material she changed her mind totally. John got home late so we only had 25 minutes to get to the store and find the right material before the store closed. We were giggling like loons the whole time. She decided on bubble-gum-pink material! :eek I liked a dark paisley she had with either a deep burgundy or black between each block. Nope! She's decided to just go with the chaos idea and butt them all up together and use the pink. I'll have to take a picture of it for you when it's finished. We have fun together and that's the main thing. I can sort of visualize it, but it's sure not how I'd do it. And it is her quilt. She can't visualize mine frequently either, but we both seem to come up with pretty stuff in spite of that. :lol

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Joanne - thanks for the update, although of course I wish boston was up :( But yea for you ;) Phillies lost tonight too....I guess I was good luck being at the game last night :rofl


Linda - I don't know anything about quilting so cannot visualize the quilts so I can't wait to see the pics of both finished products :) Sounds like you and Rosie had a lot of fun running around :lol that's always wonderful and needed

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Hi everyone...we've been kicking it up a notch around here and working on unpacking and setting up stuff in the upstairs...with Serenghetti's help of course...might be scarce for a day or two...never ending around here...


Hope you all are doing good.

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Quick good morning!


Marisa- Well, the Yankees kept me up past midnight (why do I let them do that to me? LOL) And they lost! So I lost some precious sleep for a loss!!! What a fan won't do for her team


Linda- sounds like you and Rosie had fun and I am anxious to see the quilt- Since I've never made one, I have a hard time visualizing it too- but like everything else that I've seen that you've made I'm sure it is gorgeous


Judy- Did you watch the whole game? Oh, I hope tonight is a better one- and an earlier one!!!! LOL


Julie- thinking of you and sending hugs and positive thoughts your way


LeAnna- thanks for popping in to say hi and happy unpacking!!


To EVERYONE in the House- have a great Wednesday and cya on the flip side!

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Morning ladies

Back among the living . Needed to think about some stuff and make some decisions about what route to take next .

It's not a secret,so if you want details, feel free to pm me .

I just want to keep this area a GOOD place to come,where we all feel comfortable and happy to be here . If I come in moaning all the time, that is gonna be a downer for everyone ,so I'll deal with this one off the boards .

I MAY PM a couple of you myself ,that have knowledge of this ,as to what you think my next move to make should be .

I *THINK* I have decided ,and hope it's the right choice . I'm just very frustrated by it all .


Anyhow, that's enough on here -- want any more info, you know where to reach me .


I actually splurged yesterday and went to our small yarn shop the next town over that has MAJORLY expensive yarn ,compared to what I use (RedHeart ) and spent an embarrassing sum of money on a very small amount of stuff.


Sam told me yesterday morning when he left for work not to sit here all day worrying myself about all this ,GO BUY YOURSELF SOMETHING or GO DO SOMETHING FUN to get your mind off it .


SO ... ONE STOP was for CAKE . Chocolate,white frosting . My favorite .



WOW -- This lady has the stuff that I wouldnt buy unless Donald Trump flew into my front yard in his airplane ,and told me I was his long lost cousin,and he wanted to give me a little "spending money".


Since it hasn't happened yet , I don't go hog wild in her store ,but she had just gotten in some of the Crystal Palace yarn . Box just opened . She only ordered 2 of each color because she hadn't ordered or used it before ,so it was more or less to try it out,see how she liked it, then decide whether to order more .


The kind I got is called Mini Mooki or some such thing -- I'll see if I can find it online so you can see it . The colors looked like a rainbow . http://www.straw.com/cpy/yarns/mochiplus_card.html mine is the one that has the baby-something in the name .

Then I got 2 more bamboo knitting needles ,one straight,one circular. One knitted afghan pattern book ( patterns for any level of knitter, ) and I think I could do any of them, they all sound easy .

Then just one ball of dishcloth yarn, to make a little something for our pharmacy girl -- she is such a nice girl.So tiny and little. I call her little buddy ,and she always thinks it's funny. One day , I FORGOT to call her that ,and she asked why I ddnt ..so I guess she likes it .

Anyhow, I spent too much money and brought home a tiny little bag, but it helped a little .


What is it about a new crochet project that can make you in a better mood ?

New beginnings ?

The interest in seeing how it will look when done ?


I have no clue, but I am excited to decide WHAT to do with these 2 small balls of yarn . Needs to probably be a scarf or something . The lady at the store said there's lots more yardage on those than it looks like and that you could probably do a baby sweater ,small shawl,something along that line . She wants me to bring it in when done to see what I did with it .


So ,that's what I did yesterday ...


See you all later when I check back in .

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Good Morning.


I am so sleepy still, not functionable yet so i'll BBL.....I have an early appt. & I'll check in after that. :yes


Julie~Hang in there....I'm always here if you need me....please remember that. :manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug

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Good morning, House mates!:hug


Judy~I cannot wait to see your ghan, sounds like a monsterous one. :yes:cheer

It is monstrous:lol:lol:lol

I can sort of visualize it, but it's sure not how I'd do it. And it is her quilt. She can't visualize mine frequently either, but we both seem to come up with pretty stuff in spite of that. :lol

WTG on getting close to a finish!:cheer

And I have trouble visualizing stuff, too, which is why I tend to use patterns when I make gifts for people. Otherwise I do like to wing it and see what happens...my mistakes go to the animals the vet rescues.:D

Hi everyone...we've been kicking it up a notch around here and working on unpacking and setting up stuff in the upstairs...with Serenghetti's help of course...might be scarce for a day or two...never ending around here...


Hope you all are doing good.

Sounds like you're on a roll!:clap:clap:clap

Does Serenghetti like to climb in the boxes?:D

Quick good morning!


Judy- Did you watch the whole game? Oh, I hope tonight is a better one- and an earlier one!!!! LOL

I fell asleep for the end - but woke up in time to flip on the radio and hear the Yankees make the last out:(

Talk about sleep deprived....Hubby decided he was up for the day - before 6 AM! He always gets up early when he doesn't have to work:P

I remember back in the 90's when the Rangers hockey team was playing Vancouver for the Stanley Cup - the last game was n Vancouver - Iwas up till almost 2 AM, and when hubby would go to work at 5:15 AM I was up to see him out the door.

I was a lot younger:lol

I *THINK* I have decided ,and hope it's the right choice . I'm just very frustrated by it all .

I'm here for ya, my friend:hug

I actually splurged yesterday and went to our small yarn shop the next town over that has MAJORLY expensive yarn ,compared to what I use (RedHeart ) and spent an embarrassing sum of money on a very small amount of stuff.


Sam told me yesterday morning when he left for work not to sit here all day worrying myself about all this ,GO BUY YOURSELF SOMETHING or GO DO SOMETHING FUN to get your mind off it . What asweetie he is!


SO ... ONE STOP was for CAKE . Chocolate,white frosting . My favorite .



I don't go hog wild in her store ,but she had just gotten in some of the Crystal Palace yarn . Box just opened . She only ordered 2 of each color because she hadn't ordered or used it before ,so it was more or less to try it out,see how she liked it, then decide whether to order more .


The kind I got is called Mini Mooki or some such thing -- I'll see if I can find it online so you can see it . The colors looked like a rainbow .

Then I got 2 more bamboo knitting needles ,one straight,one circular. One knitted afghan pattern book ( patterns for any level of knitter, ) and I think I could do any of them, they all sound easy .

Then just one ball of dishcloth yarn, to make a little something for our pharmacy girl -- she is such a nice girl.So tiny and little. I call her little buddy ,and she always thinks it's funny. One day , I FORGOT to call her that ,and she asked why I ddnt ..so I guess she likes it .

Anyhow, I spent too much money and brought home a tiny little bag, but it helped a little .

What fun!!!

What is it about a new crochet project that can make you in a better mood ? Boredom in my case - needing a new challenge. Or the color of the yarn...or all of the above:lol

New beginnings ?

The interest in seeing how it will look when done ?


I have no clue, but I am excited to decide WHAT to do with these 2 small balls of yarn . Needs to probably be a scarf or something . The lady at the store said there's lots more yardage on those than it looks like and that you could probably do a baby sweater ,small shawl,something along that line . She wants me to bring it in when done to see what I did with it .


So ,that's what I did yesterday ...


See you all later when I check back in .

Have fun with your new goodies!!!

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Good Morning Ladies :coffee


I woke up still sleepy. I thought I slept well, just not long enough I guess :tired I'm even wearing my glasses today!! Which doesn't happen very often.


Joanne - I saw that score right before I went to bed :D I was surprised that it had just ended!!! I bet it sure was a good game though :)


Julie - It's nice to take a couple days to yourself and try to get away mentally ;) We all need it every now and again. Hang in there and only you can decide what the right choice is for you moving forward :hug The yarn shop sounds awesome and I can't wait to see what you decide to do with your new, expensive yarn :) I LOVE retail therapy ;)


Everyone in the house.....have a wonderful hump day!!!! :D

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Thank you kindly Miss Jude !


You are certainly a wonderful friend ..Probably better than I deserve .


I don't know why my "REAL LIFE PEOPLE" aren't as good as you guys are .


( Except Cam, he's my pal ....no matter what , he is my buddy . )

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Morning Marisa !


Thanks for understanding -- sometimes a whole bunch of crap hits you all at once and you need some space to figure it all out . SO, I do that from time to time.

My personal life is pretty crappy ,other than Sam -- he's a good guy .No complaints with him .

The rest of the ADULTS in my life literally drive me batty .

They all work in SHIFTS, so someone is always on duty . They just take turns irritating the life outta me .

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Ooooo, I forgot...........GO FLYERS!!!!! 2 down and 2 to go for this series!!!! :cheer:clap:yay


And, I finished my lapghan last night :) However, following the pattern, I did the border with 2 strands of yarn which would have been fine had I done the whole ghan in bulky yarn, but I used ww which is how it became a lapghan instead of an afghan :lol So now it didn't match up right, but still looks fine. It looks like I intentionally made the edges wavy, so that will be our little secret!! :eek Not bad though considering this was the first thing I started where I followed a written pattern :yes


Here's a pic of the finished product and a close up of the front and back. Now I just need to send it through the washing machine and hope it comes out alive!!!! :eek




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