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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Howdy, Jude !

Thanks for sending your answers . I'll check them out soon !



Hey Tab- yea Cam had a nice party -lots of kids there and the cake was good --half chocloate and half white . He got lots of fun gifts too .


I agree, having that many kids there would be a handful,but Steph never gets flustered like I do,she is very orderly and organized.



Cindy- it sounds like the brownie sundaes were a hit. They ARE really good .

Enjoy your afternoon !



Hi there sheila- how are things in your neck of the woods today ?

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Ok ladies- for those of you that have been or want to try to complete the weekend long quiz, I'll give you a list of posts that you need to look at to get the answers :


5867-what word did I spell wrong ?

What did you notice about all the BOLD letters in this post ?

Who wrote the MUSIC for the words in my signature ?

How old was the person from the last question when he died and WHERE did he die ?

5870 -

What 3 words were spelled wrong?

What other odd thing did you notice about 15 words in this post ?


How many different colors did I use on that post ?

Who is currently making a pink afghan,mentioned in this post ?

What recipe is on her BLOG for a crockpot ?


How many words did I spell wrong,and what were they ?


What was odd about this post ?

What was the name of the dessert ?


Who did I write a poem to in this post ?


What were the 2 shows mentioned in the hidden letters, and what character was number one answer ?

What transportation was answer 2's answer ?


Answers to crochet quiz ?


animal not mentioned ?


Name of assassinated ,name of assassinator ?


3 answers ?


Also -what was my avatar in this post and what color was my signature?


10 presidents?


Baseball trivia ?


PM me with your answers !!!

First one getting the MOST answers right out of all these is our winner !:):yay:yes

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OK, I submitted all my answers


I had to go back for some of the earlier ones, because even though I took notes on them, it wasn't necessarily what you were looking for in the questions. LOL


I hope everyone had as much fun with this game as I did.


Tab - I hope you're doing well with you presentation!!! :clap Keep up the good work ;)

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Hi everyone- haven't had time to answer many of the quiz questions and just taking a quick break- I can't wait to see who wins! (and what the answers are):lol


We went and got the flowers today!!!! :) It was really crowded so it took us longer than planned, but we got what we wanted :clap- I bought 4 hanging plants- all begonias. Also bought geraniums- I have 2 planters in the front by the garage doors and a big planter in the front by the steps- so this is where the geraniums went. The front looks so pretty now! Gotta love flowers!!!!


We also bought 2 gerber daisy plants (one pink, one orange) and I fell in love with a lavender plant so of course I just had to buy it:devil These are all perennials so they will come back every year. We also bought 2 patio tomatoe plants that will get planted in a huge gray planter on my deck- never tried tomatoes, usually put flowers there so we'll see. I also bought some basil for another container I have on the deck. It smells so good!!! I bought more begonias that I still have to plant in the flower boxes that hang on the deck railing.


While my car was out of the garage I decided to straighten up out there and sweep the floor. I brought all my yarn inside from the garage- now I need to buy some more totes and organize- I have way more than I thought I did!!! :eek


Well, I guess my break is almost over, but wanted to stop by and say hi. Hopefully I'll be done soon and can sit and crochet something!

This was supposed to be my day to relax before I begin my 12 days of work!! Oh, well, got a lot accomplished and the weather is beautiful, so at least I got some Vitamin D today!!!

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:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart :hugSending lots of hugs and love your way. It takes a great deal to live with an alcoholic. Please feel free to PM me if you want to rant, talk, or just need someone to say you can get through this. I am here for you....always remember that. :hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart


Thanks a lot. Most of the time I can cope OK. Some days it just gets to me like PMS used to. Good to know that I have someone to cover my back if I need it. Thanks again.:):hug

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:hug:hug:hug Certainly know what life can be like when things go forward 1 step and 3 steps back and then all the rollercoaster rides you take while living with alcoholic


Well so far no drama today. Thanks for the support.:hug

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Judy, Thanks for the lapghan info. As for the knitting, blue is not always my favorite color, so I won't hold my breath until I get better at it.:lol:lol



Julie. Thanks for the support. Knowing you have friends that care sure helps. Staying in this is my own fault, but so far the other options are not much better. Maybe someday.:hug:hug

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Hi House Mates just crawling out of bed for some kind of stomach buga bug (my granbdbaby word for bug LOL) hit me and I was running to the bathroom half the night and all morning. I'm just starting to feel much better but my tummy still hurt. I had a wonderful relaxing me day yesterday and I even started a new crochet project, a shawl. It is crochet on Vanna Choice yarn using a big size N hook. WOW jumbo stitches. We are going to have some left overs for dinner and I'm hoping that I can eat for I'm hungry. I didn't go back and read posts, I just wanted to crawl over here to the computer and say HI. :hug

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Wani... :yay for no drama :yay


RoseRed.... sorry, but I do not have a list :( Maybe someone does though


Cheeria.... Sorry you weren't feeling well, but am glad you fell well enough to eat something now :) Hopefully it'll stay in ;)

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Well, our friends just left - we had a great visit, and Sparkie got lots of lovin'. He was so tired he finally curled up under the itchen table and took a nap:lol


Michele, I don't have a ist of the posts with pics, either - sorry.


The brownie sundaes were great, and they turned out to be a good choice. It turns out the male half of our friends is crazy about chocolate. He was going on and on about how good those brownies were. (I made them from a mix, but I didn't tell him that!)They sound really good. Chocolate!:drool


We ended up coming home after church instead of going to DD's, since she had been up all night. We went for a 4 mile walk and just got back. Dh is going to grill hamburgers for lunch and then we're going to take a nap. I seldom nap, but I think I need one today. I missed a great photo opportunity while we were walking. One of the ponds along the path had two Canada Geese families, one with 9 little goslings and another pair with 3. Of course I didn't have a camera. I almost always have a camera with me, but I didn't fell like carrying it today.

Sorry you couldn't visit DD but it sounds like you had a nice day anyway. I've also experienced seeing something beautiful and not having my camera with me!:P

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Hey ladies

Just a quick checkin --


Marisa completed all the exams and only missed one out of EVERYTHING,so she did a great job !!!


Cheeria- hope you are better tonite !



Tab- good luck on your project, I know you hate them big ones like that .



Wanda -we're here -- and if you should decide to leave, you'll know when the time is right .



Will probably be signing out for tonite-- i'm beat, hope you are all doing well. Will check in in the morning .

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Congrats on the quizzes, Marisa!!:yay We knew you were a sharp cookie!;)


Well, I have finished my presentation :cheer....it has been done since 4 but I had dinner, etc., etc.


I am tired so I probably won't check in again tonight......if I don't have a great night. :manyheart

I hope you have a good one, hon. I had a bad night last night - not much sleep at all. Hopefully I'll get that turned around tonight.

Off to put my feet up and hook a little.

'nite, Jules and everyone! :hug:manyheart

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Hello Ladies :clap


This will be a quick check-in. Have had a full weekend of NASCAR and it was wonderful. Getting prep work done for dinner so it will go quickly, tonight is all "Survivor", 2 hour finale, 1 hour reunion. So that means lots of crochet time. :cheer


Wanda~I know it can be difficult, my dad and my ex were both alcholics. The drama-free days are so peaceful, I wish you many of those. :hug


LeAnna, the yarn crawl sounds like great fun. I did something similar but it was an internet/ebay crawl. Looking for patterns, of course, afghan patterns and I want to get an early start on thread crochet Christmas Ornaments. I've been making a new ornament every year for about the last 25 years. I was successful in finding several books that may work. Now I play the waiting game with the maillady. :D


Gotta get to chopping. We are having a green salad, turkey mignon and baked potato. Diced watermelon for dessert. Will try to check in after Survivor.


Hope all my housemates had a great weekend! :hook

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Hi all,

Well, it is now 7:50 and I am just sitting down! Finished planting the flowers, tomatoes and basil and then DH got the idea that he wanted to run the hose from the spigot that is on the far side of the house, under the deck by the pool and under the regular deck- let me tell you this was not easy- nor was it fun- the hose kept getting kinked and of course I was the one who had to crawl under the deck!!! (that is under the deck by the pool .


After that project I told DH I was done for the day and took a shower and then made eggs and toast for dinner. No cooking for me after all the work I did today!!! I feel like I could take a nap, but if I do, I'll be up at 2 AM or so and then unable to fall back asleep!


Wanda- I'm here for you too- and yay for a drama-free day!!


Judy- Sounds like you had a nice day with your company! Did you sit outside at all today? It was so beautiful!! That was the one plus of working out in the yard today!!


Diane- Glad you had a nice weekend with your Nascar!! Sorry, but that is one sport I don't watch!


Marisa- R&R sounds so nice! I think I'll plan a weekend away and not go too- I can't believe last Sunday at this time I was enjoying some of that R&R with my DD's!!! And WTG on those quizzes/puzzles!!!!


I wish I had more time to figure out all the quiz answers- but this weekend was so busy- and flew by- I don't want Monday to come! LOL


Cheeria- Hope you are feeeling better and were able to hold some dinner down!


Linda- How is Kim doing?


Tabitha- WTG on finishing your presentation!!! Try and get some relaxing time tonight!


Sheila- hope you had a nice day!


Michele- Sorry i don't have a list either- but hey, that is a good idea to keep a list of the posts w/the pics!! There are some very talented ladies in this House!!! And I am learning so much from them!!


Well, everyone, time for me to unwind and gear up for a very, very long workweek!!


Hugs to all

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Hey ladies

Since some of us know each other REALLY well,and others we might not know quite as well, I thought maybe we could try a little questionnaire so we get to know each other better . Please take a couple minutes to complete this survey -- maybe we will get to know each other a little better .

1-Favorite thing to crochet - round ripples

2-Do you like to read,and if so, what types of books ?

I don't read much as I always fall asleep. I do read the newspaper online daily and I pick up a couple of magazines once awhile.

3-What other crafts do you enjoy ?

I do some sewing and I have done a little bit of knitting.

4-How many siblings do you have ?

I'm the oldest of 8 (3 girls and 5 boys)

5-How many different states have you lived in ?

Michigan, but I have stayed 4 months in Florida once and 3 months in Texas 3 times all for the winter.

6-What is your current state famous for ?

the great lakes surrounding are state, the mackinaw bridge, mosquoitos, Magic Johnson, Bob Segar, cherries, potatoes, Michigan State University (Spartans), University of Michigan (Wolverines), Redwings (hockey), I forgot the name of the basketball team and there is another famous musician rock & roller who moved to Texas.

7-Favorite vacation spot ?

any where near water

8-Do you collect anything ( not counting YARN ) ?

crochet patterns, I use to collect coffee mugs, M&M things (a few), Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls.

9-Favorite meal ?

Mexican, mashed potatoes and gravy

10-Favorite TV show OR movie ?

Brothers & Sisters, Grey's Anatomy, some reality shows


This was fun Julie!

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Hi everyone and good night tonight to the ones who have already left for the night.

I enjoyed your puzzles/quizzes to. I answered some but not as many as Marisa. Congrats Marisa!


Judy Sandy Hook sounds like a fun place to go.


Linda I hope Kim is feeling better? Your shawl is going to very pretty. I like those colors.


Diane your rr, scarf and citrus grove are beautiful!


Julie I use to have my sons birthday party at the park as his birthday is in the summer. Cam had a nice looking cake.


LeAnna it sounded like a fun time doing a yarn around.


Cheeria I hope you feel better soon.


Cindy your brownie sundaes sound really good.


Tab congrats on finishing your report.


Wanda I've been in your shoes to. My ex and my grandfather were alcholics. It's not an easy life and I feel for you. If you ever want to pm me feel free to do so. I hope you have many drama free days. :hug


I hope everyone has a nice evening!

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Good Night Ladies :c9


Thanks for all the congrats with the quizzes and puzzles, but I noticed a lot of you were very busy this weekend while I was not. I think that just worked in my favor because I had extra time to work out the puzzles :D


I'll try to check in before work in the morning, but in case I'm running late have a great Monday. I won't make it back then until Tuesday morning because I have tickets to the Phillie game tomorrow night after work!!! :D

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Good morning!!!

And so it begins- my twelve day workweek!!!


Marisa- have fun at the Phillie's game! There is nothing like being at a ballpark!!!


Cindy- Hope you have a good day at work today! I'm counting on only good days at work- LOL


I finally picked up yarn and hook and started a potholder- This is the one- http://www.bevscountrycottage.com/kitchen-potholders.html


Time for me to get ready and I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!


Julie, Marlene, Judy, Cindy, Tabitha, LeAnna, Tabitha, Diane, Mary, Cheeria, Wanda, Tammy, Marisa, Linda, Sheila- :hug:hug:hug:hug to you all! And, if I forgot anyone- I'm sorry- I was testing my memory this morning:lol:lol:lol:lol

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Morning ladies

It sounds like most of you had a busy weekend .It was quiet in here, then got really busy last night !


Anyhow, I hope you all have a good week ,check in when you can .


Back to the Dreaded Brown Ripple .


PS- Remind me to NEVER volunteer to make one of these again . Holy smokes ,it is never ending .

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Good Morning Ladies,


Just a quick drop in to wish everyone a Happy Monday!!! :D


I just tracked my yarn package and it says it was delivered on Saturday at 9 am!!!! Today was the estimated delivery date. I have everything shipped to my job since it's hard to get anything at home since I'm never home during the days. Problem is the office is not open on the weekends......so, I'm desperately hoping either the cleaning people or the construction people were there Saturday morning at 9. Or, maybe they just mark it delivered when they make the first atttempt, which doesn't seem right.


I'll let you all know!!!!!


Gotta run

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