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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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I was gonna ask how long it is til the surprise shower -- having a gang of ladies all living that close and no one spilling the beans will be a miracle . We've had the group card circulating up and down the block for over a week now...I don't think she thinks anything is going on - esp since a few of us from the neighborhood recently went to her family's shower:lol I have to get going - need to be there in 45 minutes...and I'm nowhere near being presentable yet.


They did that for me for my wedding shower -- all the ladies I worked with had a shower for me , but they told me it was for the other nurse who was getting married that summer.


SO.. I went to the shower ,and it was for me ,so I bought MYSELF a gift !


They did the same thing for me when me and this same girl were pregnant the first time ( for a baby shower ) .

I fell for it twice.


I must be a little S L O W ......

You're not slow - just always thinking of others before yourself.:c9

Oh - dont forget to tell me about the CAKE .

Oh yes:D

Oh, and the answer to the TV show today --




...and the rock thinggie with the impatiens in it...isn't real rock. It's what's left of a water feature we had int he yard - all it did was draw mosquitos till the motor died - so I decided to repurpose it.;)


Joanne, thanks...we love keeping it simple - but bright.


Off for a quick shower...

I'll see you all in the morning.:hug:manyheart

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Oh, and the answer to the TV show today --


Oh, good grief! I'd have never come up with it. Wasn't even vaguely close.


I've got 4 rows of 7 blocks all together on the quilt now. And I'm half way through the 30th row on the filet piece.


I'll take pictures of both tomorrow.

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Oh, and the answer to the TV show today --



I didn't figure this one out. If I'd been on the ball, I'd have realized that there aren't that many words containing the letter "V".

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hope you have a fun time tonite at the shower !!!





You are really whizzing through that quilt ! Good for you ,and we will look forward to photos tomorrow of any item you have ready to show !




Hope your day was good , and I read about you getting the cookbooks . Hope you find some new treats to make out of them .

(And yea, I thought the V would give today's answer away ):lol

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Hi Ladies. :) I feel like I'm always playing catch up lately. Our lives have changed so much - it's mostly good, but I miss keeping up with you all as I always have.


Thanks for the kind words about Just Ducky. :manyheart I haven't touched a hook in a few days. :eek Those WIPs are calling me, though. :yes


Please know that I'm reading posts and thinking of you all! :ghug

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Good evening ladies,


It was a busy day here at the house. I've caught up with the posts and will probably go right to bed. I didn't get to crochet at all today :( and would love to do a little bit, but I know if I try that I'll be up for 2 hours and will be in trouble tomorrow!


Tab - I hope everything turns out well for your hubby and I will keep him in my prayers. :hug


Julie - Great news on the stress test :yay I know it's discouraging that they aren't finding anything, but hopefully all the negatives will help lead them to the answer :hug


Judy - beautiful garden, it appears soo serene. I would like to put a wicker chair right around there and sit to read a book or do some crossword puzzles ;)


Joanne - have a wonderful weekend with your DD's :D It will be very special and the game will add a little extra spice :lol


I hope everyone had a great day, now can't wait til 6pm tomorrow!!


Good night :c9

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Hello Ladies :clap


Well I made it back from vacation. Got to see so many family members, it was wonderful. Lots of chatter, lots of good food, lots of laughs. I saw all 3 of my grandsons and also great grandson. What a cutie. He wore me out playing. I was in a lalalalala mood, he was in a boinga boinga boinga mood. (if you get my drift). Mom loved her lapghan. Started using it right away. All in all, it was a happy time.:yay


Now that we are home, I can start planting my flowers. I did lots of yard work today and my legs are letting me know it. I am sure I will sleep soundly tonight. :yes


I tried to get caught up reading and my goodness there was a lot. You have kept this board really moving! Sorry that I didn't post individually, my head was swimming.


I spent so much time in the car, going and coming back home, I managed to knit a scarf. Also finished a baby RR. I will take pictures tomorrow. Have to go to HL to pick up yarn to finish the "citrus grove" afghan for my eye doctor.


Well, I'm tired so think I will head for bed. See you all in the a.m. :hook

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Morning all! It's Friday! And finally the day has arrived when I head to Boston!!:clap:yay


Welcome back from what sounds like a wonderful visit with your family Diane!


Mary- Enjoy the time with your grandson! Glad you stopped in to say hi!!!


Judy- How was the shower? Was she surprised?


Julie, Linda, Tam, Cheeria, Marisa, Sheila, Cindy, Marlene, Tab, LeAnna

Have a Fab Friday!!!!


(if I forgot to mention a name individually, please know that I haven't finished my first cup of coffee yet):lol:lol:lol

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A (Late) Good Morning to you ladies :)

I was a lazybones this morning and just now got up .

Hi Mary- thanks for dropping in -- no worries if you aren't able to come in as much.Maybe you'll get adjusted soon to the new schedule and it'll be easier to find time to come in .

Time with the baby is important now, so we don't want you to miss out on that . They grow up so FAST !!!

Hi Marisa- I will hope for the day to go by quickly for you, so you'll be able to start your weekend off and get some crochet time in . ( Speaking OF .. I need to get more done on the brown ripple. ) I kinda got sidetracked this week, but need to get back to it today .

Hi Joanne -have a wonderful weekend with your girls -- come back and tell us all the fun you had when you get the chance .

Diane- it sounds like you had a really great visit ! That is wonderful. It's always good to visit with your family that live so far away,and get caught up with them. I bet it was great having some Grandma Time too ..

Well, I stuck another hidden puzzle in this post .



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Hi Ladies. :) I feel like I'm always playing catch up lately. Our lives have changed so much - it's mostly good, but I miss keeping up with you all as I always have.


Thanks for the kind words about Just Ducky. :manyheart I haven't touched a hook in a few days. :eek Those WIPs are calling me, though. :yes


Please know that I'm reading posts and thinking of you all! :ghug

As you said - it's mostly good! Enjoy every second of the good stuff - we'll be here whenever you get time to pop in!:hug

Judy - beautiful garden, it appears soo serene. I would like to put a wicker chair right around there and sit to read a book or do some crossword puzzles ;)

Thank you - yup, it's a perfect setting for that - or for a hammock;)

Well I made it back from vacation. Got to see so many family members, it was wonderful. Lots of chatter, lots of good food, lots of laughs. I saw all 3 of my grandsons and also great grandson. What a cutie. He wore me out playing. I was in a lalalalala mood, he was in a boinga boinga boinga mood. (if you get my drift). Mom loved her lapghan. Started using it right away. All in all, it was a happy time.:yay


Now that we are home, I can start planting my flowers. I did lots of yard work today and my legs are letting me know it. I am sure I will sleep soundly tonight. :yes


I tried to get caught up reading and my goodness there was a lot. You have kept this board really moving! Sorry that I didn't post individually, my head was swimming.


I spent so much time in the car, going and coming back home, I managed to knit a scarf. Also finished a baby RR. I will take pictures tomorrow. Have to go to HL to pick up yarn to finish the "citrus grove" afghan for my eye doctor.

Welcome back!:hug

I'm so happy you had such a great trip...but don't do too much now that you're home!

Morning all! It's Friday! And finally the day has arrived when I head to Boston!!:clap:yay


Judy- How was the shower? Was she surprised?

She seemed to be - she brought cupcakes!:lol Her mom and younger sister were there...and spoke so glowingly of how happy she is that they chose the house and neighborhood they did....it's all so exciting. Little Dylan is going to have many helpful mommies here should he ever need us.

Enjoy your visit with your daughters! Safe trip:hug:manyheart

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Good Morning Ladies.


I have been up for awhile now, but had to go to the docs. this a.m. I woke up with a 101.2 temp after a bad day of allergies yesterday. Guess what? The sharp head pains & black out vision and vertigo was all because my allergies are bad enough to knock a horse down. I let them go too long and it ended in a dreaded sinus infection, UGHH!!


I have some running to do today, counseling and such but I will BBL.



Have a great day!! :manyheart

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Good morning, House mates!:morcoffee

I was a dirty stay-out last night....:tired



Morning miss Jude !


Boy, your first post had me worried -- sounds like you were out on the town,closing the bars down last night !:lol

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Hey folks

Some of you are maybe wondering about my avatar today.


I thought since June was fast approaching, and it is kinda famous for weddings, we could talk about weddings today .


What was yours like ?


Colors, flowers,dresses , CAKE, decorations, etc ....


OR .. tell us about a wedding you may have attended that was really something beautiful or different .


Anything goes-- tell about yours, a family members, friends... just anything wedding related .


OR if you are not married but someday hope to be, what would your dream wedding be ?

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Good morning everyone. It is cold here and there is talk of snow in the forecast.


Mary, we're glad to see you whenever you have time to pop in.


Diane, sounds like your vacation was just wonderful. I'm glad you had such a good time.


Marisa, that's what happens to me when I decide to crochet for just a few minutes too. I keep thinking, just one more row, and the next thing I know its two hours later.


Joanne, have a great weekend with your dd's.


Tab, I'm sorry you are so miserable, but at least you know what the problem is. Hope it straightens out soon.


Judy, your neighborhood sounds great. Living in the country here, with everyone living on 5 or 10 acre lots, we just barely know most of our neighbors.


Julie, no puzzle for me today. We're going away overnight with dh's family, and I don't dare let myself get caught up in that. We'd never get out of here! We're hoping to be on our way by late morning, but I haven't done a thing towards getting ready to go.


I'm not sure if I will check in again this morning or not. Hope everyone has a great day.

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Julie, I got married so long ago that I can barely remember it!


My dress was very simple compared to what was in style. (I am not a ruffles/fancy dress type of person at all, and back them most dresses had yards and yards of lace, huge skirts with crinolines, etc.) mine was a simple a-line with sheer sleeves and a short train. My mom made it.


My bridesmaids wore green dresses, (got that Julie? green!!), with a sort of capelike affair over them in a co-ordinating print. The dresses were sleeveless and it was October and I didn't want them to be cold.


We had a dinner reception and went to Virginia beach and Colonial Williamsburg for our honeymoon.


And of course we had CAKE!

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Morning miss Jude !


Boy, your first post had me worried -- sounds like you were out on the town,closing the bars down last night !:lol

:lolI got in at almot 11:35PM...considering I barely make it past 10, that was late. Plus the food, wine, and CAKE! I was overloaded, overstuffed and happy:devil

The young woman hosting the party is a close friend of the guest of honor and she made a huge cake that looked like a building block, with a different letter on each side. It was an amazing and artistic piece of work - and it was alternating yellow and choc cake with creamy choc filling - about 6 layers high!

I have been up for awhile now, but had to go to the docs. this a.m. I woke up with a 101.2 temp after a bad day of allergies yesterday. Guess what? The sharp head pains & black out vision and vertigo was all because my allergies are bad enough to knock a horse down. I let them go too long and it ended in a dreaded sinus infection, UGHH!!

I'm glad you went to the doctor!:eek Take care of yourself:hug:manyheart

Good morning everyone. It is cold here and there is talk of snow in the forecast.


Judy, your neighborhood sounds great. Living in the country here, with everyone living on 5 or 10 acre lots, we just barely know most of our neighbors.We're very lucky - which Phil realized recently. I think the thoughts of moving are now far away on the back burner...:)


I'm not sure if I will check in again this morning or not. Hope everyone has a great day.

Have a fun visit!! And I hope your flowers survive any snow that comes your way...


I figured out the puzzle!!! Yeah! Okay, I feel better now that I've actually figured one out.

Hi, Joy!

Not me...my brain cells refuse to cooperate just yet.


Julie, I got married so long ago that I can barely remember it!


My dress was very simple compared to what was in style. (I am not a ruffles/fancy dress type of person at all, and back them most dresses had yards and yards of lace, huge skirts with crinolines, etc.) mine was a simple a-line with sheer sleeves and a short train. My mom made it.


My bridesmaids wore green dresses, (got that Julie? green!!), with a sort of capelike affair over them in a co-ordinating print. The dresses were sleeveless and it was October and I didn't want them to be cold.


We had a dinner reception and went to Virginia beach and Colonial Williamsburg for our honeymoon.


And of course we had CAKE!

My mom made my dress,too and our reception was in the chrch hall - we each ahd one person as an attendant. It was so easy to plan ...except when my mom tried to get me to stand still long enough for a dress fitting! It was a gogeous dress: overdress of lace, satin underneath - with a detachable (short) train, with lace applique.

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Well, if I'm going to try and use some of my gift card for the Dress Barn I'd better get myself together.


Have a great morning everyone. BBL:hug

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Hi Cindy-

I hope you enjoy your weekend - we will miss you ,and will talk to you when you get time to drop back in ,in a few days .

Your wedding sounds fine to me, especially the green dresses ! And nothing wrong with simple -- it doesnt cost a fortune to have a nice wedding .


Hey Jude- WOW,you know I need to go get me a hunk of cake now. That one sounded especially good .

That is one major flaw of this computer-- you can;t sneak a hunk of that cake home and hand it to me over this way !


And your dress for your wedding sounds beautiful ! Did you have Christmas colors since it was close to then ?


Joy- GREAT solving the puzzle so quickly ! You are very sharp-witted like your mom ! Good job .:)

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Hi Cindy-

I hope you enjoy your weekend - we will miss you ,and will talk to you when you get time to drop back in ,in a few days .

Your wedding sounds fine to me, especially the green dresses ! And nothing wrong with simple -- it doesnt cost a fortune to have a nice wedding .


well. I wouldn't say it was simple..only my dress was. (and my mom still managed to get quite a lot of lace in there, it just wasn't as obvious as she would have liked it to be.My mom had a grand time with all the rest of it.


My sil just called, they are already in Shipshewana, so now dh is in a hurry to leave. Its about a 2 1/2 hour drive. And yes, they have a new yarn store. Guess I better start thinking about what clothes to bring for the lousy weather.


See you all tomorrow.

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