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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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I remember those days when everyone is home and it's hectic aound the house-- it'll all calm down soon I hope .


Jude-so what is your favorite Carraba food ?



It sounds like you had a good day yesterday. I'm really glad ~


Mary- we all miss you too, but know this is a busy time for you . Hows that sweet little babe doing ?


Hi there Tralee !!! How have you been ?


Linda- sorry you are having trouble trying to set up your new computer system. Wish I could help you but I have no clue on how to do that stuff


Joanne -

Thanks for the good wishes from the Dr -- ended up being kind-of a difficult day. I started getting a headache yesterday and today it had turned into an absloute nightmare of a headache . Called my Dr, she called in some meds, which have made me sleep almost all day .

On top of that, I had an appointment with my lung guy today which I could NOT skip. It took 2 weeks to get this one, so I had to go over there with my head pounding . We got lost due to construction. Sam got out to go ask some guys how to get there,and a policeman actually came and knocked on my window,asking if everything was ok. I guess I looked a little odd sitting there hanging onto my head .

I told him I was really sick and we couldnt find my Dr's office, so he actually gave us a police escort to the parking deck of my Dr .

So make sure you thank a policeman next time you see them -- they are really a big help ,and are highly under-rated sometimes .



Cindy- I hope you got the day off,and I'm glad you are feeling a little better today.

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Cindy, how are your wrists and your injured hand? That's alot of crocheting!

I can't crochet for as many hours as I used to without my wrists hurting. Need to get back to knitting - that doesn't cause me any problems...yet:lol


My hand is alright, just discolored and slightly painful if I touch the bruised area. My right elbow has started acting up a bit, so I'm through for today. Only 10 rows to go .... However, I hardly ever crochet for long periods at a time. Generally I try to keep it under 45 minutes, and then I do something else for a while. As long as I take frequent breaks, my wrists and elbow seem to do okay.


Julie, hope your head is better. It sure was nice of the policeman to make sure you got to the doctors. (and yes, I got the entire day off!)

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Mary- Cam is ok tonite- his mom took him to the Dr today and he has another ear infection and flu,so he missed school again today,but is feeling better tonite. I called him and he sounds good .


For those who sent me well wishes for the Dr, thank you . I am scheduled to add another med to the ones I already take . The dr still seems to think it's a heart-related type of asthma, but so far, he can't pinpoint what the exact problem is. I have to go back in 6 weeks.


Sorry I missed out on so many posts today -- I was sitting here holding onto my head all day. I am hoping it'll let up soon. This one has been a humdinger .


Hope you all are ok tonite.

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Jude-so what is your favorite Carraba food ?



Joanne -

Thanks for the good wishes from the Dr -- ended up being kind-of a difficult day. I started getting a headache yesterday and today it had turned into an absloute nightmare of a headache . Called my Dr, she called in some meds, which have made me sleep almost all day .

On top of that, I had an appointment with my lung guy today which I could NOT skip. It took 2 weeks to get this one, so I had to go over there with my head pounding . We got lost due to construction. Sam got out to go ask some guys how to get there,and a policeman actually came and knocked on my window,asking if everything was ok. I guess I looked a little odd sitting there hanging onto my head .

I told him I was really sick and we couldnt find my Dr's office, so he actually gave us a police escort to the parking deck of my Dr .

So make sure you thank a policeman next time you see them -- they are really a big help ,and are highly under-rated sometimes .

Hi, Jules!

Carrabba's has this spicy meatball/lentil soup....:drool:drool:drool


...and as a retired LEO (law enforcement officer) my hubby loves hearing about positive encounters with cops.:c9:manyheart....sometime it seems that firemen get all the "good press";)

My hand is alright, just discolored and slightly painful if I touch the bruised area. My right elbow has started acting up a bit, so I'm through for today. Only 10 rows to go .... However, I hardly ever crochet for long periods at a time. Generally I try to keep it under 45 minutes, and then I do something else for a while. As long as I take frequent breaks, my wrists and elbow seem to do okay.

That's good:hug...and I can so identify with being a tad clumsy:lol

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Mary- Cam is ok tonite- his mom took him to the Dr today and he has another ear infection and flu,so he missed school again today,but is feeling better tonite. I called him and he sounds good .


For those who sent me well wishes for the Dr, thank you . I am scheduled to add another med to the ones I already take . The dr still seems to think it's a heart-related type of asthma, but so far, he can't pinpoint what the exact problem is. I have to go back in 6 weeks.


Sorry I missed out on so many posts today -- I was sitting here holding onto my head all day. I am hoping it'll let up soon. This one has been a humdinger .


Hope you all are ok tonite.

Don't worry about getting caught up....we're not going anywhere:hug:manyheart

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Hello House mates!


Julie- glad to hear from you- I was thinking about you all day- Sorry to hear about the headache- and hope that it is settling down with some meds. A police escort, huh?That was very kind of the police officer to make sure you got to your Doctor. My son-in-law's brother is a police officer- I always thank him for what he does when I see him!


Cindy- Yay for getting paid a few bucks to sit home today!! That was a great idea adding the white to the blanket. Fingers crossed you have enough of the green.


Marissa- Hope your long day went ok- Glad to know you seem to be very knowledgeable about computer stuff. I'm learning and I love technology- but I'm more of show me visual learner than I am a reading learner!


Linda- Hope that you are able to get your printer up and running and that you got all your chores done so you can spend some more time on your shawl- You do crochet fast!


Judy- Yay- no termites- that's great news!!


Diane- Your mom sounds like a riot- She seems to have a really fun spirit!!! She will be the talk of many generations to come!! Her fun outlook is probably what keeps her going!!


Cheeria- No crocheting yet for me today- got home from work, made dinner, cleaned up from dinner, checking out what everyone's been up to and then.... I'll pick up the :hook


Marlene- glad to hear you had a good time at the wedding!


Mary- how's Luke doing? It is hard to keep up with this house sometimes!!:lol


Tammy- How was your day- how many cups of coffee did you have today? :lol. Getting ready to make a cup now- I just love my coffee!!


Anyone I may have missed- sorry- I can't keep track all the time:think


Have a good night!

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Hi Jude and Joanne -- thanks for the notes, and yep, I thnk all the officers should be thanked, police, fire, EMT..all of them .

I was really surprised that this guy took the time to help us out .

Akron has a LOT of crime now, mainly hold-ups, car jacking etc.. Pretty dangerous compared to our town .


We have some crime here once in awhile but not very often .


Jude- the name of that restaurant sounds so familiar. Do you know if they have them other places too ? I think we may hav seen one in Myrtle Beach one year, but not sure .

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Hi Jude and Joanne -- thanks for the notes, and yep, I thnk all the officers should be thanked, police, fire, EMT..all of them .

I was really surprised that this guy took the time to help us out .

Akron has a LOT of crime now, mainly hold-ups, car jacking etc.. Pretty dangerous compared to our town .


We have some crime here once in awhile but not very often .


Jude- the name of that restaurant sounds so familiar. Do you know if they have them other places too ? I think we may hav seen one in Myrtle Beach one year, but not sure .

Here's the huge location list:lol


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Evening everyone, time to relax after a tiring day at the laundry, post office, bank etc, etc, etc. One thing I'm happy about is being home now and I'm already in my PJ's. I did crochet a few half-granny squares while I was at the laundry, so I'm happy about that. I am going to watch "The Notebook" tonight and get some knitting done.


Julie, sorry to hear that you had such a bad headach today and I hope you are feeling better. That was so nice that the police officer escorted you to the doctor. That was so thoughtful of him.


Judy glad that it wasn't termits.


Diane reading about your mother's videos put a smile on my face.


To the rest of the house, have a great nite, see you all in the morning. :hug

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Joanne, it will be close with the green, but at the most I might be one row short, which I don't think will be too obvious. I won't know for sure until I'm finished. I have three rows left to do I know I said I was through for tonight, but I am so close to finished.... I have put it away now though. Those last three rows can wait for another day.


Julie, hope tomorrow is a better day. Glad Cam is feeling better.


I'm going to say good night, work tomorrow.

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Golly Jude ! No WONDER I thought I heard of tht place before ! They have tons of them, don't they ?



Cindy- hope you have enough yarn to complete your project !

I must have missed a post someplace, trying to catch up. Did you get hurt somehow ? It sounds like you must have -- sure hope you are ok now .




Cheeria- yep,nothing like being back at home with your pj's on .Most comfortable thing in the world. Hope you have a good night .




Marisa- VERY cute little elephant !!! Nice work on him too .

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Good morning!


Marisa- That elephant you made is so cute!! :yes Thanks for sharing a pic- it brought a smile to my face! Tonight- Devils better bring their "A" game against the Flyers!:devil


Cindy- looks like you were experiencing one more row-itis! It's hard sometimes to put something down when you are so close to finishing! Hope you didn't over do it! Have a good day at work today.


Julie- Hope that your headache is gone by the time you are reading this! :hug Yes, Carrabbas restaurants are all over the place!


Linda- Curious to hear if you were able to get your printer up and running. Technology can be so frustrating sometimes. How's the shawl coming along?


Judy- Are you planning a relaxing day of hooking or knitting today?


Mary, Cheeria, Diane, LeAnna, Marlene, Tammy, Sheila and everyone- Have a great Tuesday!



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Good morning gang

Well, another day,another headache, although it is a lesser one today so hopefully will give up and leave me alone soon .


It looks kinda grey out this morning ,not sure what our weather will do today .


I have been pouring it on to get the castle ghan finished, but still have quite a ways to go ,so I have at least another day or 2 to complete it .


Not sure yet what I'll pick up next to start on, but probably something done all in one piece, not small pieces that need put together . I need a break from them for awhile .


I hope everyone is doing great today ... I have to go get blood drawn tomorrow for some tests my kidney guy ordered. I have to go see him next Monday.


I have a separate Dr for each body part. I think I oughta leave my body to SCIENCE when I croak--- maybe they can find out something worhwhile .


I'm a little concerned - my asthma guy still insists I don't have regular old asthma, but some type that is caused by some other malfunction,so he said he is actually stumped at this point, trying to get to the main cause of the problem.


My other Dr said someday me and her will be in the New England Journal of medicine, because I have a lot of unusual things that my body does that most other peope's don't .


I've never thought about it before, but maybe I should go apply at the circus .Maybe I could make some quick cash . I don't think I LOOK odd, I just look ordinary .

Maybe they could glue a fake beard on me, or I could eat LOTS of donuts and ice cream and be the fat bearded lady .


Oh well, you all have a good day.Will stop in later -

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Good morning, House mates!


Hey, I know it's only monday but here is a pic of the cute lil project I did over the weekend for a gift.......

Soooo cute!! :cheer:clap

Where did you get the pattern?

Judy- Are you planning a relaxing day of hooking or knitting today?

I hope so! A few chores (I try to do a little every day) and then the baby ghan, which is my only project with a deadline (end of May)...and I'm dragging my feet on it. I think I'm bored already:lol




Oh, Jules: with my sweet furbaby Susie, she had so many health issues I used to tell the vet she could publish a paper on all she's been through!

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Yep, it's weird how my body reacts to stuff. Drugs my Dr orders that affect people a certain way NEVER affect me that way,but others that she orders , I will have real bad side effects, when no oe else does.


I don't know, my Dr says at least I keep her on her toes and always has her guessing about what's next and how to treat it .


I'll be ok though. I trust her and my other Dr's - they'll get me straightened out soon .

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Yep, it's weird how my body reacts to stuff. Drugs my Dr orders that affect people a certain way NEVER affect me that way,but others that she orders , I will have real bad side effects, when no oe else does.


I don't know, my Dr says at least I keep her on her toes and always has her guessing about what's next and how to treat it .


I'll be ok though. I trust her and my other Dr's - they'll get me straightened out soon .

That's something money can't buy: trust....


Off to get some fun stuff done before I do a little cleaning downstairs....




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Hey, I know it's only monday but here is a pic of the cute lil project I did over the weekend for a gift.......

Marisa, he's adorable! I followed your directions, but when I got to the security tab there wasn't anything about password or show characters. :sigh The computer has Windows XP on it, which may be why it didn't match yours. John seems to think I'm a computer guru or techie and I'm NOT! He did say that if I had to spend too much time on it he'd get the Geek squad to come out and get the new laptop and printer going. I wonder how much time is too much. I've already spent 8 - 10 hours on the printer and close to that on the laptop. :sigh


Good morning, everyone. It's overcast today and there's at least a chance that we'll get rain today. It would be nice to get enough to wash away some of the pollen that's everywhere and on everything.


I went downstairs about 5:30 last night and was so tired, cold, and achy that I crawled into bed and fell asleep for several hours. Apparently I needed the nap. I roused enough to know that John and Kim had gotten home, but went right back to sleep. Eventually I woke up, came upstairs and greeted the travelers, got some supper and watched a movie and went back to sleep. I'm up now and have to get cracking on the shawl I'm working on for the Charity CAL.


Julie, hope your headache goes away soon. Glad to hear that the policeman was so nice yesterday. Hope they get things figured out on the health front soon. Glad that Cam is better, too. Has he had his tonsils out? I know they are sometimes the source of recurrent ear infections.


It's time to get Kim's day started, so I'll chat with all of you later. Hope everyone has a great day. :hug

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Good Morning House,


I'm almost finished with my third golf club cover, but think I might go back and redo the second because it looks funny to me :think


Thanks for all the compliments on the elepant.


Judy - I got the pattern off the lion brand website http://www.lionbrand.com/patterns/70582AD.html?r=1


Joanne - Some friendly rivalry today!!!!:eek:yes


Linda - I used to have xp prior to this one. There is another way to find the code, but you need to get into your router settings. You can only access that with a wired connection to the router so you would have to plug up the computer directly to the router. Each brand has a default, what's called an IP address.....I have linksys, so would be able to talk you through that one pretty well, if it's another brand you can google it with 'default ip address for brand'. Let me know what you have and we can go from there. The linksys one is so it should look similar to that with the same pattern. You put that in the url with NO http or www to access the router. You'll get a box for access, leave the user id blank and use 'admin' for the password if you have linksys. If not linksys, you can also google for the default password for that brand of router. Once in, there will be a wireless tab somewhere, click on then and then there should be some sub tabs and you can choose wireless security and it will tell you the type of security you have (probably WEP and either 128 bit or 64 bit) and you should see the password on the same page. This is a bit more complicated and when you google for the default info, some of the links will post pics so you can actually see what's they are talking about. Let me know how it goes.

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:sun.............. Good Morning family :mug

Well... I have fallen way behind in posts.......... had two of my grandbabies here yesterday....... so that kept me occupied and away from my computer. heheheheehee

I hope everyone is well today. I know we have our issues....... but all in all......... life is good! Right?!

Okay.. I need to get a refill on my coffee NOW! btw Joanne....... I dont drink 'cups' .... I drink POTS.... :D:mug

Julie........... how goes this weeks 4x4xFriday? I have 8 saltines made so far! :hook






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