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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Getting ready to call it a night- I finished the large granny- it is 54 X 54- I'll get a pic of it in the light of day!


I just went through the yarn I bought today- and here is the tally-


I got 3 colors of the ILTY- (5) Color #60 Aubergine, (3)Color#20 Ivory and (3)Color #250 Dark Country Blue- I'll use it for an afghan.


In the I love this Cotton I got (2), #32 Aubergine, (2)#6 White, (3) #24 Ivory, (2)#86 Vintage Teal, (1)258 Pistachio, (2) #56 Christmas Ombre, (5) #48 Taupe,(1) #44 Sage Ombre, (2) #72 Spring Ombre and (1) #52 Forest.


I bought more than I thought I did:lol


Glad that you had a good dinner Judy and have fun at Delicious Orchards tomorrow


Cindy- That is so neat about the 12 year old daughter of your friend knitting and wanting to learn crochet! Happy to hear you had a nice evening


Well, it was a good day, and I am now ready for some shut eye!!


Night all!

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Good Evening House,


I haven't been on since yesterday morning so the day was not as bad as I anticipated :clap and after work my girl friend and I went to Boscov's (running a promotion so we have to go 3x/wk for a month and this is the 2nd week).


I have some pics to share today :cheer


I made Maryann put it on so I could get a pic of the hat that is too big, but still cute......


I also finished the first golf club cover :yay It's pretty basic and I decided that I would use stripes near the top to label the 1,3,5 clubs so this one will be for the driver. I started it at the beginning of the week and ended up taking it out and starting over on wednesday since I pulled it too tight (it was a good idea at the time :think ) After I finish this set, I will make a 2nd set for my aunt.....I can't make them for my uncle and not my aunt!!! :eek


I got to start the 2nd cover today, and by start I mean I got the first 2 rounds done :lol Not much, but every little round counts :wink


I hope everyone had a wonderful day and will get to enjoy the weekend!

Wow............. Very nice work!

Hey.. two rounds is definately a START! :D


I also got caught up with the posts and loved seeing everyone's pics for photo friday :clap

Tam - everything was great and I'm excited to see what the finished quilt'ghan will be like. :yes

Thanks hon!!!!:hug



Morning folks

Tam- It'll be neat to see your lapghan completed. Did you make the design yourself or find it online someplace ?

Well... its a simple quilt type pattern of a spool of thread... hmm... I know if you look for a quilt with the design... you'd see what I mean. I made it up from memory of making them out of fabric many years ago.



Good morning.

Tam, your work is great. I like the colors you are using for your "spool of thread" quilt ghan.

And as for that chicken potholder...well he is just adorable..

Thank you sweetie!!! I appreciate the compliments!


Tam~ I love all of your projects, but that home run hook case is just the bomb!:cheer

:hug You're a sweetheart! Thank you!








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Hi everyone!

Tammy- How did Patrick's game go last night? (it was Patrick's game, wasn't it:think) How are the bleachers coming along?

Off to finish the border large granny and tie up any loose ends!!



He had a Track Meet Last night. He placed 3rd in Long Jump.... 4th in 4x4(1600) .... 3rd in 800...... and 5th in the 400. This was the first meet of the season... and all places from 1st to 6th earn points for the team. So Patrick did very well.

Thanks for asking sweetie!:hug





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Hi all, I know I've been a little MIA...things are getting intense...but wanted to check in. I'm hoping to post pics tomorrow...hope you're all having a good weekend.

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Hello the House,:clap


Sorry I have been MIA. Woke up earlier in the week, turned on the computer and was greated with the "Black Screen Of Death". :eek DH had been dealing with his DB's computer woes for about 3 days (long distance on the telephone). Try to fix a computer over the phone, don't know how he does it. :no Needless to say, he was not happy with my BSOD. Turned out to be a fried video card, which was intergrated with the motherboard. (:think greek to me). Took it to the Geek Squad and they gave it the last rites. Turns out that it was cheaper to buy a new one than to have the old one repaired. So I am learning all about my new laptop.


I had so much reading to do, but I did get caught up. Sorry if I don't comment individually but now my brain is fried. :yes


Everyone's pictures were lovely. The castle, flannel 'ghan, big granny, wash cloths, booties, moon and stars, baby dress, chicken potholder, everything was beautiful and, as always, gets the creative juices flowing. Sorry if I missed someone, really loved it all. :manyheart


I tried to stay out of DH's way while he computered, so as a result, I finished an afghan for my BIL (the one with the computer woes). Here are the pics.


Hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend. NASCAR was rained out today, hope it goes o.k. tomorrow. Will check in after the races.



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Good morning House!


Diane- That afghan is strikingly beautiful!!! Love the colors you used together!! Your BIL is sure to love it!!!!Sorry to hear about your computer- and glad that you were able to get a new one!


Tammy- Kudos to Patrick- that's awesome!


LeAnna- thanks for popping in! Hope things settle down a bit for you.


I slept in late (for me!) Enjoying my cup of coffee --not much on the agenda except laundry and some tidying up. I'm glad to see the sun shining today!!


Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

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Good morning, House mates!


Hi all, I know I've been a little MIA...things are getting intense...but wanted to check in. I'm hoping to post pics tomorrow...hope you're all having a good weekend.

Before I signed on this AM I was wqondering how you were...Hub-E will be home with you soon!!!!

. Turns out that it was cheaper to buy a new one than to have the old one repaired. So I am learning all about my new laptop.


I tried to stay out of DH's way while he computered, so as a result, I finished an afghan for my BIL (the one with the computer woes). Here are the pics.

It's always cheaper to get a new puter than fix the old...have fun with the new one!

That ghan is striking!! :cheer:clapThe colors....the work....where did you get the pattern??


Tam - congrats on the track meet for Patrick!:clap


Joanne...those colors sound beautiful...play nice:c9

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I hope to be able to do more hooking than just a couple of squares ...we were doing more decluttering yesterday and I need a vacation from all that bending today! I also need to feed my hooking addiction after the lean day yesterday.


Well, need to get myself together....


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Cindy, it's so nice hearing about a young girl who knits, etc. There's hope for that generation after all!:)

..and it IS the company...when you make dinner for your friends keep it simple and don't go out of your comfort zone - you'll have more fun;)

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:sun Good Morning Family..........

I'm up getting the bulletin done for church then we will be off to a baseball game this afternoon for Patrick.


:hi LeAnna


Diane........ that is one beautiful afghan....... I love the pattern and colors!!!


Thanks for the Kudos and Congrats for Patrick... Joanne and Judy!!! :hug






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Even though it isn't "photo friday" I couldn't wait to post pics of my large granny that is finished and of the yarn that I got on my excursion to HL yesterday!!


Enjoy the day everyone!!




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Even though it isn't "photo friday" I couldn't wait to post pics of my large granny that is finished and of the yarn that I got on my excursion to HL yesterday!!


Enjoy the day everyone!!

Whoa................. lookie you!

that granny'ghan is awesome!!!! :yay

and my goodness..............all that beautiful yarn! :c9







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I'm glad you are getting some rest while you have a few days off -- it'll be nice for you to have time for yourself and to do what you want .


Jude - Sounds like you had a good dinner --what type place is that ? Seafood, steak ? I've never been to one .

Hope you get time to hook something today after your busy week of sorting and rearranging .


Cindy- it sounds like you had an enjoyable day yesterday . Since your hubby likes to cook, have him grill something and you can make salad and get a dessert or something .


Hi there Sheila - what are you working on now ?


Joanne- I'm glad you enjoyed the HL store. First time I went to one, I was also a little disappointed in the AMOUNT of yarn in the store -it's such a big store, you think there will be every yarn known to man in the building, but there's only a few aisles .

It IS really nice yarn though .

And what color is aubergine ?


Tam- congrats to your son for doing so well in track. None of our kids ever signed up for that sport, so I don't know much about it .


LeAnna- sure hope everything gets better soon for you .. keeping you in my thoughts


Diane -

Sorry your computer blew a gasket, but glad you got to get a new one .

We have missed seeing you on here, now I know why ! Good to have you back,and that afghan is gorgeous !

I was going to ask the same thing as Jude-- is the pattern an online one ?



As for my weekend, poor Cam came up yesterday but was getting sick. I had to call Steph to come get him -- he just laid on the couch-didnt want to play or anything . He has some type of sore throat/stomach stuff .


I am plugging along on the castle-- wanna get it done now so I cqan pick up something new .

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Good Morning All....


So yesterday I didn't get to sit with my yarn and hook until late while I was watching the 20 innings :eek of the mets game and switching back and forth with the 2 other basketball games that took place during the same time frame. I have about 10 rounds completed now of my second golf club cover :clap and that's after taking about 4 rounds out to redo :( I guess I was too into the game because when I was switching my colors, I ended up adding extra stitches around :think If I didn't have to take any out, I would have gotten much further and possibly finished the second one. But, such is life!


Diane - I love the colors of you afghan :D It's beautiful!! Congrats on your new laptop, I had the same problem a few months ago with the video card on my laptop :( I went with a desktop this time though :yes The hardest part was that I was used to sitting on the couch with the other one, which I cannot do now....I have to stay at the desk with it :think But, on the upside, it keeps me from spending soooo much time on it. :devil


Cindy and Judy - I have a couple young patients that come into the office who are into crochet!! And, a few more that would like to learn (some children and some in their 20's). It's actually quite popular where I'm at now :hook:crocheting Another patient brings her mother so she can chat with me and my receptionist about it too, she's a cutie pie :manyheart


Joanne - Congrat's on all that yarn....now you need to decide what to do with it all!!! :lol Glad you enjoyed the store and kudos to hubby :clap:yay Game 3 today :yes Good luck!


I'm going to sit and crochet a bit and then off to Boscov's in a bit to getting the first of my 3 days in for this week :lol Half way to the finish line! :cheer:yay

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Diane, that is one beautiful afghan! WOW!!! Sorry about the computer problems and hope the new one is relatively easy to learn.


Joanne, that large granny turned out gorgeous. And a great haul at HL. Our Michael's doesn't have a very big stock of yarn anymore. It's maybe a fourth the size of HL's section. It's also much more expensive than HL for the same yarn. About the only time I buy yarn at M is when it's on sale or when I can't find it anywhere else.


I am a little over 1/3 done with the new shawl. Made two batches of waffles for Kim yesterday and have one more to go. I forgot the last one in the waffle iron and cooked it to the texture of a board. Needless to say that one got deep sixed. :lol :lol :lol


I've gotten as far with the printer as getting it out of the box and all the tape and packing stuff off and out of it. Now I have to play with all the cords to get it hooked up. Yuck!

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Good morning everyone. Cold and sunny here today. Good day to stay inside.


Diane, that is really a beautiful afghan. Those colors are great together. Have fun with your new computer.


Judy, I know it's the company. I'll probably serve them hamburgers! (as Julie says...cooked by dh, who isn't much of a cook, but likes to grill!)


Joanne, the granny ghan is lovely, and WTG on the yarn haul!


Julie, sorry that Cam wasn;t feeling well. Hope he is better today.


Tam, have a fun day at the game.


I'm going to spend some time today working on the babyghan. I don't think I will have enough yarn, so I'm going to add a couple of white stripes to my blanket.

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Good Morning to the House,


I MISSED YOU ALL!!! :manyheart


Thanks for all the kind words about my afghan. I do love blues and browns together, especially for a man. To Judy and those who asked about the pattern... It is from an old magazine, Crochet Fantasy Afghans, Feb 1992, #73. The pattern is called Victorian Charm. Pattern was less than 1 page, only 6 rows, using 4 colors. Has a symbol pattern as well as the written one. Luv those visuals. Magazine was an All American Crafts Publication. Hope that helps. Great magazine, 23 afghans, some with matching pillows and baby toys, you might be able to find it on ebay. Ooops, just found it here http://vintageknits.com/zen/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=24_48_173 And it is on sale! :yay


I love my HL store. Although they don't have a lot of different yarn, ILTY is so wonderful and the color range is huge. Our Michaels, is expensive, walmart is down sizing it's craft section, hardly has anything. JoAnn's is pretty good, but I have been shopping on line for years because of the lack of color choices, now that we have a HL, that is my go to place, then on line, mostly for sale stuff.


Joanne, love your giant granny. Is it for you to keep or are you gifting it? It looks like the colors would match the couch in the background?? What a great hall of yarn. I have never tried using the cotton yarn. Can you use it in an afghan? If not, what do you use it for? Forgive the dumb questions, I am old, just not experienced with the cotton. I do mostly afghans and doilies.


It is great to hear about younger people wanting to learn to knit/crochet. My neices are in their 20's, also GDIL, and they are learning. Scarves and hats are very popular with them. Also socks and fingerless gloves. Nice to see a resurgance (sp) of the techniques. :U

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:angry New computer. Accidentally hit post and wasn't ready. :think


Weather here is supposed to be 80, but rain predicted all next week. Sounds like crochet weather. :yes


We are getting ready for our trip to Calif. That will be in about 10 days. Anxious to see Mom. Talked to sis yesterday and Mom rolled out of bed and hit the deck. :eek No broken bones, thank goodness, but has a knot on her head, a black eye and bruise on her cheek. She got tangled up in a blanket, rolled over and landed on the floor, in trying to get up she somehow managed to get herself under the bed. Sister had to get BIL and they had to pull on the blanket to get her out from under, then pick her up. Sis says poor Mom is gonna look great in her birthday pics....all bruised and banged up. Mom just laughs about it, says she always was clumsy. One of those things that is scary at the time, but you can laugh about it later.


Gonna go check out NASCAR. They are in Texas this week. So far today, they haven't had rain. Should be 2 races today since yesterday got rained out.


Happy Hooking to y'all. :hook

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Marisa- I was watching the basketball games last night too- The Celtics and the Heat- then switched channels to see the Mets playing in the 19th inning-:eek can't believe that game lasted over 7 hours!!!

Yes, 6PM tonight- Devils vs Flyers- Go Devils! :devil


Diane- I am keeping the granny ghan for me!:) It does go well with my couch and the chair I have in my family room! I had made a flannel'ghan for DH and have made afghans for my DD's, but never one for me. Thanks for the link!


I use cotton for washcloths, dishcloths, hot pads. I made my I-pod cozy with the ILTC that my co-worker gave me. I'm thinking of making a cover for my laptop out of cotton. I just love the way the I Love this Cotton feels and works up so figured I'd stock up. A girl can never have enough yarn:hook


I started a solid square ghan- It's for my stepdaughter- she had seen one I made for my DD and she wanted one similar- It's in purples- her favorite color. I need to have it finished by May 7- this is another one of those mindless patterns.


Linda- sorry about the waffles, but WTG on the shawl! Enjoy your day! HL did have a nice selection of colors in their I love this Yarn brand- and now that I've seen them in person, I can probably order online when they have a sale! Or take another trip !:lol

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Good sunday to everyone..

Hi Julie working on some squares to mail out to some poeple.Not sure what else I might get involved into doing.

Think its going to one of them days.kids fighting. :lol dogs won't let you sleep in. up and down can't even get a drink of the coffee yet :lol

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Joanne...that's beautiful yarn!!!


Diane, I'm glad your Mom isn't hurt badly -

and thanks for the pattern info!


Jules, Carrabba's is Italian food....and wonderful stuff too. A bit too salty (we don't add salt to things at all), but yummo anyway!

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Jules, Carrabba's is Italian food....and wonderful stuff too. A bit too salty (we don't add salt to things at all), but yummo anyway!


We don't use salt either-It really does make a difference not using salt in controlling blood pressure!:)

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Another good day here. Yankees won!! DH and I went out for pizza to a local pizza place and now we are home and watching the Devils hockey game- tied 1-1


Hope everyone had a wonderful, relaxing Sunday!!

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