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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Morning Joanne

Hope your day goes well . Thanks for the Dancing show update - I only watch a couple shows and sometimes they run into each other and I can only choose one .


They'll weed out that Kate girl --watch and see. She is certainly not good enough or showing enough improvement to last much longer .


I almost think they let people like that stay on the show a little longer, just to boost ratings,etc ... you know, when they are kinda "characters", like that, they allow them to stay longer .


The other guy wasn't that great either, so they are just weeding out the bad ones .


I'm not quite as interested in this year's show-- maybe because I don't know hardly any of the people on the show, so it's been hard choosing a favorite ,and very easy to see who will probably win .


Oh well, it's entertainment, and in our town, we NEED that badly .

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Good Mornining House,


I figured I'd check in while my coffee was brewing, but I am running late for work since I managed to turn off 2 alarms and not get up!!! :eek


I got another 2 rows done on my golf club covers yesterday, but didn't have a chance to work on them last night because I was working on a different WIP. I will try to get more done on my lunch break today.


Hope everyone has a great day!

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Good morning House! Its a gorgeous day here. The temperatures are supposed to be in the mid 70's. I'm going to run around this morning and get all my chores done, so I can sit outside and craft this afternoon.


I slept well last night...of course, I don't have to go anywhere today!



Oh well,I'm done . No more complaining . I'll behave and make another 134,819 saltines . :yes:D:);):P:(:think:eek


I'm glad that I NEVER get the urge to make anything out of saltines. Imagine sewing 134,819 little squares together!!!

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Good morning, ladies:hug


Jules, Cindy, Marissa and Joanne, I hope you all have a good day!!

We have friends stopping by early this afernoon...the guy has a birthday today so he'll be getting teased

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:sun......... Good Morning kids :mug


How is everyone this fine Wednesday morning?

We had a nice rain over night... so with the sun coming up... the birds are all about finding their breakfast. Silly little things... how do they manage without coffee....... :U


Julie............. oh my dear! :hug How I understand the moments when you are so far with a project its too late to turn back... yet... you find it hard to see the end. I have been so bad about my saltines too. Not because I have the mass amount to make like you.. but because I'm messing with other projects. Maybe you and I should have a pack to get a certain amount done a day... no more.. no less... so that we can get our quilt'ghans done... but not get frustrated with them? Plus be able to work on other fun stuff.


Oh Joanne........ how I understand about granny'ghans getting longer and longer to do.

but boy are they neat when you're done! Cant wait to see your progress!


Cindy......... what a great day planned! I have a few chores to do around here too.. then I'm going to get some crafting done too! At some point I'm going to spend an hour working on one of my boys rooms.... its Spring cleaning time. Thats when mom comes in and goes through it all... reorganize and clean up!



Well off to get a coffee refill and get some things done

have a great day all..........



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How are you all doing this fine day ?


What's everyone working on ?


I'm back at the castle again ,making saltines. You know how when people are on a diet and they reach a PLATEAU ????


I'm on a Saltine Plateau .


I've made a LOT of them little things, and am now officially getting a little weary of making saltines .


I HAVE to complete this at this point, no turning back. I WANT to finish it. It is just starting to get TEDIOUS now .


I'm developing a Nervous Tick .... Upper digestive disorders .......and Fear of Yarn at this point. but know I HAVE to and WILL finish it .


There's just a LOT of them little things to make an afghan this big .

I tried to be a WISENHIMER and ADD a couple doodads ,which makes it worse, because I sit here for HOURS trying to figure out why I did that,and how to make it look right .


Oh well,I'm done . No more complaining . I'll behave and make another 134,819 saltines . :yes:D:);):P:(:think:eek

Julie! :2nono You are going to scare the newcomers! :2nono There are no where near that many saltines in the castle pattern! I know! After all, I'm the one the came up with it! You're just hitting that point where you want to start a bazillion other projects because they are new and different. Behave yourself! :2nono

Good Mornining House,


I figured I'd check in while my coffee was brewing, but I am running late for work since I managed to turn off 2 alarms and not get up!!! :eek


Hope everyone has a great day!

Boy, can I relate to turning off alarms without getting up. When I'm having that kind of problem I make sure that at least one of them is across the room so that I have to get out of bed to turn it off.

just dropping in to say hi all!!!

Hi, Erin! :hi


Kim and I are just getting things in gear. It's lovely out. Today's agenda includes getting Kim a haircut and having her nails done. That way she has all day tomorrow to recuperate from being outside in the pollen before they leave for the wedding.


I picked up another skein of brown yarn for the flannelghan yesterday. I underestimated how much I'd need by just that much. Now I can work on getting that finished.


See you all later.

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Hi, Tam and Erin!


Just in case she still has problems...Jules emailed me to let me know she can't get into the House...

Hopefully it'll be fixed soon!


Later, gators:hug

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Hi Guys

Finally am able to get in here again -- I have had some problems at times getting in -- it says something about the memory ..yaddayadda yadda .. I know NOTHING about computers ,so not sure what the problem is. I am able to go to other areas, just not here .


I'm thinking it's the number of posts possibly ???

Anyhow, I got a note from Donna last night and she is looking into it, so maybe all we need is to have a chunk of posts archived out of here so it's not so sluggish . I hope that's all it is .


Thanks for the cheerleading (and tongue-lashing, Linda ) ... I NEEDED IT .


. I WILL finish it, it's just getting pretty TEDIOUS at this point .


Tam, I'd be happy to work a Saltine Deal with you if you want -- you name it, we'll try it .



A Big Welcome, Erin !!! Got a project you are working on you'd like to tell us about ? Or maybe a new one in mind ?



Linda- have fun getting Kim all gussied up for the wedding -- I bet she'll look very pretty .What color dress is she wearing ?



Jude- save a SLAB of cake for me .

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Tam, I'd be happy to work a Saltine Deal with you if you want -- you name it, we'll try it . .



Okay missy.......... lets see... what about 16 saltines done and assembled by Friday of each week. That would be 4 saltines done M-Th... and Friday assemble. Whatcha think?

I have two projects going right now with saltines that I need to get my backside moving with. they are both small projects.. but never the less.. I'm not getting them done.



I need more :mug



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Happy Wednesday, Ladies. Thanks so much for your well wishes for MIL. :manyheart She is back at the nursing center and doing better, which is amazing in itself...she's 95!


Oh, Cheeria - I was so happy to see the good news about your DD and grandbaby. :hug I hope the rest of her pregnancy goes smoothly. :manyheart


Linda - Yay for a 4 day break! I know you still have things to take care of, but hope you can take time to pamper yourself for a change. :yes Congratulations on nearly finishing your flannelghan. :clap


Cindy - Enjoy your beautiful weather and your day at home!:)


Hi Julie - We'll be your cheerleaders. :cheer I think we all reach a plateau once in a while...I really want to get Ducky finished, too. :crocheting


Joanne - Can't wait to see your large granny ghan! What colors are you using? (I'll bet you've told us, but I can't remember. :blush;)) I have one upstairs that has been a Wip for way too long. :lol


Judy - I hope you have a great visit with your friends today. :yes


Marisa - Golf club covers! I made some for DH many years ago and I think he still has one of them. We love pictures. :hook


Erin! So glad you popped in...how is little Alex? :manyheart


Hi to Sheila and Tam. :)

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You know.. the more I think about it... I think we could all have fun here getting our saltines done.

maybe a 4x4xFriday........... :hook

I mean if we do it.. bonus for us..because we're that much closer to done with our projects... if not... no big deal... may the next week will be better.

Anyone want to play along for fun.. just to see how much we get done?







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Hi, everyone. Kim's got a hair appointment for tomorrow and we'll get her nails done a little later this afternoon. The last strip is done on the flannelghan and I've started the first round of the border. I'm planning on doing two rounds with the beige and then two more with the brown. All in hdc.

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Very good, the end is in sight ! You can do it now !



Mary- that's great about your MIL . Sometimes those really old people are so strong ! My last uncle is like that -- had every illness known to man and we keep thinking he won't be able to fight THIS one off, but every one, he pulls through ,then inda says : OK, life, what's next ?

He is TOUGH .



Tam -the 4x4 Friday sounds like a good idea to me . Let's see if we can get one made by THIS Friday .

Think you can do it ? VERY short notice !!!


And the more the merrier, everyone who wants to play along can .



PS- MARY -- I have been meaning to ask you if anyone still does the saltine thing you keep count of ?


If not ,you may as well drop it ,unless someone is still playing along with that one .

Either way is fine .

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Tam -the 4x4 Friday sounds like a good idea to me . Let's see if we can get one made by THIS Friday .

Think you can do it ? VERY short notice !!!


And the more the merrier, everyone who wants to play along can ..


Oh....... feisty arent you?! Okay... I'm up for the challenge.... 4x4x(this)Friday! You're on...............:hook

I sure hope more want to play along next week......... I think it would be fun to see how we end up doing! I tell ya... I need something to get my backside in gear to get these quilt'ghans done!!!!






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Oh....... feisty arent you?! Okay... I'm up for the challenge.... 4x4x(this)Friday! You're on...............:hook

I sure hope more want to play along next week......... I think it would be fun to see how we end up doing! I tell ya... I need something to get my backside in gear to get these quilt'ghans done!!!!









Did you say Quilt ghanS ???:think


How many do you have to do ???:D

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Hello Housemates!

Mary- the colors of my large granny are RHSS in Buff, Windsor Blue and Bay Print variegeted (I really like the color combo) More pics on Photo Friday! Glad to hear that MIL is ok!


Linda--WTG on your flannelghan- :clap can't wait to see pictures of it!


Judy- I hope you had a nice visit today and that you weren't too hard on the birthday boy!!:devil


Julie and Tam- I'll be anxious to see the results of your 4X4XFriday- that's only 2 days away!!:eek


Erin- Hi- nice to meet you!


Well, I'd better get dinner on!


Have a good evening!


Marisa- Well, this is it- the hockey playoffs, Devils vs Flyers- my state vs yours!!! Go Devils !


Cindy- Glad that you were going to spend the afternoon relaxing and that you got a good night's sleep

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Hi, there, House mates!

We had a great time with our friends...but, as always, the visit went way too fast. Hopefully we'll see them in another month or so. They only live just over an hour away, but are busy people.


Hi, everyone. Kim's got a hair appointment for tomorrow and we'll get her nails done a little later this afternoon. The last strip is done on the flannelghan and I've started the first round of the border. I'm planning on doing two rounds with the beige and then two more with the brown. All in hdc.

HDC is great - it goes really fast!

You know.. the more I think about it... I think we could all have fun here getting our saltines done.

maybe a 4x4xFriday........... :hook

I mean if we do it.. bonus for us..because we're that much closer to done with our projects... if not... no big deal... may the next week will be better.

Anyone want to play along for fun.. just to see how much we get done?




Not this week, but I'll join you guys next week. I need to get something done on the ATW or it'll sit here as a pattern strip with only 2 pattern designs on it forever!


Off for tonight. I did finish the baby face cloths while waiting for our friends to get here, so one small project down at least.

CU all tomorrow:hug:manyheart

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